diff --git a/reference/session/security.xml b/reference/session/security.xml
index 94152bac7c..81c1a3be16 100644
--- a/reference/session/security.xml
+++ b/reference/session/security.xml
@@ -12,261 +12,6 @@
enable/use applicable security measures.
- Securing Session INI Settings
- session.cookie_lifetime=0
- 0 have special meaning. It tells browsers not to store cookie to
- permanent storage. Therefore, when browser is terminated, session
- ID cookie is deleted immediately. If developer set other than 0, it may
- allow other users to use the session ID. Most applications should
- use "0" for this.
- If auto login feature is required, implement your own secure auto login
- feature. Do not use long life session ID for it.
- session.use_cookies=On
- session.use_only_cookies=On
- Although HTTP cookie has some problems, cookie is preferred way to
- manage session ID. Use only cookies for session ID management when
- it is possible. Most applications should use cookie for session
- ID.
- If session.use_only_cookies=Off,
- session module will use session ID values set by GET/POST/URL is used when
- session ID cookie is not initialized already.
- session.use_strict_mode=On
- Although, enabling session.use_strict_mode is
- mandatory. It is not enabled by default.
- This prevents session module to use uninitialized session ID. In
- other word, session module only accepts valid session ID generated
- by session module. It rejects session ID supplied by
- users.
- Because of cookie spec, attackers are able to set undeletable session ID
- cookies via locally setting cookie database or JavaScript injections.
- session.use_strict_mode can prevent attacker
- initialized session ID being used.
- Attackers may initialize session ID by their device and may set the
- session ID to victim. They must keep the session ID active to abuse.
- Attackers require additional steps to perform attack with this attack
- scenario. Therefore, session.use_strict_mode works
- as the mitigation.
- session.cookie_httponly=On
- Disallow access to session cookie by JavaScript. This setting
- prevents cookies stolen by JavaScript injection.
- It is possible to use session ID as CSRF protection key, but this is not
- recommended. For example, HTML source may be saved and sent to
- other users. Developer should not write session ID in web pages for
- better security. Almost all applications must use httponly attribute for
- session ID cookie.
- CSRF protection token should be renewed periodically just like
- session ID
- session.cookie_secure=On
- Allows access to session ID cookie only when protocol is HTTPS. If
- your web site is HTTPS only web site, you must enable this
- setting.
- HSTS should be considered for HTTPS only web site.
- session.gc_maxlifetime=[choose smallest possible]
- session.gc_maxlifetime
- is setting for deleting obsolete session ID. Reliance on this setting
- is NOT recommend. You should manage session life time by time-stamp
- by yourself.
- Session GC(garbage collection) is better to be performed by session_gc.
- session_gc function is better to be executed by task
- managers. e.g. cron on UNIX like systems.
- GC is performed by probability by default. This setting does not
- guarantee old session deletion. Although developer cannot rely
- on this setting, setting this to smallest possible value is
- recommended. Adjust session.gc_probability
- and session.gc_divisor so
- that obsolete sessions are deleted by appropriate frequency. If
- auto login feature is required, implement your own secure auto
- login feature. Never use long life session ID for it.
- Some session save handler modules do not use this setting for
- probability based expiration . e.g. memcached, memcache.
- Refer to session save handler documentation for details.
- session.use_trans_sid=Off
- Use of transparent session ID management is not prohibited. You
- may use it when it is needed. However, disabling transparent
- session ID management would improve general session ID security by
- removing possibility of session ID injection and session ID leak.
- Session ID may leak from bookmarked URL, e-mailed URL, saved HTML
- source.
- session.trans_sid_tags=Off
- (PHP 7.1.0 >=) You should not rewrite unneeded HTML tags. Default
- would be good enough for most usage. Older PHP uses
- url_rewriter.tags for this.
- session.trans_sid_hosts=Off
- (PHP 7.1.0 >=) This INI defines whitelist hosts that allows trans sid
- rewrite. Never add untrusted host. Session module allow only $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
- when this setting is empty.
- session.referer_check=[your originating URL]
- When session.use_trans_sid
- is enabled, use of this setting is recommended.
- It reduces risk of session ID injection. If your site is
- http://example.com/, set http://example.com/ to it. Note that when
- HTTPS is used, browser will not send referrer header. Browser may
- not send referrer header by configuration. Therefore, this setting
- is not reliable security measure.
- session.cache_limiter=nocache
- Make sure HTTP contents are not cached for authenticated
- session. Allow caching only when contents is not private.
- Otherwise, contents may be exposed. "private" may be used
- if HTTP content does not include security sensitive data. Note
- that "private" may leave private data cached by shared
- clients. "public" may be used only when HTTP content does not
- contain any private data at all.
- session.sid_length="48"
- (PHP 7.1.0 >=) Longer session ID results in stronger session
- ID. Developer should consider session ID length 32 chars or more. At
- least 26 chars is required when
- session.sid_bits_per_character="5".
- session.sid_bits_per_character="6"
- (PHP 7.1.0 >=) The more bits in a session ID char, session module
- generates stronger session ID for the same session ID length.
- session.hash_function="sha256"
- (PHP 7.1.0 <) Stronger hash function will generates stronger session
- ID. Although hash collision is unlikely even with MD5 hash, developers
- should use SHA-2 or stronger hash functions for the task. Developers may
- use stronger hashes like sha384 and sha512. Make sure you feed long
- enough entropy for
- the hash function used.
Session Management Basics
@@ -716,8 +461,268 @@
+ Securing Session INI Settings
+ By securing session related INI settings, you can improve session security.
