diff --git a/reference/pthreads/book.xml b/reference/pthreads/book.xml
index d49e0c758e..23b98c3f5b 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/book.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/book.xml
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
pthreads is an Object Orientated API that allows user-land multi-threading in PHP.
It includes all the tools you need to create multi-threaded applications targeted at the Web or the Console.
- PHP applications can create, read, write, execute and synchronize with Threads, Workers and Stackables.
+ PHP applications can create, read, write, execute and synchronize with Threads, Workers and Threaded objects.
- A Thread Object:
- The user can implement a thread by extending the Thread declaration provided by pthreads.
+ A Threaded Object:
+ A Threaded Object forms the basis of the functionality that allows pthreads to operate. It exposes synchronization methods and some useful interfaces for the programmer.
+ A Thread:
+ The user can implement a Thread by extending the Thread declaration provided by pthreads implementing the run method.
Any members can be written and read by any context with a reference to the Thread, any context can also execute any public and protected methods.
The run method of the implementation is executed in a separate thread when the start method of the implementation is called from the context ( that's Thread or Process ) that created it.
Only the context that creates a thread can start and join with it.
@@ -22,17 +26,12 @@
A Worker Object:
A Worker Thread has a persistent state, and will be available from the call to start until the object goes out of scope, or is explicitly shutdown.
- Any context with a reference can pass objects of type Stackable to the Worker which will be executed by the Worker in a separate Thread.
- The run method of a Worker is executed before any objects on the stack, such that it can initialize resources that the Stackables to come may need.
- A Stackable Object:
- A Stackable Object can read/write and execute the Worker during execution, simply provide the stackable a reference to the appropriate object before runtime.
- Additionally, any context with a reference to the Stackable can read, write and execute its methods before during and after execution.
+ Any context with a reference can stack objects onto the Worker, which will be executed by the Worker in a separate Thread.
+ The run method of a Worker is executed before any objects on the stack, such that it can initialize resources that the objects to come may need.
A Pool:
- A Pool of Worker threads can be used to distribute Stackables among programmer declared Worker classes. The Pool class included implements this functionality and takes care of referencing in a sane manner.
+ A Pool of Worker threads can be used to distribute Threaded objects among Workers. The Pool class included implements this functionality and takes care of referencing in a sane manner.
Introduced in v1.0.0, the Pool implementation is the easiest and most efficient way of using multiple threads.
@@ -46,13 +45,11 @@
Calling ::wait on an object will cause the context to wait for another context to call ::notify on the same object.
This allows for powerful synchronization between Threaded Objects in PHP.
- Wait, Threaded Objects ?
- A Stackable, Thread or Worker can be thought of, and should be used as a Threaded stdClass: A Thread, Worker and Stackable all behave in the same way in any context with a reference.
- Any objects that are intended for use in the multi-threaded parts of your application should extend the Stackable, Thread or Worker declaration.
- Which means they must implement run but may not ever be executed; it will often be the case that Objects being used in a multi-threaded environment are intended for execution.
- Doing so means any context ( that's Thread/Worker/Stackable/Process ) with a reference can read, write and execute the members of the Threaded Object before, during, and after execution.
+ Any objects that are intended for use in the multi-threaded parts of your application should extend Threaded.
Method Modifiers:
The protected methods of Threaded Objects are protected by pthreads, such that only one context may call that method at a time.
@@ -87,12 +84,12 @@
+ &reference.pthreads.threaded;
- &reference.pthreads.stackable;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/cond.xml b/reference/pthreads/cond.xml
index 3ca922e1fc..7b076e3b63 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/cond.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/cond.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- The Cond class
+ Condition VariableCond
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/configure.xml b/reference/pthreads/configure.xml
index 5e0fe35fa6..cc23103c31 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/configure.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/configure.xml
@@ -5,11 +5,19 @@
- &pecl.info;
- &url.pecl.package;pthreads
+ Use when compiling PHP.
