diff --git a/language/wrappers.xml b/language/wrappers.xml
index 9890c9f8bd..77df1ac128 100644
--- a/language/wrappers.xml
+++ b/language/wrappers.xml
@@ -1,1773 +1,40 @@
- List of Supported Protocols/Wrappers
- PHP comes with many built-in wrappers for various URL-style protocols
- for use with the filesystem functions such as fopen
- and copy. In addition to these wrappers, you can as of
- PHP 4.3.0, write your own wrappers using the stream_wrapper_register
- function.
- The URL syntax used to describe a wrapper only supports the scheme://... syntax.
- scheme:/ and scheme: syntaxes are not supported.
- List of context options is available in the chapter .
- Filesystem
- All versions of PHP. Explicitly using file:// since PHP 5.0.0.
- /path/to/file.ext
- relative/path/to/file.ext
- fileInCwd.ext
- C:/path/to/winfile.ext
- C:\path\to\winfile.ext
- \\smbserver\share\path\to\winfile.ext
- file:///path/to/file.ext
- Filesystem is the default wrapper used with PHP and represents the local filesystem.
- When a relative path is specified (a path which does not begin with /, \, \\, or a Windows drive letter)
- the path provided will be applied against the current working directory. In many cases this is the
- directory in which the script resides unless it has been changed. Using the CLI sapi, this defaults
- to the directory from which the script was called.
- With some functions, such as fopen and file_get_contents,
- include_path may be optionally searched for relative paths as well.
+ Supported Protocols and Wrappers
+ PHP comes with many built-in wrappers for various URL-style protocols
+ for use with the filesystem functions such as fopen,
+ copy, file_exists and
+ filesize.
+ In addition to these wrappers, it is possible to register custom wrappers
+ using the stream_wrapper_register function.
- PHP 4, PHP 5. https:// since PHP 4.3.0
- http://example.com
- http://example.com/file.php?var1=val1&var2=val2
- http://user:password@example.com
- https://example.com
- https://example.com/file.php?var1=val1&var2=val2
- https://user:password@example.com
- Allows read-only access to files/resources via HTTP 1.0,
- using the HTTP GET method. A Host: header is sent with the request
- to handle name-based virtual hosts. If you have configured
- a user_agent string using
- your &php.ini; file or the stream context, it will also be included
- in the request.
- &warn.ssl-non-standard;
- Redirects have been supported since PHP 4.0.5; if you are using
- an earlier version you will need to include trailing slashes in
- your URLs. If it's important to know the URL of the resource where
- your document came from (after all redirects have been processed),
- you'll need to process the series of response headers returned by the
- stream.
- The stream allows access to the body of
- the resource; the headers are stored in the
- $http_response_header variable.
- Since PHP 4.3.0, the headers are available using
- stream_get_meta_data.
- HTTP connections are read-only; you cannot write data or copy
- files to an HTTP resource.
- HTTPS is supported starting from PHP 4.3.0, if you
- have compiled in support for OpenSSL.
- If you have set the from directive
- in &php.ini;, and do not define a From: header
- in the , then this value will be sent as the
- From: header in the HTTP request.
- Wrapper Summary
- Attribute
- Supported
- Restricted by allow_url_fopen
- Yes
- Allows Reading
- Yes
- Allows Writing
- No
- Allows Appending
- No
- Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
- N/A
- Supports stat
- No
- Supports unlink
- No
- Supports rename
- No
- Supports mkdir
- No
- Supports rmdir
- No
- Custom headers may be sent with an HTTP request prior to
- version 5 by taking advantage of a side-effect in the
- handling of the user_agent INI setting.
- Set user_agent to any valid string
- (such as the default PHP/version setting)
- followed by a carriage-return/line-feed pair and any
- additional headers.
- This method works in PHP 4 and all later versions.
- Sending custom headers with an HTTP request
- Results in the following request being sent:
- FTP and FTPS
- PHP 4, PHP 5. ftps:// since PHP 4.3.0
- ftp://example.com/pub/file.txt
- ftp://user:password@example.com/pub/file.txt
- ftps://example.com/pub/file.txt
- ftps://user:password@example.com/pub/file.txt
- Allows read access to existing files and creation of new files
- via FTP. If the server does not support passive mode ftp, the
- connection will fail.
- You can open files for either reading or writing, but not both
- simultaneously. If the remote file already exists on the ftp
- server and you attempt to open it for writing but have not specified
- the context option overwrite, the connection
- will fail. If you need to overwrite existing files over ftp,
- specify the overwrite option in the context
- and open the file for writing. Alternatively, you can
- use the FTP extension.
- Appending
- As of PHP 5.0.0 files may be appended via the
- ftp:// URL wrapper. In prior versions, attempting
- to append to a file via ftp:// will result in failure.
- ftps:// was introduced in PHP 4.3.0.
- It is the same as ftp://,
- but attempts to negotiate a secure connection with the ftp server.
- If the server does not support SSL, then the connection falls back
- to regular unencrypted ftp.
- FTPS is supported starting from PHP 4.3.0, if you
- have compiled in support for OpenSSL.
- If you have set the from directive
- in &php.ini;, then this value will be sent as the anonymous FTP
- password.
- Wrapper Summary
- Attribute
- PHP 4
- PHP 5
- Restricted by allow_url_fopen
- Yes
- Yes
- Allows Reading
- Yes
- Yes
- Allows Writing
- Yes (new files only)
- Yes (new files/existing files with overwrite)
- Allows Appending
- No
- Yes
- Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
- No
- No
- Supports stat
- No
- As of PHP 5.0.0: filesize,
- filetype, file_exists,
- is_file, and is_dir elements only.
