diff --git a/features/commandline.xml b/features/commandline.xml
index 5eb897cf72..88a95d55ff 100644
--- a/features/commandline.xml
+++ b/features/commandline.xml
@@ -1503,6 +1503,52 @@ php >
+ The cli.prompt setting supports a few escape
+ sequences:
+ cli.prompt escape sequences
+ Sequence:
+ Description:
+ \e
+ Used for adding colors to the prompt. An example could be
+ \e[032m\v \e[031m\b \e[34m\> \e[0m
+ \v
+ The PHP version.
+ \b
+ Indicates which block PHP is in. For instance /* to
+ indicate being inside a multi-line comment. The outer scope is denoted by
+ php.
+ \>
+ Indicates the prompt character. By default this is
+ >, but changes when the shell is inside an
+ unterminated block or string. Possible characters are: ' " {
+ ( >