updated the strings section a bit.

git-svn-id: https://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/en/trunk@48306 c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
This commit is contained in:
Jeroen van Wolffelaar 2001-05-23 22:13:58 +00:00
parent ead0a857b8
commit 3de536403c

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@ -478,107 +478,216 @@ EXPONENT_DNUM (({LNUM}|{DNUM})[eE][+-]?{LNUM})
<sect1 id="language.types.string">
Strings can be specified using one of two sets of delimiters.
If the string is enclosed in double-quotes ("), variables within
the string will be expanded (subject to some parsing
limitations). As in C and Perl, the backslash ("\") character can
be used in specifying special characters:
<title>Escaped characters</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>linefeed (LF or 0x0A (10) in ASCII)</entry>
<entry>carriage return (CR or 0x0D (13) in ASCII)</entry>
<entry>horizontal tab (HT or 0x09 (9) in ASCII)</entry>
<entry>dollar sign</entry>
the sequence of characters matching the regular
expression is a character in octal notation
the sequence of characters matching the regular
expression is a character in hexadecimal notation
A <type>string</type> is series of characters. In PHP,
a character is the same as a byte, that is, there are exactly
256 different characters possible. This also implies that PHP
has no native support of Unicode.
<!-- how about unicode? will we support that eventually? Are
there current any ways to work with unicode?
It is no problem for a string to become very large.
There is no practical bound to the size
of strings imposed by PHP, so there is no reason at all
to worry about long strings.
<sect2 id="language.types.string.syntax">
A string literal can be specified in three different
If you attempt to escape any other character, both the backslash
and the character will be output. In PHP 3, a warning will
be issued at the <literal>E_NOTICE</literal> level when this
happens. In PHP 4, no warning is generated.
<link linkend="language.types.string.syntax.single">single quoted</link>
<link linkend="language.types.string.syntax.double">double quoted</link>
<link linkend="language.types.string.syntax.heredoc">heredoc syntax</link>
The second way to delimit a string uses the single-quote ("'")
character. When a string is enclosed in single quotes, the only
escapes that will be understood are "\\" and "\'". This is for
convenience, so that you can have single-quotes and backslashes in
a single-quoted string. Variables will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be
expanded inside a single-quoted string.
<sect3 id="language.types.string.syntax.single">
<title>Single quoted</title>
The easiest way to specify a simple string is to
enclose it in single quotes (the character <literal>'</literal>).
To specify a literal single
quote, you will need to escape it with a backslash
(<literal>\</literal>), like in many other languages.
If a backslash needs to occur before a single quote or at
the end of the string, you need to double it.
Note that if you try to escape any
other character, the backslash too will be printed! So
usually there is no need to escape the backslash itself.
In PHP 3, a warning will
be issued at the <literal>E_NOTICE</literal> level when this
Unlike the two other syntaxes, variables will <emphasis>not</emphasis>
be expanded when they occur in single quoted strings.
<programlisting role="php">
echo 'this is a simple string';
echo 'You can also have embedded newlines in strings,
like this way.';
echo 'Arnold once said: "I\'ll be back"';
// output: ... "I'll be back"
echo 'Are you sure you want to delete C:\\*.*?';
// output: ... delete C:\*.*?
echo 'Are you sure you want to delete C:\*.*?';
// output: ... delete C:\*.*?
echo 'I am trying to include at this point: \n a newline';
// output: ... this point: \n a newline
<sect3 id="language.types.string.syntax.double">
<title>Double quoted</title>
If the string is enclosed in double-quotes ("),
PHP understands more escape sequences for special
<title>Escaped characters</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>linefeed (LF or 0x0A (10) in ASCII)</entry>
<entry>carriage return (CR or 0x0D (13) in ASCII)</entry>
<entry>horizontal tab (HT or 0x09 (9) in ASCII)</entry>
<entry>dollar sign</entry>
the sequence of characters matching the regular
expression is a character in octal notation
the sequence of characters matching the regular
expression is a character in hexadecimal notation
Again, if you try to escape any other character, the
backspace will be printed too!
But the most important pre of double-quoted strings
is the fact that variable names will be expanded.
See <link linkend="language.types.string.parsing">string
parsing</link> for details.
<sect3 id="language.types.string.syntax.heredoc">
Another way to delimit strings is by using here doc syntax
("&lt;&lt;&lt;"). One should provide an identifier after
<literal>&lt;&lt;&lt;</literal>, then the string, and then the
same identifier to close the quotation.
The closing identifier <emphasis>must</emphasis> begin in the
first column of the line. Also, the identifier used must follow
the same naming rules as any other label in PHP: it must contain
only alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with
a non-digit character or underscore.
It is very important to note that the line with the closing
identifier contains no other characters, except
<emphasis>possibly</emphasis> a <literal>;</literal>.
That means especially that the identifier
<emphasis>may not be indented</emphasis>, and there
may not be any spaces or tabs after or before the <literal>;</literal>.
Probably the nastiest gotcha is that there may also
not be a carriage return (<literal>\r</literal>) at the end of
the line, only
a form feed, a.k.a. newline (<literal>\n</literal>).