- As of PHP 5.1.0: filemtime.
- Supports unlink
- No
- Yes
- Supports rename
- No
- Yes
- Supports mkdir
- No
- Yes
- Supports rmdir
- No
- Yes
- PHP input/output streams
- php://stdin
- php://stdout
- php://stderr
- php://output
- php://input
- php://filter (available since PHP 5.0.0)
- php://memory (available since PHP 5.1.0)
- php://temp (available since PHP 5.1.0)
- php://stdin, php://stdout
- and php://stderr allow direct access to
- the corresponding input or output stream of the PHP process. The stream
- references a duplicate file descriptor, so if you open
- php://stdin and later close it, you close only your
- copy of the descriptor--the actual stream referenced by
- STDIN is unaffected. Note that PHP exhibited buggy
- behavior in this regard until PHP 5.2.1. It is recommended that you simply
- use the constants STDIN, STDOUT
- and STDERR instead of manually opening streams using
- these wrappers.
- php://output allows you to write to the
- output buffer mechanism in the same way as
- print and echo.
- php://input allows you to read raw data
- from the request body.
- In case of POST requests, it preferrable to
- $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA as it does not depend on
- special &php.ini; directives. Moreover, for those cases where
- $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is not populated by
- default, it is a potentially less memory intensive alternative
- to activating always_populate_raw_post_data.
- php://input is not available with
- enctype="multipart/form-data".
- A stream opened with php://input can only be read
- once; the stream does not support seek operations. However, depending
- on the SAPI implementation, it may be possible to open another
- php://input stream and restart reading. This is
- only possible if the request body data has been saved. Typically, this
- is the case for POST requests, but not other request methods, such as
+ The URL syntax used to describe a wrapper only supports the
+ scheme://... syntax. The scheme:/
+ and scheme: syntaxes are not supported.
- php://stdin and
- php://input are read-only, whereas
- php://stdout,
- php://stderr and
- php://output are write-only.
- php://filter is a kind of meta-wrapper designed
- to permit the application of filters to a stream at the time of
- opening. This is useful with all-in-one file functions such as
- readfile, file, and
- file_get_contents where there is otherwise
- no opportunity to apply a filter to the stream prior the contents
- being read.
- The php://filter target takes the following
- 'parameters' as parts of its 'path'.
- /resource=<stream to be filtered>
- (required) This parameter must be located at
- the end of your php://filter specification and
- should point to the stream which you want filtered.
- /read=<filter list to apply to read chain>
- (optional) This parameter takes one or more
- filternames separated by the pipe character |.
- /write=<filter list to apply to write chain>
- (optional) This parameter takes one or more
- filternames separated by the pipe character |.
- /<filter list to apply to both chains>
- (optional) Any filter lists which are not
- prefixed specifically by read= or
- write= will be applied to both the read and
- write chains (as appropriate).
- The php://memory wrapper stores the data in the
- memory. php://temp behaves similarly, but uses a
- temporary file for storing the data when a certain memory limit is reached
- (the default is 2 MB).
- The php://temp wrapper takes the following
- 'parameters' as parts of its 'path':
- /maxmemory:<number of bytes>
- (optional). This parameter allows changing the
- default value for the memory limit (when the data is moved to a temporary
- file).
- Wrapper Summary (For php://filter,
- refer to summary of wrapper being filtered.)
- Attribute
- Supported
- Restricted by allow_url_fopen
- No
- Restricted by allow_url_include
- php://input,
- php://stdin,
- php://memory and
- php://temp only.
- Allows Reading
- php://stdin,
- php://input,
- php://memory and
- php://temp only.
- Allows Writing
- php://stdout,
- php://stderr,
- php://output,
- php://memory and
- php://temp only.
- Allows Appending
- php://stdout,
- php://stderr,
- php://output,
- php://memory and
- php://temp only. (Equivalent to writing)
- Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
- php://memory and
- php://temp only.
- Supports stat
- php://memory and
- php://temp only.
- Supports unlink
- No
- Supports rename
- No
- Supports mkdir
- No
- Supports rmdir
- No
- Supports stream_select
- php://stdin, php://stdout,
- php://stderr and php://temp.
- Compression Streams
- zlib: PHP 4.0.4 - PHP 4.2.3 (systems with fopencookie only)
- compress.zlib:// and compress.bzip2:// PHP 4.3.0 and up
- zlib:
- compress.zlib://
- compress.bzip2://
- zlib: works like gzopen, except that the
- stream can be used with fread and the other
- filesystem functions. This is deprecated as of PHP 4.3.0 due
- to ambiguities with filenames containing ':' characters; use
- compress.zlib:// instead.
- compress.zlib:// and
- compress.bzip2:// are equivalent to
- gzopen and bzopen
- respectively, and operate even on systems that do not support
- fopencookie.
- Wrapper Summary
- Attribute
- Supported
- Restricted by allow_url_fopen
- No
- Allows Reading
- Yes
- Allows Writing
- Yes
- Allows Appending
- Yes
- Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
- No
- Supports stat
- No, use the normal file:// wrapper
- to stat compressed files.
- Supports unlink
- No, use the normal file:// wrapper
- to unlink compressed files.
- Supports rename
- No
- Supports mkdir
- No
- Supports rmdir
- No
- ZIP extension registers zip: wrapper.
