diff --git a/reference/mongo/changelog.xml b/reference/mongo/changelog.xml
index 5e4259b8f5..ddec2ff087 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/changelog.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/changelog.xml
@@ -5,8 +5,66 @@
+ MongoDB PHP Driver 1.5.0
+ It supports all new features for MongoDB 2.6, including:
+ Aggregate can now return a cursor
+ Aggregation pipelines can now be explained
+ Possible to set maxTimeMS for commands and queries
+ Transparent support for the new command-based MongoDB write API
+ New MongoWriteBatch classes (using the new MongoDB write API)
+ Support for MongoDB Enterprise features (e.g. Kerberos, LDAP, X509)
+ Option to tune acceptable server latency for secondary reads (secondaryAcceptableLatencyMS)
+ With this release, some driver functionality which was previously
+ documented as deprecated will now formally raise deprecation notices. This
+ includes:
+ Instantiating the Mongo class
+ Calling MongoCursor::slaveOkay()
+ "wtimeout" and "safe" options for MongoCollection write operations
+ Manipulating public properties on core classes (such as $collection->w)
+ No previously deprecated features have been removed.
+ Changes in behaviour:
+ Setting the mongo.native_long INI setting now raises an error on 32-bit
+ platforms, and now defaults to true for 64-bit platforms.
+ MongoDB PHP Driver 1.4.0
+ The 1.4 series introduced fundemental changes in how connections are created to the MongoDB servers.
+ The driver now utilizes PHP native streams, so all normal PHP stream options apply.
+ Furthermore, an experimental Stream Context Support was added.
+ The 1.4.x series also added support for MongoDB 2.4.x.
+ The most important improvements however deal with the handling of replica sets,
+ especially nodes that timeout and nodes that are unreachable for various
+ reasons. Besides the improvements to replica set handling, this release
+ addresses issues with read preferences through mongos nodes. It also
+ adds support for SSL enabled connections as well as journal and fsync
+ connection string options.
MongoDB PHP Driver 1.3.0