diff --git a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/changes.xml b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/changes.xml
index e166a3d709..265a44377b 100644
--- a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/changes.xml
+++ b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/changes.xml
@@ -135,44 +135,45 @@
- Improved transaction boundaries detection with PHP 5.5.0 or newer and
+ As of PHP 5.5.0, improved support for transaction boundaries detection was added for
mysqli. The mysqli extension has been
- modified to use new C API calls of the mysqlnd
- library to begin, commit and rollback a transaction or savepoint.
- If trx_stickiness
- is used to enable transaction aware load balancing, not only the
- mysqli_autocommit call will be monitored by the plugin
- but also mysqli_begin, mysqli_commit
- and mysqli_rollback. All SQL features to control
+ modified to use the new C API calls of the mysqlnd
+ library to begin, commit, and rollback a transaction or savepoint.
+ If trx_stickiness
+ is used to enable transaction aware load balancing, the mysqli_begin,
+ mysqli_commit and mysqli_rollback functions
+ will now be monitered by the plugin, to go along with the mysqli_autocommit
+ function that was already supported. All SQL features to control
transactions are also available through the improved mysqli
- transaction control related functions. Thus, there is no need to
+ transaction control related functions. This means that it is not required to
issue SQL statements instead of using API calls. Applications
- using the appropriate API calls only, can be load balanced by PECL/mysqlnd_ms
- in a completely transaction aware way.
+ using the appropriate API calls can be load balanced by PECL/mysqlnd_ms
+ in a completely transaction-aware way.
Please note, PDO_MySQL has not been updated
yet to utilize the new mysqlnd API calls. Thus, transaction boundary
detection with PDO_MySQL continues to be limited to
- the monitoring of PDO::setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, ...).
+ the monitoring by passing in PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT to
+ PDO::setAttribute.
Introduced trx_stickiness=on. This
- trx_stickiness
+ trx_stickiness
option differs from trx_stickiness=master as it
- tries to execute a read only transaction on a slave, if
+ tries to execute a read-only transaction on a slave, if
quality of service (consistency level) allows the use of a slave.
- Read only transactions have been introduced in MySQL 5.6. They
+ Read-only transactions were introduced in MySQL 5.6, and they
offer performance gains.
- Query cache support considered beta if used with mysqli
+ Query cache support is considered beta if used with the mysqli
API. It should work fine with primary copy based clusters. For all other
- APIs, the feature continues to be called experimental.
+ APIs, this feature continues to be called experimental.
diff --git a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/setup.xml b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/setup.xml
index 62f1c99bfc..0c26225d9f 100755
--- a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/setup.xml
+++ b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/setup.xml
@@ -2300,11 +2300,11 @@ $mysqli->set_charset("latin1");
by SQL statements such as SET AUTOCOMMIT=0 or BEGIN.
- Since PHP 5.5.0 the mysqlnd library features additional C API calls to
- control transactions. The level of control matches the one offer by SQL
- statement. The mysqli API has been modified to use
- those calls. Since version 1.5.0, PECL/mysqlnd_ms can monitor not only
- mysqli_autocommit but also mysqli_begin,
+ As of PHP 5.5.0, the mysqlnd library features additional C API calls to
+ control transactions. The level of control matches the one offered by SQL
+ statements. The mysqli API has been modified to use
+ these calls. Since version 1.5.0, PECL/mysqlnd_ms can monitor not only
+ mysqli_autocommit, but also mysqli_begin,
mysqli_commit and mysqli_rollback to
detect transaction boundaries and stop load balancing for the duration of
a transaction.