diff --git a/reference/sqlite3/sqlite3result/fetcharray.xml b/reference/sqlite3/sqlite3result/fetcharray.xml index c12c24b8bc..01d92202b0 100644 --- a/reference/sqlite3/sqlite3result/fetcharray.xml +++ b/reference/sqlite3/sqlite3result/fetcharray.xml @@ -68,6 +68,14 @@ Returns a result row as an associatively or numerically indexed array or both. Alternately will return &false; if there are no more rows. + + The types of the values of the returned array are mapped from SQLite3 types + as follows: integers are mapped to integer if they fit into the + range PHP_INT_MIN..PHP_INT_MAX, and + to string otherwise. Floats are mapped to float, + NULL values are mapped to null, and strings + and blobs are mapped to string. +