+ Windows users should include php_pthreads.dll into &php.ini;
+ Windows users also require pthreadVC2.dll in PATH (included with the distribution)
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/constants.xml b/reference/pthreads/constants.xml
index 0e7777dddc..becbcdff36 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/constants.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/constants.xml
@@ -1,89 +1,112 @@
- The following constants are for selective inheritance:
+ (integer)
+ The default options for all Threads, causes pthreads to copy the environment when new Threads are started
+ (integer)
+ Do not inherit anything when new Threads are started
+ (integer)
+ Inherit INI entries when new Threads are started
+ (integer)
+ Inherit user declared constants when new Threads are started
+ (integer)
+ Inherit user declared classes when new Threads are started
+ (integer)
+ Inherit user declared functions when new Threads are started
+ (integer)
+ Inherit included file information when new Threads are started
+ (integer)
+ Inherit all comments when new Threads are started
+ (integer)
+ Allow new Threads to send headers to standard output (normally prohibited)
- (integer)
- The default inheritance mask used when starting Threads and Workers
- (integer)
- Determines wether the ini entries are inherited by the new context
- (integer)
- Determines wether the constants are inherited by the new context
- (integer)
- Determines wether the class table is inherited by the new context
- (integer)
- Determines wether the function table is inherited by the new context
- (integer)
- Determines wether the included_files table is inherit by the new context
- (integer)
- Nothing will be inherited by the new context
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/pool.xml b/reference/pthreads/pool.xml
index a6b2708d78..b08841006d 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/pool.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/pool.xml
@@ -1,124 +1,123 @@
- The Pool class
- Pool
- &reftitle.intro;
- A Pool is a container for, and controller of, a number of Worker threads, the number of threads can be adjusted during execution, additionally the Pool provides an easy mechanism to maintain and collect references in the proper way.
- &reftitle.classsynopsis;
- Pool
- Pool
- Properties
- protected
- integer
- size
- protected
- array
- workers
- protected
- array
- work
- protected
- integer
- last
- protected
- string
- class
- protected
- array
- ctor
- &Methods;
+ Pooling
+ Pool
+ &reftitle.intro;
+ A Pool is a container for, and controller of, an adjustable number of Workers.
+ Pooling provides a higher level abstraction of the Worker functionality, including the management of references in the way required by pthreads.
+ &reftitle.classsynopsis;
+ Pool
+ Pool
+ &Properties;
+ protected
+ size
+ protected
+ class
+ protected
+ workers
+ protected
+ work
+ protected
+ ctor
+ protected
+ last
+ &Methods;
- The maximum number of Worker threads allowed in this Pool
+ maximum number of Workers this Pool can use
+ class
+ the class of the Worker
+ ctor
+ the arguments for constructor of new Workersworkers
- The array of Worker threads for this Pool
+ references to Workerswork
- The array of Stackables submitted to this Pool for execution
+ references to Threaded objects submitted to the Poollast
- The numeric identifier for the last Worker used by this Pool
- workers
- The name of the Worker class for this Pool
- workers
- The constructor arguments to be passed by this Pool to new Workers upon construction
+ offset in workers of the last Worker used
- &reference.pthreads.entities.pool;
+ &reference.pthreads.entities.pool;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/setup.xml b/reference/pthreads/setup.xml
index 3f7e64bf25..0135e5e700 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/setup.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/setup.xml
@@ -3,30 +3,31 @@
- pthreads requires a build of PHP with ZTS enabled ( --enable-maintainer-zts or --enable-zts on Windows )
+ pthreads requires a build of PHP with ZTS enabled ( --enable-maintainer-zts or --enable-zts on Windows )
- &reference.pthreads.configure;
+ &reftitle.install;
+ &no.install;
- The Stackable class
- Stackable
- &reftitle.intro;
- Stackables are tasks that are executed by Worker threads. You can synchronize with, read, and write Stackable objects before, after and during their execution.
- &reftitle.classsynopsis;
- Stackable
- Stackable
- &Methods;
- &reference.pthreads.entities.stackable;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread.xml b/reference/pthreads/thread.xml
index f1d02f24b6..b218f2aee8 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/thread.xml
@@ -3,17 +3,25 @@
- The Thread class
+ ThreadsThread
- An implementation of a Thread should extend this declaration, implementing the run method. When the start method of that object is called, the run method code will be executed in separate Thread.
+ When the start method of a Thread is invoked, the run method code will be executed in separate Thread, asynchronously.
+ After the run method is executed the Thread will exit immediately, it will be joined with the creating Thread at the approriate time.
+ Relying on the engine to determine when a Thread should join may cause undesirable behaviour; the programmer should be explicit, where possible.
@@ -29,11 +37,32 @@
+ extends
+ Threaded
+ Countable
+ Traversable
+ ArrayAccess
+ &Methods;
+ &InheritedMethods;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/detach.xml b/reference/pthreads/thread/detach.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edec24dc1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pthreads/thread/detach.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ Thread::detach
+ Execution
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicvoidThread::detach
+ Detaches the referenced Thread from the calling context, dangerously!
+ This method can cause undefined, unsafe behaviour.
