diff --git a/reference/yaf/yaf-route-regex.xml b/reference/yaf/yaf-route-regex.xml
index be543541a8..6f401da6fa 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/yaf-route-regex.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/yaf-route-regex.xml
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
+ Yaf_Route_Regex is the most flexible route among
+ the Yaf built-in routes.
diff --git a/reference/yaf/yaf_route_regex/construct.xml b/reference/yaf/yaf_route_regex/construct.xml
index e3e03f3de7..df4392ee65 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/yaf_route_regex/construct.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/yaf_route_regex/construct.xml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@
+ A complete Regex pattern, will be used to match a request uri, if
+ doesn't matched, Yaf_Route_Regex will return
@@ -39,7 +41,13 @@
+ When the match pattern matches the request uri,
+ Yaf_Route_Regex will use this to decide which
+ m/c/a to routed.
+ either of m/c/a in this array is optianl, if you don't assgian a
+ specific value, it will be routed to default.
@@ -47,7 +55,7 @@
+ A array to assign name to the captrues in the match result.
@@ -69,6 +77,71 @@
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Yaf_Route_Regexexample
+ new Yaf_Route_Regex(
+ "#^/product/([^/]+)/([^/])+#", //match request uri leading "/product"
+ array(
+ 'controller' => "product", //route to product controller,
+ ),
+ array(
+ 1 => "name", // now you can call $request->getParam("name")
+ 2 => "id", // to get the first captrue in the match pattern.
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ Yaf_Route_Regexexample
+ array(
+ "type" => "regex", //Yaf_Route_Regex route
+ "match" => "#(.*)#", //match arbitrary request uri
+ "route" => array(
+ 'controller' => "product", //route to product controller,
+ 'action' => "dummy", //route to dummy action
+ ),
+ "map" => array(
+ 1 => "uri", // now you can call $request->getParam("uri")
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter()->addConfig(
+ new Yaf_Config_Simple($config));
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ Yaf_Router::addRoute
+ Yaf_Router::addConfig
+ Yaf_Route_Static
+ Yaf_Route_Supervar
+ Yaf_Route_Simple
+ Yaf_Route_Rewrite
+ Yaf_Route_Map
diff --git a/reference/yaf/yaf_route_rewrite/construct.xml b/reference/yaf/yaf_route_rewrite/construct.xml
index 4dc7284c53..e53d6148d8 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/yaf_route_rewrite/construct.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/yaf_route_rewrite/construct.xml
@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@
+ A pattern, will be used to match a request uri, if
+ doesn't matched, Yaf_Route_Rewrite will return
@@ -38,7 +40,13 @@
+ When the match pattern matches the request uri,
+ Yaf_Route_Rewrite will use this to decide which
+ m/c/a to routed.
+ either of m/c/a in this array is optianl, if you don't assgian a
+ specific value, it will be routed to default.
@@ -60,6 +68,106 @@
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Yaf_Route_Rewriteexample
+ new Yaf_Route_rewrite(
+ "/product/:name/:id/*", //match request uri leading "/product"
+ array(
+ 'controller' => "product", //route to product controller,
+ ),
+ )
+ );
+ &example.outputs.similar;
+ "product",
+ "module" => "index", //(default)
+ "action" => "index", //(default)
+ * and request parameters:
+ */
+ "name" => "foo",
+ "id" => 22,
+ "foo" => bar
+ Yaf_Route_Rewriteexample
+ array(
+ "type" => "rewrite", //Yaf_Route_Rewrite route
+ "match" => "/user-list/:id", //match only /user/list/?/
+ "route" => array(
+ 'controller' => "user", //route to user controller,
+ 'action' => "list", //route to list action
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter()->addConfig(
+ new Yaf_Config_Simple($config));
+ &example.outputs.similar;
+ "user",
+ "action" => "list",
+ "module" => "index", //(default)
+ * and request parameters:
+ */
+ "id" => 22,
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ Yaf_Router::addRoute
+ Yaf_Router::addConfig
+ Yaf_Route_Static
+ Yaf_Route_Supervar
+ Yaf_Route_Simple
+ Yaf_Route_Regex
+ Yaf_Route_Map