- Data (RFC 2397)
- The data: (RFC
- 2397) stream wrapper is available since PHP 5.2.0.
- Print data:// contents
- Fetch the media type
- Wrapper Summary
- Attribute
- Supported
- Restricted by allow_url_fopen
- No
- Restricted by allow_url_include
- Yes
- Allows Reading
- Yes
- Allows Writing
- No
- Allows Appending
- No
- Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
- No
- Supports stat
- No
- Supports unlink
- No
- Supports rename
- No
- Supports mkdir
- No
- Supports rmdir
- No
- Glob
- The glob: stream wrapper is available since PHP 5.3.0.
- Basic usage
-getFilename(), $f->getSize()/1024);
- Wrapper Summary
- Attribute
- Supported
- Restricted by allow_url_fopen
- No
- Restricted by allow_url_include
- No
- Allows Reading
- No
- Allows Writing
- No
- Allows Appending
- No
- Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
- No
- Supports stat
- No
- Supports unlink
- No
- Supports rename
- No
- Supports mkdir
- No
- Supports rmdir
- No
- Phar
- The phar:// stream wrapper is available since
- PHP 5.3.0. See Phar stream wrapper
- for detailed description.
- Secure Shell 2
- ssh2.shell://
- ssh2.exec://
- ssh2.tunnel://
- ssh2.sftp://
- ssh2.scp://
- PHP 4.3.0 and up (PECL)
- ssh2.shell://user:pass@example.com:22/xterm
- ssh2.exec://user:pass@example.com:22/usr/local/bin/somecmd
- ssh2.tunnel://user:pass@example.com:22/
- ssh2.sftp://user:pass@example.com:22/path/to/filename
- This wrapper is not enabled by default
- In order to use the ssh2.*:// wrappers you must install
- the SSH2 extension
- available from PECL.
- In addition to accepting traditional URI login details, the ssh2 wrappers
- will also reuse open connections by passing the connection resource in the
- host portion of the URL.
- Opening a stream from an active connection
- Wrapper Summary
- Attribute
- ssh2.shell
- ssh2.exec
- ssh2.tunnel
- ssh2.sftp
- ssh2.scp
- Restricted by allow_url_fopen
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Allows Reading
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Allows Writing
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- No
- Allows Appending
- No
- No
- No
- Yes (When supported by server)
- No
- Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- No
- Supports stat
- No
- No
- No
- Yes
- No
- Supports unlink
- No
- No
- No
- Yes
- No
- Supports rename
- No
- No
- No
- Yes
- No
- Supports mkdir
- No
- No
- No
- Yes
- No
- Supports rmdir
- No
- No
- No
- Yes
- No
- Context options
- Name
- Usage
- Default
- session
- Preconnected ssh2 resource to be reused
- sftp
- Preallocated sftp resource to be reused
- methods
- Key exchange, hostkey, cipher, compression, and MAC methods to use
- callbacks
- username
- Username to connect as
- password
- Password to use with password authentication
- pubkey_file
- Name of public key file to use for authentication
- privkey_file
- Name of private key file to use for authentication
- env
- Associate array of environment variables to set
- term
- Terminal emulation type to request when allocating a pty
- term_width
- Width of terminal requested when allocating a pty
- term_height
- Height of terminal requested when allocating a pty
- term_units
- Units to use with term_width and term_height
- Rar
- rar://
- Available since PECL rar 3.0.0
- rar://<url encoded archive name>[*][#[<url encoded entry name>]]
- This wrapper is not enabled by default
- In order to use the rar:// wrapper, you must install
- the rar extension
- available from PECL.
- The wrapper takes the url encoded path to the RAR archive (relative or absolute),
- an optional asterik (*), an optional number sign
- (#) and an optional url encoded entry name, as stored in the
- archive. Specifying an entry name requires the number sign; a leading forward
- slash in the entry name is optional.
- This wrapper can open both files and directories. When opening directories, the
- asterisk sign forces the directory entries names to be returned unencoded. If it's
- not specified, they will be returned url encoded – the reason for this is to allow
- the wrapper to be correctly used with built-in functionality like the
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator in the presence of file names that seem like
- url encoded data.
- If the pound sign and the entry name part are not included, the root of the archive
- will be displayed. This differs from regular directories in that the resulting
- stream will not contain information such as the modification time, as the root
- directory is not stored in an inidivual entry in the archive.
- The usage of the the wrapper with RecursiveDirectoryIterator requires
- the number sign to be included in the URL when accessing the root, so that the
- URLs of the children may be constructed correctly.
- Traversing a RAR archive
-getSubPathName()) .
- (is_dir(parent::current())?" [DIR]":"");
- }
-$f = "rar://" . rawurlencode(dirname(__FILE__)) .
- DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'dirs_and_extra_headers.rar#';
-$it = new RecursiveTreeIterator(new MyRecDirIt($f));
-foreach ($it as $s) {
- echo $s, "\n";
- &example.outputs.similar;
- Opening an encrypted file (header encryption)
- array(
- 'open_password' => 'samplepassword'
- )
- )
- )
- );
-/* creation and last access date is opt-in in WinRAR, hence most
- * files don't have them */
- &example.outputs.similar;
- 0
- [1] => 0
- [2] => 33206
- [3] => 1
- [4] => 0
- [5] => 0
- [6] => 0
- [7] => 26
- [8] => 0
- [9] => 1259550052
- [10] => 0
- [11] => -1
- [12] => -1
- [dev] => 0
- [ino] => 0
- [mode] => 33206
- [nlink] => 1
- [uid] => 0
- [gid] => 0
- [rdev] => 0
- [size] => 26
- [atime] => 0
- [mtime] => 1259550052
- [ctime] => 0
- [blksize] => -1
- [blocks] => -1
- Wrapper Summary
- Attribute
- Supported
- Restricted by allow_url_fopen
- No
- Restricted by allow_url_include
- No
- Allows Reading
- Yes
- Allows Writing
- No
- Allows Appending
- No
- Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
- No
- Supports stat
- Yes
- Supports unlink
- No
- Supports rename
- No
- Supports mkdir
- No
- Supports rmdir
- No
- Context options
- Name
- Usage
- Default
- open_password
- The password used to encrypt the headers of the archive,
- if any. WinRAR will encrypt all the files with the same password
- as the headers password when the later is present, so for archives
- with encrypted headers, file_password will be
- ignored.
- file_password
- The password used to encrypt a file, if any. If the headers
- are also encrypted, this option will be ignored in favor of
- open_password. The reason there are two options
- is to cover the possibility of supporting archives with different
- headers and file passwords, should those archives arise. Note that
- if the archive does not have its headers encrypted,
- open_password will be ignored and this option
- must be used instead.
- volume_callback
- A callback to determine the path of missing volumes. See
- RarArchive::open for more information.
- Audio Streams
- ogg:// PHP 4.3.0 and up (PECL)
- ogg://soundfile.ogg
- ogg:///path/to/soundfile.ogg
- ogg://http://www.example.com/path/to/soundstream.ogg
- This wrapper is not enabled by default
- In order to use the ogg:// wrapper you must install
- the OGG/Vorbis extension
- available from PECL.
- Files opened for reading via the ogg:// wrapper
- are treated as compressed audio encoded using the OGG/Vorbis codec.
- Similarly, files opened for writing or appending via the
- ogg:// wrapper are writen as compressed audio data.
- stream_get_meta_data, when used on an OGG/Vorbis
- file opened for reading will return various details about the stream
- including the vendor tag, any included
- comments, the number of
- channels, the sampling rate,
- and the encoding rate range described by:
- bitrate_lower, bitrate_upper,
- bitrate_nominal, and bitrate_window.
- Wrapper Summary
- Attribute
- Supported
- Restricted by allow_url_fopen
- No
- Allows Reading
- Yes
- Allows Writing
- Yes
- Allows Appending
- Yes
- Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
- No
- Supports stat
- No
- Supports unlink
- No
- Supports rename
- No
- Supports mkdir
- No
- Supports rmdir
- No
- Context options
- Name
- Usage
- Default
- Mode
- pcm_mode
- PCM encoding to apply while reading, one of:
- (8 vs 16 bit, signed or unsigned, big or little endian)
- Read
- rate
- Sampling rate of input data, expressed in Hz
- 44100
- Write/Append
- bitrate
- When given as an integer, the fixed bitrate at which to encode. (16000 to 131072)
- When given as a float, the variable bitrate quality to use. (-1.0 to 1.0)
- 128000
- Write/Append
- channels
- The number of audio channels to encode, typically 1 (Mono), or 2 (Stero).
- May range as high as 16.
- 2
- Write/Append
- comments
- An array of string values to encode into the track header.
- Write/Append
- Process Interaction Streams
- expect:// PHP 4.3.0 and up (PECL)
- expect://command
- This wrapper is not enabled by default
- In order to use the expect:// wrapper you must install
- the Expect extension
- available from PECL.
- Streams opened via the expect:// wrapper provide
- access to process'es stdio, stdout and stderr via PTY.
- Wrapper Summary
- Attribute
- Supported
- Restricted by allow_url_fopen
- No
- Allows Reading
- Yes
- Allows Writing
- Yes
- Allows Appending
- Yes
- Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
- No
- Supports stat
- No
- Supports unlink
- No
- Supports rename
- No
- Supports mkdir
- No
- Supports rmdir
- No
+ &language.wrappers.file;
+ &language.wrappers.http;
+ &language.wrappers.ftp;
+ &language.wrappers.php;
+ &language.wrappers.compression;
+ &language.wrappers.data;
+ &language.wrappers.glob;
+ &language.wrappers.phar;
+ &language.wrappers.ssh2;
+ &language.wrappers.rar;
+ &language.wrappers.audio;
+ &language.wrappers.expect;
+ ogg://
+ Audio streams
+ &reftitle.description;
+ Files opened for reading via the ogg:// wrapper
+ are treated as compressed audio encoded using the OGG/Vorbis codec.
+ Similarly, files opened for writing or appending via the
+ ogg:// wrapper are writen as compressed audio data.
+ stream_get_meta_data, when used on an OGG/Vorbis
+ file opened for reading will return various details about the stream
+ including the vendor tag, any included
+ comments, the number of
+ channels, the sampling rate,
+ and the encoding rate range described by:
+ bitrate_lower, bitrate_upper,
+ bitrate_nominal, and bitrate_window.
+ ogg:// PHP 4.3.0 and up (PECL)
+ This wrapper is not enabled by default
+ In order to use the ogg:// wrapper you must install
+ the OGG/Vorbis extension
+ available from PECL.
