diff --git a/functions/mnogosearch.xml b/functions/mnogosearch.xml
index 203497191b..99fa646383 100644
--- a/functions/mnogosearch.xml
+++ b/functions/mnogosearch.xml
@@ -642,12 +642,15 @@
var - parameter, indicating the source for ispell data. May have the following values:
- It is recommended to load ispell data from files, since in mnogosearch 3.1.10 it is the fastest. In later versions
- it is planned to optimize loading in UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_DB mode as well, so you just try several modes to find the best for you.
+ After using this function to free memory allocated for ispell data, please use
+ udm_free_ispell_data, even if you use UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_SERVER mode.
+ The fastest mode is UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_SERVER. UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_TEXT is slower
+ and UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_DB is the slowest. The above pattern is true for mnoGoSearch 3.1.10 - 3.1.11.
+ It is planned to speed up DB mode in future versions and it is going to be faster than TEXT mode.
@@ -726,6 +729,44 @@
+ UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_SERVER - enables spell server support. val1 parameter indicates
+ address of the host running spell server. val2 is not used yet, but
+ in future releases it is going to indicate number of port used by spell server.
+ flag parameter in this case is not needed since ispell data is stored
+ on spellserver already sorted.
+ Spelld server reads spell-data from a separate configuration file
+ (/usr/local/mnogosearch/etc/spelld.conf by default), sorts it and stores in
+ memory. With clients server communicates in two ways: to indexer all the
+ data is transferred (so that indexer starts faster), from search.cgi server
+ receives word to normalize and then passes over to client (search.cgi) list
+ of normalized word forms. This allows fastest, compared to db and text modes
+ processing of search queries (by omitting loading and sorting all the spell data).
+ udm_load_ispell_data function in UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_SERVER mode does not
+ actually load ispell data, but only defines server address. In fact, server is automatically used
+ by udm_find function when performing search. In case of errors, e.g. if spellserver
+ is not running or invalid host indicated, there are no messages returned and ispell conversion
+ does not work.
+ This function is available in mnoGoSearch 3.1.12 or later.
+ Example:
+ if (! Udm_Load_Ispell_Data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_SERVER,'','',1)) {
+ printf("Error loading ispell data from server<br>\n");
+ exit;
+ }