diff --git a/functions/sesam.xml b/functions/sesam.xml
index 7da92a229f..caa4556314 100644
--- a/functions/sesam.xml
+++ b/functions/sesam.xml
@@ -5,19 +5,30 @@
SESAM/SQL-Server is a mainframe database system, developed by
- Fujitsu Siemens Computers, Germany. It runs on high-end
- mainframe servers using the operating system BS2000/OSD.
+ Fujitsu Siemens Computers, Germany. It runs on high-end mainframe
+ servers using the operating system BS2000/OSD.
- In numerous productive BS2000 installations, SESAM/SQL-Server
- has proven ...
+ In numerous productive BS2000 installations, SESAM/SQL-Server has
+ proven ...
- the ease of use of Java-, Web- and client/server
- connectivity,
- the capability to work with an availability of more
- than 99.99%,
- the ability to manage tens and even hundreds of
- thousands of users.
+ the ease of use of Java-, Web- and client/server connectivity,
+ the capability to work with an availability of more than
+ 99.99%,
+ the ability to manage tens and even hundreds of thousands of
+ users.
@@ -27,81 +38,94 @@
Configuration notes
- There is no standalone support for the PHP SESAM interface,
- it works only as an integrated Apache module. In the Apache PHP
- module, this SESAM interface is
+ There is no standalone support for the PHP SESAM interface, it
+ works only as an integrated Apache module. In the Apache PHP
+ module, this SESAM interface is
configured using Apache directives.
SESAM Configuration directives
- Directive
- Meaning
+ Directive
+ Meaning
- php3_sesam_oml
- Name of BS2000 PLAM library containing the
- loadable SESAM driver modules.
- Required for using SESAM functions.
- Example:
-php3_sesam_oml $.SYSLNK.SESAM-SQL.030
- php3_sesam_configfile
- Name of SESAM application configuration file.
- Required for using SESAM functions.
- Example:
-php3_sesam_configfile $SESAM.SESAM.CONF.AW
- It will usually contain a configuration like (see SESAM
- reference manual):
+ php3_sesam_oml
+ Name of BS2000 PLAM library containing the loadable SESAM
+ driver modules. Required for using SESAM functions.
+ Example:
+php3_sesam_oml $.SYSLNK.SESAM-SQL.030
+ php3_sesam_configfile
+ Name of SESAM application configuration file.
+ Required for using SESAM functions.
+ Example:
+php3_sesam_configfile $SESAM.SESAM.CONF.AW
+ It will usually contain a configuration like (see SESAM reference
+ manual):
- php3_sesam_messagecatalog
- Name of SESAM message catalog file.
- In most cases, this directive is not neccessary. Only if the
- SESAM message file is not installed in the system's BS2000
- message file table, it can be set with this directive.
- Example:
-php3_sesam_messagecatalog $.SYSMES.SESAM-SQL.030
+ php3_sesam_messagecatalog
+ Name of SESAM message catalog file. In most cases, this
+ directive is not neccessary. Only if the SESAM message file is
+ not installed in the system's BS2000 message file table, it can
+ be set with this directive.
- In addition to the configuration of the PHP/SESAM interface,
- you have to configure the SESAM-Database server itself on your
+ Example:
+php3_sesam_messagecatalog $.SYSMES.SESAM-SQL.030
+ In addition to the configuration of the PHP/SESAM interface, you
+ have to configure the SESAM-Database server itself on your
mainframe as usual. That means:
- starting the SESAM database handler (DBH), and
- connecting the databases with the SESAM database
- handler
+ starting the SESAM database handler (DBH), and
+ connecting the databases with the SESAM database handler
@@ -117,28 +141,28 @@ php3_sesam_messagecatalog $.SYSMES.SESAM-SQL.030
The communication between PHP (running in the POSIX subsystem)
- and the database handler (running outside the POSIX subsystem)
- is realized by a special driver module called SQLSCI and SESAM
- connection modules using common memory.
- Because of the common memory access, and because PHP is a
- static part of the web server, database accesses are very fast,
- as they do not require remote accesses via ODBC, JDBC or UTM.
+ and the database handler (running outside the POSIX subsystem) is
+ realized by a special driver module called SQLSCI and SESAM
+ connection modules using common memory. Because of the common
+ memory access, and because PHP is a static part of the web
+ server, database accesses are very fast, as they do not require
+ remote accesses via ODBC, JDBC or UTM.
