diff --git a/functions/network.xml b/functions/network.xml
index 393f644d74..3a98017f2f 100644
--- a/functions/network.xml
+++ b/functions/network.xml
@@ -63,6 +63,11 @@
write to the system logger. The use of
closelog is optional.
+ See also define_syslog_variables,
+ syslog and
+ closelog.
@@ -107,6 +112,31 @@
+ define_syslog_variables
+ Initializes all syslog related constants
+ Description
+ void define_syslog_varaibles
+ void
+ Initializes all constants used in the syslog functions.
+ See also openlog,
+ syslog and
+ closelog.
@@ -120,8 +150,8 @@
int fsockopen
- string udp://hostname
+ string udp://hostname
int port
@@ -135,18 +165,18 @@
- Initiates a stream connection in the Internet (AF_INET, using TCP
- or UDP) or Unix (AF_UNIX) domain. For the Internet domain, it
- will open a TCP socket connection to
- hostname on port
- port. hostname may
- in this case be either a fully qualified domain name or an IP
- address. For UDP connections, you need to explicitly specify the
- protocol: udp://hostname. For the Unix
- domain, hostname will be used as the path
- to the socket, port must be set to 0 in
- this case. The optional timeout can be
- used to set a timeout in seconds for the connect system call.
+ Initiates a stream connection in the Internet (AF_INET, using TCP
+ or UDP) or Unix (AF_UNIX) domain. For the Internet domain, it
+ will open a TCP socket connection to
+ hostname on port
+ port. hostname may
+ in this case be either a fully qualified domain name or an IP
+ address. For UDP connections, you need to explicitly specify the
+ protocol: udp://hostname. For the Unix
+ domain, hostname will be used as the path
+ to the socket, port must be set to 0 in
+ this case. The optional timeout can be
+ used to set a timeout in seconds for the connect system call.
Fsockopen returns a file pointer which may
@@ -191,11 +221,11 @@ if (!$fp) {
- The example below shows how to retrieve the day and time
- from the UDP service "daytime" (port 13) in your own machine.
- Using UDP connection
+ The example below shows how to retrieve the day and time
+ from the UDP service "daytime" (port 13) in your own machine.
+ Using UDP connection
$fp = fsockopen("udp://", 13, &$errno, &$errstr);
if (!$fp) {
@@ -206,8 +236,8 @@ if (!$fp) {
See also: pfsockopen,
socket_set_timeout, fgets,
@@ -453,9 +483,9 @@ if (!$fp) {
- Converts a string containing an (IPv4) Internet Protocol dotted address
- into a proper address.
+ Converts a string containing an (IPv4) Internet Protocol dotted address
+ into a proper address.
@@ -466,23 +496,23 @@ if (!$fp) {
- The function ip2long generates an IPv4 Internet
- network address from its Internet standard format (dotted string)
- representation.
- Ip2long Example
+ The function ip2long generates an IPv4 Internet
+ network address from its Internet standard format (dotted string)
+ representation.
+ Ip2long Example
$ip = gethostbyname("www.php.net");
$out = "The following URLs are equivalent:<br>\n";
$out .= "http://www.php.net/, http://".$ip."/, and http://".ip2long($ip)."/<br>\n";
echo $out;
- See also: long2ip
+ See also: long2ip
@@ -491,9 +521,9 @@ echo $out;
- Converts an (IPv4) Internet network address into a string in Internet
- standard dotted format
+ Converts an (IPv4) Internet network address into a string in Internet
+ standard dotted format
@@ -504,12 +534,12 @@ echo $out;
- The function long2ip generates an Internet address
- in dotted format (i.e.: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd) from the proper address
- representation.
+ The function long2ip generates an Internet address
+ in dotted format (i.e.: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd) from the proper address
+ representation.
- See also: ip2long
+ See also: ip2long
@@ -533,14 +563,134 @@ echo $out;
Openlog opens a connection to the system
logger for a program. The string ident is
added to each message. Values for option
- and facility are given in the next
- section. The use of openlog is optional; It
+ and facility are given below.
+ The option argument is used to indicate
+ what loggin options will be used when generating a log message.
+ The facility argument is used to specify what
+ type of program is logging the message. This allows you to specify
+ (in your machine's syslog configuration) how messages coming from
+ different facilities will be handled.
+ The use of openlog is optional. It
will automatically be called by syslog if
necessary, in which case ident will default
to false.
- See also syslog and
+ Openlog Options
+ Constant
+ Description
+ if there is an error while sending data to the system logger,
+ write directly to the system console
+ open the connection to the logger immediately
+ (default) delay openning the connection until the first
+ message is logged
+ print log message also to standard error
+ include PID with each message
+ You can use one or more of this options. When using multiple options
+ you need to OR them, i.e. to open the connection
+ immediately, write to the consoloe and include the PID in each message,
+ you will use: LOG_CONS | LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PID
+ Openlog Facilities
+ Constant
+ Description
+ security/authorization messages (use LOG_AUTHPRIV instead
+ in systems where that constant is defined)
+ security/authorization messages (private)
+ clock daemon (cron and at)
+ other system daemons
+ kernel messages
+ reserved for local use
+ line printer subsystem
+ mail subsystem
+ USENET news subsystem
+ messages generated internally by syslogd
+ generic user-level messages
+ UUCP subsystem
+ See also define_syslog_variables,
+ syslog and
@@ -629,7 +779,7 @@ echo $out;
Sets the timeout value on socket descriptor,
expressed in the sum of seconds and
socket_set_timeout Example
@@ -683,6 +833,53 @@ if(!$fp) {
error message string (strerror) corresponding to the present
value of errno.
+ Syslog Priorities (in descending order)
+ Constant
+ Description
+ system is unusable
+ action must be taken immediately
+ critical conditions
+ error conditions
+ warning conditions
+ normal, but significant, condition
+ informational message
+ debug-level message
More information on the syslog facilities can be found in the man
pages for syslog on Unix machines.