diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-SoapClient.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-SoapClient.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 63473e49d9..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-SoapClient.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- SoapClient::SoapClient
- SoapClient constructor
- Description
- SoapClientSoapClient::SoapClient
- mixedwsdl
- arrayoptions
- This constructor allows creating SoapClient objects in WSDL or non-WSDL mode.
- The first case requires the URI of WSDL file as the first parameter and an
- optional options array. The second case requires &null;
- as the first parameter and the options array with
- location and uri options set,
- where location is a URL to request and uri
- is a target namespace of the SOAP service.
- The style and use options only work in
- non-WSDL mode. In WSDL mode, they comes from the WSDL file.
- The soap_version option specifies whether to use SOAP
- 1.1, or SOAP 1.2 client.
- For HTTP authentication, you may use the login and
- password options. For making a HTTP connection through
- a proxy server, use the options proxy_host,
- proxy_port, proxy_login
- and proxy_password.
- SoapClient examples
- SOAP_1_2));
-$client = new SoapClient("some.wsdl", array('login' => "some_name",
- 'password' => "some_password"));
-$client = new SoapClient("some.wsdl", array('proxy_host' => "localhost",
- 'proxy_port' => 8080));
-$client = new SoapClient("some.wsdl", array('proxy_host' => "localhost",
- 'proxy_port' => 8080,
- 'proxy_login' => "some_name",
- 'proxy_password' => "some_password"));
-$client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "http://localhost/soap.php",
- 'uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
-$client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "http://localhost/soap.php",
- 'uri' => "http://test-uri/",
- 'style' => SOAP_DOCUMENT,
- 'use' => SOAP_LITERAL));
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-call.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-call.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c8d432483..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-call.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- SoapClient::__call
- Calls a SOAP function
- Description
- mixedSoapClient::__call
- stringfunction_name
- arrayarguments
- arrayoptions
- arrayinput_headers
- arrayoutput_headers
- This is a low level API function to make a SOAP call. Usually in WSDL mode
- you can simply call SOAP functions as SoapClient methods. It is useful for
- non-WSDL mode when soapaction is unknown, uri
- differs from the default or when you like to send and/or receive SOAP Headers.
- On error, a call to a SOAP function can cause PHP exceptions or return a
- SoapFault object if exceptions was disabled.
- To check if the function call failed catch the SoapFault exceptions or
- check the result with the is_soap_fault function.
- SOAP functions may return one or several values. In the first case it will
- return just the value of output parameter, in the second it will return
- the associative array with named output parameters.
- SoapClient::__call examples
-SomeFunction($a, $b, $c);
-$client->__call("SomeFunction", array($a, $b, $c));
-$client->__call("SomeFunction", array($a, $b, $c), NULL,
- new SoapHeader(), $output_headers);
-$client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "http://localhost/soap.php",
- 'uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
-$client->SomeFunction($a, $b, $c);
-$client->__call("SomeFunction", array($a, $b, $c));
-$client->__call("SomeFunction", array($a, $b, $c),
- array('soapaction' => 'some_action',
- 'uri' => 'some_uri'));
- See also
- SoapClient::SoapClient,
- SoapParam::SoapParam,
- SoapVar::SoapVar,
- SoapHeader::SoapHeader,
- SoapFault::SoapFault, and
- is_soap_fault.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-getFunctions.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-getFunctions.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f47b27183..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-getFunctions.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- SoapClient::__getFunctions
- Returns list of SOAP functions
- Description
- arraySoapClient::__getFunctions
- This function works only in WSDL mode.
- SoapClient::__getFunctions example
- See also
- SoapClient::SoapClient.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-getLastRequest.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-getLastRequest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 402ba82c79..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-getLastRequest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- SoapClient::__getLastRequest
- Returns last SOAP request
- Description
- stringSoapClient::__getLastRequest
- This function works only with SoapClient which was created with
- the trace option.
- SoapClient::__getLastRequest example
- 1));
-$result = $client->SomeFunction();
-echo "REQUEST:\n" . $client->__getLastRequest() . "\n";
- See also
- SoapClient::SoapClient.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-getLastResponse.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-getLastResponse.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c16dde59a1..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-getLastResponse.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- SoapClient::__getLastResponse
- Returns last SOAP response
- Description
- stringSoapClient::__getLastResponse
- This function works only with SoapClient which was created with
- the trace option.
