diff --git a/functions/gmp.xml b/functions/gmp.xml
index 882038c18b..8b0e659e21 100644
--- a/functions/gmp.xml
+++ b/functions/gmp.xml
@@ -86,6 +86,25 @@ print gmp_strval (fact (1000)) . "\n";
+ If you want to explicitely specify an integer, do not use
+ gmp_init(12378473895798475827348979342),
+ since first the integer-literal will be interpreted,
+ resulting in an
+ overflow
+ and thus in zero, and then gmp_init is called with that
+ zero as argument.
+ Instead, use
+ gmp_init('12378473895798475827348979342')
It is not necessary to call this function if you want to use