diff --git a/language/types/declarations.xml b/language/types/declarations.xml
index 8933dba294..0d7dd56bed 100644
--- a/language/types/declarations.xml
+++ b/language/types/declarations.xml
@@ -513,6 +513,22 @@ function foo(): X|Y {} // Allowed (redundancy is only known at runtime)
+ never
+ never is a return type indicating the function does not
+ return. This means that it either calls exit, throws
+ an exception, or is an infinite loop.
+ Therefore it cannot be part of a union type declaration.
+ Available as of PHP 8.1.0.
+ never is, in type theory parlance, the bottom type.
+ Meaning it is the subtype of every other type and can replace any other
+ return type during inheritance.