- SoapClient::__getLastResponse example
- 1));
-$result = $client->SomeFunction();
-echo "RESPONSE:\n" . $client->__getLastResponse() . "\n";
- See also
- SoapClient::SoapClient.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-getTypes.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-getTypes.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ce3421643..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapClient-getTypes.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- SoapClient::__getTypes
- Returns list of SOAP types
- Description
- arraySoapClient::__getTypes
- This function works only in WSDL mode.
- SoapClient::__getTypes example
- See also
- SoapClient::SoapClient.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapFault-SoapFault.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapFault-SoapFault.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 42a852cf5a..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapFault-SoapFault.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- SoapFault::SoapFault
- SoapFault constructor
- Description
- SoapFaultSoapFault::SoapFault
- stringfaultcode
- stringfaultstring
- stringfaultactor
- mixeddetail
- stringfaultname
- mixedheaderfault
- This class is useful when you would like to send SOAP fault responses from
- the PHP handler. faultcode, faultstring,
- faultactor and details are
- standard elements of SOAP Fault; faultname is an
- optional parameter that can be used to select proper fault encoding from
- WSDL; headerfault is an optional parameter that
- can be used during SOAP header handling to report an error in the response
- header.
- Some examples
- "http://test-uri/"));
- It is possible to use PHP exception mechanism to throw SOAP Fault.
- Some examples
- "http://test-uri/"));
- See also
- SoapClient::SoapClient,
- SoapClient::__call,
- SoapParam::SoapParam,
- SoapVar::SoapVar, and
- is_soap_fault.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapHeader-SoapHeader.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapHeader-SoapHeader.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cafad4b1a..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapHeader-SoapHeader.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- SoapHeader::SoapHeader
- SoapHeader constructor
- Description
- SoapHeaderSoapHeader::SoapHeader
- stringnamespace
- stringname
- mixeddata
- boolmustUnderstand
- mixedactor
- SoapHeader is a special low-level class for passing or returning SOAP
- headers. It is just a data holder and it does not have any special methods
- except a constructor. It can be used in the SoapClient::__call
- method to pass a SOAP header or in a SOAP header handler to return the header in
- a SOAP response. namespace and name
- are namespace and name of the SOAP header element. data is a SOAP
- header's content. It can be a PHP value or SoapVar object.
- mustUnderstand and actor are values for
- mustUnderstand and actor attributes
- of this SOAP Header element.
- Some examples
- "http://localhost/soap.php",
- 'uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
-$client->__call("echoVoid", null, null,
- new SoapHeader('http://soapinterop.org/echoheader/',
- 'echoMeStringRequest',
- 'hello world'));
- See also
- SoapClient::__call,
- SoapParam::SoapParam, and
- SoapVar::SoapVar.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapParam-SoapParam.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapParam-SoapParam.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ea68cce3e..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapParam-SoapParam.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
- SoapParam::SoapParam
- SoapParam constructor
- Description
- SoapParamSoapParam::SoapParam
- mixeddata
- stringname
- SoapParam is a special low-level class for naming parameters and returning
- values in non-WSDL mode. It is just a data holder and it does not have any
- special methods except the constructor. The constructor takes
- data to pass or return and name.
- It is possible to pass parameters directly as PHP values, but in this case
- it will be named as paramN and the SOAP Service may not
- understand them.
- Some examples
- "http://localhost/soap.php",
- 'uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
-$client->SomeFunction(new SoapParam($a, "a"),
- new SoapParam($b, "b"),
- new SoapParam($c, "c"));
- See also
- SoapClient::__call, and
- SoapVar::SoapVar.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-SoapServer.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-SoapServer.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bc2b556806..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-SoapServer.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- SoapServer::SoapServer
- SoapServer constructor
- Description
- SoapServerSoapServer::SoapServer
- mixedwsdl
- arrayoptions
- This constructor allows the creation of SoapServer objects in WSDL or non-WSDL mode.
- In the first case, wsdl must be set to the URI of a WSDL file.
- In the second case, wsdl must be set to &null; and the
- uri option must be set.
- Additional options allow setting a default SOAP version
- (soap_version) and actor URI (actor).
