diff --git a/reference/bc/functions/bcadd.xml b/reference/bc/functions/bcadd.xml
index 3ebfcd0690..6eb1afba29 100644
--- a/reference/bc/functions/bcadd.xml
+++ b/reference/bc/functions/bcadd.xml
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
- bcadd
- Add two arbitrary precision numbers
- Description
- stringbcadd
- stringleft_operand
- stringright_operand
- intscale
- Adds the left_operand to the
- right_operand and returns the sum in a
- string. The optional scale parameter is
- used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the
- result.
- &reftitle.examples;
- bcadd example
+ bcadd
+ Add two arbitrary precision numbers
+ Description
+ stringbcadd
+ stringleft_operand
+ stringright_operand
+ intscale
+ Adds the left_operand to the
+ right_operand and returns the sum in a
+ string. The optional scale parameter is
+ used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the
+ result.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ bcadd example
- &reftitle.seealso;
- bcsub.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ bcsub.
- bccomp
- Compare two arbitrary precision numbers
- Description
- intbccomp
- stringleft_operand
- stringright_operand
- intscale
- Compares the left_operand to the
- right_operand and returns the result as an
- integer. The optional scale parameter is
- used to set the number of digits after the decimal place which
- will be used in the comparison. The return value is 0 if the two
- operands are equal. If the left_operand
- is larger than the right_operand the
- return value is +1 and if the left_operand
- is less than the right_operand the return
- value is -1.
- &reftitle.examples;
- bccomp example
+ bccomp
+ Compare two arbitrary precision numbers
+ Description
+ intbccomp
+ stringleft_operand
+ stringright_operand
+ intscale
+ Compares the left_operand to the
+ right_operand and returns the result as an
+ integer. The optional scale parameter is
+ used to set the number of digits after the decimal place which
+ will be used in the comparison. The return value is 0 if the two
+ operands are equal. If the left_operand
+ is larger than the right_operand the
+ return value is +1 and if the left_operand
+ is less than the right_operand the return
+ value is -1.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ bccomp example
- bcdiv
- Divide two arbitrary precision numbers
- Description
- stringbcdiv
- stringleft_operand
- stringright_operand
- intscale
- Divides the left_operand by the
- right_operand and returns the result. The
- optional scale sets the number of digits
- after the decimal place in the result, which defaults to 0.
- &reftitle.examples;
- bcdiv example
+ bcdiv
+ Divide two arbitrary precision numbers
+ Description
+ stringbcdiv
+ stringleft_operand
+ stringright_operand
+ intscale
+ Divides the left_operand by the
+ right_operand and returns the result. The
+ optional scale sets the number of digits
+ after the decimal place in the result, which defaults to 0.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ bcdiv example
- &reftitle.seealso;
- bcmul.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ bcmul.
- bcmod
- Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number
- Description
- stringbcmod
- stringleft_operand
- stringmodulus
- Get the modulus of the left_operand using
- modulus.
- &reftitle.examples;
- bcmod example
+ bcmod
+ Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number
+ Description
+ stringbcmod
+ stringleft_operand
+ stringmodulus
+ Get the modulus of the left_operand using
+ modulus.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ bcmod example
- &reftitle.seealso;
- bcdiv.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ bcdiv.
- bcmul
- Multiply two arbitrary precision number
- Description
- stringbcmul
- stringleft_operand
- stringright_operand
- intscale
- Multiply the left_operand by the
- right_operand and returns the result. The
- optional scale sets the number of digits
- after the decimal place in the result (by truncating).
- &reftitle.examples;
- bcmul example
+ bcmul
+ Multiply two arbitrary precision number
+ Description
+ stringbcmul
+ stringleft_operand
+ stringright_operand
+ intscale
+ Multiply the left_operand by the
+ right_operand and returns the result. The
+ optional scale sets the number of digits
+ after the decimal place in the result (by truncating).
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ bcmul example
- &reftitle.seealso;
- bcdiv.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ bcdiv.
- bcpow
- Raise an arbitrary precision number to another
- Description
- stringbcpow
- stringx
- stringy
- intscale
- Raise x to the power
- y. The optional
- scale can be used to set the number of
- digits after the decimal place in the result.
- &reftitle.examples;
- bcpow example
+ bcpow
+ Raise an arbitrary precision number to another
+ Description
+ stringbcpow
+ stringx
+ stringy
+ intscale
+ Raise x to the power
+ y. The optional
+ scale can be used to set the number of
+ digits after the decimal place in the result.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ bcpow example
- &reftitle.seealso;
- bcpowmod&listendand;
- bcsqrt.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ bcpowmod&listendand;
+ bcsqrt.
- bcpowmod
- Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus
- Description
- stringbcpowmod
- stringx
- stringy
- stringmodulus
- intscale
- Use the fast-exponentiation method to raise x
- to the power y with respect to the modulus
- modulus. The optional
- scale can be used to set the number of
- digits after the decimal place in the result.
- Because this method uses the modulus operation, non-natural numbers
- may give unexpected results. A natural number is any positive
- non-zero integer.
- &reftitle.examples;
- The following two statements are functionally identical. The
- bcpowmod version however, executes in
- less time and can accept larger parameters.
+ bcpowmod
+ Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus
+ Description
+ stringbcpowmod
+ stringx
+ stringy
+ stringmodulus
+ intscale
+ Use the fast-exponentiation method to raise x
+ to the power y with respect to the modulus
+ modulus. The optional
+ scale can be used to set the number of
+ digits after the decimal place in the result.
+ Because this method uses the modulus operation, non-natural numbers
+ may give unexpected results. A natural number is any positive
+ non-zero integer.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ The following two statements are functionally identical. The
+ bcpowmod version however, executes in
+ less time and can accept larger parameters.
- &reftitle.seealso;
- bcpow&listendand;
- bcmod.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ bcpow&listendand;
+ bcmod.
- bcscale
- Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions
- Description
- boolbcscale
- intscale
- This function sets the default scale parameter for all subsequent
- bc math functions that do not explicitly specify a scale
- parameter. &return.success;
- &reftitle.examples;
- bcscale example
+ bcscale
+ Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions
+ Description
+ boolbcscale
+ intscale
+ This function sets the default scale parameter for all subsequent
+ bc math functions that do not explicitly specify a scale
+ parameter. &return.success;
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ bcscale example
- bcsqrt
- Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number
- Description
- stringbcsqrt
- stringoperand
- intscale
- Return the square root of the operand.
- The optional scale parameter sets the
- number of digits after the decimal place in the result.
- &reftitle.examples;
- bcsqrt example
+ bcsqrt
+ Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number
+ Description
+ stringbcsqrt
+ stringoperand
+ intscale
+ Return the square root of the operand.
+ The optional scale parameter sets the
+ number of digits after the decimal place in the result.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ bcsqrt example
- &reftitle.seealso;
- bcpow.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ bcpow.
- bcsub
- Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another
- Description
- stringbcsub
- stringleft_operand
- stringright_operand
- intscale
- Subtracts the right_operand from the
- left_operand and returns the result in a
- string. The optional scale parameter is
- used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the
- result.
- &reftitle.examples;
- bcsub example
+ bcsub
+ Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another
+ Description
+ stringbcsub
+ stringleft_operand
+ stringright_operand
+ intscale
+ Subtracts the right_operand from the
+ left_operand and returns the result in a
+ string. The optional scale parameter is
+ used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the
+ result.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ bcsub example
- &reftitle.seealso;
- bcadd.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ bcadd.