Since Microsoft Windows uses the sequence
<literal>\r\n</literal> as a line
terminator, your heredoc may not work if you write your
script in a windows editor. However, most programming
editors provide a way to save your files with UNIX
line terminator.
FTP will sometimes automatically convert \r\n to \n while
transferring your files to your webserver (which
is *nix, of course)
Another way to delimit strings is by using here doc syntax
("&lt;&lt;&lt;"). One should provide an identifier after
<literal>&lt;&lt;&lt;</literal>, then the string, and then the
same identifier to close the quotation.
The closing identifier <emphasis>must</emphasis> begin in the
first column of the line. Also, the identifier used must follow
the same naming rules as any other label in PHP: it must contain
only alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with
a non-digit character or underscore.
Here doc text behaves just like a double-quoted string, without
the double-quotes. This means that you do not need to escape quotes
in your here docs, but you can still use the escape codes listed
above. Variables are expanded, but the same care must be taken
when expressing complex variables inside a here doc as with
<title>Here doc string quoting example</title>
Here doc text behaves just like a double-quoted string, without
the double-quotes. This means that you do not need to escape quotes
in your here docs, but you can still use the escape codes listed
above. Variables are expanded, but the same care must be taken
when expressing complex variables inside a here doc as with
<title>Here doc string quoting example</title>
$str = &lt;&lt;&lt;EOD
Example of string
@ -606,68 +715,22 @@ Now, I am printing some {$foo-&gt;bar[1]}.
This should print a capital 'A': \x41
Here doc support was added in PHP 4.
Strings may be concatenated using the '.' (dot) operator. Note
that the '+' (addition) operator will not work for this. Please
see <link linkend="language.operators.string">String
operators</link> for more information.
Characters within strings may be accessed by treating the string
as a numerically-indexed array of characters, using C-like
syntax. See below for examples.
<title>Some string examples</title>
<programlisting role="php">
/* Assigning a string. */
$str = "This is a string";
/* Appending to it. */
$str = $str . " with some more text";
/* Another way to append, includes an escaped newline. */
$str .= " and a newline at the end.\n";
/* This string will end up being '&lt;p&gt;Number: 9&lt;/p&gt;' */
$num = 9;
$str = "&lt;p&gt;Number: $num&lt;/p&gt;";
/* This one will be '&lt;p&gt;Number: $num&lt;/p&gt;' */
$num = 9;
$str = '&lt;p&gt;Number: $num&lt;/p&gt;';
/* Get the first character of a string */
$str = 'This is a test.';
$first = $str[0];
/* Get the last character of a string. */
$str = 'This is still a test.';
$last = $str[strlen($str)-1];
<sect2 id="language.types.string.parsing">
<title>String parsing</title>
I used simpara all over, because I don't know when
to use para. There will also probably some typo's
and misspellings.
Here doc support was added in PHP 4.
<sect3 id="language.types.string.parsing">
<title>Variable parsing</title>
When a string is specified in double quotes, variables are
When a string is specified in double quotes or with
heredoc, variables are
parsed within it.
@ -685,10 +748,10 @@ $last = $str[strlen($str)-1];
and can by recognised
by the curly braces surrounding the expression.
<sect3 id="language.types.string.parsing.simple">
<sect4 id="language.types.string.parsing.simple">
<title>Simple syntax</title>
If a $ is encoutered, the parser will
If a <literal>$</literal> is encoutered, the parser will
greedily take as much tokens as possible to form a valid
variable name. Enclose the the variable name in curly
braces if you want to explicitely specify the end of the
@ -696,10 +759,10 @@ $last = $str[strlen($str)-1];
<programlisting role="php">
$beer = 'Heineken';
echo "$beer's taste is great"; // works, "'" is an invalid character for varnames
echo "He drunk some $beers"; // won't work, 's' is a valid character for varnames
echo "He drunk some ${beer}s"; // works
$beer = 'Heineken';
echo "$beer's taste is great"; // works, "'" is an invalid character for varnames
echo "He drunk some $beers"; // won't work, 's' is a valid character for varnames
echo "He drunk some ${beer}s"; // works
@ -720,29 +783,29 @@ $last = $str[strlen($str)-1];
<programlisting role="php">
$fruits = array( 'strawberry' =&gt; 'red' , 'banana' =&gt; 'yellow' );
echo "A banana is $fruits[banana].";
echo "This square is $square-&gt;width meters broad.";
echo "This square is $square-&gt;width00 centimeters broad."; // won't work,
// for a solution, see the <link linkend="language.types.string.parsing.complex">complex syntax</link>.
<!-- XXX this won't work:
echo "This square is $square->{width}00 centimeters broad.";
// XXX: php developers: it would be consequent to make this work.
// XXX: like the $obj->{expr} syntax outside a string works,
// XXX: analogously to the ${expr} syntax for variable var's.
$fruits = array( 'strawberry' =&gt; 'red' , 'banana' =&gt; 'yellow' );
echo "A banana is $fruits[banana].";
echo "This square is $square-&gt;width meters broad.";
echo "This square is $square-&gt;width00 centimeters broad."; // won't work,
// for a solution, see the <link linkend="language.types.string.parsing.complex">complex syntax</link>.
