diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-beginTransaction.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-beginTransaction.xml
index f9f9f3873a..97c4932568 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-beginTransaction.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-beginTransaction.xml
@@ -1,49 +1,48 @@
- PDO::beginTransaction
- Initiates a transaction
+ PDO::beginTransaction
+ Initiates a transaction
- &reftitle.description;
- boolPDO::beginTransaction
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolPDO::beginTransaction
+ Turns off autocommit mode. While autocommit mode is turned off, changes
+ made to the database via the PDO object instance are not committed until
+ you end the transaction by calling PDO::commit.
+ Calling PDO::rollback will roll back all changes to
+ the database and return the connection to autocommit mode.
+ Some databases, including MySQL, automatically issue an implicit
+ COMMIT when a database definition language (DDL) statement such as
+ DROP TABLE or CREATE TABLE is issued within a transaction. The implicit
+ COMMIT will prevent you from rolling back any other changes within the
+ transaction boundary.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Roll back a transaction
- Turns off autocommit mode. While autocommit mode is turned off, changes
- made to the database via the PDO object instance are not committed until
- you end the transaction by calling PDO::commit.
- Calling PDO::rollback will roll back all changes to
- the database and return the connection to autocommit mode.
+ The following example begins a transaction and issues two statements
+ that modify the database before rolling back the changes. On MySQL,
+ however, the DROP TABLE statement automatically commits the
+ transaction so that none of the changes in the transaction are rolled
+ back.
- Some databases, including MySQL, automatically issue an implicit
- COMMIT when a database definition language (DDL) statement such as
- DROP TABLE or CREATE TABLE is issued within a transaction. The implicit
- COMMIT will prevent you from rolling back any other changes within the
- transaction boundary.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Roll back a transaction
- The following example begins a transaction and issues two statements
- that modify the database before rolling back the changes. On MySQL,
- however, the DROP TABLE statement automatically commits the
- transaction so that none of the changes in the transaction are rolled
- back.
/* Database connection is now back in autocommit mode */
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::commit
- PDO::rollBack
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::commit
+ PDO::rollBack
- PDO::commit
- Commits a transaction
+ PDO::commit
+ Commits a transaction
- &reftitle.description;
- boolPDO::commit
- Commits a transaction, returning the database connection to autocommit
- mode until the next call to PDO::beginTransaction
- starts a new transaction.
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolPDO::commit
+ Commits a transaction, returning the database connection to autocommit
+ mode until the next call to PDO::beginTransaction
+ starts a new transaction.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Commit a transaction
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Commit a transaction
/* Database connection is now back in autocommit mode */
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::beginTransaction
- PDO::rollBack
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::beginTransaction
+ PDO::rollBack
- PDO::__construct
- Creates a PDO instance representing a connection to a database
- &reftitle.description;
- PDOPDO::__construct
- stringdsn
- stringusername
- stringpassword
- arraydriver_options
- Creates a PDO instance to represent a connection to the requested
- database.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- dsn
- The Data Source Name, or DSN, contains the information required to
- connect to the database.
- In general, a DSN consists of the PDO driver name, followed by a colon,
- followed by the PDO driver-specific connection syntax. Further
- information is available from the PDO
- driver-specific documentation.
- The dsn parameter supports three
- different methods of specifying the arguments required to create
- a database connection:
- Driver invocation
- dsn contains the full DSN.
- URI invocation
- dsn consists of uri:
- followed by a URI that defines the location of a file containing
- the DSN string. The URI can specify a local file or a remote URL.
- uri:file:///path/to/dsnfile
- Aliasing
- dsn consists of a name
- name that maps to
- pdo.dsn.name in &php.ini;
- defining the DSN string.
- The alias must be defined in &php.ini;, and not &htaccess; or &httpd.conf;
- username
- The user name for the DSN string. This parameter is optional for
- some PDO drivers.
- password
- The password for the DSN string. This parameter is optional for
- some PDO drivers.
- driver_options
- A key=>value array of driver-specific connection options.
+ PDO::__construct
+ Creates a PDO instance representing a connection to a database
+ &reftitle.description;
+ PDOPDO::__construct
+ stringdsn
+ stringusername
+ stringpassword
+ arraydriver_options
+ Creates a PDO instance to represent a connection to the requested
+ database.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ dsn
+ The Data Source Name, or DSN, contains the information required to
+ connect to the database.
+ In general, a DSN consists of the PDO driver name, followed by a colon,
+ followed by the PDO driver-specific connection syntax. Further
+ information is available from the PDO
+ driver-specific documentation.
+ The dsn parameter supports three
+ different methods of specifying the arguments required to create
+ a database connection:
+ Driver invocation
+ dsn contains the full DSN.
+ URI invocation
+ dsn consists of uri:
+ followed by a URI that defines the location of a file containing
+ the DSN string. The URI can specify a local file or a remote URL.
+ uri:file:///path/to/dsnfile
+ Aliasing
+ dsn consists of a name
+ name that maps to
+ pdo.dsn.name in &php.ini;
+ defining the DSN string.
+ The alias must be defined in &php.ini;, and not &htaccess; or &httpd.conf;
+ username
+ The user name for the DSN string. This parameter is optional for
+ some PDO drivers.
+ password
+ The password for the DSN string. This parameter is optional for
+ some PDO drivers.
+ driver_options
+ A key=>value array of driver-specific connection options.
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- Returns a PDO object on success.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Returns a PDO object on success.
- &reftitle.errors;
- PDO::construct throws a PDOException if the attempt
- to connect to the requested database fails.
