diff --git a/language/types/string.xml b/language/types/string.xml
index 7528014c39..750ef67f96 100644
--- a/language/types/string.xml
+++ b/language/types/string.xml
@@ -513,14 +513,20 @@ EOT;
+ &example.outputs;
@@ -530,49 +536,48 @@ echo "He drank some {$beer}s"; // works
object properties as to simple variables.
+ Simple syntax example
-// Show all errors
+echo "He drank some $juices[0] juice.".PHP_EOL;
+echo "He drank some $juices[1] juice.".PHP_EOL;
+echo "He drank some juice made of $juice[0]s.".PHP_EOL;
+echo "He drank some $juices[koolaid1] juice.".PHP_EOL;
-$fruits = array('strawberry' => 'red', 'banana' => 'yellow');
+class people {
+ public $john = "John Smith";
+ public $jane = "Jane Smith";
+ public $robert = "Robert Paulsen";
+ public $smith = "Smith";
-// Works, but note that this works differently outside a string
-echo "A banana is $fruits[banana].";
+$people = new people();
-// Works
-echo "A banana is {$fruits['banana']}.";
-// Works, but PHP looks for a constant named banana first, as described below.
-echo "A banana is {$fruits[banana]}.";
-// Won't work, use braces. This results in a parse error.
-echo "A banana is $fruits['banana'].";
-// Works
-echo "A banana is " . $fruits['banana'] . ".";
-// Works
-echo "This square is $square->width meters broad.";
-// Won't work. For a solution, see the complex syntax.
-echo "This square is $square->width00 centimeters broad.";
+echo "$people->john drank some $juices[0] juice.".PHP_EOL;
+echo "$people->john then said hello to $people->jane.".PHP_EOL;
+echo "$people->john's wife greeted $people->robert.".PHP_EOL;
+echo "$people->robert greeted the two $people->smiths.";
+ &example.outputs;
For anything more complex, you should use the complex syntax.