Only a small stub loader (SESMOD) is linked with PHP, and the
SESAM connection modules are pulled in from SESAM's OML PLAM
library. In the configuration, you must tell
- PHP the name of this PLAM library, and the file link to use for
- the SESAM configuration file (As of SESAM V3.0, SQLSCI is
- available in the SESAM Tool Library, which is part of the
- standard distribution).
+ linkend="ini.sect.sesam">configuration, you must tell PHP
+ the name of this PLAM library, and the file link to use for the
+ SESAM configuration file (As of SESAM V3.0, SQLSCI is available
+ in the SESAM Tool Library, which is part of the standard
+ distribution).
Because the SQL command quoting for single quotes uses duplicated
single quotes (as opposed to a single quote preceded by a
- backslash, used in some other databases), it is advisable to
- set the PHP configuration directives php3_magic_quotes_gpc
and php3_magic_quotes_sybase
@@ -149,88 +173,91 @@ php3_sesam_messagecatalog $.SYSMES.SESAM-SQL.030
Runtime considerations
- Because of limitations of the BS2000 process model, the driver can
- be loaded only after the Apache server has forked off its server child
- processes. This will slightly slow down the initial SESAM request
- of each child, but subsequent accesses will respond at full speed.
+ Because of limitations of the BS2000 process model, the driver
+ can be loaded only after the Apache server has forked off its
+ server child processes. This will slightly slow down the initial
+ SESAM request of each child, but subsequent accesses will respond
+ at full speed.
When explicitly defining a Message Catalog for SESAM, that
catalog will be loaded each time the driver is loaded (i.e., at
- the initial SESAM request). The BS2000 operating system prints
- a message after successful load of the message catalog, which
- will be sent to Apache's error_log file. BS2000 currently does
- not allow suppression of this message, it will slowly fill up
- the log.
+ the initial SESAM request). The BS2000 operating system prints a
+ message after successful load of the message catalog, which will
+ be sent to Apache's error_log file. BS2000 currently does not
+ allow suppression of this message, it will slowly fill up the
+ log.
- Make sure that the SESAM OML PLAM library and SESAM
- configuration file are readable by the user id running the web server.
- Otherwise, the server will be unable to load the driver, and
- will not allow to call any SESAM functions. Also, access to
- the database must be granted to the user id under which the
- Apache server is running. Otherwise, connections to the
- SESAM database handler will fail.
+ Make sure that the SESAM OML PLAM library and SESAM configuration
+ file are readable by the user id running the web server.
+ Otherwise, the server will be unable to load the driver, and will
+ not allow to call any SESAM functions. Also, access to the
+ database must be granted to the user id under which the Apache
+ server is running. Otherwise, connections to the SESAM database
+ handler will fail.
Cursor Types
The result cursors which are allocated for SQL "select type"
- queries can be either "sequential" or "scrollable". Because
- of the larger memory overhead needed by "scrollable" cursors,
- the default is "sequential".
+ queries can be either "sequential" or "scrollable". Because of
+ the larger memory overhead needed by "scrollable" cursors, the
+ default is "sequential".
When using "scrollable" cursors, the cursor can be freely
- positioned on the result set. For each "scrollable" query,
- there are global default values for the scrolling type
- (initialized to: SESAM_SEEK_NEXT) and
- the scrolling offset which can either be set once
- by sesam_seek_row or
- each time when fetching a row using
- sesam_fetch_row. When fetching a row
- using a "scrollable" cursor, the following post-processing is
- done for the global default values for the scrolling type
- and scrolling offset:
+ positioned on the result set. For each "scrollable" query, there
+ are global default values for the scrolling type (initialized to:
+ SESAM_SEEK_NEXT) and the scrolling offset
+ which can either be set once by
+ sesam_seek_row or each time when fetching a
+ row using sesam_fetch_row. When fetching a
+ row using a "scrollable" cursor, the following post-processing is
+ done for the global default values for the scrolling type and
+ scrolling offset:
Scrolled Cursor Post-Processing
- Scroll Type
- Action
+ Scroll Type
+ Action
- none
+ none
- none
+ none
- set scroll type to
+ set scroll type to SESAM_SEEK_NEXT
- set scroll type to
+ set scroll type to SESAM_SEEK_PRIOR
- Auto-Increment internal offset value
+ Auto-Increment internal offset value
- none. (maintain global default
- offset value, which allows
- for, e.g., fetching each 10th row backwards)
+ none. (maintain global default
+ offset value, which allows for, e.g., fetching
+ each 10th row backwards)
@@ -244,29 +271,29 @@ php3_sesam_messagecatalog $.SYSMES.SESAM-SQL.030
Because in the PHP world it is natural to start indexes at zero
(rather than 1), some adaptions have been made to the SESAM
- interface: whenever an indexed array is starting with index 1
- in the native SESAM interface, the PHP interface uses
- index 0 as a starting point. E.g., when retrieving columns with
+ interface: whenever an indexed array is starting with index 1 in
+ the native SESAM interface, the PHP interface uses index 0 as a
+ starting point. E.g., when retrieving columns with
sesam_fetch_row, the first column has the
index 0, and the subsequent columns have indexes up to (but not
- including) the column count ($array["count"]).
