diff --git a/reference/session/examples.xml b/reference/session/examples.xml
index 625dde9268..5bebe5283d 100644
--- a/reference/session/examples.xml
+++ b/reference/session/examples.xml
@@ -88,6 +88,24 @@ unset($_SESSION['count']);
register_globals will overwrite variables in the global scope whose names are shared with session variables. Please see Using Register Globals for details.
+ File based sessions (the default in PHP) lock the session file once a
+ session is opened via session_start or implicitly via
+ session.auto_start. Once
+ locked, no other script can access the same session file until it has been
+ closed by the first script terminating or calling
+ session_write_close.
+ This is most likely to be an issue on Web sites that use AJAX heavily and
+ have multiple concurrent requests. The easiest way to deal with it is to
+ call session_write_close as soon as any required
+ changes to the session have been made, preferably early in the script.
+ Alternatively, a different session backend that does support concurrency
+ could be used.