+ It should not usually be used, it is present for completeness and advanced use cases.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ &no.function.parameters;
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/getcreatorid.xml b/reference/pthreads/thread/getcreatorid.xml
index f1e40e4119..2d90ef2200 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread/getcreatorid.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/thread/getcreatorid.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- finalpubliclongThread::getCreatorId
+ publicintegerThread::getCreatorId
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/getcurrentthread.xml b/reference/pthreads/thread/getcurrentthread.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dcd636a66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pthreads/thread/getcurrentthread.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ Thread::getCurrentThread
+ Identification
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicstaticThreadThread::getCurrentThread
+ Return a reference to the currently executing Thread
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ &no.function.parameters;
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Return the currently executing Thread
+ &example.outputs;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/getcurrentthreadid.xml b/reference/pthreads/thread/getcurrentthreadid.xml
index 43e5cd8182..20b611ddfa 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread/getcurrentthreadid.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/thread/getcurrentthreadid.xml
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
- finalpublicstaticlongThread::getCurrentThreadId
+ publicstaticintegerThread::getCurrentThreadId
- Will return the identity of the currently executing thread
+ Will return the identity of the currently executing Thread
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/getthreadid.xml b/reference/pthreads/thread/getthreadid.xml
index 4bb18984db..fdfaca53ef 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread/getthreadid.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/thread/getthreadid.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- finalpubliclongThread::getThreadId
+ publicintegerThread::getThreadId
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/isjoined.xml b/reference/pthreads/thread/isjoined.xml
index 7b9a81710b..b9aa5643a6 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread/isjoined.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/thread/isjoined.xml
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
- finalpublicbooleanThread::isJoined
+ publicbooleanThread::isJoined
- Tell if the referenced Thread has been joined by another context
+ Tell if the referenced Thread has been joined
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
class My extends Thread {
public function run() {
- $thread->wait();
+ if (!$thread->done)
+ $thread->wait();
}, $this);
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ $my = new My();
+ $thread->done = true;
}, $my);
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/isstarted.xml b/reference/pthreads/thread/isstarted.xml
index 23a8fac862..36ba7ca561 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread/isstarted.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/thread/isstarted.xml
@@ -10,12 +10,13 @@
- finalpublicbooleanThread::isStarted
+ publicbooleanThread::isStarted
- Tell if the referenced Thread has been started
+ Tell if the referenced Thread was started
@@ -26,40 +27,10 @@
- A boolean indication of state
+ boolean indication of state
- &reftitle.examples;
- Detect the state of the referenced Thread
- &example.outputs;
@@ -10,20 +10,66 @@
- finalpublicvoidThread::kill
+ publicvoidThread::kill
- Kills the referenced thread, dangerously !
+ Forces the referenced Thread to terminate
+ The programmer should not ordinarily kill Threads by force
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ &no.function.parameters;
- void
+ A boolean indication of success
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Kill the referenced Thread
+ &example.outputs;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/threaded.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3d78ac827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ Thread Safe Objects
+ Threaded
+ &reftitle.intro;
+ Threaded objects form the basis of pthreads ability to execute user code asynchronously; they expose and include synchronization methods and various useful interfaces.
+ Threaded objects, most importantly, provide implicit safety for the programmer; all operations on the object scope are safe.