- When porting SESAM applications from other high level languages
- to PHP, be aware of this changed interface. Where appropriate,
- the description of the respective php sesam functions include a
- note that the index is zero based.
+ including) the column count ($array["count"]). When porting
+ SESAM applications from other high level languages to PHP, be
+ aware of this changed interface. Where appropriate, the
+ description of the respective php sesam functions include a note
+ that the index is zero based.
Security concerns
- When allowing access to the SESAM databases, the web server
- user should only have as little privileges as possible. For most
+ When allowing access to the SESAM databases, the web server user
+ should only have as little privileges as possible. For most
databases, only read access privilege should be granted.
- Depending on your usage scenario, add more access rights as
- you see fit. Never allow full control to any database for
- any user from the 'net! Restrict access to php scripts
- which must administer the database by using password control
- and/or SSL security.
+ Depending on your usage scenario, add more access rights as you
+ see fit. Never allow full control to any database for any user
+ from the 'net! Restrict access to php scripts which must
+ administer the database by using password control and/or SSL
+ security.
@@ -279,21 +306,26 @@ php3_sesam_messagecatalog $.SYSMES.SESAM-SQL.030
Vendor specific data types
- Some vendor specific data types may have to be
- replaced by standard SQL data types
- (e.g., TEXT could be replaced by
- VARCHAR(max. size)).
+ Some vendor specific data types may have to be replaced by
+ standard SQL data types (e.g., TEXT could
+ be replaced by VARCHAR(max. size)).
+ Keywords as SQL identifiers
- In SESAM (as in standard SQL), such identifiers must
- be enclosed in double quotes (or renamed).
+ In SESAM (as in standard SQL), such identifiers must be
+ enclosed in double quotes (or renamed).
- Display length in data types
- SESAM data types have a precision, not a display
- length. Instead of int(4) (intended use:
+ Display length in data types
+ SESAM data types have a precision, not a display
+ length. Instead of int(4) (intended use:
integers up to '9999'), SESAM requires simply
int for an implied size of 31 bits. Also,
the only datetime data types available in SESAM are:
@@ -302,50 +334,60 @@ php3_sesam_messagecatalog $.SYSMES.SESAM-SQL.030
- SQL types with vendor-specific
- unsigned, zerofill, or
- auto_increment attributes
- Unsigned and
- zerofill are not supported.
- Auto_increment is automatic (use "INSERT ...
- VALUES(*, ...)" instead of "... VALUES(0,
- ...)" to take advantage of SESAM-implied
- auto-increment.
- int ... DEFAULT '0000'
- Numeric variables must not be initialized with
- string constants. Use DEFAULT 0
- instead. To initialize variables of the datetime
- SQL data types, the initialization string must be
- prefixed with the respective type keyword, as in:
- CREATE TABLE exmpl (
- xtime timestamp(3) DEFAULT TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000' NOT NULL
- );
+ SQL types with vendor-specific unsigned,
+ zerofill, or
+ auto_increment attributes
+ Unsigned and zerofill
+ are not supported. Auto_increment is
+ automatic (use "INSERT ... VALUES(*, ...)"
+ instead of "... VALUES(0, ...)" to take
+ advantage of SESAM-implied auto-increment.
- $count = xxxx_num_rows();
- Some databases promise to guess/estimate the
- number of the rows in a query result, even though
- the returned value is grossly incorrect. SESAM
- does not know the number of rows in a query result
- before actually fetching them. If you REALLY need
- the count, try SELECT COUNT(...) WHERE
- ..., it will tell you the number of hits.
- A second query will (hopefully) return the results.