+ &reftitle.options;
+ ogg://soundfile.ogg
+ ogg:///path/to/soundfile.ogg
+ ogg://http://www.example.com/path/to/soundstream.ogg
+ &reftitle.options;
+ Wrapper Summary
+ Attribute
+ Supported
+ Restricted by allow_url_fopen
+ No
+ Allows Reading
+ Yes
+ Allows Writing
+ Yes
+ Allows Appending
+ Yes
+ Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
+ No
+ Supports stat
+ No
+ Supports unlink
+ No
+ Supports rename
+ No
+ Supports mkdir
+ No
+ Supports rmdir
+ No
+ Context options
+ Name
+ Usage
+ Default
+ Mode
+ pcm_mode
+ PCM encoding to apply while reading, one of:
+ (8 vs 16 bit, signed or unsigned, big or little endian)
+ Read
+ rate
+ Sampling rate of input data, expressed in Hz
+ 44100
+ Write/Append
+ bitrate
+ When given as an integer, the fixed bitrate at which to encode. (16000 to 131072)
+ When given as a float, the variable bitrate quality to use. (-1.0 to 1.0)
+ 128000
+ Write/Append
+ channels
+ The number of audio channels to encode, typically 1 (Mono), or 2 (Stero).
+ May range as high as 16.
+ 2
+ Write/Append
+ comments
+ An array of string values to encode into the track header.
+ Write/Append
+ &reftitle.examples;
diff --git a/language/wrappers/compression.xml b/language/wrappers/compression.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3dba5a461
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/wrappers/compression.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ zlib, bzip2 and zip
+ Compression Streams
+ &reftitle.description;
+ zlib: PHP 4.0.4 - PHP 4.2.3 (systems with fopencookie only)
+ compress.zlib:// and compress.bzip2:// PHP 4.3.0 and up
+ zlib: works like gzopen, except that the
+ stream can be used with fread and the other
+ filesystem functions. This is deprecated as of PHP 4.3.0 due
+ to ambiguities with filenames containing ':' characters; use
+ compress.zlib:// instead.
+ compress.zlib:// and
+ compress.bzip2:// are equivalent to
+ gzopen and bzopen
+ respectively, and operate even on systems that do not support
+ fopencookie.
+ ZIP extension registers zip: wrapper.
+ &reftitle.options;
+ zlib:
+ compress.zlib://
+ compress.bzip2://
+ &reftitle.options;
+ Wrapper Summary
+ Attribute
+ Supported
+ Restricted by allow_url_fopen
+ No
+ Allows Reading
+ Yes
+ Allows Writing
+ Yes
+ Allows Appending
+ Yes
+ Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
+ No
+ Supports stat
+ No, use the normal file:// wrapper
+ to stat compressed files.
+ Supports unlink
+ No, use the normal file:// wrapper
+ to unlink compressed files.
+ Supports rename
+ No
+ Supports mkdir
+ No
+ Supports rmdir
+ No
+ Wrapper Summary
+ Attribute
+ Supported
+ Restricted by allow_url_fopen
+ No
+ Restricted by allow_url_include
+ Yes
+ Allows Reading
+ Yes
+ Allows Writing
+ No
+ Allows Appending
+ No
+ Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
+ No
+ Supports stat
+ No
+ Supports unlink
+ No
+ Supports rename
+ No
+ Supports mkdir
+ No
+ Supports rmdir
+ No
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Print data:// contents
+ Fetch the media type
diff --git a/language/wrappers/expect.xml b/language/wrappers/expect.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c04587feba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/wrappers/expect.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ expect://
+ Process Interaction Streams
+ &reftitle.description;
+ Streams opened via the expect:// wrapper provide
+ access to process'es stdio, stdout and stderr via PTY.
+ This wrapper is not enabled by default
+ In order to use the expect:// wrapper you must install
+ the Expect extension
+ available from PECL.
+ expect:// PHP 4.3.0 and up (PECL)
+ &reftitle.options;
+ expect://command
+ &reftitle.options;
+ Wrapper Summary
+ Attribute
+ Supported
+ Restricted by allow_url_fopen
+ No
+ Allows Reading
+ Yes
+ Allows Writing
+ Yes
+ Allows Appending
+ Yes
+ Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
+ No
+ Supports stat
+ No
+ Supports unlink
+ No
+ Supports rename
+ No
+ Supports mkdir
+ No
+ Supports rmdir
+ No
+ &reftitle.examples;
diff --git a/language/wrappers/file.xml b/language/wrappers/file.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0da00d33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/wrappers/file.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ Filesystem
+ Accessing local filesystem
+ &reftitle.description;
+ Filesystem is the default wrapper used with PHP and represents the local filesystem.
+ When a relative path is specified (a path which does not begin with /, \, \\, or a Windows drive letter)
+ the path provided will be applied against the current working directory. In many cases this is the
+ directory in which the script resides unless it has been changed. Using the CLI sapi, this defaults
+ to the directory from which the script was called.
+ With some functions, such as fopen and file_get_contents,
+ include_path may be optionally searched for relative paths as well.
+ &reftitle.options;
+ /path/to/file.ext
+ relative/path/to/file.ext
+ fileInCwd.ext
+ C:/path/to/winfile.ext
+ C:\path\to\winfile.ext
+ \\smbserver\share\path\to\winfile.ext
+ file:///path/to/file.ext
+ &reftitle.options;
+ &reftitle.changelog;
+ &Version;
+ &Description;
+ 5.0.0
+ Added file://.
diff --git a/language/wrappers/ftp.xml b/language/wrappers/ftp.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e425a24e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/wrappers/ftp.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ FTP and FTPS
+ Accessing FTP(s) URLs
+ &reftitle.description;
+ Allows read access to existing files and creation of new files
+ via FTP. If the server does not support passive mode ftp, the
+ connection will fail.
