diff --git a/functions/strings.xml b/functions/strings.xml
index 223c9ef0f3..b22e9ae44a 100644
--- a/functions/strings.xml
+++ b/functions/strings.xml
@@ -757,12 +757,14 @@ $original = strtr ($str, $trans);
This function is identical to
htmlspecialchars in all ways, except that
all characters which have HTML character entity equivalents are
- translated into these entities. Like htmlspecialchars(), it takes an
- optional second argument which indicates what should be done with
- single and double quotes. ENT_COMPAT (the default) will only convert
- double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone. ENT_QUOTES will convert
- both double and single quotes, and ENT_NOQUOTES will leave both double
- and single quotes unconverted.
+ translated into these entities. Like
+ htmlspecialchars, it takes an optional
+ second argument which indicates what should be done with single
+ and double quotes. ENT_COMPAT (the default)
+ will only convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.
+ ENT_QUOTES will convert both double and
+ single quotes, and ENT_NOQUOTES will leave
+ both double and single quotes unconverted.
At present, the ISO-8859-1 character set is used. Note that the optional