+ int ... DEFAULT '0000'
+ Numeric variables must not be initialized with string
+ constants. Use DEFAULT 0 instead. To
+ initialize variables of the datetime SQL data types, the
+ initialization string must be prefixed with the respective
+ type keyword, as in: CREATE TABLE exmpl ( xtime
+ timestamp(3) DEFAULT TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000' NOT
+ NULL );
- DROP TABLE thename;
- command, the table name must be either followed by
- the keyword RESTRICT or
- CASCADE. When specifying
- RESTRICT, an error is returned if
- there are dependent objects (e.g., VIEWs), while with
- CASCADE, dependent objects will be
- deleted along with the specified table.
+ $count = xxxx_num_rows();
+ Some databases promise to guess/estimate the number of the
+ rows in a query result, even though the returned value is
+ grossly incorrect. SESAM does not know the number of rows in
+ a query result before actually fetching them. If you REALLY
+ need the count, try SELECT COUNT(...) WHERE
+ ..., it will tell you the number of hits. A second
+ query will (hopefully) return the results.
+ DROP TABLE thename;
+ In SESAM, in the DROP TABLE command, the
+ table name must be either followed by the keyword
+ CASCADE. When specifying
+ RESTRICT, an error is returned if there are
+ dependent objects (e.g., VIEWs), while with
+ CASCADE, dependent objects will be deleted
+ along with the specified table.
@@ -356,8 +398,8 @@ php3_sesam_messagecatalog $.SYSMES.SESAM-SQL.030
Notes on the use of various SQL types
- SESAM does not currently support the BLOB type. A future
- version of SESAM will have support for BLOB.
+ SESAM does not currently support the BLOB type. A future version
+ of SESAM will have support for BLOB.
At the PHP interface, the following type conversions are
@@ -367,38 +409,37 @@ php3_sesam_messagecatalog $.SYSMES.SESAM-SQL.030
- SQL Type
- PHP Type
+ SQL Type
+ PHP Type
- "integer"
+ "integer"
- "double"
+ "double"
- "string"
+ "string"
- "string"
+ "string"
When retrieving a complete row, the result is returned as an
- array. Empty fields are not filled in, so you will have to
- check for the existence of the individual fields yourself
- (use isset or
- empty to test for empty fields).
- That allows more user control over the appearance of empty
- fields (than in the case of an empty string as the
- representation of an empty field).
+ array. Empty fields are not filled in, so you will have to check
+ for the existence of the individual fields yourself (use
+ isset or empty to test
+ for empty fields). That allows more user control over the
+ appearance of empty fields (than in the case of an empty string
+ as the representation of an empty field).
@@ -410,10 +451,9 @@ php3_sesam_messagecatalog $.SYSMES.SESAM-SQL.030
Creating a "multiple field" column
-CREATE TABLE multi_field_test
- pkey CHAR(20) PRIMARY KEY,
- multi(3) CHAR(12)
+CREATE TABLE multi_field_test (
+ pkey CHAR(20) PRIMARY KEY,
+ multi(3) CHAR(12)
@@ -421,28 +461,28 @@ CREATE TABLE multi_field_test
Filling a "multiple field" column
-INSERT INTO multi_field_test ( pkey, multi(2..3) )
- VALUES ( 'Second', <'first_val','second_val'>)
+INSERT INTO multi_field_test (pkey, multi(2..3) )
+ VALUES ('Second', <'first_val', 'second_val'>)
- Note that (like in this case) leading empty sub-fields are ignored,
- and the filled-in values are collapsed, so that in the above
- example the result will appear as multi(1..2) instead of
+ Note that (like in this case) leading empty sub-fields are
+ ignored, and the filled-in values are collapsed, so that in the
+ above example the result will appear as multi(1..2) instead of
- When retrieving a result row, "multiple columns" are accessed like
- "inlined" additional columns. In the example above, "pkey" will have
- the index 0, and the three "multi(1..3)" columns will be accessible
- as indices 1 through 3.
+ When retrieving a result row, "multiple columns" are accessed
+ like "inlined" additional columns. In the example above, "pkey"
+ will have the index 0, and the three "multi(1..3)" columns will
+ be accessible as indices 1 through 3.
- For specific SESAM details, please refer to
- the SESAM/SQL-Server
- documentation (english) or
- the SESAM/SQL-Server documentation (german),
- both available online, or use the respective manuals.
+ For specific SESAM details, please refer to the SESAM/SQL-Server documentation
+ (english) or the
+ SESAM/SQL-Server documentation (german), both available
+ online, or use the respective manuals.
@@ -462,22 +502,22 @@ INSERT INTO multi_field_test ( pkey, multi(2..3) )
- Returns TRUE if a connection to the SESAM database was made, or
- FALSE on error.
