diff --git a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domdocument-construct.xml b/reference/dom/functions/dom-domdocument-construct.xml
index 3a59b3f272..f184476d6b 100644
--- a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domdocument-construct.xml
+++ b/reference/dom/functions/dom-domdocument-construct.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- DOMDocument->__construct
+ DOMDocument->__construct()
Creates a new DOMDocument object
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ echo $dom->saveXML(); /* */
- DOMImplementation-createDocument()
diff --git a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domdocument-getelementbyid.xml b/reference/dom/functions/dom-domdocument-getelementbyid.xml
index 1cc7b6d9b0..fe270e1508 100644
--- a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domdocument-getelementbyid.xml
+++ b/reference/dom/functions/dom-domdocument-getelementbyid.xml
@@ -1,34 +1,59 @@
- DOMDocument->getElementById
- Searches for an element with a certain id
- &reftitle.description;
- DOMDocument
- DOMElement
- getElementById
- stringelementId
- This function is similar to
- DOMDocument->getElementsByTagName()
- but searches for an element with a given id.
- According to the DOM standard this requires a DTD which defines the
- attribute ID to be of type ID. You need to validate your document with
- DOMDocument->validate()
- or DOMDocument::validateOnParse before using this function.
- DOMDocument->getElementById() Example
+ DOMDocument->getElementById()
+ Searches for an element with a certain id
+ &reftitle.description;
+ DOMDocument
+ DOMElement
+ getElementById
+ stringelementId
+ This function is similar to
+ but
+ searches for an element with a given id.
+ According to the DOM standard this requires a DTD which defines the
+ attribute ID to be of type ID. You need to validate your document with
+ or DOMDocument->validateOnParse before using this function.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ elementId
+ The unique id value for an element.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Returns the DOMElement or &null; if the element is
+ not found.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ DOMDocument->getElementById() Example
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
- See also DOMDocument->getElementsByTagName().
+ &reftitle.seealso;
- DOMDocument->getElementsByTagName
- Searches for all elements with given tag name
- &reftitle.description;
- DOMDocument
- DOMNodeList
- getElementsByTagName
- stringname
- This function returns a new instance of class
- DOMNodeList containing the elements with tagnames
- matching the name parameter. Use "*" for the name to return all elements
- within the document.
+ DOMDocument->getElementsByTagName()
+ Searches for all elements with given tag name
+ &reftitle.description;
+ DOMDocument
+ DOMNodeList
+ getElementsByTagName
+ stringname
+ This function returns a new instance of class
+ DOMNodeList containing the elements with a given
+ tag name.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ name
+ The name of the tag to match on. The special value *
+ matches all tags.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ A new DOMNodeList object containing all the matched
+ elements.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
- DOMDocument->importNode
- Import node into current document
- &reftitle.description;
- DOMDocument
- DOMNode
- importNode
- DOMNodeimportedNode
- booldeep
- This function returns a copy of the node to import and associates it with
- the current document. DOMException is thrown if
- node cannot be imported.
- If deep is set to &true;, this method will recursively
- import the subtree under the importedNode.
+ DOMDocument->importNode()
+ Import node into current document
+ &reftitle.description;
+ DOMDocument
+ DOMNode
+ importNode
+ DOMNodeimportedNode
+ booldeep
+ This function returns a copy of the node to import and associates it with
+ the current document.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ importedNode
+ The node to import.
+ deep
+ If set to &true;, this method will recursively import the subtree under
+ the importedNode.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ The copied node.
+ &reftitle.exceptions;
+ DOMException is thrown if node cannot be imported.
- DOMDocument->load
+ DOMDocument->load()
Load XML from a file
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- mixed
+ boolloadstringfilename
@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ &return.success;
@@ -66,9 +72,9 @@ echo $doc->saveXML();
- DOMDocument->loadXML()
- DOMDocument->save()
- DOMDocument->saveXML()
diff --git a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domdocument-loadhtml.xml b/reference/dom/functions/dom-domdocument-loadhtml.xml
index df158c39f3..74cc0e28fe 100644
--- a/reference/dom/functions/dom-domdocument-loadhtml.xml
+++ b/reference/dom/functions/dom-domdocument-loadhtml.xml
@@ -1,54 +1,83 @@
- DOMDocument->loadHTML
- Load HTML from a string
- &reftitle.description;
- DOMDocument
- mixed
- loadHTML
- stringsource
- The function parses the HTML contained in the string source.
- Unlike loading XML, HTML does not have to be well-formed to load. This
- function may also be called statically to load and create a
- DOMDocument object. The static invocation may be
- used when no DOMDocument properties need to be
- set prior to loading.
- Creating a Document
+ DOMDocument->loadHTML()
+ Load HTML from a string
+ &reftitle.description;
+ DOMDocument
+ bool
+ loadHTML
+ stringsource
+ The function parses the HTML contained in the string source.
+ Unlike loading XML, HTML does not have to be well-formed to load. This
+ function may also be called statically to load and create a
+ DOMDocument object. The static invocation may be
+ used when no DOMDocument properties need to be
+ set prior to loading.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ source
+ The HTML string.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ &return.success;
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Creating a Document