diff --git a/language/control-structures.xml b/language/control-structures.xml
index d9add40ce0..e0616022cb 100644
--- a/language/control-structures.xml
+++ b/language/control-structures.xml
@@ -154,12 +154,13 @@ if ($a > $b) {
Alternative syntax for control structures
PHP offers an alternative syntax for some of its control
- structures; namely, if,
- while, for, and
- switch. In each case, the basic form of the
- alternate syntax is to change the opening brace to a colon (:) and
- the closing brace to endif;,
- endwhile;, endfor;, or
+ structures; namely, if,
+ while, for,
+ foreach, and switch.
+ In each case, the basic form of the alternate syntax is to change
+ the opening brace to a colon (:) and the closing brace to
+ endif;, endwhile;,
+ endfor;, endforeach;, or
endswitch;, respectively.