+ You can open files for either reading or writing, but not both
+ simultaneously. If the remote file already exists on the ftp
+ server and you attempt to open it for writing but have not specified
+ the context option overwrite, the connection
+ will fail. If you need to overwrite existing files over ftp,
+ specify the overwrite option in the context
+ and open the file for writing. Alternatively, you can
+ use the FTP extension.
+ If you have set the from directive
+ in &php.ini;, then this value will be sent as the anonymous FTP
+ password.
+ &reftitle.options;
+ ftp://example.com/pub/file.txt
+ ftp://user:password@example.com/pub/file.txt
+ ftps://example.com/pub/file.txt
+ ftps://user:password@example.com/pub/file.txt
+ &reftitle.options;
+ Wrapper Summary
+ Attribute
+ PHP 4
+ PHP 5
+ Restricted by allow_url_fopen
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Allows Reading
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Allows Writing
+ Yes (new files only)
+ Yes (new files/existing files with overwrite)
+ Allows Appending
+ No
+ Yes
+ Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
+ No
+ No
+ Supports stat
+ No
+ As of PHP 5.0.0: filesize,
+ filetype, file_exists,
+ is_file, and is_dir elements only.
+ As of PHP 5.1.0: filemtime.
+ Supports unlink
+ No
+ Yes
+ Supports rename
+ No
+ Yes
+ Supports mkdir
+ No
+ Yes
+ Supports rmdir
+ No
+ Yes
+ &reftitle.changelog;
+ &Version;
+ &Description;
+ 4.3.0
+ Added ftps://.
+ &reftitle.notes;
+ FTPS is only supported when the openssl
+ extension is enabled.
+ If the server does not support SSL, then the connection falls back
+ to regular unencrypted ftp.
+ Appending
+ As of PHP 5.0.0 files may be appended via the
+ ftp:// URL wrapper. In prior versions, attempting
+ to append to a file via ftp:// will result in failure.
diff --git a/language/wrappers/glob.xml b/language/wrappers/glob.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb9d9b9c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/wrappers/glob.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ Glob
+ Find pathnames matching pattern
+ &reftitle.description;
+ The glob: stream wrapper is available since PHP 5.3.0.
+ &reftitle.options;
+ glob://
+ &reftitle.options;
+ Wrapper Summary
+ Attribute
+ Supported
+ Restricted by allow_url_fopen
+ No
+ Restricted by allow_url_include
+ No
+ Allows Reading
+ No
+ Allows Writing
+ No
+ Allows Appending
+ No
+ Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
+ No
+ Supports stat
+ No
+ Supports unlink
+ No
+ Supports rename
+ No
+ Supports mkdir
+ No
+ Supports rmdir
+ No
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Basic usage
+getFilename(), $f->getSize()/1024);
diff --git a/language/wrappers/http.xml b/language/wrappers/http.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8791be4ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/wrappers/http.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ Accessing HTTP(s) URLs
+ &reftitle.description;
+ Allows read-only access to files/resources via HTTP 1.0,
+ using the HTTP GET method. A Host: header is sent with the request
+ to handle name-based virtual hosts. If you have configured
+ a user_agent string using
+ your &php.ini; file or the stream context, it will also be included
+ in the request.
+ The stream allows access to the body of
+ the resource; the headers are stored in the
+ $http_response_header variable.
+ Since PHP 4.3.0, the headers are available using
+ stream_get_meta_data.
+ &warn.ssl-non-standard;
+ Redirects have been supported since PHP 4.0.5; if you are using
+ an earlier version you will need to include trailing slashes in
+ your URLs. If it's important to know the URL of the resource where
+ your document came from (after all redirects have been processed),
+ you'll need to process the series of response headers returned by the
+ stream.
+ If you have set the from directive
+ in &php.ini;, and do not define a From: header
+ in the , then this value will be sent as the
+ From: header in the HTTP request.
+ &reftitle.options;
+ http://example.com
+ http://example.com/file.php?var1=val1&var2=val2
+ http://user:password@example.com
+ https://example.com
+ https://example.com/file.php?var1=val1&var2=val2
+ https://user:password@example.com
+ &reftitle.options;
+ Wrapper Summary
+ Attribute
+ Supported
+ Restricted by allow_url_fopen
+ Yes
+ Allows Reading
+ Yes
+ Allows Writing
+ No
+ Allows Appending
+ No
+ Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
+ N/A
+ Supports stat
+ No
+ Supports unlink
+ No
+ Supports rename
+ No
+ Supports mkdir
+ No
+ Supports rmdir
+ No
+ &reftitle.changelog;
+ &Version;
+ &Description;
+ 4.3.0
+ Added https://.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Sending custom headers with an HTTP request
+ Custom headers may be sent with an HTTP request prior to
+ version 5 by taking advantage of a side-effect in the
+ handling of the user_agent INI setting.
+ Set user_agent to any valid string
+ (such as the default PHP/version setting)
+ followed by a carriage-return/line-feed pair and any
+ additional headers.
+ This method works in PHP 4 and all later versions.
+ Results in the following request being sent:
+ &reftitle.notes;
+ HTTPS is only supported when the openssl
+ extension is enabled.
+ HTTP connections are read-only; writing data or copying
+ files to an HTTP resource is not supported.
diff --git a/language/wrappers/phar.xml b/language/wrappers/phar.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48881177da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/wrappers/phar.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ phar://
+ PHP Archive
+ &reftitle.description;
+ The phar:// stream wrapper is available since
+ PHP 5.3.0. See Phar stream wrapper
+ for detailed description.
