diff --git a/reference/bcompiler/functions/bcompiler-load-exe.xml b/reference/bcompiler/functions/bcompiler-load-exe.xml
index 13675fea55..13bdea81f8 100644
--- a/reference/bcompiler/functions/bcompiler-load-exe.xml
+++ b/reference/bcompiler/functions/bcompiler-load-exe.xml
@@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
- bcompiler_load_exe
- Reads and creates classes from a bcompiler exe file
- Description
- boolbcompiler_load_exe
- stringfilename
- &warn.experimental.func;
- Reads data from a bcompiler exe file and creates classes from the bytecodes.
- bcompiler_load example
+ bcompiler_load_exe
+ Reads and creates classes from a bcompiler exe file
+ Description
+ boolbcompiler_load_exe
+ stringfilename
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ Reads data from a bcompiler exe file and creates classes from the bytecodes.
+ bcompiler_load example
- bcompiler_load
- Reads and creates classes from a bz compressed file
- Description
- boolbcompiler_load
- stringfilename
- &warn.experimental.func;
- Please use include or require statements to parse bytecodes, it's more
- portable and convenient way than using this function.
- Reads data from a bzcompressed file and creates classes from the bytecodes.
- Please note that this function won't execute script body code contained in the bytecode file.
- bcompiler_load example
+ bcompiler_load
+ Reads and creates classes from a bz compressed file
+ Description
+ boolbcompiler_load
+ stringfilename
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ Please use include or require statements to parse bytecodes, it's more
+ portable and convenient way than using this function.
+ Reads data from a bzcompressed file and creates classes from the bytecodes.
+ Please note that this function won't execute script body code contained in the bytecode file.
+ bcompiler_load example
- bcompiler_parse_class
- Reads the bytecodes of a class and calls back to a user function
- Description
- boolbcompiler_parse_class
- stringclass
- stringcallback
- This function has been removed from bcompiler and is no
- longer available as of bcompiler 0.5.
- Reads the bytecodes of a class and calls back to a user function.
- bcompiler_parse_class example
+ bcompiler_parse_class
+ Reads the bytecodes of a class and calls back to a user function
+ Description
+ boolbcompiler_parse_class
+ stringclass
+ stringcallback
+ This function has been removed from bcompiler and is no
+ longer available as of bcompiler 0.5.
+ Reads the bytecodes of a class and calls back to a user function.
+ bcompiler_parse_class example
- bcompiler_read
- Reads and creates classes from a filehandle
- Description
- boolbcompiler_read
- resourcefilehandle
- &warn.experimental.func;
- Please use include or require statements to parse
- bytecodes, it's more portable and convenient way than using this function.
- Reads data from a open file handle and creates classes from the bytecodes.
- Please note that this function won't execute script body code contained in the bytecode file.
- bcompiler_read example
+ bcompiler_read
+ Reads and creates classes from a filehandle
+ Description
+ boolbcompiler_read
+ resourcefilehandle
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ Please use include or require statements to parse
+ bytecodes, it's more portable and convenient way than using this function.
+ Reads data from a open file handle and creates classes from the bytecodes.
+ Please note that this function won't execute script body code contained in the bytecode file.
+ bcompiler_read example
- bcompiler_write_class
- Writes an defined class as bytecodes
- Description
- boolbcompiler_write_class
- resourcefilehandle
- stringclassName
- stringextends
- &warn.experimental.func;
- This reads the bytecodes from PHP for an existing class, and writes them
- to the open file handle, It does not perform dependency checking, so make
- sure you write the classes in an order that will not result in an
- 'undefined class' occurring when you load it.
- bcompiler_write_class example
+ bcompiler_write_class
+ Writes an defined class as bytecodes
+ Description
+ boolbcompiler_write_class
+ resourcefilehandle
+ stringclassName
+ stringextends
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ This reads the bytecodes from PHP for an existing class, and writes them
+ to the open file handle, It does not perform dependency checking, so make
+ sure you write the classes in an order that will not result in an
+ 'undefined class' occurring when you load it.