+ &reftitle.errors;
+ PDO::construct throws a PDOException if the attempt
+ to connect to the requested database fails.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Create a PDO instance via driver invocation
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Create a PDO instance via driver invocation
- Create a PDO instance via URI invocation
- The following example assumes that the file
- /usr/local/dbconnect exists with file permissions
- that enable PHP to read the file. The file contains the PDO DSN to
- connect to a DB2 database through the PDO_ODBC driver:
+ Create a PDO instance via URI invocation
+ The following example assumes that the file
+ /usr/local/dbconnect exists with file permissions
+ that enable PHP to read the file. The file contains the PDO DSN to
+ connect to a DB2 database through the PDO_ODBC driver:
- The PHP script can then create a database connection by simply
- passing the uri: parameter and pointing to
- the file URI:
+ The PHP script can then create a database connection by simply
+ passing the uri: parameter and pointing to
+ the file URI:
- Create a PDO instance using an alias
- The following example assumes that &php.ini; contains the following
- entry to enable a connection to a MySQL database using only the
- alias mydb:
+ Create a PDO instance using an alias
+ The following example assumes that &php.ini; contains the following
+ entry to enable a connection to a MySQL database using only the
+ alias mydb:
- PDO::errorCode
- Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the database handle
- &reftitle.description;
- stringPDO::errorCode
+ PDO::errorCode
+ Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the database handle
+ &reftitle.description;
+ stringPDO::errorCode
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- Returns a SQLSTATE, a five-character alphanumeric identifier defined in
- the ANSI SQL-92 standard. Briefly, an SQLSTATE consists of a
- two-character class value followed by a three-character subclass value. A
- class value of 01 indicates a warning and is accompanied by a return code
- of SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. Class values other than '01', except for the
- class 'IM', indicate an error. The class 'IM' is specific to warnings
- and errors that derive from the implementation of PDO (or perhaps ODBC,
- if you're using the ODBC driver) itself. The subclass value '000' in any
- class indicates that there is no subclass for that SQLSTATE.
- PDO::errorCode only retrieves error codes for operations
- performed directly on the database handle. If you create a PDOStatement
- object through PDO::prepare or
- PDO::query and invoke an error on the statement
- handle, PDO::errorCode will not reflect that error.
- You must call PDOStatement::errorCode to return the error
- code for an operation performed on a particular statement handle.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Returns a SQLSTATE, a five-character alphanumeric identifier defined in
+ the ANSI SQL-92 standard. Briefly, an SQLSTATE consists of a
+ two-character class value followed by a three-character subclass value. A
+ class value of 01 indicates a warning and is accompanied by a return code
+ of SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. Class values other than '01', except for the
+ class 'IM', indicate an error. The class 'IM' is specific to warnings
+ and errors that derive from the implementation of PDO (or perhaps ODBC,
+ if you're using the ODBC driver) itself. The subclass value '000' in any
+ class indicates that there is no subclass for that SQLSTATE.
+ PDO::errorCode only retrieves error codes for operations
+ performed directly on the database handle. If you create a PDOStatement
+ object through PDO::prepare or
+ PDO::query and invoke an error on the statement
+ handle, PDO::errorCode will not reflect that error.
+ You must call PDOStatement::errorCode to return the error
+ code for an operation performed on a particular statement handle.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Retrieving a SQLSTATE code
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Retrieving a SQLSTATE code
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::errorInfo
- PDOStatement::errorCode
- PDOStatement::errorInfo
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::errorInfo
+ PDOStatement::errorCode
+ PDOStatement::errorInfo
- PDO::errorInfo
- Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on the database handle
- &reftitle.description;
- arrayPDO::errorInfo
+ PDO::errorInfo
+ Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on the database handle
+ &reftitle.description;
+ arrayPDO::errorInfo
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- PDO::errorInfo returns an array of error information
- about the last operation performed by this database handle. The array
- consists of the following fields:
- Element
- Information
- 0
- SQLSTATE error code (a five-character alphanumeric identifier defined
- in the ANSI SQL standard).
- 1
- Driver-specific error code.
- 2
- Driver-specific error message.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ PDO::errorInfo returns an array of error information
+ about the last operation performed by this database handle. The array
+ consists of the following fields:
+ Element
+ Information
+ 0
+ SQLSTATE error code (a five-character alphanumeric identifier defined
+ in the ANSI SQL standard).
+ 1
+ Driver-specific error code.
+ 2
+ Driver-specific error message.
- PDO::errorInfo only retrieves error information for
- operations performed directly on the database handle. If you create a
- PDOStatement object through PDO::prepare or
- PDO::query and invoke an error on the statement
- handle, PDO::errorInfo will not reflect the error
- from the statement handle. You must call
- PDOStatement::errorInfo to return the error
- information for an operation performed on a particular statement handle.
+ PDO::errorInfo only retrieves error information for
+ operations performed directly on the database handle. If you create a
+ PDOStatement object through PDO::prepare or
+ PDO::query and invoke an error on the statement
+ handle, PDO::errorInfo will not reflect the error
+ from the statement handle. You must call
+ PDOStatement::errorInfo to return the error
+ information for an operation performed on a particular statement handle.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Displaying errorInfo() fields for a PDO_ODBC connection to a DB2 database
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Displaying errorInfo() fields for a PDO_ODBC connection to a DB2 database
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0204N "DANIELS.BONES" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::errorCode
- PDOStatement::errorCode
- PDOStatement::errorInfo
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::errorCode
+ PDOStatement::errorCode
+ PDOStatement::errorInfo
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-getAttribute.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-getAttribute.xml
index 1943819bfd..e08896f043 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-getAttribute.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-getAttribute.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-getAvailableDrivers.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-getAvailableDrivers.xml
index af198f6b1f..004265431a 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-getAvailableDrivers.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-getAvailableDrivers.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-lastInsertId.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-lastInsertId.xml
index f516f5b10b..d7980e1c7e 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-lastInsertId.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-lastInsertId.xml
@@ -1,104 +1,72 @@
- PDO::lastInsertId
- Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value
- Description
- stringPDO::lastInsertId
- stringname
+ PDO::lastInsertId
+ Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value
+ &reftitle.description;
+ stringPDO::lastInsertId
+ stringname
- Returns the ID of the last inserted row, or the last value from a
- sequence object, depending on the underlying driver. For example,
- PDO_PGSQL requires you to specify the name of
- a sequence object for the name parameter.
- This method may not return a meaningful or consistent result across
- different PDO drivers, because the underlying database may not even
- support the notion of auto-increment fields or sequences.
