diff --git a/reference/pcre/pattern.syntax.xml b/reference/pcre/pattern.syntax.xml
index 12ddffa130..525e466182 100644
--- a/reference/pcre/pattern.syntax.xml
+++ b/reference/pcre/pattern.syntax.xml
@@ -237,39 +237,81 @@
- alarm, that is, the BEL character (hex 07)
+ alarm, that is, the BEL character (hex 07)
+ \cx
- "control-x", where x is any character
+ "control-x", where x is any character
+ \e
- escape (hex 1B)
+ escape (hex 1B)
+ \f
- formfeed (hex 0C)
+ formfeed (hex 0C)
+ \n
- newline (hex 0A)
+ newline (hex 0A)
+ \p{xx}
+ a character with the xx property, see
+ unicode properties
+ for more info
+ \P{xx}
+ a character without the xx property, see
+ unicode properties
+ for more info
+ \r
- carriage return (hex 0D)
+ carriage return (hex 0D)
+ \t
- tab (hex 09)
+ tab (hex 09)
+ \xhh
- character with hex code hh
+ character with hex code hh
+ unicode properties
+ for more info
+ \ddd
- character with octal code ddd, or backreference
+ character with octal code ddd, or backreference
@@ -594,45 +636,204 @@
Supported property codes
+ Property
+ Matches
+ Notes
- COther
- CcControl
- CfFormat
- CnUnassigned
- CoPrivate use
- CsSurrogate
- LLetter
- LlLower case letter
- LmModifier letter
- LoOther letter
- LtTitle case letter
- LuUpper case letter
- MMark
- McSpacing mark
- MeEnclosing mark
- MnNon-spacing mark
- NNumber
- NdDecimal number
- NlLetter number
- NoOther number
- PPunctuation
- PcConnector punctuation
- PdDash punctuation
- PeClose punctuation
- PfFinal punctuation
- PiInitial punctuation
- PoOther punctuation
- PsOpen punctuation
- SSymbol
- ScCurrency symbol
- SkModifier symbol
- SmMathematical symbol
- SoOther symbol
- ZSeparator
- ZlLine separator
- ZpParagraph separator
- ZsSpace separator
+ C
+ Other
+ Cc
+ Control
+ Cf
+ Format
+ Cn
+ Unassigned
+ Co
+ Private use
+ Cs
+ Surrogate
+ L
+ Letter
+ Includes the following properties: Ll,
+ Lm, Lo, Lt and
+ Lu.
+ Ll
+ Lower case letter
+ Lm
+ Modifier letter
+ Lo
+ Other letter
+ Lt
+ Title case letter
+ Lu
+ Upper case letter
+ M
+ Mark
+ Mc
+ Spacing mark
+ Me
+ Enclosing mark
+ Mn
+ Non-spacing mark
+ N
+ Number
+ Nd
+ Decimal number
+ Nl
+ Letter number
+ No
+ Other number
+ P
+ Punctuation
+ Pc
+ Connector punctuation
+ Pd
+ Dash punctuation
+ Pe
+ Close punctuation
+ Pf
+ Final punctuation
+ Pi
+ Initial punctuation
+ Po
+ Other punctuation
+ Ps
+ Open punctuation
+ S
+ Symbol
+ Sc
+ Currency symbol
+ Sk
+ Modifier symbol
+ Sm
+ Mathematical symbol
+ So
+ Other symbol
+ Z
+ Separator
+ Zl
+ Line separator
+ Zp
+ Paragraph separator
+ Zs
+ Space separator