- Some examples
- SOAP_1_2));
-$server = new SoapServer("some.wsdl", array('actor' => "http://example.org/ts-tests/C"));
-$server = new SoapServer(null, array('uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-addFunction.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-addFunction.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ca90d11c10..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-addFunction.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- SoapServer::addFunction
- Adds one or several functions those will handle SOAP requests
- Description
- voidSoapServer::addFunction
- mixedfunctions
- Exports one or more functions for remote clients.
- To export one function, pass the function name into the
- functions parameter as a string.
- To export several functions pass an array of function names, and to export all
- functions pass a special constant SOAP_FUNCTIONS_ALL.
- functions must receive all input arguments in the same
- order as defined in the WSDL file (They should not receive any output parameters
- as arguments) and return one or more values. To return several values they must
- return an array with named output parameters.
- Some examples
-function echoTwoStrings($inputString1, $inputString2)
- return array("outputString1" => $inputString1,
- "outputString2" => $inputString2);
-$server->addFunction(array("echoString", "echoTwoStrings"));
- See also
- SoapServer::SoapServer, and
- SoapServer::SetClass.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-getFunctions.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-getFunctions.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b58eec933..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-getFunctions.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- SoapServer::getFunctions
- Returns list of defined functions
- Description
- arraySoapServer::getFunctions
- This functions returns the list of all functions which was added by
- SoapServer::addFunction or
- SoapServer::setClass.
- Some examples
- "http://test-uri"));
- $server->handle();
-} else {
- echo "This SOAP server can handle following functions: ";
- $functions = $server->getFunctions();
- foreach($functions as $func) {
- echo $func . "\n";
- }
- See also
- SoapServer::SoapServer,
- SoapServer::addFunction, and
- SoapServer::SetClass.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-handle.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-handle.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1897456548..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-handle.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- SoapServer::handle
- Handles a SOAP request
- Description
- voidSoapServer::handle
- stringsoap_request
- Processes a SOAP request, calls necessary functions, and sends a response
- back. It assumes a request in input parameter soap_request
- or in the global $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA PHP variable if the argument is
- omitted.
- Some examples
- "http://test-uri/"));
- See also
- SoapServer::SoapServer.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-setClass.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-setClass.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 966fac1438..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-setClass.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- SoapServer::setClass
- Sets class which will handle SOAP requests
- Description
- voidSoapServer::setClass
- stringclass_name
- mixedargs
- Exports all methods from specified class. Additional parameters args
- will be passed to the default class constructor during object creation.
- The object can be made persistent across request for a given PHP session
- with the SoapServer::setPersistence method.
- Some examples
-class bar {
- function bar($x, $y)
- {
- }
-$server->setClass("bar", $arg1, $arg2);
- See also
- SoapServer::SoapServer,
- SoapServer::addFunction, and
- SoapServer::setPersistence.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-setPersistence.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-setPersistence.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a87528acd..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapServer-setPersistence.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- SoapServer::setPersistence
- Sets persistence mode of SoapServer
- Description
- voidSoapServer::setPersistence
- intmode
- This function allows saving data between requests in a PHP session. It works only
- with a server that exports functions from a class with
- SoapServer::setClass.
- Some examples
- See also
- SoapServer::SoapServer, and
- SoapServer::SetClass.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/SoapVar-SoapVar.xml b/reference/soap/functions/SoapVar-SoapVar.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f471b23540..0000000000
--- a/reference/soap/functions/SoapVar-SoapVar.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- SoapVar::SoapVar
- SoapVar constructor
- Description
- SoapVarSoapVar::SoapVar
- mixeddata
- intencoding
- stringtype_name
- stringtype_namespace
- stringnode_name
- stringnode_namespace
- SoapVar is a special low-level class for encoding parameters and returning
- values in non-WSDL mode. It is just a data holder and does not have any
- special methods except the constructor. It is useful when you would like to set
- the type property in SOAP request or response. The constructor takes
- data to pass or return, encoding
- ID to encode it (see XSD_... constants) and as option type
- name and namespace and XML node name and namespace.