+ Returns the ID of the last inserted row, or the last value from a
+ sequence object, depending on the underlying driver. For example,
+ PDO_PGSQL requires you to specify the name of
+ a sequence object for the name parameter.
+ This method may not return a meaningful or consistent result across
+ different PDO drivers, because the underlying database may not even
+ support the notion of auto-increment fields or sequences.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- name
- Name of the sequence object from which the ID should be returned.
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- If a sequence name was not specified for the name
- parameter, PDOStatement::lastInsertId returns a
- string representing the row ID of the last row that was inserted into
- the database.
- If a sequence name was specified for the name
- parameter, PDOStatement::lastInsertId returns a
- string representing the last value retrieved from the specified sequence
- object.
- If the PDO driver does not support this capability,
- PDO::lastInsertID triggers an
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ If a sequence name was not specified for the name
+ parameter, PDOStatement::lastInsertId returns a
+ string representing the row ID of the last row that was inserted into
+ the database.
+ If a sequence name was specified for the name
+ parameter, PDOStatement::lastInsertId returns a
+ string representing the last value retrieved from the specified sequence
+ object.
+ If the PDO driver does not support this capability,
+ PDO::lastInsertID triggers an
- PDO::prepare
- Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object
- &reftitle.description;
- PDOStatementPDO::prepare
- stringstatement
- arraydriver_options
+ PDO::prepare
+ Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object
+ &reftitle.description;
+ PDOStatementPDO::prepare
+ stringstatement
+ arraydriver_options
- Prepares an SQL statement to be executed by the
- PDOStatement::execute method. The SQL statement can
- contain zero or more named (:name) or question mark (?) parameter markers
- for which real values will be substituted when the statement is executed.
- You cannot use both named and question mark parameter markers within the same
- SQL statement; pick one or the other parameter style.
- You must include a unique parameter marker for each value you wish to pass
- in to the statement when you call PDOStatement::execute.
- You cannot use a named parameter marker of the same name twice in a prepared
- statement. You cannot bind multiple values to a single named parameter in,
- for example, the IN() clause of an SQL statement.
- Calling PDO::prepare and
- PDOStatement::execute for statements that will be
- issued multiple times with different parameter values optimizes the
- performance of your application by allowing the driver to negotiate
- client and/or server side caching of the query plan and meta information,
- and helps to prevent SQL injection attacks by eliminating the need to
- manually quote the parameters.
- PDO will emulate prepared statements/bound parameters for drivers that do
- not natively support them, and can also rewrite named or question mark
- style parameter markers to something more appropriate, if the driver
- supports one style but not the other.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- statement
- This must be a valid SQL statement for the target database server.
- driver_options
- This array holds one or more key=>value pairs to set
- attribute values for the PDOStatement object that this method
- returns. You would most commonly use this to set the
- PDO::ATTR_CURSOR value to
- PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL to request a scrollable cursor.
- Some drivers have driver specific options that may be set at
- prepare-time.
+ Prepares an SQL statement to be executed by the
+ PDOStatement::execute method. The SQL statement can
+ contain zero or more named (:name) or question mark (?) parameter markers
+ for which real values will be substituted when the statement is executed.
+ You cannot use both named and question mark parameter markers within the same
+ SQL statement; pick one or the other parameter style.
+ You must include a unique parameter marker for each value you wish to pass
+ in to the statement when you call PDOStatement::execute.
+ You cannot use a named parameter marker of the same name twice in a prepared
+ statement. You cannot bind multiple values to a single named parameter in,
+ for example, the IN() clause of an SQL statement.
+ Calling PDO::prepare and
+ PDOStatement::execute for statements that will be
+ issued multiple times with different parameter values optimizes the
+ performance of your application by allowing the driver to negotiate
+ client and/or server side caching of the query plan and meta information,
+ and helps to prevent SQL injection attacks by eliminating the need to
+ manually quote the parameters.
+ PDO will emulate prepared statements/bound parameters for drivers that do
+ not natively support them, and can also rewrite named or question mark
+ style parameter markers to something more appropriate, if the driver
+ supports one style but not the other.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ statement
+ This must be a valid SQL statement for the target database server.
+ driver_options
+ This array holds one or more key=>value pairs to set
+ attribute values for the PDOStatement object that this method
+ returns. You would most commonly use this to set the
+ PDO::ATTR_CURSOR value to
+ PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL to request a scrollable cursor.
+ Some drivers have driver specific options that may be set at
+ prepare-time.
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- If the database server successfully prepares the statement,
- PDO::prepare returns a PDOStatement object.
- If the database server cannot successfully prepare the statement,
- PDO::prepare returns &false;.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ If the database server successfully prepares the statement,
+ PDO::prepare returns a PDOStatement object.
+ If the database server cannot successfully prepare the statement,
+ PDO::prepare returns &false;.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Prepare an SQL statement with named parameters
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Prepare an SQL statement with named parameters
execute(array(':calories' => 175, ':colour' => 'yellow'));
$yellow = $sth->fetchAll();
- Prepare an SQL statement with question mark parameters
+ Prepare an SQL statement with question mark parameters
execute(array(175, 'yellow'));
$yellow = $sth->fetchAll();
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::exec
- PDO::query
- PDOStatement::execute
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::exec
+ PDO::query
+ PDOStatement::execute
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-quote.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-quote.xml
index 7665da8437..34afa01b25 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-quote.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-quote.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-rollBack.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-rollBack.xml
index 5f12359c02..2ed2d2c314 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-rollBack.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDO-rollBack.xml
@@ -1,51 +1,50 @@
- PDO::rollBack
- Rolls back a transaction
+ PDO::rollBack
+ Rolls back a transaction
- &reftitle.description;
- boolPDO::rollBack
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolPDO::rollBack
- Rolls back the current transaction, as initiated by
- PDO::beginTransaction. It is an error to call this
- method if no transaction is active.
- If the database was set to autocommit mode, this function will restore
- autocommit mode after it has rolled back the transaction.