+ Returns TRUE if a connection to the SESAM
+ database was made, or FALSE on error.
sesam_connect establishes a connection to an
SESAM database handler task. The connection is always
- "persistant" in the sense that only the very first invocation will
- actually load the driver from the configured SESAM OML PLAM
+ "persistant" in the sense that only the very first invocation
+ will actually load the driver from the configured SESAM OML PLAM
library. Subsequent calls will reuse the driver and will
immediately use the given catalog, schema, and user.
When creating a database, the "catalog"
- name is specified in the
- SESAM configuration directive //ADD-SQL-DATABASE-CATALOG-LIST
- ENTRY-1 = *CATALOG(CATALOG-NAME = catalogname,...)
+ name is specified in the SESAM configuration directive
+ *CATALOG(CATALOG-NAME = catalogname,...)
The "schema" references the desired
@@ -486,11 +526,11 @@ INSERT INTO multi_field_test ( pkey, multi(2..3) )
The "user" argument references one of the
users which are allowed to access this
- "catalog" / "schema"
- combination. Note that "user" is completely
- independent from both the system's user id's and from HTTP
- user/password protection. It appears in the SESAM configuration
- only.
+ "catalog" /
+ "schema" combination. Note that
+ "user" is completely independent from both
+ the system's user id's and from HTTP user/password protection. It
+ appears in the SESAM configuration only.
See also sesam_disconnect.
@@ -498,8 +538,8 @@ INSERT INTO multi_field_test ( pkey, multi(2..3) )
Connect to a SESAM database
-if (! sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")
- die("Unable to connect to SESAM";
+if (!sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")
+ die("Unable to connect to SESAM";
@@ -524,9 +564,9 @@ if (! sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")
Returns: always TRUE.
- sesam_disconnect closes the logical link to a
- SESAM database (without actually disconnecting and unloading the
- driver).
+ sesam_disconnect closes the logical link to
+ a SESAM database (without actually disconnecting and unloading
+ the driver).
Note that this isn't usually necessary, as the open connection is
@@ -548,8 +588,9 @@ if (! sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")
Closing a SESAM connection
if (sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")) {
-... some queries and stuff ...
-sesam_disconnect(); }
+ ... some queries and stuff ...
+ sesam_disconnect();
@@ -580,72 +621,77 @@ sesam_disconnect(); }
values for the "isolation level" and "read-only" transaction
parameters (which are set in the SESAM configuration file), in
order to optimize subsequent queries and guarantee database
- consistency. The overridden values are used for the next transaction
- only.
+ consistency. The overridden values are used for the next
+ transaction only.
- sesam_settransaction can only be called before
- starting a transaction, not after the transaction has been started
- already.
+ sesam_settransaction can only be called
+ before starting a transaction, not after the transaction has been
+ started already.
To simplify the use in php scripts, the following constants have
been predefined in php (see SESAM handbook for detailed
explanation of the semantics):
- Valid values for "Read_Only" parameter
+ Valid values for "Read_Only" parameter
- Value
- Constant
- Meaning
+ Value
+ Constant
+ Meaning
- 0
- Read/Write
+ 0
+ Read/Write
- 1
- Read-Only
+ 1
+ Read-Only
@@ -661,7 +707,7 @@ sesam_disconnect(); }
Setting SESAM transaction parameters
+sesam_settransaction (SESAM_TXISOL_REPEATABLE_READ,
@@ -673,7 +719,9 @@ sesam_settransaction(SESAM_TXISOL_REPEATABLE_READ,
- Commit pending updates to the SESAM database
+ Commit pending updates to the SESAM database
+ Description
@@ -692,9 +740,9 @@ sesam_settransaction(SESAM_TXISOL_REPEATABLE_READ,
the database.
- Note that there is no "auto-commit" feature as in other databases,
- as it could lead to accidental data loss. Uncommitted data at
- the end of the current script (or when calling
+ Note that there is no "auto-commit" feature as in other
+ databases, as it could lead to accidental data loss. Uncommitted
+ data at the end of the current script (or when calling
sesam_disconnect) will be discarded by an
implied sesam_rollback call.