<!-- XXX this won't work:
echo "This square is $square->{width}00 centimeters broad.";
// XXX: php developers: it would be consequent to make this work.
// XXX: like the $obj->{expr} syntax outside a string works,
// XXX: analogously to the ${expr} syntax for variable var's.
For anything more complex, you should use the complex syntax.
<sect3 id="language.types.string.parsing.complex">
<sect4 id="language.types.string.parsing.complex">
<title>Complex (curly) syntax</title>
I didn't call this complex because the syntax is complex,
This isn't called complex because the syntax is complex,
but because you can include complex expressions this way.
@ -756,29 +819,110 @@ $last = $str[strlen($str)-1];
<programlisting role="php">
$great = 'fantastic';
echo "This is { $great}"; // won't work, outputs: This is { fantastic}
echo "This is {$great}"; // works, outputs: This is fantastic
echo "This square is {$square-&gt;width}00 centimeters broad.";
echo "This works: {$arr[4][3]}";
echo "This is wrong: {$arr[foo][3]}"; // for the same reason
// as $foo[bar] is wrong outside a string.
<!-- XXX see the still-to-write explaination in the arrays-section. -->
echo "You should do it this way: {$arr['foo'][3]}";
echo "You can even write {$obj-&gt;values[3]-&gt;name}";
echo "This is the value of the var named $name: {${$name}}";
<!-- <xxx> maybe it's better to leave this out?? -->
// this works, but i disencourage its use, since this is NOT
// involving functions, rather than mere variables, arrays and objects.
$beer = 'Heineken';
echo "I'd like to have another {${ strrev('reeb') }}, hips";
<!-- </xxx> -->
$great = 'fantastic';
echo "This is { $great}"; // won't work, outputs: This is { fantastic}
echo "This is {$great}"; // works, outputs: This is fantastic
echo "This square is {$square-&gt;width}00 centimeters broad.";
echo "This works: {$arr[4][3]}";
echo "This is wrong: {$arr[foo][3]}"; // for the same reason
// as <link linkend="language.types.array.foo-bar">$foo[bar]</link
> is wrong outside a string.
echo "You should do it this way: {$arr['foo'][3]}";
echo "You can even write {$obj-&gt;values[3]-&gt;name}";
echo "This is the value of the var named $name: {${$name}}";
<!-- <xxx> maybe it's better to leave this out??
// this works, but i disencourage its use, since this is NOT
// involving functions, rather than mere variables, arrays and objects.
$beer = 'Heineken';
echo "I'd like to have another {${ strrev('reeb') }}, hips";
</xxx> -->
<sect3 id="language.types.string.substr">
<title>String access by character</title>
Characters within strings may be accessed by specifying the
zero-based offset of the desired character after the string
in curly braces.
For backwards compatibility, you can still use the array-braces.
However, this syntax is deprecated as of PHP 4.
<title>Some string examples</title>
<programlisting role="php">
<!-- TODO: either move these examples to a example section,
as with arrays, or distribute them under the applicable
sections. -->
/* Assigning a string. */
$str = "This is a string";
/* Appending to it. */
$str = $str . " with some more text";
/* Another way to append, includes an escaped newline. */
$str .= " and a newline at the end.\n";
/* This string will end up being '&lt;p&gt;Number: 9&lt;/p&gt;' */
$num = 9;
$str = "&lt;p&gt;Number: $num&lt;/p&gt;";
/* This one will be '&lt;p&gt;Number: $num&lt;/p&gt;' */
$num = 9;
$str = '&lt;p&gt;Number: $num&lt;/p&gt;';
/* Get the first character of a string */
$str = 'This is a test.';
$first = $str{0};
/* Get the last character of a string. */
$str = 'This is still a test.';
$last = $str{strlen($str)-1};
</sect2><!-- end syntax -->
<sect2 id="language.types.string.useful-funcs">
<title>Useful functions</title><!-- and operators -->
Strings may be concatenated using the '.' (dot) operator. Note
that the '+' (addition) operator will not work for this. Please
see <link linkend="language.operators.string">String
operators</link> for more information.
There are a lot of useful functions for string modification.
See the <link linkend="ref.strings">string functions section</link>
for general functions, the regular expression functions for
advanced find&amp;replacing (in two tastes:
<link linkend="ref.pcre">Perl</link> and
<link linkend="ref.regex">POSIX extended</link>).
There are also <link linkend="ref.url">functions for URL-strings</link>,
and functions to encrypt/decrypt strings
(<link linkend="ref.mcrypt">mcrypt</link> and
<link linkend="ref.mhash">mhash</link>).
Finally, if you still didn't find what you're looking for,
see also the <link linkend="ref.ctype">character type functions</link>.
<sect2 id="language.types.string.conversion">
<title>String conversion</title>
@ -832,7 +976,7 @@ echo "\$foo==$foo; type is " . gettype ($foo) . "&lt;br&gt;\n";
</sect1><!-- end string -->
<sect1 id="language.types.array">