+ &reftitle.classsynopsis;
+ Threaded
+ Threaded
+ Traversable
+ Countable
+ ArrayAccess
+ &Methods;
+ &reference.pthreads.entities.threaded;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/threaded/chunk.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/chunk.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb79c77dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/chunk.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ Thread::chunk
+ Manipulation
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicarrayThreaded::chunk
+ integersize
+ booleanpreserve
+ Fetches a chunk of the objects properties table of the given size, optionally preserving keys
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ size
+ The number of items to fetch
+ preserve
+ Preserve the keys of members, by default false
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ An array of items from the objects property table
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/threaded/count.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/count.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee0f383428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/count.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ Threaded::count
+ Manipulation
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicintegerThreaded::count
+ Returns the number of properties for this object
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ &no.function.parameters;
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/threaded/getterminationinfo.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/getterminationinfo.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31ce4e95f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/getterminationinfo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ Threaded::getTerminationInfo
+ Error Detection
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicarrayThreaded::getTerminationInfo
+ Retrieves terminal error information from the referenced object
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ &no.function.parameters;
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/iswaiting.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/isrunning.xml
similarity index 72%
rename from reference/pthreads/thread/iswaiting.xml
rename to reference/pthreads/threaded/isrunning.xml
index 4f5bd46df7..326e76239a 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread/iswaiting.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/isrunning.xml
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- Thread::isWaiting
+ Thread::isRunningState Detection
- finalpublicbooleanThread::isWaiting
+ publicbooleanThreaded::isRunning
- Tell if the referenced Thread is waiting for notification
+ Tell if the referenced object is executing
@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
A boolean indication of state
+ A object is considered running while executing the run method
@@ -34,21 +39,23 @@
- Detect the state of the referenced Thread
+ Detect the state of the referenced object
- $thread->wait();
+ if (!$thread->done)
+ $thread->wait();
}, $this);
$my = new My();
- var_dump($thread->isWaiting());
+ $thread->done = true;
}, $my);
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/isterminated.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/isterminated.xml
similarity index 73%
rename from reference/pthreads/thread/isterminated.xml
rename to reference/pthreads/threaded/isterminated.xml
index cad71125ef..7677f90ce3 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread/isterminated.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/isterminated.xml
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- Thread::isTerminated
+ Threaded::isTerminatedState Detection
- finalpublicbooleanThread::isTerminated
+ publicbooleanThreaded::isTerminated
- Tell if the referenced Thread exited, suffered fatal errors, or threw uncaught exceptions during execution
+ Tell if the referenced object was terminated during execution; suffered fatal errors, or threw uncaught exceptions
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- Detect the state of the referenced Thread
+ Detect the state of the referenced object
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/threaded/iswaiting.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/iswaiting.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af3d05dae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/iswaiting.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ Threaded::isWaiting
+ State Detection
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicbooleanThreaded::isWaiting
+ Tell if the referenced object is waiting for notification
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ &no.function.parameters;
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ A boolean indication of state
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Detect the state of the referenced object
+ if (!$this->done)
+ $thread->wait();
+ }, $this);
+ }
+ protected $done;
+$my = new My();
+ var_dump(
+ $thread->isWaiting());
+ $thread->done = true;
+ $thread->notify();
+}, $my);
+ &example.outputs;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/lock.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/lock.xml
similarity index 79%
rename from reference/pthreads/thread/lock.xml
rename to reference/pthreads/threaded/lock.xml
index a43b10ee90..0f272375df 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread/lock.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/lock.xml
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- Thread::lock
+ Threaded::lockSynchronization
- finalpublicbooleanThread::lock
+ publicbooleanThreaded::lock
- Lock the referenced objects storage for the calling context
+ Lock the referenced objects property table
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- Locking Thread Storage
+ Locking Object Properties
+ Threaded::merge
+ Manipulation
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicbooleanThreaded::merge
+ mixedfrom
+ mixedoverwrite
+ Merges data into the current object
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ from
+ The data to merge
+ overwrite
+ Overwrite existing keys flag, by default true
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ A boolean indication of success
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/threaded/notify.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/notify.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4fd620255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/notify.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ Threaded::notify
+ Synchronization
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicbooleanThreaded::notify
+ Send notification to the referenced object
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ &no.function.parameters;
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ A boolean indication of success
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Notifications and Waiting
+ if (!$thread->done)
+ $thread->wait();
+ }, $this);
+ }
+$my = new My();
+/** send notification to the waiting thread **/
+ $thread->done = true;
+ $thread->notify();
+}, $my);
+ &example.outputs;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/threaded/pop.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/pop.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15efca247c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/pop.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ Threaded::pop
+ Manipulation
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicbooleanThreaded::pop
+ Pops an item from the objects property table
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ The last item from the objects property table
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/threaded/run.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/run.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b43353d748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/run.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ Threaded::run
+ Execution
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicvoidThreaded::run
+ The programmer should always implement the run method for objects that are intended for execution.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ &no.function.parameters;
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ The methods return value, if used, will be ignored
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/threaded/shift.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/shift.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1979387691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/shift.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ Threaded::shift
+ Manipulation
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicbooleanThreaded::shift
+ Shifts an item from the objects property table
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ The first item from the objects property table
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/threaded/synchronized.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/synchronized.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..895d9f8d8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/synchronized.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ Threaded::synchronized
+ Synchronization
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicmixedThreaded::synchronized
+ Closureblock
+ mixed...
+ Executes the block while retaining the referenced objects synchronization lock for the calling context
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ block
+ The block of code to execute
+ ...
