diff --git a/reference/info/functions/dl.xml b/reference/info/functions/dl.xml
index 052fbbf529..d9047611ba 100644
--- a/reference/info/functions/dl.xml
+++ b/reference/info/functions/dl.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -9,13 +9,90 @@
- intdl
+ booldlstringlibrary
- Loads the PHP extension defined in
- library. See also the Extension Loading Directives
+ Loads the PHP extension given by the parameter
+ library. The library
+ parameter is only the filename of the extension to
+ load which also depends on your platform. For example, the sockets extension (if compiled as a shared
+ module, not the default!) would be called sockets.so
+ on unix platforms whereas it is called php_sockets.dll
+ on the windows platform.
+ &return.success; If the functionality of loading modules is not available
+ (see Note) or has been disabled (either by turning it off
+ enable_dl or by enabling safe_mode
+ in PHP.INI) an E_ERROR is emitted
+ and execution is stopped. If dl fails because the
+ specified library couldn't be loaded, in addition to &false; an
+ E_WARNING message is emitted.
+ The directory where the extension is loaded from depends on your
+ platform, too:
+ Windows - If not explicitly set in the PHP.INI,
+ the extension is loaded from c:\php4\extensions\ by
+ default.
+ Unix - If not explicitly set in the PHP.INI, the
+ default extension directory depends on
+ whether PHP has been built with --enable-debug or
+ not
+ whether PHP has been built with (experimental) ZTS (Zend Thread Safety)
+ support or not
+ the current internal ZEND_MODULE_API_NO (Zend
+ internal module API number, which is basically the date on which a
+ major module API change happened, e.g. 20010901)
+ Taking into account the above, the directory then defaults to
+ <php-install-directory>/lib/php/extension/<debug-or-not>-<zts-or-not>-ZEND_MODULE_API_NO,
+ e.g.
+ /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/debug-non-zts-20010901
+ or /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-20010901.
+ dl is not supported in
+ multithreaded Web servers. Use the extensions
+ statement in your PHP.INI when operating under such
+ an environment. However, the CGI and
+ CLI build are not
+ affected !
+ dl is case sensitive on unix platforms.
+ Use extension_loaded to test whether a given
+ extension is already available or not.
+ See also
+ Extension Loading Directives
+ and extension_loaded.
diff --git a/reference/info/functions/extension-loaded.xml b/reference/info/functions/extension-loaded.xml
index e98337b1ce..b0c6ddb7f3 100644
--- a/reference/info/functions/extension-loaded.xml
+++ b/reference/info/functions/extension-loaded.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -12,18 +12,49 @@
- Returns &true; if the extension identified by
- name is loaded. You can see the names of
- various extensions by using phpinfo.
+ Returns &true; if the extension identified by name
+ is loaded, &false; otherwise.
+ You can see the names of various extensions by using
+ phpinfo or if you're usnig the
+ CGI or CLI version of
+ PHP you can use the -m switch to
+ list all available extensions:
+$ php -m
+Running PHP 4.3.0-dev
+Zend Engine v1.2.1, Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Zend Technologies
+[PHP Modules]
+[Zend Modules]
+ extension_loaded uses the internal extension name
+ to test whether a certain extension is available or not. Most internal
+ extension names are written in lower case but there may be extension
+ available which also use uppercase letters. Be warned that this
+ function compares case sensitive !
See also phpinfo.
- This function was added in 3.0.10.