- Some databases, including MySQL, automatically issue an implicit
- COMMIT when a database definition language (DDL) statement such as
- DROP TABLE or CREATE TABLE is issued within a transaction. The implicit
- COMMIT will prevent you from rolling back any other changes within the
- transaction boundary.
+ Rolls back the current transaction, as initiated by
+ PDO::beginTransaction. It is an error to call this
+ method if no transaction is active.
+ If the database was set to autocommit mode, this function will restore
+ autocommit mode after it has rolled back the transaction.
+ Some databases, including MySQL, automatically issue an implicit
+ COMMIT when a database definition language (DDL) statement such as
+ DROP TABLE or CREATE TABLE is issued within a transaction. The implicit
+ COMMIT will prevent you from rolling back any other changes within the
+ transaction boundary.
- &reftitle.examples;
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Roll back a transaction
- Roll back a transaction
- The following example begins a transaction and issues two statements
- that modify the database before rolling back the changes. On MySQL,
- however, the DROP TABLE statement automatically commits the
- transaction so that none of the changes in the transaction are rolled
- back.
+ The following example begins a transaction and issues two statements
+ that modify the database before rolling back the changes. On MySQL,
+ however, the DROP TABLE statement automatically commits the
+ transaction so that none of the changes in the transaction are rolled
+ back.
/* Database connection is now back in autocommit mode */
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::beginTransaction
- PDO::commit
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::beginTransaction
+ PDO::commit
- PDO::setAttribute
- Set an attribute
- Description
- boolPDO::setAttribute
- intattribute
- mixedvalue
+ PDO::setAttribute
+ Set an attribute
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolPDO::setAttribute
+ intattribute
+ mixedvalue
- Sets an attribute on the database handle. Some of the available generic
- attributes are listed below; some drivers may make use of
- additional driver specific attributes.
+ Sets an attribute on the database handle. Some of the available generic
+ attributes are listed below; some drivers may make use of
+ additional driver specific attributes.
+ PDO::ATTR_CASE: Force column names to a specific case.
- PDO::ATTR_CASE: Force column names to a specific case.
- PDO::CASE_LOWER: Force column names to lower case.
- PDO::CASE_NATURAL: Leave column names as returned by
- the database driver.
- PDO::CASE_UPPER: Force column names to upper case.
+ PDO::CASE_LOWER: Force column names to lower case.
- PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE: Error reporting.
- Just set error codes.
- Raise E_WARNING.
- Throw exceptions.
+ PDO::CASE_NATURAL: Leave column names as returned by
+ the database driver.
- (available with all drivers, not just Oracle):
- Conversion of NULL and empty strings.
- No conversion.
- Empty string is converted to &null;.
- NULL is converted to an empty string.
- Convert numeric values to strings when fetching.
- Requires bool.
- Set user-supplied statement class derived from PDOStatement.
- Cannot be used with persistent PDO instances.
- Requires array(string classname, array(mixed constructor_args)).
- (available in OCI, Firebird and MySQL):
- Whether to autocommit every single statement.
- (available in MySQL):
- Use buffered queries.
+ PDO::CASE_UPPER: Force column names to upper case.
+ PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE: Error reporting.
+ Just set error codes.
+ Raise E_WARNING.
+ Throw exceptions.
+ (available with all drivers, not just Oracle):
+ Conversion of NULL and empty strings.
+ No conversion.
+ Empty string is converted to &null;.
+ NULL is converted to an empty string.
+ Convert numeric values to strings when fetching.
+ Requires bool.
+ Set user-supplied statement class derived from PDOStatement.
+ Cannot be used with persistent PDO instances.
+ Requires array(string classname, array(mixed constructor_args)).
+ (available in OCI, Firebird and MySQL):
+ Whether to autocommit every single statement.
+ (available in MySQL):
+ Use buffered queries.
- PDOStatement::bindColumn
- Bind a column to a PHP variable
- &reftitle.description;
- boolPDOStatement::bindColumn
- mixedcolumn
- mixedparam
- inttype
+ PDOStatement::bindColumn
+ Bind a column to a PHP variable
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolPDOStatement::bindColumn
+ mixedcolumn
+ mixedparam
+ inttype
+ PDOStatement::bindColumn arranges to have a
+ particular variable bound to a given column in the result-set from a
+ query. Each call to PDOStatement::fetch or
+ PDOStatement::fetchAll will update all the variables
+ that are bound to columns.
+ Since information about the columns is not always available to PDO until
+ the statement is executed, portable applications should call this
+ function afterPDO::execute.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ column
+ Number of the column (1-indexed) or name of the column in the result set.
+ If using the column name, be aware that the name should match the
+ case of the column, as returned by the driver.
+ param
+ Name of the PHP variable to which the column will be bound.
+ type
+ Data type of the parameter, specified by the PDO::PARAM_* constants.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Binding result set output to PHP variables
- PDOStatement::bindColumn arranges to have a
- particular variable bound to a given column in the result-set from a
- query. Each call to PDOStatement::fetch or
- PDOStatement::fetchAll will update all the variables
- that are bound to columns.
+ Binding columns in the result set to PHP variables is an effective
+ way to make the data contained in each row immediately available to
+ your application. The following example demonstrates how PDO allows
+ you to bind and retrieve columns with a variety of options and with
+ intelligent defaults.
- Since information about the columns is not always available to PDO until
- the statement is executed, portable applications should call this
- function afterPDO::execute.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- column
- Number of the column (1-indexed) or name of the column in the result set.
- If using the column name, be aware that the name should match the
- case of the column, as returned by the driver.
- param
- Name of the PHP variable to which the column will be bound.
- type
- Data type of the parameter, specified by the PDO::PARAM_* constants.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Binding result set output to PHP variables
- Binding columns in the result set to PHP variables is an effective
- way to make the data contained in each row immediately available to
- your application. The following example demonstrates how PDO allows
- you to bind and retrieve columns with a variety of options and with
- intelligent defaults.