@@ -707,10 +755,10 @@ sesam_settransaction(SESAM_TXISOL_REPEATABLE_READ,
if (sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")) {
- if (!sesam_execimm("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (*, 'Small Test', <0, 8, 15>)"))
- die("insert failed");
- if (!sesam_commit())
- die("commit failed");
+ if (!sesam_execimm ("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (*, 'Small Test', <0, 8, 15>)"))
+ die("insert failed");
+ if (!sesam_commit())
+ die("commit failed");
@@ -718,11 +766,13 @@ if (sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")) {
- Discard any pending updates to the SESAM database
+ Discard any pending updates to the SESAM database
+ Description
@@ -737,8 +787,8 @@ if (sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")) {
FALSE on errors
- sesam_rollback discards any pending updates to
- the database. Also affected are result cursors and result
+ sesam_rollback discards any pending updates
+ to the database. Also affected are result cursors and result
@@ -754,11 +804,11 @@ if (sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")) {
if (sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")) {
- if (sesam_execimm("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (*, 'Small Test', <0, 8, 15>)")
- && sesam_execimm("INSERT INTO othertable VALUES (*, 'Another Test', 1)"))
- sesam_commit();
- else
- sesam_rollback();
+ if (sesam_execimm ("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (*, 'Small Test', <0, 8, 15>)")
+ && sesam_execimm ("INSERT INTO othertable VALUES (*, 'Another Test', 1)"))
+ sesam_commit();
+ else
+ sesam_rollback();
@@ -766,7 +816,7 @@ if (sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")) {
@@ -797,10 +847,9 @@ if (sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")) {
Note that sesam_query can handle both
"immediate" and "select-type" queries. Use
sesam_execimm only if you know beforehand
- what type of statement will be executed.
- An attempt to use SELECT type queries with
- sesam_execimm will return
- $err["sqlstate"] == "42SBW".
+ what type of statement will be executed. An attempt to use
+ SELECT type queries with sesam_execimm will
+ return $err["sqlstate"] == "42SBW".
The returned "result identifier" can not be used for retrieving
@@ -811,12 +860,12 @@ if (sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto")) {
-$stmt = "INSERT INTO mytable VALUES('one', 'two')";
+$stmt = "INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ('one', 'two')";
$result = sesam_execimm ($stmt);
$err = sesam_diagnostic();
-print("sqlstate = ".$err["sqlstate"]."\n".
- "Affected rows = ".$err["rowcount"]." == ".
- sesam_affected_rows($result)."\n");
+print ("sqlstate = ".$err["sqlstate"]."\n".
+ "Affected rows = ".$err["rowcount"]." == ".
+ sesam_affected_rows($result)."\n");
See also: sesam_query and
@@ -843,7 +892,7 @@ print("sqlstate = ".$err["sqlstate"]."\n".
Returns: A SESAM "result identifier" on success, or
- FALSE on error.
+ FALSE on error.
A "result_id" resource is used by other functions to retrieve the
@@ -851,32 +900,31 @@ print("sqlstate = ".$err["sqlstate"]."\n".
sesam_query sends a query to the currently
- active database on the server. It can execute both
- "immediate" SQL statements and "select type" queries. If an
- "immediate" statement is executed, then no cursor is allocated,
- and any subsequent sesam_fetch_row or
+ active database on the server. It can execute both "immediate"
+ SQL statements and "select type" queries. If an "immediate"
+ statement is executed, then no cursor is allocated, and any
+ subsequent sesam_fetch_row or
sesam_fetch_result call will return an empty
- result (zero columns, indicating end-of-result).
- For "select type" statements, a result descriptor and a
- (scrollable or sequential, depending on the optional
- boolean scrollable parameter) cursor will
- be allocated. If scrollable is omitted,
- the cursor will be sequential.
+ result (zero columns, indicating end-of-result). For "select
+ type" statements, a result descriptor and a (scrollable or
+ sequential, depending on the optional boolean
+ scrollable parameter) cursor will be
+ allocated. If scrollable is omitted, the
+ cursor will be sequential.
When using "scrollable" cursors, the cursor can be freely
- positioned on the result set. For each "scrollable" query,
- there are global default values for the scrolling type
- (initialized to: SESAM_SEEK_NEXT) and
- the scrolling offset which can either be set once
- by sesam_seek_row or
- each time when fetching a row using
- sesam_fetch_row.
+ positioned on the result set. For each "scrollable" query, there
+ are global default values for the scrolling type (initialized to:
+ SESAM_SEEK_NEXT) and the scrolling offset
+ which can either be set once by
+ sesam_seek_row or each time when fetching a
+ row using sesam_fetch_row.
- For "immediate" statements, the number of affected
- rows is saved for retrieval by the
- sesam_affected_rows function.
+ For "immediate" statements, the number of affected rows is saved
+ for retrieval by the sesam_affected_rows
+ function.
