diff --git a/reference/yaf/yaf-controller-abstract.xml b/reference/yaf/yaf-controller-abstract.xml
index 8c36338639..931152fc8c 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/yaf-controller-abstract.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/yaf-controller-abstract.xml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
You will find that you can not define __construct function for your custom
controller, thus, Yaf_Controller_Abstract provides
- a magic method: Yaf_Controller_Abstract::init().
+ a magic method: Yaf_Controller_Abstract::init.
If you have defined a init() method in your custom controller, it will be
@@ -33,8 +33,14 @@
Action may have arguments, when a request coming, if there are the same
name variable in the request parameters(see
Yaf_Request_Abstract::getParam) after routed,
- Yaf will pass them to the action method(see
- Yaf_Action_Abstract::execute).
+ Yaf will pass them to the action method
+ (see Yaf_Action_Abstract::execute).
+ These arguments are directly fetched without filtering, it should be
+ carefully processed before use them.
@@ -116,6 +122,7 @@ class IndexController extends Yaf_Controller_Abstract {
/* action method may have arguments */
public indexAction($name, $id) {
+ /* $name and $id are unsafe raw data */
assert($name == $this->getRequest()->getParam("name"));
assert($id == $this->_request->getParam("id"));
@@ -152,21 +159,25 @@ class DummyAction extends Yaf_Action_Abstract {
+ controller name
- the request object
+ current request object
+ current response object
diff --git a/reference/yaf/yaf-route-map.xml b/reference/yaf/yaf-route-map.xml
index 0bcd8490cf..bb4fbc53ea 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/yaf-route-map.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/yaf-route-map.xml
@@ -12,7 +12,22 @@
+ Yaf_Route_Map is a built-in route, it simply
+ convert a URI endpoint (that part of the URI which comes after the
+ base URI: see Yaf_Request_Abstract::setBaseUri)
+ to a controller name or action name(depends on the paramter passed to
+ Yaf_Route_Map::__construct) in following rule:
+ A => controller A.
+ A/B/C => controller A_B_C.
+ A/B/C/D/E => controller A_B_C_D_E.
+ If the second parameter of
+ Yaf_Route_Map::__construct is specificed, then
+ only the part before delimeter of URI will used to routing, the part after
+ it is used to routing request parameters (see the example section of
+ Yaf_Route_Map::__construct).
diff --git a/reference/yaf/yaf-route-static.xml b/reference/yaf/yaf-route-static.xml
index e64442a7cf..8f3fa12ede 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/yaf-route-static.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/yaf-route-static.xml
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
please *NOTE* that it is unecessary to instance a Yaf_Route_Static, also
- unecesary to add it into Yaf_Router's route stack,
- since there is always be one in Yaf_Router's route
- stack, and always be called at the last time.
+ unecesary to add it into Yaf_Router's routes stack,
+ since there is always be one in Yaf_Router's
+ routes stack, and always be called at the last time.
diff --git a/reference/yaf/yaf-router.xml b/reference/yaf/yaf-router.xml
index 39be288dbc..eb705f0d9d 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/yaf-router.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/yaf-router.xml
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
Yaf_Router is the standard framework router. Routing is
the process of taking a URI endpoint (that part of the URI which comes
- after the base URL) and decomposing it into parameters to determine which
- module, controller, and action of that controller should receive the
- request. This values of the module, controller, action and other parameters
- are packaged into a Yaf_Request_Abstract object which is then
- processed by Yaf_Dispatcher. Routing occurs only once:
- when the request is initially received and before the first controller is
- dispatched.
+ after the base URI: see Yaf_Request_Abstract::setBaseUri)
+ and decomposing it into parameters to determine which module, controller, and
+ action of that controller should receive the request. This values of the module,
+ controller, action and other parameters are packaged into a
+ Yaf_Request_Abstract object which is then processed by
+ Yaf_Dispatcher. Routing occurs only once: when the request
+ is initially received and before the first controller is dispatched.
Yaf_Router is designed to allow for mod_rewrite-like
functionality using pure PHP structures. It is very loosely based on Ruby
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ server {
Default route
- Yaf_Router comes preconfigured with a default route, which
- will match URIs in the shape of controller/action. Additionally, a module
- name may be specified as the first path element, allowing URIs of the form
- module/controller/action. Finally, it will also match any additional
- parameters appended to the URI by default -
- controller/action/var1/value1/var2/value2.
+ Yaf_Router comes preconfigured with a default route
+ Yaf_Route_Static, which will match URIs in the shape of
+ controller/action. Additionally, a module name may be specified as the first
+ path element, allowing URIs of the form module/controller/action. Finally,
+ it will also match any additional parameters appended to the URI by default
+ - controller/action/var1/value1/var2/value2.
Module name must be defined in config, considering application.module="Index,Foo,Bar",
@@ -106,8 +106,7 @@ server {
Some examples of how such routes are matched:
- Yaf_Route_Static(default
- route)example
+ Yaf_Route_Static(default route)example
+ registered routes stack
+ after routing phase, this indicated the name of which route
+ is used to route current request.
+ you can get this name by
+ Yaf_Router::getCurrentRoute.
diff --git a/reference/yaf/yaf_request_abstract/setbaseuri.xml b/reference/yaf/yaf_request_abstract/setbaseuri.xml
index d802b6d559..b6b8ab257f 100644
--- a/reference/yaf/yaf_request_abstract/setbaseuri.xml
+++ b/reference/yaf/yaf_request_abstract/setbaseuri.xml
@@ -4,21 +4,29 @@
- The setBaseUri purpose
+ set base URI
- public voidYaf_Request_Abstract::setBaseUri
+ public boolYaf_Request_Abstract::setBaseUri
+ Set base URI, base URI is used when doing routing, in routing phase request
+ URI is used to route a request, while base URI is used to skip the
+ leadding part(base URI) of request URI.
+ That is, if comes a request with request URI a/b/c, then if you set base
+ URI to "a/b", only "/c" will be used in routing phase.
+ generally, you don't need to set this, Yaf will determine it automatically.
- &warn.undocumented.func;
@@ -28,7 +36,7 @@
+ base URI
@@ -38,7 +46,7 @@
+ bool