- Some examples
-varString = $s;
- $this->varInt = $i;
- $this->varFloat = $f;
- }
-$client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "http://localhost/soap.php",
- 'uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
-$struct = new SOAPStruct('arg', 34, 325.325);
-$soapstruct = new SoapVar($struct, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, "SOAPStruct", "http://soapinterop.org/xsd");
-$client->echoStruct(new SoapParam($soapstruct, "inputStruct"));
- See also
- SoapClient::__call and
- SoapParam::SoapParam.
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/is-soap-fault.xml b/reference/soap/functions/is-soap-fault.xml
index 822a70d312..e4b6dc8b4b 100644
--- a/reference/soap/functions/is-soap-fault.xml
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/is-soap-fault.xml
@@ -1,37 +1,61 @@
- is_soap_fault
- Checks if SOAP call was failed
- Description
- boolis_soap_fault
- mixedobj
- This function is useful when you like to check if the
- SOAP call failed, but don't like to use exceptions.
- To use it you must create a SoapClient object with
- exceptions option set to zero or &false;.
- In this case, the SOAP method will return a special SoapFault
- object which encapsulates the fault details (faultcode,
- faultstring, faultactor and faultdetails).
- If exceptions is not set then SOAP call will throw
- an exception on error.
- is_soap_fault checks if the given
- parameter is a SoapFault object.
- is_soap_fault example
+ is_soap_fault
+ Checks if SOAP call was failed
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolis_soap_fault
+ mixedobj
+ This function is useful when you like to check if the SOAP call failed, but
+ don't like to use exceptions. To use it you must create a
+ SoapClient object with the exceptions
+ option set to zero or &false;.
+ In this case, the SOAP method will return a special
+ SoapFault object which encapsulates the fault
+ details (faultcode, faultstring, faultactor and faultdetails).
+ If exceptions is not set then SOAP call will throw
+ an exception on error.
+ is_soap_fault checks if the given
+ parameter is a SoapFault object.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ obj
+ The tested object.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ &return.success;
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ is_soap_fault example
@@ -41,11 +65,11 @@ if (is_soap_fault($result)) {
- SOAP's standard method for error reporting is exceptions
+ SOAP's standard method for error reporting is exceptions
- See also
- SoapClient::SoapClient, and
- SoapFault::SoapFault.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ SoapClient->__call()
+ Calls a SOAP function
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapClient
+ mixed
+ __call
+ stringfunction_name
+ arrayarguments
+ arrayoptions
+ arrayinput_headers
+ arrayoutput_headers
+ This is a low level API function to make a SOAP call. Usually in WSDL mode
+ you can simply call SOAP functions as SoapClient
+ methods. It is useful for non-WSDL mode when soapaction
+ is unknown, uri differs from the default or when you like
+ to send and/or receive SOAP Headers.
+ On error, a call to a SOAP function can cause PHP exceptions or return a
+ SoapFault object if exceptions was disabled.
+ To check if the function call failed catch the SoapFault exceptions or
+ check the result with is_soap_fault.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ SOAP functions may return one or several values. In the first case it will
+ return just the value of output parameter, in the second it will return
+ the associative array with named output parameters.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ SoapClient->__call() Examples
+SomeFunction($a, $b, $c);
+$client->__call("SomeFunction", array($a, $b, $c));
+$client->__call("SomeFunction", array($a, $b, $c), NULL,
+ new SoapHeader(), $output_headers);
+$client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "http://localhost/soap.php",
+ 'uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
+$client->SomeFunction($a, $b, $c);
+$client->__call("SomeFunction", array($a, $b, $c));
+$client->__call("SomeFunction", array($a, $b, $c),
+ array('soapaction' => 'some_action',
+ 'uri' => 'some_uri'));
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ is_soap_fault
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-construct.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-construct.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d0feed231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-construct.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ SoapClient->__construct()
+ SoapClient constructor
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapClient
+ __construct
+ mixedwsdl
+ arrayoptions
+ This constructor allows creating SoapClient objects
+ in WSDL or non-WSDL mode.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ wsdl
+ URI of the WSDL file or &null; if working in
+ non-WSDL mode.
+ options
+ An array of option. If working in WSDL mode, this parameter is optional.
+ If working in non-WSDL mode, you must set the location
+ and uri options, where location is
+ a URL to request and uri is a target namespace of the
+ SOAP service.
