From 6d1c0d814605c06655bf33e65701563c78c1c1e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Olivier Hill <> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 13:47:06 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] New function in 1.0.2 git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1 --- .../geoip/functions/geoip-isp-by-name.xml | 98 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 98 insertions(+) create mode 100644 reference/geoip/functions/geoip-isp-by-name.xml diff --git a/reference/geoip/functions/geoip-isp-by-name.xml b/reference/geoip/functions/geoip-isp-by-name.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..31b5490182 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference/geoip/functions/geoip-isp-by-name.xml @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> +<!-- $Revision: 1.1 $ --> +<refentry xml:id="function.geoip-isp-by-name" xmlns=""> + <refnamediv> + <refname>geoip_isp_by_name</refname> + <refpurpose>Get the Internet Service Provider (ISP) name</refpurpose> + </refnamediv> + <refsect1 role="description"> + &reftitle.description; + <methodsynopsis> + <type>string</type><methodname>geoip_isp_by_name</methodname> + <methodparam><type>string</type><parameter>hostname</parameter></methodparam> + </methodsynopsis> + + <para> + The <function>geoip_isp_by_name</function> function will return the name of + the Internet Service Provider (ISP) that an IP is assigned to. + </para> + <para> + This function is currently only available to users who have bought a commercial + GeoIP ISP Edition. A warning will be issued if the proper database cannot be + located. + </para> + + </refsect1> + <refsect1 role="parameters"> + &reftitle.parameters; + <para> + <variablelist> + <varlistentry> + <term><parameter>hostname</parameter></term> + <listitem> + <para> + The hostname or IP address. + </para> + </listitem> + </varlistentry> + </variablelist> + </para> + </refsect1> + <refsect1 role="returnvalues"> + &reftitle.returnvalues; + <para> + Returns the ISP name on success, or &false; if the address + cannot be found in the database. + </para> + </refsect1> + + <refsect1 role="examples"> + &reftitle.examples; + <para> + <example> + <title>A <function>geoip_isp_by_name</function> example</title> + <para> + This will print the ISP name of host + </para> + <programlisting role="php"> +<![CDATA[ +<?php +$isp = geoip_isp_by_name(''); +if ($isp) { + echo 'This host IP is from ISP: ' . $isp; +} +?> +]]> + </programlisting> + &example.outputs; + <screen> +<![CDATA[ +This host IP is allocated to: ICANN c/o Internet Assigned Numbers Authority +]]> + </screen> + </example> + </para> + </refsect1> + +</refentry> + +<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file +Local variables: +mode: sgml +sgml-omittag:t +sgml-shorttag:t +sgml-minimize-attributes:nil +sgml-always-quote-attributes:t +sgml-indent-step:1 +sgml-indent-data:t +indent-tabs-mode:nil +sgml-parent-document:nil +sgml-default-dtd-file:"../../../../manual.ced" +sgml-exposed-tags:nil +sgml-local-catalogs:nil +sgml-local-ecat-files:nil +End: +vim600: syn=xml fen fdm=syntax fdl=2 si +vim: et tw=78 syn=sgml +vi: ts=1 sw=1 +-->