diff --git a/language/types.xml b/language/types.xml
index 4b152d0701..12533d50d2 100644
--- a/language/types.xml
+++ b/language/types.xml
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
(at least it is for the operator-defs)
- In parameter definitions you can also encouter the 'number' pseudo-type,
+ In parameter definitions you can also encounter the 'number' pseudo-type,
that indicates a parameter that is either integer or
@@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ if ($show_separators)
Converting to boolean
- To explicitely convert a value to boolean, use either
+ To explicitly convert a value to boolean, use either
the (bool) or the (boolean) cast.
However, in most cases you do not need to use the cast, since a value
will be automatically converted if an operator, function or
control structure requires a boolean argument.
- See also type-juggling.
+ See also Type Juggling.
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ $a = 0x1A; # hexadecimal number (equivalent to 26 decimal)
- In PHP there is no such thing as integer-division. 1/2
+ In PHP there is no such thing as integer division. 1/2
yields the double0.5.
@@ -336,12 +336,13 @@ var_dump($large_number);
- Unfortunately, there is a bug in the script engine (still present in
- 4.0.6, probably resolved in 4.0.7) so that this does not always work
- correctly when there are negative numbers involved. However when both
- operands are positive, there is no problem. For example: when you do
- -50000 * $million, the result will be
- -429496728.
+ Unfortunately, there is a bug in the script engine (still
+ present in 4.0.6, probably resolved in 4.0.7) so that this
+ does not always work correctly when there are negative numbers
+ involved. For example: when you do -50000 *
+ $million, the result will be
+ -429496728. However, when both operands are
+ positive there is no problem.
@@ -351,7 +352,7 @@ var_dump($large_number);
Converting to integer
- To explicitely convert a value to integer, use either
+ To explicitly convert a value to integer, use either
the (int) or the (integer) cast.
However, in most cases you do not need to use the cast, since a value
will be autmatically converted if an operator, function or
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ var_dump($large_number);
- From floating point numbers
+ From floating point numbers
When converting from float to integer, the number will
be rounded towards zero.
@@ -393,7 +394,7 @@ var_dump($large_number);
sometimes lead to unexpected results.
-echo (int) ( (0.1+0.7) * 10 ); // echo's 7!
+echo (int) ( (0.1+0.7) * 10 ); // echoes 7!
@@ -414,14 +415,14 @@ echo (int) ( (0.1+0.7) * 10 ); // echo's 7!
From other types
- Behaviour of converting to integer is undefined for other
- types. Currently, the behaviour is the same as if
- the value was first converted to boolean.
- However, do not
- relay on this behaviour, as it can change without notice.
+ Behaviour of converting to integer is undefined for other
+ types. Currently, the behaviour is the same as if the value
+ was first converted to boolean. However, do
+ not relay on this behaviour, as it can
+ change without notice.
@@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ echo (int) ( (0.1+0.7) * 10 ); // echo's 7!
Floating point numbers
- Floating point numbers (aka "doubles", "floats" or "real numbers") can be
+ Floating point numbers (AKA "doubles", "floats" or "real numbers") can be
specified using any of the following syntaxes:
$a = 1.234; $a = 1.2e3; $a = 7E-10;
@@ -664,21 +665,21 @@ echo 'I am trying to include at this point: \n a newline';
It is very important to note that the line with the closing
identifier contains no other characters, except
- possibly a ;.
+ possibly a semicolon (;).
That means especially that the identifier
may not be indented, and there
- may not be any spaces or tabs after or before the ;.
+ may not be any spaces or tabs after or before the semicolon.
Probably the nastiest gotcha is that there may also
not be a carriage return (\r) at the end of
the line, only
- a form feed, a.k.a. newline (\n).
+ a form feed, AKA newline (\n).
Since Microsoft Windows uses the sequence
\r\n as a line
terminator, your heredoc may not work if you write your
- script in a windows editor. However, most programming
- editors provide a way to save your files with UNIX
+ script in a Windows editor. However, most programming
+ editors provide a way to save your files with a UNIX
line terminator.