+ The style and use options only work in
+ non-WSDL mode. In WSDL mode, they comes from the WSDL file.
+ The soap_version option specifies whether to use SOAP
+ 1.1, or SOAP 1.2 client.
+ For HTTP authentication, you may use the login and
+ password options. For making a HTTP connection through
+ a proxy server, use the options proxy_host,
+ proxy_port, proxy_login
+ and proxy_password.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ SoapClient examples
+ SOAP_1_2));
+$client = new SoapClient("some.wsdl", array('login' => "some_name",
+ 'password' => "some_password"));
+$client = new SoapClient("some.wsdl", array('proxy_host' => "localhost",
+ 'proxy_port' => 8080));
+$client = new SoapClient("some.wsdl", array('proxy_host' => "localhost",
+ 'proxy_port' => 8080,
+ 'proxy_login' => "some_name",
+ 'proxy_password' => "some_password"));
+$client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "http://localhost/soap.php",
+ 'uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
+$client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "http://localhost/soap.php",
+ 'uri' => "http://test-uri/",
+ 'style' => SOAP_DOCUMENT,
+ 'use' => SOAP_LITERAL));
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-getfunctions.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-getfunctions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfac580730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-getfunctions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ SoapClient->__getFunctions()
+ Returns list of SOAP functions
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapClient
+ array
+ __getFunctions
+ Returns the list of SOAP functions.
+ This function works only in WSDL mode.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ The list of SOAP functions.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ SoapClient->__getFunctions() example
+ &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-getlastrequest.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-getlastrequest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..884b6b42d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-getlastrequest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ SoapClient->__getLastRequest()
+ Returns last SOAP request
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapClient
+ string
+ __getLastRequest
+ This method works only if the SoapClient object
+ was created with the trace option.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ The last SOAP request.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ SoapClient->__getLastRequest() example
+ 1));
+$result = $client->SomeFunction();
+echo "REQUEST:\n" . $client->__getLastRequest() . "\n";
+ &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-getlastresponse.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-getlastresponse.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc8ed72099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-getlastresponse.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ SoapClient->__getLastResponse()
+ Returns last SOAP response.
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapClient
+ string
+ __getLastResponse
+ This method works only if the SoapClient object
+ was created with the trace option.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ The last SOAP response.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ SoapClient->__getLastResponse() example
+ 1));
+$result = $client->SomeFunction();
+echo "RESPONSE:\n" . $client->__getLastResponse() . "\n";
+ &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-gettypes.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-gettypes.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a883a5d1f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapclient-gettypes.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ SoapClient->__getTypes()
+ Returns list of SOAP types
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapClient
+ array
+ __getTypes
+ This function works only in WSDL mode.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ The list of SOAP types.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ SoapClient->__getTypes() example
+ &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapfault-construct.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapfault-construct.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c8d8c419f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapfault-construct.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ SoapFault->__construct()
+ SoapFault constructor
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapFault
+ __construct
+ stringfaultcode
+ stringfaultstring
+ stringfaultactor
+ mixeddetail
+ stringfaultname
+ SoapHeaderheaderfault
+ This class is useful when you would like to send SOAP fault responses from
+ the PHP handler. faultcode, faultstring,
+ faultactor and details are
+ standard elements of SOAP Fault;
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ faultcode
+ The error code of the SoapFault.
+ faultstring
+ The error message of the SoapFault.
+ faultactor
+ A string identifying the actor that caused the error.
+ detail
+ faultname
+ Can be used to select the proper fault encoding from WSDL.
+ headerfault
+ Can be used during SOAP header handling to report an error in the
+ response header.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Some examples
+ "http://test-uri/"));
+ It is possible to use PHP exception mechanism to throw SOAP Fault.
+ Some examples
+ "http://test-uri/"));
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ is_soap_fault
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapheader-construct.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapheader-construct.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..559c144e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapheader-construct.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ SoapHeader->__construct()
+ SoapHeader constructor
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapHeader
+ __construct
+ stringnamespace
+ stringname
+ mixeddata
+ boolmustUnderstand
+ mixedactor
+ Constructs a new SoapHeader object.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ namespace
+ The namespace of the SOAP header element.
+ name
+ The name of the SOAP header element.
+ data
+ A SOAP header's content. It can be a PHP value or a
+ SoapVar object.