+ Variable length list of arguments to use as function arguments to the block
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ The return value from the block
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Synchronizing
+ if (!$thread->done)
+ $thread->wait();
+ }, $this);
+ }
+$my = new My();
+ $thread->done = true;
+ $thread->notify();
+}, $my);
+ &example.outputs;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/thread/unlock.xml b/reference/pthreads/threaded/unlock.xml
similarity index 82%
rename from reference/pthreads/thread/unlock.xml
rename to reference/pthreads/threaded/unlock.xml
index 31e6006571..d18358a44a 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/thread/unlock.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/threaded/unlock.xml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
- Thread::unlock
+ Threaded::unlockSynchronization
- finalpublicbooleanThread::unlock
+ publicbooleanThreaded::unlock
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- Locking Thread Storage
+ Locking Object Storage
+ Threaded::wait
+ Synchronization
+ &reftitle.description;
+ publicbooleanThreaded::wait
+ integertimeout
+ Will cause the calling context to wait for notification from the referenced object
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ timeout
+ An optional timeout in microseconds
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ A boolean indication of success
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Notifications and Waiting
+ if (!$thread->done)
+ $thread->wait();
+ }, $this);
+ }
+$my = new My();
+/** send notification to the waiting thread **/
+ $thread->done = true;
+ $thread->notify();
+}, $my);
+ &example.outputs;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/versions.xml b/reference/pthreads/versions.xml
index 53d9239bb4..4bd60c6e3b 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/versions.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/versions.xml
@@ -5,83 +5,109 @@
@@ -29,11 +45,32 @@
+ extends
+ Thread
+ Traversable
+ Countable
+ ArrayAccess
+ &Methods;
+ &InheritedMethods;
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/worker/getstacked.xml b/reference/pthreads/worker/getstacked.xml
index 299fbb84fb..f4b2f0f0fb 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/worker/getstacked.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/worker/getstacked.xml
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
- finalpublicintWorker::getStacked
+ publicintegerWorker::getStacked
- Returns the number of Stackables waiting to be executed by the referenced Worker
+ Returns the number of objects waiting to be executed by the referenced Worker
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- An integral value
+ An numeric value
@@ -38,22 +38,17 @@
stack(new Work());
+$work = new Work();
/** ... **/
printf("My worker has %d jobs remaining\n", $my->getStacked());
/** ... **/
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/worker/isshutdown.xml b/reference/pthreads/worker/isshutdown.xml
index 79dc21fa3d..76f9912444 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/worker/isshutdown.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/worker/isshutdown.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- finalpublicbooleanWorker::isShutdown
+ publicbooleanWorker::isShutdown
@@ -39,12 +39,7 @@
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/worker/isworking.xml b/reference/pthreads/worker/isworking.xml
index 4f378dd692..e6fbd755fc 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/worker/isworking.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/worker/isworking.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- finalpublicbooleanWorker::isWorking
+ publicbooleanWorker::isWorking
@@ -38,12 +38,7 @@
/* ... */
if ($my->isWorking()) {
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/worker/shutdown.xml b/reference/pthreads/worker/shutdown.xml
index af7831f207..e8ed4a3c6a 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/worker/shutdown.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/worker/shutdown.xml
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
- finalpublicbooleanWorker::shutdown
+ publicbooleanWorker::shutdown
- Shuts down the Worker after executing all the Stackables previously stacked
+ Shuts down the Worker after executing all the objects previously stacked
@@ -38,12 +38,7 @@
/* ... */
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/worker/stack.xml b/reference/pthreads/worker/stack.xml
index 3811a8c357..90572fcb38 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/worker/stack.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/worker/stack.xml
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
- finalpublicintWorker::stack
- Stackablework
+ publicintegerWorker::stack
+ Threadedwork
- Appends the referenced Stackable to the stack of the referenced Worker
+ Appends the referenced object to the stack of the referenced Worker
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- An object of type Stackable to be executed by the referenced Worker
+ Threaded object to be executed by the referenced Worker
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
- Passing Stackables to Workers for execution in the Worker Thread
+ Stacking objects for execution in Workers
stack(new Work()));
/** ... **/
diff --git a/reference/pthreads/worker/unstack.xml b/reference/pthreads/worker/unstack.xml
index ad6b711f1d..f8390f0966 100644
--- a/reference/pthreads/worker/unstack.xml
+++ b/reference/pthreads/worker/unstack.xml
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
- finalpublicintWorker::unstack
- Stackablework
+ publicintegerWorker::unstack
+ Threadedwork
- Removes the referenced Stackable ( or all Stackables if parameters are void ) from stack of the referenced Worker
+ Removes the referenced object ( or all objects if parameters are void ) from stack of the referenced Worker
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- An object of type Stackable
+ Threaded object previously stacked onto Worker
@@ -43,22 +43,17 @@
- Removing Stackables from Workers
+ Removing objects from the stack of Workers