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDOStatement::execute
- PDOStatement::fetch
- PDOStatement::fetchAll
- PDOStatement::fetchColumn
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDOStatement::execute
+ PDOStatement::fetch
+ PDOStatement::fetchAll
+ PDOStatement::fetchColumn
- PDOStatement::bindParam
- Binds a parameter to the specified variable name
- &reftitle.description;
- boolPDOStatement::bindParam
- mixedparameter
- mixedvariable
- intdata_type
- intlength
- mixeddriver_options
- Binds a PHP variable to a corresponding named or question mark placeholder
- in the SQL statement that was use to prepare the statement. Unlike
- PDOStatement::bindValue, the variable is bound as a
- reference and will only be evaluated at the time that
- PDOStatement::execute is called.
- Most parameters are input parameters, that is, parameters that are used
- in a read-only fashion to build up the query. Some drivers support the
- invocation of stored procedures that return data as output parameters,
- and some also as input/output parameters that both send in data and are
- updated to receive it.
+ PDOStatement::bindParam
+ Binds a parameter to the specified variable name
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolPDOStatement::bindParam
+ mixedparameter
+ mixedvariable
+ intdata_type
+ intlength
+ mixeddriver_options
+ Binds a PHP variable to a corresponding named or question mark placeholder
+ in the SQL statement that was use to prepare the statement. Unlike
+ PDOStatement::bindValue, the variable is bound as a
+ reference and will only be evaluated at the time that
+ PDOStatement::execute is called.
+ Most parameters are input parameters, that is, parameters that are used
+ in a read-only fashion to build up the query. Some drivers support the
+ invocation of stored procedures that return data as output parameters,
+ and some also as input/output parameters that both send in data and are
+ updated to receive it.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- parameter
- Parameter identifier. For a prepared statement using named
- placeholders, this will be a parameter name of the form
- :name. For a prepared statement using
- question mark placeholders, this will be the 1-indexed position of
- the parameter.
- variable
- Name of the PHP variable to bind to the SQL statement parameter.
- data_type
- Explicit data type for the parameter using the PDO::PARAM_*
- constants. To return an INOUT parameter from a stored procedure,
- use the bitwise OR operator to set the PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT bits
- for the data_type parameter.
- length
- Length of the data type. To indicate that a parameter is an OUT
- parameter from a stored procedure, you must explicitly set the
- length.
- driver_options
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ parameter
+ Parameter identifier. For a prepared statement using named
+ placeholders, this will be a parameter name of the form
+ :name. For a prepared statement using
+ question mark placeholders, this will be the 1-indexed position of
+ the parameter.
+ variable
+ Name of the PHP variable to bind to the SQL statement parameter.
+ data_type
+ Explicit data type for the parameter using the PDO::PARAM_*
+ constants. To return an INOUT parameter from a stored procedure,
+ use the bitwise OR operator to set the PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT bits
+ for the data_type parameter.
+ length
+ Length of the data type. To indicate that a parameter is an OUT
+ parameter from a stored procedure, you must explicitly set the
+ length.
+ driver_options
- &reftitle.examples;
- Execute a prepared statement with named placeholders
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Execute a prepared statement with named placeholders
bindParam(':colour', $colour, PDO::PARAM_STR, 12);
- Execute a prepared statement with question mark placeholders
+ Execute a prepared statement with question mark placeholders
bindParam(2, $colour, PDO::PARAM_STR, 12);
- Call a stored procedure with an INOUT parameter
+ Call a stored procedure with an INOUT parameter
print("After pureeing fruit, the colour is: $colour");
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::prepare
- PDOStatement::execute
- PDOStatement::bindValue
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::prepare
+ PDOStatement::execute
+ PDOStatement::bindValue
- PDOStatement::bindValue
- Binds a value to a parameter
- &reftitle.description;
- boolPDOStatement::bindValue
- mixedparameter
- mixedvalue
- intdata_type
- Binds a value to a corresponding named or question mark placeholder
- in the SQL statement that was use to prepare the statement.
+ PDOStatement::bindValue
+ Binds a value to a parameter
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolPDOStatement::bindValue
+ mixedparameter
+ mixedvalue
+ intdata_type
+ Binds a value to a corresponding named or question mark placeholder
+ in the SQL statement that was use to prepare the statement.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- parameter
- Parameter identifier. For a prepared statement using named
- placeholders, this will be a parameter name of the form
- :name. For a prepared statement using
- question mark placeholders, this will be the 1-indexed position of
- the parameter.
- value
- The value to bind to the parameter.
- data_type
- Explicit data type for the parameter using the PDO::PARAM_*
- constants.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ parameter
+ Parameter identifier. For a prepared statement using named
+ placeholders, this will be a parameter name of the form
+ :name. For a prepared statement using
+ question mark placeholders, this will be the 1-indexed position of
+ the parameter.
+ value
+ The value to bind to the parameter.
+ data_type
+ Explicit data type for the parameter using the PDO::PARAM_*
+ constants.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Execute a prepared statement with named placeholders
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Execute a prepared statement with named placeholders
bindValue(':colour', $colour, PDO::PARAM_STR);
- Execute a prepared statement with question mark placeholders
+ Execute a prepared statement with question mark placeholders
bindValue(2, $colour, PDO::PARAM_STR);
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::prepare
- PDOStatement::execute
- PDOStatement::bindParam
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::prepare
+ PDOStatement::execute
+ PDOStatement::bindParam
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-columnCount.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-columnCount.xml
index 6de918634a..5d5a531189 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-columnCount.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-columnCount.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-errorCode.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-errorCode.xml
index a2ca879f25..55c58e559e 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-errorCode.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-errorCode.xml
@@ -1,35 +1,34 @@
- PDOStatement::errorCode
- Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the statement handle
- &reftitle.description;
- stringPDOStatement::errorCode
+ PDOStatement::errorCode
+ Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the statement handle
+ &reftitle.description;
+ stringPDOStatement::errorCode
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- Identical to PDO::errorCode, except that
- PDOStatement::errorCode only retrieves error codes
- for operations performed with PDOStatement objects.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Identical to PDO::errorCode, except that
+ PDOStatement::errorCode only retrieves error codes
+ for operations performed with PDOStatement objects.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Retrieving a SQLSTATE code
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Retrieving a SQLSTATE code
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::errorCode
- PDO::errorInfo
- PDOStatement::errorInfo
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::errorCode
+ PDO::errorInfo
+ PDOStatement::errorInfo
- PDOStatement::errorInfo
- Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on the statement handle
- &reftitle.description;
- arrayPDOStatement::errorInfo
+ PDOStatement::errorInfo
+ Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on the statement handle
+ &reftitle.description;
+ arrayPDOStatement::errorInfo
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- PDOStatement::errorInfo returns an array of
- error information about the last operation performed by this
- statement handle. The array consists of the following fields:
- Element
- Information
- 0
- SQLSTATE error code (a five-character alphanumeric identifier defined
- in the ANSI SQL standard).