+ &reftitle.options;
+ phar://
+ &reftitle.options;
diff --git a/language/wrappers/php.xml b/language/wrappers/php.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72f83da536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/wrappers/php.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+ PHP input/output
+ Accessing various I/O streams
+ &reftitle.description;
+ php://stdin, php://stdout
+ and php://stderr allow direct access to
+ the corresponding input or output stream of the PHP process. The stream
+ references a duplicate file descriptor, so if you open
+ php://stdin and later close it, you close only your
+ copy of the descriptor-the actual stream referenced by
+ STDIN is unaffected. Note that PHP exhibited buggy
+ behavior in this regard until PHP 5.2.1. It is recommended that you simply
+ use the constants STDIN, STDOUT
+ and STDERR instead of manually opening streams using
+ these wrappers.
+ php://output allows you to write to the
+ output buffer mechanism in the same way as
+ print and echo.
+ php://input allows you to read raw data
+ from the request body.
+ In case of POST requests, it preferrable to
+ $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA as it does not depend on
+ special &php.ini; directives. Moreover, for those cases where
+ $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is not populated by
+ default, it is a potentially less memory intensive alternative
+ to activating always_populate_raw_post_data.
+ php://input is not available with
+ enctype="multipart/form-data".
+ A stream opened with php://input can only be read
+ once; the stream does not support seek operations. However, depending
+ on the SAPI implementation, it may be possible to open another
+ php://input stream and restart reading. This is
+ only possible if the request body data has been saved. Typically, this
+ is the case for POST requests, but not other request methods, such as
+ php://stdin and
+ php://input are read-only, whereas
+ php://stdout,
+ php://stderr and
+ php://output are write-only.
+ php://filter is a kind of meta-wrapper designed
+ to permit the application of filters to a stream at the time of
+ opening. This is useful with all-in-one file functions such as
+ readfile, file, and
+ file_get_contents where there is otherwise
+ no opportunity to apply a filter to the stream prior the contents
+ being read.
+ The php://filter target takes the following
+ 'parameters' as parts of its 'path'.
+ &reftitle.options;
+ php://stdin
+ php://stdout
+ php://stderr
+ php://output
+ php://input
+ php://filter (available since PHP 5.0.0)
+ php://memory (available since PHP 5.1.0)
+ php://temp (available since PHP 5.1.0)
+ &reftitle.options;
+ Wrapper Summary (For php://filter,
+ refer to summary of wrapper being filtered.)
+ Attribute
+ Supported
+ Restricted by allow_url_fopen
+ No
+ Restricted by allow_url_include
+ php://input,
+ php://stdin,
+ php://memory and
+ php://temp only.
+ Allows Reading
+ php://stdin,
+ php://input,
+ php://memory and
+ php://temp only.
+ Allows Writing
+ php://stdout,
+ php://stderr,
+ php://output,
+ php://memory and
+ php://temp only.
+ Allows Appending
+ php://stdout,
+ php://stderr,
+ php://output,
+ php://memory and
+ php://temp only. (Equivalent to writing)
+ Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
+ php://memory and
+ php://temp only.
+ Supports stat
+ php://memory and
+ php://temp only.
+ Supports unlink
+ No
+ Supports rename
+ No
+ Supports mkdir
+ No
+ Supports rmdir
+ No
+ Supports stream_select
+ php://stdin, php://stdout,
+ php://stderr and php://temp.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ /resource=<stream to be filtered> (required)
+ This parameter must be located at
+ the end of your php://filter specification and
+ should point to the stream which you want filtered.
+ /read=<filter list to apply to read chain> (optional)
+ This parameter takes one or more
+ filternames separated by the pipe character |.
+ /write=<filter list to apply to write chain> (optional)
+ This parameter takes one or more
+ filternames separated by the pipe character |.
+ /<filter list to apply to both chains> (optional)
+ Any filter lists which are not
+ prefixed specifically by read= or
+ write= will be applied to both the read and
+ write chains (as appropriate).
+ The php://memory wrapper stores the data in the
+ memory. php://temp behaves similarly, but uses a
+ temporary file for storing the data when a certain memory limit is reached
+ (the default is 2 MB).
+ The php://temp wrapper takes the following
+ 'parameters' as parts of its 'path':
+ /maxmemory:<number of bytes> (optional)
+ This parameter allows changing the
+ default value for the memory limit (when the data is moved to a temporary
+ file).
diff --git a/language/wrappers/rar.xml b/language/wrappers/rar.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ade58cf83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/wrappers/rar.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ rar://
+ &reftitle.description;
+ The wrapper takes the url encoded path to the RAR archive (relative or absolute),
+ an optional asterik (*), an optional number sign
+ (#) and an optional url encoded entry name, as stored in the
+ archive. Specifying an entry name requires the number sign; a leading forward
+ slash in the entry name is optional.
+ This wrapper can open both files and directories. When opening directories, the
+ asterisk sign forces the directory entries names to be returned unencoded. If it's
+ not specified, they will be returned url encoded – the reason for this is to allow
+ the wrapper to be correctly used with built-in functionality like the
+ RecursiveDirectoryIterator in the presence of file names that seem like
+ url encoded data.
+ If the pound sign and the entry name part are not included, the root of the archive
+ will be displayed. This differs from regular directories in that the resulting
+ stream will not contain information such as the modification time, as the root
+ directory is not stored in an inidivual entry in the archive.
+ The usage of the the wrapper with RecursiveDirectoryIterator requires
+ the number sign to be included in the URL when accessing the root, so that the
+ URLs of the children may be constructed correctly.
