diff --git a/language/types.xml b/language/types.xml
index 3a8447242b..69cc4a6882 100644
--- a/language/types.xml
+++ b/language/types.xml
@@ -169,11 +169,14 @@ $a = 1.234; $a = 1.2e3;
You can escape any other character, but a warning will be issued
at the highest warning level.
The second way to delimit a string uses the single-quote ("'")
character. When a string is enclosed in single quotes, the only
@@ -182,13 +185,19 @@ $a = 1.234; $a = 1.2e3;
a single-quoted string. Variables will not be
expanded inside a single-quoted string.
Another way to delimit strings is by using here doc syntax
("<<<"). One should provide an identifier after
<<<, then the string, and then the
same identifier to close the quotation. The closing identifier
must begin in the first column of the line.
+ The label used must follow the same naming rules as any other
+ label in PHP: it must contain only alphanumeric characters and
+ underscores, and must start with a non-digit character or
+ underscore.
Here doc text behaves just like a double-quoted string, without
the double-quotes. This means that you do not need to escape quotes
@@ -229,6 +238,7 @@ EOT;
Here doc support was added in PHP 4.