- 1
- Driver-specific error code.
- 2
- Driver-specific error message.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ PDOStatement::errorInfo returns an array of
+ error information about the last operation performed by this
+ statement handle. The array consists of the following fields:
+ Element
+ Information
+ 0
+ SQLSTATE error code (a five-character alphanumeric identifier defined
+ in the ANSI SQL standard).
+ 1
+ Driver-specific error code.
+ 2
+ Driver-specific error message.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Displaying errorInfo() fields for a PDO_ODBC connection to a DB2 database
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Displaying errorInfo() fields for a PDO_ODBC connection to a DB2 database
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0204N "DANIELS.BONES" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::errorCode
- PDO::errorInfo
- PDOStatement::errorCode
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::errorCode
+ PDO::errorInfo
+ PDOStatement::errorCode
- PDOStatement::execute
- Executes a prepared statement
- &reftitle.description;
- boolPDOStatement::execute
- arrayinput_parameters
- Execute the prepared statement. If the prepared statement included
- parameter markers, you must either:
- call PDOStatement::bindParam to bind PHP variables
- to the parameter markers: bound variables pass their value as input and receive the
- output value, if any, of their associated parameter markers
- or pass an array of input-only parameter values
+ PDOStatement::execute
+ Executes a prepared statement
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolPDOStatement::execute
+ arrayinput_parameters
+ Execute the prepared statement. If the prepared statement included
+ parameter markers, you must either:
+ call PDOStatement::bindParam to bind PHP variables
+ to the parameter markers: bound variables pass their value as input and receive the
+ output value, if any, of their associated parameter markers
+ or pass an array of input-only parameter values
- &reftitle.parameters;
- input_parameters
- An array of values with as many elements as there are bound
- parameters in the SQL statement being executed.
- You cannot bind multiple values to a single parameter; for example,
- you cannot bind two values to a single named parameter in an IN()
- clause.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ input_parameters
+ An array of values with as many elements as there are bound
+ parameters in the SQL statement being executed.
+ You cannot bind multiple values to a single parameter; for example,
+ you cannot bind two values to a single named parameter in an IN()
+ clause.
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- &return.success;
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ &return.success;
- &reftitle.examples;
- Execute a prepared statement with bound variables
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Execute a prepared statement with bound variables
bindParam(':colour', $colour, PDO::PARAM_STR, 12);
- Execute a prepared statement with an array of insert values (named parameters)
+ Execute a prepared statement with an array of insert values (named parameters)
prepare('SELECT name, colour, calories
$sth->execute(array(':calories' => $calories, ':colour' => $colour));
- Execute a prepared statement with an array of insert values (placeholders)
+ Execute a prepared statement with an array of insert values (placeholders)
prepare('SELECT name, colour, calories
$sth->execute(array($calories, $colour));
- Execute a prepared statement with question mark placeholders
+ Execute a prepared statement with question mark placeholders
bindParam(2, $colour, PDO::PARAM_STR, 12);
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::prepare
- PDOStatement::bindParam
- PDOStatement::fetch
- PDOStatement::fetchAll
- PDOStatement::fetchColumn
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::prepare
+ PDOStatement::bindParam
+ PDOStatement::fetch
+ PDOStatement::fetchAll
+ PDOStatement::fetchColumn
- PDOStatement::fetch
- Fetches the next row from a result set
- &reftitle.description;
- mixedPDOStatement::fetch
- intfetch_style
- intcursor_orientation
- intcursor_offset
+ PDOStatement::fetch
+ Fetches the next row from a result set
+ &reftitle.description;
+ mixedPDOStatement::fetch
+ intfetch_style
+ intcursor_orientation
+ intcursor_offset
- Fetches a row from a result set associated with a PDOStatement object. The
- fetch_style parameter determines how PDO returns
- the row.
+ Fetches a row from a result set associated with a PDOStatement object. The
+ fetch_style parameter determines how PDO returns
+ the row.
- &reftitle.parameters;
- fetch_style
- Controls how the next row will be returned to the caller. This value
- must be one of the PDO::FETCH_* constants,
- defaulting to PDO::FETCH_BOTH.
- PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: returns an array indexed by column
- name as returned in your result set
- PDO::FETCH_BOTH (default): returns an array indexed by
- both column name and 0-indexed column number as returned in your
- result set
- PDO::FETCH_BOUND: returns &true; and assigns the
- values of the columns in your result set to the PHP variables to which
- they were bound with the PDOStatement::bindParam
- method
- PDO::FETCH_CLASS: returns a new instance of the
- requested class, mapping the columns of the result set to named
- properties in the class. If fetch_style
- PDO::FETCH_CLASSTYPE) then the name of the class is
- determined from a value of the first column.
- PDO::FETCH_INTO: updates an existing instance
- of the requested class, mapping the columns of the result set to
- named properties in the class
- PDO::FETCH_LAZY: combines
- creating the object variable names as they are accessed
- PDO::FETCH_NUM: returns an array indexed by column
- number as returned in your result set, starting at column 0
- PDO::FETCH_OBJ: returns an anonymous object with
- property names that correspond to the column names returned in your
- result set
- cursor_orientation
- For a PDOStatement object representing a scrollable cursor, this
- value determines which row will be returned to the caller. This value
- must be one of the PDO::FETCH_ORI_* constants,
- defaulting to PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT. To request a
- scrollable cursor for your PDOStatement object, you must set the
- PDO::ATTR_CURSOR attribute to
- PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL when you prepare the SQL
- statement with PDO::prepare.
