diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocursor.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocursor.xml
index 498efaa90f..2080ad873d 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocursor.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocursor.xml
@@ -77,6 +77,12 @@ $cursor->skip(4);
+ static
+ integer
+ timeout
+ 20000
@@ -85,6 +91,35 @@ $cursor->skip(4);
+ Static Variables
+ MongoCursor::slaveOkay
+ If the query should have the "slaveOkay" flag set, which allows reads on
+ the slave (slaves are, by default, just for backup and unreadable). Can
+ be overridden with MongoCursor::slaveOkay.
+ MongoCursor::timeout
+ Set timeout in milliseconds for all database responses. To wait forever,
+ use -1. Can be overridden with MongoCursor::timeout.
+ This does not cause the MongoDB server to cancel the operation, it just
+ causes the driver to stop waiting for a response and throw a
+ MongoCursorTimeoutException.