+ This wrapper is not enabled by default
+ In order to use the rar:// wrapper, you must install
+ the rar extension
+ available from PECL.
+ rar://
+ Available since PECL rar 3.0.0
+ &reftitle.options;
+ rar://<url encoded archive name>[*][#[<url encoded entry name>]]
+ &reftitle.options;
+ Wrapper Summary
+ Attribute
+ Supported
+ Restricted by allow_url_fopen
+ No
+ Restricted by allow_url_include
+ No
+ Allows Reading
+ Yes
+ Allows Writing
+ No
+ Allows Appending
+ No
+ Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
+ No
+ Supports stat
+ Yes
+ Supports unlink
+ No
+ Supports rename
+ No
+ Supports mkdir
+ No
+ Supports rmdir
+ No
+ Context options
+ Name
+ Usage
+ Default
+ open_password
+ The password used to encrypt the headers of the archive,
+ if any. WinRAR will encrypt all the files with the same password
+ as the headers password when the later is present, so for archives
+ with encrypted headers, file_password will be
+ ignored.
+ file_password
+ The password used to encrypt a file, if any. If the headers
+ are also encrypted, this option will be ignored in favor of
+ open_password. The reason there are two options
+ is to cover the possibility of supporting archives with different
+ headers and file passwords, should those archives arise. Note that
+ if the archive does not have its headers encrypted,
+ open_password will be ignored and this option
+ must be used instead.
+ volume_callback
+ A callback to determine the path of missing volumes. See
+ RarArchive::open for more information.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Traversing a RAR archive
+getSubPathName()) .
+ (is_dir(parent::current())?" [DIR]":"");
+ }
+$f = "rar://" . rawurlencode(dirname(__FILE__)) .
+ DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'dirs_and_extra_headers.rar#';
+$it = new RecursiveTreeIterator(new MyRecDirIt($f));
+foreach ($it as $s) {
+ echo $s, "\n";
+ &example.outputs.similar;
+ Opening an encrypted file (header encryption)
+ array(
+ 'open_password' => 'samplepassword'
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+/* creation and last access date is opt-in in WinRAR, hence most
+ * files don't have them */
+ &example.outputs.similar;
+ 0
+ [1] => 0
+ [2] => 33206
+ [3] => 1
+ [4] => 0
+ [5] => 0
+ [6] => 0
+ [7] => 26
+ [8] => 0
+ [9] => 1259550052
+ [10] => 0
+ [11] => -1
+ [12] => -1
+ [dev] => 0
+ [ino] => 0
+ [mode] => 33206
+ [nlink] => 1
+ [uid] => 0
+ [gid] => 0
+ [rdev] => 0
+ [size] => 26
+ [atime] => 0
+ [mtime] => 1259550052
+ [ctime] => 0
+ [blksize] => -1
+ [blocks] => -1
diff --git a/language/wrappers/ssh2.xml b/language/wrappers/ssh2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed6b05bb59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/wrappers/ssh2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ ssh2://
+ Secure Shell 2
+ &reftitle.description;
+ ssh2.shell://
+ ssh2.exec://
+ ssh2.tunnel://
+ ssh2.sftp://
+ ssh2.scp://
+ PHP 4.3.0 and up (PECL)
+ This wrapper is not enabled by default
+ In order to use the ssh2.*:// wrappers you must install
+ the SSH2 extension
+ available from PECL.
+ In addition to accepting traditional URI login details, the ssh2 wrappers
+ will also reuse open connections by passing the connection resource in the
+ host portion of the URL.
+ &reftitle.options;
+ ssh2.shell://user:pass@example.com:22/xterm
+ ssh2.exec://user:pass@example.com:22/usr/local/bin/somecmd
+ ssh2.tunnel://user:pass@example.com:22/
+ ssh2.sftp://user:pass@example.com:22/path/to/filename
+ &reftitle.options;
+ Wrapper Summary
+ Attribute
+ ssh2.shell
+ ssh2.exec
+ ssh2.tunnel
+ ssh2.sftp
+ ssh2.scp
+ Restricted by allow_url_fopen
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Allows Reading
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Allows Writing
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ No
+ Allows Appending
+ No
+ No
+ No
+ Yes (When supported by server)
+ No
+ Allows Simultaneous Reading and Writing
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ No
+ Supports stat
+ No
+ No
+ No
+ Yes
+ No
+ Supports unlink
+ No
+ No
+ No
+ Yes
+ No
+ Supports rename
+ No
+ No
+ No
+ Yes
+ No
+ Supports mkdir
+ No
+ No
+ No
+ Yes
+ No
+ Supports rmdir
+ No
+ No
+ No
+ Yes
+ No
+ Context options
+ Name
+ Usage
+ Default
+ session
+ Preconnected ssh2 resource to be reused
+ sftp
+ Preallocated sftp resource to be reused
+ methods
+ Key exchange, hostkey, cipher, compression, and MAC methods to use
+ callbacks
+ username
+ Username to connect as
+ password
+ Password to use with password authentication
+ pubkey_file
+ Name of public key file to use for authentication
+ privkey_file
+ Name of private key file to use for authentication
+ env
+ Associate array of environment variables to set
+ term
+ Terminal emulation type to request when allocating a pty
+ term_width
+ Width of terminal requested when allocating a pty
+ term_height
+ Height of terminal requested when allocating a pty
+ term_units
+ Units to use with term_width and term_height
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Opening a stream from an active connection