- offset
- For a PDOStatement object representing a scrollable cursor for which
- the cursor_orientation parameter is set to
- PDO::FETCH_ORI_ABS, this value specifies the
- absolute number of the row in the result set that shall be fetched.
- For a PDOStatement object representing a scrollable cursor for which
- the cursor_orientation parameter is set to
- PDO::FETCH_ORI_REL, this value specifies the
- row to fetch relative to the cursor position before
- PDOStatement::fetch was called.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ fetch_style
+ Controls how the next row will be returned to the caller. This value
+ must be one of the PDO::FETCH_* constants,
+ defaulting to PDO::FETCH_BOTH.
+ PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: returns an array indexed by column
+ name as returned in your result set
+ PDO::FETCH_BOTH (default): returns an array indexed by
+ both column name and 0-indexed column number as returned in your
+ result set
+ PDO::FETCH_BOUND: returns &true; and assigns the
+ values of the columns in your result set to the PHP variables to which
+ they were bound with the PDOStatement::bindParam
+ method
+ PDO::FETCH_CLASS: returns a new instance of the
+ requested class, mapping the columns of the result set to named
+ properties in the class. If fetch_style
+ PDO::FETCH_CLASSTYPE) then the name of the class is
+ determined from a value of the first column.
+ PDO::FETCH_INTO: updates an existing instance
+ of the requested class, mapping the columns of the result set to
+ named properties in the class
+ PDO::FETCH_LAZY: combines
+ creating the object variable names as they are accessed
+ PDO::FETCH_NUM: returns an array indexed by column
+ number as returned in your result set, starting at column 0
+ PDO::FETCH_OBJ: returns an anonymous object with
+ property names that correspond to the column names returned in your
+ result set
+ PDO::FETCH_SERIALIZE: returns an anonymous object with
+ property names that correspond to the column names returned in your
+ result set
+ cursor_orientation
+ For a PDOStatement object representing a scrollable cursor, this
+ value determines which row will be returned to the caller. This value
+ must be one of the PDO::FETCH_ORI_* constants,
+ defaulting to PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT. To request a
+ scrollable cursor for your PDOStatement object, you must set the
+ PDO::ATTR_CURSOR attribute to
+ PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL when you prepare the SQL
+ statement with PDO::prepare.
+ offset
+ For a PDOStatement object representing a scrollable cursor for which
+ the cursor_orientation parameter is set to
+ PDO::FETCH_ORI_ABS, this value specifies the
+ absolute number of the row in the result set that shall be fetched.
+ For a PDOStatement object representing a scrollable cursor for which
+ the cursor_orientation parameter is set to
+ PDO::FETCH_ORI_REL, this value specifies the
+ row to fetch relative to the cursor position before
+ PDOStatement::fetch was called.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Fetching rows using different fetch styles
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Fetching rows using different fetch styles
prepare("SELECT name, colour FROM fruit");
@@ -155,9 +159,9 @@ print $result->NAME;
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
- Fetching rows with a scrollable cursor
+ Fetching rows with a scrollable cursor
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::query
- PDOStatement::fetchAll
- PDOStatement::fetchColumn
- PDOStatement::prepare
- PDOStatement::setFetchMode
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::query
+ PDOStatement::fetchAll
+ PDOStatement::fetchColumn
+ PDOStatement::prepare
+ PDOStatement::setFetchMode
- PDOStatement::fetchAll
- Returns an array containing all of the result set rows
- &reftitle.description;
- arrayPDOStatement::fetchAll
- intfetch_style
- intcolumn_index
+ PDOStatement::fetchAll
+ Returns an array containing all of the result set rows
+ &reftitle.description;
+ arrayPDOStatement::fetchAll
+ intfetch_style
+ intcolumn_index
- &reftitle.parameters;
- fetch_style
- Controls the contents of the returned array as documented in
- PDOStatement::fetch. Defaults to
- To return an array consisting of all values of a single column from
- the result set, specify PDO::FETCH_COLUMN. You
- can specify which column you want with the
- column-index parameter.
- To fetch only the unique values of a single column from the result set,
- bitwise-OR PDO::FETCH_COLUMN with
- To return an associative array grouped by the values of a specified
- column, bitwise-OR PDO::FETCH_COLUMN with
- column_index
- Returns the indicated 0-indexed column when the value of
- fetch_style is
- PDO::FETCH_COLUMN. Defaults to 0.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ fetch_style
+ Controls the contents of the returned array as documented in
+ PDOStatement::fetch. Defaults to
+ To return an array consisting of all values of a single column from
+ the result set, specify PDO::FETCH_COLUMN. You
+ can specify which column you want with the
+ column-index parameter.
+ To fetch only the unique values of a single column from the result set,
+ bitwise-OR PDO::FETCH_COLUMN with
+ To return an associative array grouped by the values of a specified
+ column, bitwise-OR PDO::FETCH_COLUMN with
+ column_index
+ Returns the indicated 0-indexed column when the value of
+ fetch_style is
+ PDO::FETCH_COLUMN. Defaults to 0.
- &reftitle.returnvalues;
- PDOStatement::fetchAll returns an array containing
- all of the remaining rows in the result set. The array represents each
- row as either an array of column values or an object with properties
- corresponding to each column name.
- Using this method to fetch large result sets will result in a heavy
- demand on system and possibly network resources. Rather than retrieving
- all of the data and manipulating it in PHP, consider using the database
- server to manipulate the result sets. For example, use the WHERE and
- SORT BY clauses in SQL to restrict results before retrieving and
- processing them with PHP.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ PDOStatement::fetchAll returns an array containing
+ all of the remaining rows in the result set. The array represents each
+ row as either an array of column values or an object with properties
+ corresponding to each column name.