+ mustUnderstand
+ Value of the mustUnderstand attribute of the SOAP
+ header element.
+ actor
+ Value of the actor attribute of the SOAP header
+ element.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Some examples
+ "http://localhost/soap.php",
+ 'uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
+$client->__call("echoVoid", null, null,
+ new SoapHeader('http://soapinterop.org/echoheader/',
+ 'echoMeStringRequest',
+ 'hello world'));
+ &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapparam-construct.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapparam-construct.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..013b2a1525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapparam-construct.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ SoapParam->__construct()
+ SoapParam constructor
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapParam
+ __construct
+ mixeddata
+ stringname
+ Constructs a new SoapParam object.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ data
+ The data to pass or return. You can pass this parameter directly as PHP
+ value, but in this case it will be named as paramN and
+ the SOAP Service may not understand it.
+ name
+ The parameter name.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Some examples
+ "http://localhost/soap.php",
+ 'uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
+$client->SomeFunction(new SoapParam($a, "a"),
+ new SoapParam($b, "b"),
+ new SoapParam($c, "c"));
+ &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-addfunction.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-addfunction.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e164980ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-addfunction.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ SoapServer->addFunction()
+ Adds one or several functions those will handle SOAP requests
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapServer
+ addFunction
+ mixedfunctions
+ Exports one or more functions for remote clients.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ functions
+ To export one function, pass the function name into this parameter as
+ a string.
+ To export several functions, pass an array of function names.
+ To export all the functions, pass a special constant SOAP_FUNCTIONS_ALL.
+ functions must receive all input arguments in the same
+ order as defined in the WSDL file (They should not receive any output parameters
+ as arguments) and return one or more values. To return several values they must
+ return an array with named output parameters.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ &return.void;
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Some examples
+function echoTwoStrings($inputString1, $inputString2)
+ return array("outputString1" => $inputString1,
+ "outputString2" => $inputString2);
+$server->addFunction(array("echoString", "echoTwoStrings"));
+ &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-construct.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-construct.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5d0db85d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-construct.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ SoapServer->__construct()
+ SoapServer constructor
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapServer
+ __construct
+ mixedwsdl
+ arrayoptions
+ This constructor allows the creation of SoapServer
+ objects in WSDL or non-WSDL mode.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ wsdl
+ If you want the WSDL mode, you must set this to the URI of a WSDL file.
+ In the other case, you must set this to &null; and set the uri
+ option.
+ options
+ Allow setting a default SOAP version (soap_version)
+ and actor URI (actor).
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Some examples
+ SOAP_1_2));
+$server = new SoapServer("some.wsdl", array('actor' => "http://example.org/ts-tests/C"));
+$server = new SoapServer(null, array('uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-getfunctions.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-getfunctions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbfc1ed563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-getfunctions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ SoapServer->getFunctions()
+ Returns list of defined functions
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapServer
+ array
+ getFunctions
+ This method returns the list of all functions added by
+ or
+ .
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ The list of all functions.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Some examples
+ "http://test-uri"));
+ $server->handle();
+} else {
+ echo "This SOAP server can handle following functions: ";
+ $functions = $server->getFunctions();
+ foreach($functions as $func) {
+ echo $func . "\n";
+ }
+ &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-handle.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-handle.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b195a0df76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-handle.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ SoapServer->handle()
+ Handles a SOAP request
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapServer
+ handle
+ stringsoap_request
+ Processes a SOAP request, calls necessary functions, and sends a response
+ back.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ soap_request
+ The SOAP request. If this argument is omitted, the request is supposed
+ to be in the $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA PHP variable.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ &return.void;
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Some examples
+ "http://test-uri/"));
+ &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-setclass.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-setclass.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cad16b17e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-setclass.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ SoapServer->setClass()
+ Sets class which will handle SOAP requests
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapServer
+ setClass
+ stringclass_name
+ mixedargs
+ Exports all methods from specified class.
+ The object can be made persistent across request for a given PHP session
+ with the method.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ class_name
+ The name of the exported class.
