diff --git a/reference/yaf/yaf-loader.xml b/reference/yaf/yaf-loader.xml
index 4113c8a761..ea897956a8 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/yaf-loader.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/yaf-loader.xml
@@ -12,8 +12,71 @@
+ Yaf_Loader introduces a comprehensive autoloading
+ solution for Yaf.
+ The first time an instance of Yaf_Application is retrieved,
+ Yaf_Loader will instance a singleton, and registers itself with
+ spl_autoload. You retrieve an instance using the Yaf_Loader::getInstance
+ By default, Yaf_Loader assume all Class will store
+ in the global class
+ directory, which is defined in the php.ini(yaf.library).
+ If you want Yaf_Loader search some Class in the
+ local class
+ directory(which is defined in application.ini, and by default,
+ it is APPLICATION_PATH . "/libraray"), you should register the class prefix using the
+ Yaf_Loader::registerLocalNameSpace
+registerLocalNameSpace(array("Foo", "Bar"));
+ }
+ then the autoload examples:
+ // APPLICATION_PATH/library/Foo/Bar/Test.php
+class GLO_Name =>
+ // /global_dir/Glo/Name.php
+//as of PHP 5.3, you can use namespace
+class \Foo\Bar\Dummy =>
+ // APPLICATION_PATH/library/Foo/Bar/Dummy.php
+class \FooBar\Bar\Dummy =>
+ // /global_dir/FooBar/Bar/Dummy.php
+ You may noticed that all the folder is Ucfisted, you can make them all
+ lowcase by set yaf.lowcase_path = On in php.ini
@@ -71,7 +134,11 @@
+ By default, this value is APPLICATION_PATH . "/library", you can change
+ this either in the application.ini(application.library) or call to
+ Yaf_Loader::setLibraryPath
@@ -92,6 +159,7 @@