diff --git a/functions/strings.xml b/functions/strings.xml
index ab901bff36..db3fc707bc 100644
--- a/functions/strings.xml
+++ b/functions/strings.xml
@@ -576,16 +576,21 @@ $pieces = explode (" ", $pizza);
int table
+ int quote_style
get_html_translation_table will return the
translation table that is used internally for
htmlspecialchars and
- htmlentities. Ther are two new defines
+ htmlentities. There are two new defines
HTML_SPECIALCHARS) that allow you to
- specify the table you want.
+ specify the table you want. And as in the
+ htmlspecialchars and
+ htmlentities functions you can optionally specify the
+ quote_style you are working with. The default is ENT_COMPAT mode. See
+ the description of these modes in htmlspecialchars.
Translation Table Example
@@ -745,13 +750,19 @@ $original = strtr ($str, $trans);
string htmlentities
string string
+ int quote_style
This function is identical to
htmlspecialchars in all ways, except that
all characters which have HTML character entity equivalents are
- translated into these entities.
+ translated into these entities. Like htmlspecialchars(), it takes an
+ optional second argument which indicates what should be done with
+ single and double quotes. ENT_COMPAT (the default) will only convert
+ double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone. ENT_QUOTES will convert
+ both double and single quotes, and ENT_NOQUOTES will leave both double
+ and single quotes unconverted.
At present, the ISO-8859-1 character set is used.
@@ -776,13 +787,14 @@ $original = strtr ($str, $trans);
string htmlspecialchars
string string
+ int quote_style
Certain characters have special significance in HTML, and should
be represented by HTML entities if they are to preserve their
meanings. This function returns a string with some of these
- conversions made; the four translations made are those most
+ conversions made; the translations made are those most
useful for everyday web programming. If you require all HTML
character entities to be translated, use
htmlentities instead.
@@ -790,7 +802,13 @@ $original = strtr ($str, $trans);
This function is useful in preventing user-supplied text from
containing HTML markup, such as in a message board or guest book
- application.
+ application. The optional second argument, quote_style, tells the
+ function what to do with single and double quote characters. The
+ default mode, ENT_COMPAT, is the backwards compatible mode which only
+ translates the double-quote character and leaves the single-quote
+ untranslated. If ENT_QUOTES is set, both single and double quotes
+ are translated and if ENT_NOQUOTES is set neither single nor double quotes
+ are translated.
The translations performed are:
@@ -802,7 +820,12 @@ $original = strtr ($str, $trans);
- '"' (double quote) becomes '"'
+ '"' (double quote) becomes '"' when ENT_NOQUOTES is not set.
+ ''' (single quote) becomes ''' only when ENT_QUOTES is set.
@@ -816,6 +839,12 @@ $original = strtr ($str, $trans);
+ htmlspecialchars example
+$new = htmlspecialchars("Test", ENT_QUOTES);
Note that this functions does not translate anything beyond what