+ bcompiler_write_class example
- See also bcompiler_write_header,
- and bcompiler_write_footer.
+ See also bcompiler_write_header,
+ and bcompiler_write_footer.
- bcompiler_write_constant
- Writes a defined constant as bytecodes
- Description
- boolbcompiler_write_constant
- resourcefilehandle
- stringconstantName
- &warn.experimental.func;
- This function reads the bytecodes from PHP for an existing constant, and
- writes them to the open file handle.
- bcompiler_write_constant example
+ bcompiler_write_constant
+ Writes a defined constant as bytecodes
+ Description
+ boolbcompiler_write_constant
+ resourcefilehandle
+ stringconstantName
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ This function reads the bytecodes from PHP for an existing constant, and
+ writes them to the open file handle.
+ bcompiler_write_constant example
- See also bcompiler_write_header,
- and bcompiler_write_footer.
+ See also bcompiler_write_header,
+ and bcompiler_write_footer.
- bcompiler_write_file
- Writes a php source file as bytecodes
- Description
- boolbcompiler_write_file
- resourcefilehandle
- stringfilename
- &warn.experimental.func;
- This function complies specified source file into bytecodes, and writes
- them to the open file handle.
- bcompiler_write_file example
- See also bcompiler_write_header, and
- bcompiler_write_footer.
+ bcompiler_write_file
+ Writes a php source file as bytecodes
+ Description
+ boolbcompiler_write_file
+ resourcefilehandle
+ stringfilename
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ This function complies specified source file into bytecodes, and writes
+ them to the open file handle.
+ bcompiler_write_file example
+ See also bcompiler_write_header, and
+ bcompiler_write_footer.
diff --git a/reference/bcompiler/functions/bcompiler-write-footer.xml b/reference/bcompiler/functions/bcompiler-write-footer.xml
index c89403bd9f..81bf2f977c 100644
--- a/reference/bcompiler/functions/bcompiler-write-footer.xml
+++ b/reference/bcompiler/functions/bcompiler-write-footer.xml
@@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
- bcompiler_write_function
- Writes an defined function as bytecodes
- Description
- boolbcompiler_write_function
- resourcefilehandle
- stringfunctionName
- &warn.experimental.func;
- This reads the bytecodes from PHP for an existing function, and writes
- them to the open file handle. Order is not important, (eg. if function b
- uses function a, and you compile it like the example below, it will
- work perfectly OK).
- bcompiler_write_function example
+ bcompiler_write_function
+ Writes an defined function as bytecodes
+ Description
+ boolbcompiler_write_function
+ resourcefilehandle
+ stringfunctionName
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ This reads the bytecodes from PHP for an existing function, and writes
+ them to the open file handle. Order is not important, (eg. if function b
+ uses function a, and you compile it like the example below, it will
+ work perfectly OK).
+ bcompiler_write_function example
- See also bcompiler_write_header, and
- bcompiler_write_footer.
+ See also bcompiler_write_header, and
+ bcompiler_write_footer.
- bcompiler_write_functions_from_file
- Writes all functions defined in a file as bytecodes
- Description
- boolbcompiler_write_functions_from_file
- resourcefilehandle
- stringfileName
- &warn.experimental.func;
- This function searches for all functions declared in the given file, and
- writes their correspondent bytecodes to the open file handle. Always
- remember to include/require the file you intend to compile.
- bcompiler_write_functions_from_file example
+ bcompiler_write_functions_from_file
+ Writes all functions defined in a file as bytecodes
+ Description
+ boolbcompiler_write_functions_from_file
+ resourcefilehandle
+ stringfileName
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ This function searches for all functions declared in the given file, and
+ writes their correspondent bytecodes to the open file handle. Always
+ remember to include/require the file you intend to compile.
+ bcompiler_write_functions_from_file example
- See also bcompiler_write_header, and
- bcompiler_write_footer.
+ See also bcompiler_write_header, and
+ bcompiler_write_footer.