+ args
+ This optional parameter will be passed to the default class constructor
+ during object creation.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ &return.void;
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Some examples
+class bar {
+ function bar($x, $y)
+ {
+ }
+$server->setClass("bar", $arg1, $arg2);
+ &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-setpersistence.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-setpersistence.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70f73e2e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapserver-setpersistence.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ SoapServer->setPersistence()
+ Sets persistence mode of SoapServer
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapServer
+ setPersistence
+ intmode
+ This function allows saving data between requests in a PHP session. It works only
+ with a server that exports functions from a class with
+ .
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ mode
+ One of the SOAP_PERSISTENCE_XXX constants.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ &return.void;
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Some examples
+ &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapvar-construct.xml b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapvar-construct.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bd06a3935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/soap/functions/soap-soapvar-construct.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ SoapVar->__construct()
+ SoapVar constructor
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SoapVar
+ __construct
+ mixeddata
+ intencoding
+ stringtype_name
+ stringtype_namespace
+ stringnode_name
+ stringnode_namespace
+ Constructs a new SoapVar object.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ data
+ The data to pass or return.
+ encoding
+ The encoding ID, one of the XSD_... constants.
+ type_name
+ The type name.
+ type_namespace
+ The type namespace.
+ node_name
+ The XML node name.
+ node_namespace
+ The XML node namespace.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Some examples
+varString = $s;
+ $this->varInt = $i;
+ $this->varFloat = $f;
+ }
+$client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "http://localhost/soap.php",
+ 'uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
+$struct = new SOAPStruct('arg', 34, 325.325);
+$soapstruct = new SoapVar($struct, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, "SOAPStruct", "http://soapinterop.org/xsd");
+$client->echoStruct(new SoapParam($soapstruct, "inputStruct"));
+ &reftitle.seealso;
diff --git a/reference/soap/reference.xml b/reference/soap/reference.xml
index 67aabb1f8b..4f9b97688a 100644
--- a/reference/soap/reference.xml
+++ b/reference/soap/reference.xml
@@ -1,40 +1,181 @@
- SOAP Functions
+ SOAP Functions
- The SOAP extension can be used to write SOAP Servers and Clients. It supports
- subsets of SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2 and WSDL 1.1 specifications.
+ The SOAP extension can be used to write SOAP Servers and Clients. It supports
+ subsets of SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2 and WSDL 1.1 specifications.
- &reftitle.required;
- This extension makes use of the GNOME xml
- library. Download and install this library. You will need at
- least libxml-2.5.4.
+ &reftitle.required;
+ This extension makes use of the GNOME xml
+ library. Download and install this library. You will need at
+ least libxml-2.5.4.
- This extension is only available if PHP was configured with
- .
+ This extension is only available if PHP was configured with
+ .
+ &reference.soap.ini;
+ &reftitle.classes;
+ SoapClient
+ &reftitle.constructor;
+ - construct a new SoapClient object
+ &reftitle.methods;
+ - Calls a SOAP function
+ - Returns list of SOAP functions
+ - Returns last SOAP request
+ - Returns last SOAP response
+ - Returns list of SOAP types
- &reference.soap.ini;
+ SoapFault
+ &reftitle.constructor;
+ - construct a new SoapFault object
+ SoapHeader
+ SoapHeader is a special low-level class for passing
+ or returning SOAP headers. It's just a data holder and it does not have any
+ special methods except its constructor. It can be used in the method to pass a SOAP header or
+ in a SOAP header handler to return the header in a SOAP response.
+ &reftitle.constructor;
+ - construct a new SoapHeader object
+ SoapParam
+ SoapParam is a special low-level class for naming
+ parameters and returning values in non-WSDL mode.
+ It's just a data holder and it does not have any special methods except
+ its constructor.
+ &reftitle.constructor;
+ - construct a new SoapParam object
+ SoapServer
+ &reftitle.constructor;
+ - construct a new SoapServer object
+ &reftitle.methods;
+ - Adds one or several functions those will handle SOAP requests
+ - Returns list of defined functions
+ - Handles a SOAP request
+ - Sets class which will handle SOAP requests
+ - Sets persistence mode of SoapServer
+ SoapVar
+ SoapVar is a special low-level class for encoding
+ parameters and returning values in non-WSDL mode. It's
+ just a data holder and does not have any special methods except the constructor.
+ It's useful when you want to set the type property in SOAP request or response.
+ &reftitle.constructor;
+ - construct a new SoapVar object