See also: sesam_fetch_row and
@@ -887,47 +935,49 @@ print("sqlstate = ".$err["sqlstate"]."\n".
-if (!sesam_connect("phonedb", "demo", "otto"))
- die("cannot connect");
-$result = sesam_query("select * from phone");
+if (!sesam_connect ("phonedb", "demo", "otto"))
+ die ("cannot connect");
+$result = sesam_query ("select * from phone");
if (!$result) {
- $err = sesam_diagnostic();
- die($err["errmsg"]);
+ $err = sesam_diagnostic();
+ die ($err["errmsg"]);
echo "<TABLE BORDER>\n";
// Add title header with column names above the result:
-if ($cols = sesam_field_array($result)) {
- echo " <TR><TH COLSPAN=".$cols["count"].">Result:</TH></TR>\n";
- echo " <TR>\n";
- for ($col = 0; $col < $cols["count"]; ++$col) {
- $colattr = $cols[$col];
- /* Span the table head over SESAM's "Multiple Fields": */
- if ($colattr["count"] > 1) {
- echo " <TH COLSPAN=".$colattr["count"].">".$colattr["name"].
- "(1..".$colattr["count"].")</TH>\n";
- $col += $colattr["count"] - 1;
+if ($cols = sesam_field_array ($result)) {
+ echo " <TR><TH COLSPAN=".$cols["count"].">Result:</TH></TR>\n";
+ echo " <TR>\n";
+ for ($col = 0; $col < $cols["count"]; ++$col) {
+ $colattr = $cols[$col];
+ /* Span the table head over SESAM's "Multiple Fields": */
+ if ($colattr["count"] > 1) {
+ echo " <TH COLSPAN=".$colattr["count"].">".$colattr["name"].
+ "(1..".$colattr["count"].")</TH>\n";
+ $col += $colattr["count"] - 1;
+ } else
+ echo " <TH>" . $colattr["name"] . "</TH>\n";
- else
- echo " <TH>" . $colattr["name"] . "</TH>\n";
- }
- echo " </TR>\n";
+ echo " </TR>\n";
do {
- // Fetch the result in chunks of 100 rows max.
- $ok = sesam_fetch_result($result,100);
- for ($row=0; $row < $ok["rows"]; ++$row) {
- echo " <TR>\n";
- for ($col = 0; $col < $ok["cols"]; ++$col) {
- if (isset($ok[$col][$row]))
- echo " <TD>" . $ok[$col][$row] . "</TD>\n";
- else
- echo " <TD>-empty-</TD>\n";
+ // Fetch the result in chunks of 100 rows max.
+ $ok = sesam_fetch_result ($result, 100);
+ for ($row=0; $row < $ok["rows"]; ++$row) {
+ echo " <TR>\n";
+ for ($col = 0; $col < $ok["cols"]; ++$col) {
+ if (isset($ok[$col][$row]))
+ echo " <TD>" . $ok[$col][$row] . "</TD>\n";
+ } else {
+ echo " <TD>-empty-</TD>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ echo " </TR>\n";
- echo " </TR>\n";
- }
-} while ($ok["truncated"]); // while there may be more data
-echo "</TABLE>\n";
+while ($ok["truncated"]) { // while there may be more data
+ echo "</TABLE>\n";
// free result id
@@ -940,7 +990,9 @@ sesam_free_result($result);
- Return the number of fields/columns in a result set
+ Return the number of fields/columns in a result set
+ Description
@@ -951,12 +1003,12 @@ sesam_free_result($result);
- After calling sesam_query with a
- "select type" query, this function gives you the
- number of columns in the result.
- Returns an integer describing the total number of columns (aka.
- fields) in the current result_id result
- set or FALSE on error.
+ After calling sesam_query with a "select
+ type" query, this function gives you the number of columns in the
+ result. Returns an integer describing the total number of
+ columns (aka. fields) in the current
+ result_id result set or
+ FALSE on error.
For "immediate" statements, the value zero is returned. The SESAM
@@ -995,9 +1047,11 @@ sesam_free_result($result);
For "immediate" queries, or for dynamic columns, an empty string
is returned.
- The column index is zero-based, not one-based as in SESAM.
+ The column index is zero-based, not one-based as in SESAM.
See also: sesam_field_array. It provides an
easier interface to access the column names and types, and allows
@@ -1009,7 +1063,9 @@ sesam_free_result($result);
- Return status information for last SESAM call
+ Return status information for last SESAM call
+ Description
@@ -1021,8 +1077,7 @@ sesam_free_result($result);
Returns an associative array of status and return codes for the
- last SQL query/statement/command.