+ Using this method to fetch large result sets will result in a heavy
+ demand on system and possibly network resources. Rather than retrieving
+ all of the data and manipulating it in PHP, consider using the database
+ server to manipulate the result sets. For example, use the WHERE and
+ SORT BY clauses in SQL to restrict results before retrieving and
+ processing them with PHP.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Fetch all remaining rows in a result set
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Fetch all remaining rows in a result set
prepare("SELECT name, colour FROM fruit");
@@ -96,9 +95,9 @@ $result = $sth->fetchAll();
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
- Fetching all values of a single column from a result set
- The following example demonstrates how to return all of the values of a
- single column from a result set, even though the SQL statement itself
- may return multiple columns per row.
+ Fetching all values of a single column from a result set
+ The following example demonstrates how to return all of the values of a
+ single column from a result set, even though the SQL statement itself
+ may return multiple columns per row.
prepare("SELECT name, colour FROM fruit");
@@ -140,9 +139,9 @@ $result = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
- Grouping all values by a single column
- The following example demonstrates how to return an associative array
- grouped by the values of the specified column in the result set. The
- array contains three keys: values apple and
- pear are returned as arrays that contain two
- different colours, while watermelon is
- returned as an array that contains only one colour.
+ Grouping all values by a single column
+ The following example demonstrates how to return an associative array
+ grouped by the values of the specified column in the result set. The
+ array contains three keys: values apple and
+ pear are returned as arrays that contain two
+ different colours, while watermelon is
+ returned as an array that contains only one colour.
prepare("INSERT INTO fruit(name, colour) VALUES (?, ?)");
@@ -179,9 +178,9 @@ $sth->execute();
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
@@ -206,25 +205,25 @@ array(3) {
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDO::query
- PDOStatement::fetch
- PDOStatement::fetchColumn
- PDOStatement::prepare
- PDOStatement::setFetchMode
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDO::query
+ PDOStatement::fetch
+ PDOStatement::fetchColumn
+ PDOStatement::prepare
+ PDOStatement::setFetchMode
@@ -16,10 +15,10 @@
- Returns a single column from the next row of a result set or &false; if
- there are no more rows.
+ Returns a single column from the next row of a result set or &false; if
+ there are no more rows.
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-fetchObject.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-fetchObject.xml
index 72f8a27b58..58503f55d4 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-fetchObject.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-fetchObject.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-getAttribute.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-getAttribute.xml
index 2386026f6e..63e5cb2571 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-getAttribute.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-getAttribute.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-getColumnMeta.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-getColumnMeta.xml
index 8c9210f6af..1ffa220237 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-getColumnMeta.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-getColumnMeta.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-nextRowset.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-nextRowset.xml
index 88f24dbba9..c84d8a4b81 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-nextRowset.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-nextRowset.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-rowCount.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-rowCount.xml
index 7a84267df6..df0919780a 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-rowCount.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-rowCount.xml
@@ -1,43 +1,42 @@
- PDOStatement::rowCount
- Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement
- &reftitle.description;
- intPDOStatement::rowCount
+ PDOStatement::rowCount
+ Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement
+ &reftitle.description;
+ intPDOStatement::rowCount
+ PDOStatement::rowCount returns the number of
+ rows affected by the last DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement
+ executed by the corresponding PDOStatement object.
+ If the last SQL statement executed by the associated
+ PDOStatement was a SELECT statement, some databases
+ may return the number of rows returned by that statement. However, this
+ behaviour is not guaranteed for all databases and should not be relied
+ on for portable applications.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Return the number of deleted rowsPDOStatement::rowCount returns the number of
- rows affected by the last DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement
- executed by the corresponding PDOStatement object.
+ rows affected by a DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement.
- If the last SQL statement executed by the associated
- PDOStatement was a SELECT statement, some databases
- may return the number of rows returned by that statement. However, this
- behaviour is not guaranteed for all databases and should not be relied
- on for portable applications.
- &reftitle.examples;
- Return the number of deleted rows
- PDOStatement::rowCount returns the number of
- rows affected by a DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement.
print("Deleted $count rows.\n");
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
- Counting rows returned by a SELECT statement
- For most databases, PDOStatement::rowCount does not
- return the number of rows affected by a SELECT statement. Instead, use
- PDO::query to issue a SELECT COUNT(*) statement
- with the same predicates as your intended SELECT statement, then use
- PDOStatement::fetchColumn to retrieve the number
- of rows that will be returned. Your application can then perform the
- correct action.
+ Counting rows returned by a SELECT statement
+ For most databases, PDOStatement::rowCount does not
+ return the number of rows affected by a SELECT statement. Instead, use
+ PDO::query to issue a SELECT COUNT(*) statement
+ with the same predicates as your intended SELECT statement, then use
+ PDOStatement::fetchColumn to retrieve the number
+ of rows that will be returned. Your application can then perform the
+ correct action.
if ($res = $conn->query($sql)) {
/* Check the number of rows that match the SELECT statement */
- if ($res->fetchColumn() > 0) {
+ if ($res->fetchColumn() > 0) {
/* Issue the real SELECT statement and work with the results */
$sql = "SELECT name FROM fruit WHERE calories > 100";
- foreach ($conn->query($sql) as $row) {
- print "Name: " . $row['NAME'] . "\n";
+ foreach ($conn->query($sql) as $row) {
+ print "Name: " . $row['NAME'] . "\n";
/* No rows matched -- do something else */
- else {
- print "No rows matched the query.";
+ else {
+ print "No rows matched the query.";
@@ -94,32 +93,32 @@ $res = null;
$conn = null;
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
- &reftitle.seealso;
- PDOStatement::columnCount
- PDOStatement::fetchColumn
- PDOStatement::query
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ PDOStatement::columnCount
+ PDOStatement::fetchColumn
+ PDOStatement::query
diff --git a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-setFetchMode.xml b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-setFetchMode.xml
index 50725c0991..b2122a69c2 100644
--- a/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-setFetchMode.xml
+++ b/reference/pdo/functions/PDOStatement-setFetchMode.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@