diff --git a/functions/strings.xml b/functions/strings.xml
index d8f1b65f3b..1bd8afb17b 100644
--- a/functions/strings.xml
+++ b/functions/strings.xml
@@ -2944,6 +2944,9 @@ $text = ucwords($text); // $text is now: Mary Had A Little
+ int
+ cut
@@ -2957,6 +2960,12 @@ $text = ucwords($text); // $text is now: Mary Had A Little
75 and break using '\n' (newline) if width
or break are not given.
+ If the cut is set to 1, the string is
+ always wrapped at the specified width. So if you have a word
+ that is larger than the given width, it is broken appart.
+ (See second example).
wordwrap example
@@ -2975,7 +2984,31 @@ echo "$newtext\n";
The quick brown fox
- jumped over the lazy dog.
+jumped over the lazy dog.
+ wordwrap example
+$text = "A very long woooooooooooord.";
+$newtext = wordwrap( $text, 8, "\n", 1);
+echo "$newtext\n";
+ This example would display:
+A very