+ Some of important INI settings does not have recommended settings. You
+ are responsible to hardening session settings.
+ session.cookie_lifetime=0
+ 0 have special meaning. It tells browsers not to store cookie to
+ permanent storage. Therefore, when browser is terminated, session
+ ID cookie is deleted immediately. If developer set other than 0, it may
+ allow other users to use the session ID. Most applications should
+ use "0" for this.
+ If auto login feature is required, implement your own secure auto login
+ feature. Do not use long life session ID for it.
+ session.use_cookies=On
+ session.use_only_cookies=On
+ Although HTTP cookie has some problems, cookie is preferred way to
+ manage session ID. Use only cookies for session ID management when
+ it is possible. Most applications should use cookie for session
+ ID.
+ If session.use_only_cookies=Off,
+ session module will use session ID values set by GET/POST/URL is used when
+ session ID cookie is not initialized already.
+ session.use_strict_mode=On
+ Although, enabling session.use_strict_mode is
+ mandatory. It is not enabled by default.
+ This prevents session module to use uninitialized session ID. In
+ other word, session module only accepts valid session ID generated
+ by session module. It rejects session ID supplied by
+ users.
+ Because of cookie spec, attackers are able to set undeletable session ID
+ cookies via locally setting cookie database or JavaScript injections.
+ session.use_strict_mode can prevent attacker
+ initialized session ID being used.
+ Attackers may initialize session ID by their device and may set the
+ session ID to victim. They must keep the session ID active to abuse.
+ Attackers require additional steps to perform attack with this attack
+ scenario. Therefore, session.use_strict_mode works
+ as the mitigation.
+ session.cookie_httponly=On
+ Disallow access to session cookie by JavaScript. This setting
+ prevents cookies stolen by JavaScript injection.
+ It is possible to use session ID as CSRF protection key, but this is not
+ recommended. For example, HTML source may be saved and sent to
+ other users. Developer should not write session ID in web pages for
+ better security. Almost all applications must use httponly attribute for
+ session ID cookie.
+ CSRF protection token should be renewed periodically just like
+ session ID
+ session.cookie_secure=On
+ Allows access to session ID cookie only when protocol is HTTPS. If
+ your web site is HTTPS only web site, you must enable this
+ setting.
+ HSTS should be considered for HTTPS only web site.
+ session.gc_maxlifetime=[choose smallest possible]
+ session.gc_maxlifetime
+ is setting for deleting obsolete session ID. Reliance on this setting
+ is NOT recommend. You should manage session life time by time-stamp
+ by yourself.
+ Session GC(garbage collection) is better to be performed by session_gc.
+ session_gc function is better to be executed by task
+ managers. e.g. cron on UNIX like systems.
+ GC is performed by probability by default. This setting does not
+ guarantee old session deletion. Although developer cannot rely
+ on this setting, setting this to smallest possible value is
+ recommended. Adjust session.gc_probability
+ and session.gc_divisor so
+ that obsolete sessions are deleted by appropriate frequency. If
+ auto login feature is required, implement your own secure auto
+ login feature. Never use long life session ID for it.
+ Some session save handler modules do not use this setting for
+ probability based expiration . e.g. memcached, memcache.
+ Refer to session save handler documentation for details.
+ session.use_trans_sid=Off
+ Use of transparent session ID management is not prohibited. You
+ may use it when it is needed. However, disabling transparent
+ session ID management would improve general session ID security by
+ removing possibility of session ID injection and session ID leak.
+ Session ID may leak from bookmarked URL, e-mailed URL, saved HTML
+ source.
+ session.trans_sid_tags=Off
+ (PHP 7.1.0 >=) You should not rewrite unneeded HTML tags. Default
+ would be good enough for most usage. Older PHP uses
+ url_rewriter.tags for this.
+ session.trans_sid_hosts=Off
+ (PHP 7.1.0 >=) This INI defines whitelist hosts that allows trans sid
+ rewrite. Never add untrusted host. Session module allow only $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
+ when this setting is empty.
+ session.referer_check=[your originating URL]
+ When session.use_trans_sid
+ is enabled, use of this setting is recommended.
+ It reduces risk of session ID injection. If your site is
+ http://example.com/, set http://example.com/ to it. Note that when
+ HTTPS is used, browser will not send referrer header. Browser may
+ not send referrer header by configuration. Therefore, this setting
+ is not reliable security measure.
+ session.cache_limiter=nocache
+ Make sure HTTP contents are not cached for authenticated
+ session. Allow caching only when contents is not private.
+ Otherwise, contents may be exposed. "private" may be used
+ if HTTP content does not include security sensitive data. Note
+ that "private" may leave private data cached by shared
+ clients. "public" may be used only when HTTP content does not
+ contain any private data at all.
+ session.sid_length="48"
+ (PHP 7.1.0 >=) Longer session ID results in stronger session
+ ID. Developer should consider session ID length 32 chars or more. At
+ least 26 chars is required when
+ session.sid_bits_per_character="5".
+ session.sid_bits_per_character="6"
+ (PHP 7.1.0 >=) The more bits in a session ID char, session module
+ generates stronger session ID for the same session ID length.
+ session.hash_function="sha256"
+ (PHP 7.1.0 <) Stronger hash function will generates stronger session
+ ID. Although hash collision is unlikely even with MD5 hash, developers
+ should use SHA-2 or stronger hash functions for the task. Developers may
+ use stronger hashes like sha384 and sha512. Make sure you feed long
+ enough entropy for
+ the hash function used.