diff --git a/reference/mysqlinfo/concepts.xml b/reference/mysqlinfo/concepts.xml
index 75339e9e95..11abdcb885 100644
--- a/reference/mysqlinfo/concepts.xml
+++ b/reference/mysqlinfo/concepts.xml
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ if ($uresult) {
echo $row['Name'] . PHP_EOL;
@@ -90,25 +89,6 @@ if ($uresult) {
- Unbuffered query example: mysql
@@ -129,8 +109,7 @@ if ($uresult) {
The character set should be understood and defined, as it has an affect on every
action, and includes security implications. For example, the escaping mechanism
- (e.g., mysqli_real_escape_string for mysqli, mysql_real_escape_string
- for mysql, and PDO::quote for PDO_MySQL) will adhere to
+ (e.g., mysqli_real_escape_string for mysqli and PDO::quote for PDO_MySQL) will adhere to
this setting. It is important to realize that these functions will not use the character
set that is defined with a query, so for example the following will not have an effect
on them:
@@ -156,7 +135,6 @@ $mysqli->set_charset('utf8mb4');
// But, this will NOT affect it (UTF-8 vs utf8mb4) -- don't use dashes here
@@ -183,16 +161,14 @@ $mysqli->set_charset('UTF-8');
+echo 'Initial character set: ' . $mysqli->character_set_name() . "\n";
if (!$mysqli->set_charset('utf8mb4')) {
printf("Error loading character set utf8mb4: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
-echo "New character set information:\n";
-print_r( $mysqli->get_charset() );
+echo 'Your current character set is: ' . $mysqli->character_set_name() . "\n";
@@ -209,26 +185,6 @@ $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=world;charset=utf8mb4", 'my_user', '
- Setting the character set example: mysql
diff --git a/reference/mysqlinfo/set.xml b/reference/mysqlinfo/set.xml
index 03d7764949..7136414b90 100644
--- a/reference/mysqlinfo/set.xml
+++ b/reference/mysqlinfo/set.xml
@@ -25,12 +25,10 @@
- Depending on the version of PHP, there are either two or three PHP APIs
- for accessing the MySQL database. PHP 5 users can choose between the
- deprecated mysql extension,
- mysqli, or
- PDO_MySQL. PHP 7 removes the mysql
- extension, leaving only the latter two options.
+ There are several PHP APIs
+ for accessing the MySQL database. Users can choose between the
+ mysqli or
+ PDO_MySQL extensions.
This guide explains the
@@ -68,7 +66,7 @@
APIs can be procedural or object-oriented. With a procedural API you
call functions to carry out tasks, with the object-oriented API you
instantiate classes and then call methods on the resulting objects.
- Of the two the latter is usually the preferred interface, as it is
+ Of the two, the latter is usually the preferred interface, as it is
more modern and leads to better organized code.
@@ -134,11 +132,10 @@
- In the PHP documentation you will come across another term -
+ In the PHP documentation, you will come across another term -
extension. The PHP code consists of a core,
with optional extensions to the core functionality. PHP's
- MySQL-related extensions, such as the mysqli
- extension, and the mysql extension, are
+ MySQL-related extension, mysqli, is
implemented using the PHP extension framework.
@@ -165,15 +162,15 @@
Choosing an API
- PHP offers three different APIs to connect to MySQL. Below we show
- the APIs provided by the mysql, mysqli, and PDO extensions. Each code snippet
+ PHP offers different APIs to connect to MySQL. Below we show
+ the APIs provided by the mysqli and PDO extensions. Each code snippet
creates a connection to a MySQL server running on "example.com" using
the username "user" and the password "password". And a query is run to
greet the user.
- Comparing the three MySQL APIs
+ Comparing the MySQL APIs
query("SELECT 'Hello, dear MySQL user!' AS _message FROM DUAL");
$row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
echo htmlentities($row['_message']);
-// mysql
-$c = mysql_connect("example.com", "user", "password");
-$result = mysql_query("SELECT 'Hello, dear MySQL user!' AS _message FROM DUAL");
-$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
-echo htmlentities($row['_message']);
- Recommended API
+ Feature comparison
- It is recommended to use either the mysqli
- or PDO_MySQL extensions.
- It is not recommended to use the old mysql
- extension for new development, as it was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0 and was
- removed in PHP 7. A detailed feature comparison matrix is provided below.
- The overall performance of all three extensions is considered to be about
+ The overall performance of both extensions is considered to be about
the same. Although the performance of the extension contributes only a
fraction of the total run time of a PHP web request. Often, the impact is
as low as 0.1%.
- Feature comparison
+ ext/mysqliPDO_MySQL
- ext/mysql
@@ -232,109 +212,86 @@ echo htmlentities($row['_message']);
PHP version introduced5.05.1
- 2.0
- Included with PHP 5.x
+ Included with PHP 7.x and 8.xYesYes
- Yes
- Included with PHP 7.x
- Yes
- Yes
- NoDevelopment statusActiveActive
- Maintenance only in 5.x; removed in 7.xLifecycleActiveActive
- Deprecated in 5.x; removed in 7.xRecommended for new projectsYesYes
- NoOOP InterfaceYesYes
- NoProcedural InterfaceYesNo
- YesAPI supports non-blocking, asynchronous queries with mysqlndYesNo
- NoPersistent ConnectionsYesYes
- YesAPI supports CharsetsYesYes
- YesAPI supports server-side Prepared StatementsYesYes
- NoAPI supports client-side Prepared StatementsNoYes
- NoAPI supports Stored ProceduresYesYes
- NoAPI supports Multiple StatementsYesMost
- NoAPI supports TransactionsYesYes
- NoTransactions can be controlled with SQLYesYes
- YesSupports all MySQL 5.1+ functionalityYesMost
- No
@@ -344,13 +301,13 @@ echo htmlentities($row['_message']);
Choosing a library
- The mysqli, PDO_MySQL and mysql PHP extensions are lightweight wrappers on
+ The mysqli and PDO_MySQL PHP extensions are lightweight wrappers on
top of a C client library. The extensions can either use the
mysqlnd library or the libmysqlclient
library. Choosing a library is a compile time decision.
- The mysqlnd library is part of the PHP distribution since 5.3.0. It offers
+ The mysqlnd library is part of the PHP distribution. It offers
features like lazy connections and query caching, features that are not available
with libmysqlclient, so using the built-in mysqlnd library is highly recommended.
See the mysqlnd documentation for
@@ -362,13 +319,13 @@ echo htmlentities($row['_message']);
@@ -417,28 +374,23 @@ $ ./configure --with-mysqli=/path/to/mysql_config --with-pdo-mysql=/path/to/mysq
No end announced
- PHP 5.4 and above; compile default (for all MySQL extensions)
+ Compile default (for all MySQL extensions)YesNo
- PHP 5.3; compile default (for all MySQL extensions)
- No
- Yes
- Compression protocol support
- Yes (5.3.1+)
+ YesYesSSL support
- Yes (5.3.3+)
+ YesYesNamed pipe support
- Yes (5.3.4+)
+ YesYes