diff --git a/appendices/migration53.xml b/appendices/migration53.xml
index d718e3391d..5ee20a5945 100644
--- a/appendices/migration53.xml
+++ b/appendices/migration53.xml
@@ -88,7 +88,9 @@
The behaviour of functions with by-reference parameters called by value has
changed. Where previously the function would accept the by-value argument,
- a warning is now emitted and all by-ref parameters are set to &null;.
+ a fatal error is now emitted. Any previous code passing constants or
+ literals to functions expecting references, will need altering to assign
+ the value to a variable before calling the function.
@@ -100,6 +102,14 @@
+ The new mysqlnd library does not read mysql configuration files
+ (my.cnf/my.ini), as the older libmysql library does. If your code relies on
+ settings in the configuration file, you can load it explicitly with the
+ mysqli_options function.
The trailing / has been removed from the SplFileInfo