- Elements of the array are:
+ last SQL query/statement/command. Elements of the array are:
Status information returned by sesam_diagnostic
@@ -1030,39 +1085,45 @@ sesam_free_result($result);
- Element
- Contents
+ Element
+ Contents
- $array["sqlstate"]
- 5 digit SQL return code (see the SESAM manual for the
- description of the possible values of SQLSTATE)
+ $array["sqlstate"]
+ 5 digit SQL return code (see the SESAM manual for the
+ description of the possible values of SQLSTATE)
- $array["rowcount"]
- number of affected rows in last update/insert/delete
- (set after "immediate" statements only)
+ $array["rowcount"]
+ number of affected rows in last update/insert/delete (set
+ after "immediate" statements only)
- $array["errmsg"]
- "human readable" error message string
- (set after errors only)
+ $array["errmsg"]
+ "human readable" error message string (set after errors
+ only)
- $array["errcol"]
- error column number of previous error
- (0-based; or -1 if undefined. Set after errors only)
+ $array["errcol"]
+ error column number of previous error (0-based; or -1 if
+ undefined. Set after errors only)
- $array["errlin"]
- error line number of previous error
- (0-based; or -1 if undefined. Set after errors only)
+ $array["errlin"]
+ error line number of previous error (0-based; or -1 if
+ undefined. Set after errors only)
@@ -1079,74 +1140,72 @@ sesam_free_result($result);
// Function which prints a formatted error message,
// displaying a pointer to the syntax error in the
// SQL statement
-function PrintReturncode($exec_str)
- $err = Sesam_Diagnostic();
- $colspan=4; // 4 cols for: sqlstate, errlin, errcol, rowcount
- if ($err["errlin"] == -1)
- --$colspan;
- if ($err["errcol"] == -1)
- --$colspan;
- if ($err["rowcount"] == 0)
- --$colspan;
- echo "<TABLE BORDER>\n";
- echo "<TR><TH COLSPAN=".$colspan."><FONT COLOR=red>ERROR:</FONT> ".
+function PrintReturncode ($exec_str) {
+ $err = Sesam_Diagnostic();
+ $colspan=4; // 4 cols for: sqlstate, errlin, errcol, rowcount
+ if ($err["errlin"] == -1)
+ --$colspan;
+ if ($err["errcol"] == -1)
+ --$colspan;
+ if ($err["rowcount"] == 0)
+ --$colspan;
+ echo "<TABLE BORDER>\n";
+ echo "<TR><TH COLSPAN=".$colspan."><FONT COLOR=red>ERROR:</FONT> ".
- if ($err["errcol"] >= 0) {
- echo "<TR><TD COLSPAN=".$colspan."><PRE>\n";
- $errstmt = $exec_str."\n";
- for ($lin=0; $errstmt != ""; ++$lin) {
- if ($lin != $err["errlin"]) { // $lin is less or greater than errlin
- if (! ($i = strchr($errstmt, "\n")))
- $i = "";
- $line = substr($errstmt, 0, strlen($errstmt)-strlen($i)+1);
- $errstmt = substr($i, 1);
- if ($line != "\n")
- print htmlspecialchars($line);
- }
- else {
- if (! ($i = strchr($errstmt, "\n")))
- $i = "";
- $line = substr($errstmt, 0, strlen($errstmt)-strlen($i)+1);
- $errstmt = substr($i, 1);
- for ($col=0; $col < $err["errcol"]; ++$col)
- echo (substr($line, $col, 1) == "\t") ? "\t" : ".";
- echo "<FONT COLOR=RED><BLINK>\\</BLINK></FONT>\n";
- print "<FONT COLOR=\"#880000\">".htmlspecialchars($line)."</FONT>";
- for ($col=0; $col < $err["errcol"]; ++$col)
- echo (substr($line, $col, 1) == "\t") ? "\t" : ".";
- }
- }
- echo "</PRE></TD></TR>\n";
- }
- echo "<TR>\n";
- echo " <TD>sqlstate=" . $err["sqlstate"] . "</TD>\n";
- if ($err["errlin"] != -1)
- echo " <TD>errlin=" . $err["errlin"] . "</TD>\n";
- if ($err["errcol"] != -1)
- echo " <TD>errcol=" . $err["errcol"] . "</TD>\n";
- if ($err["rowcount"] != 0)
- echo " <TD>rowcount=" . $err["rowcount"] . "</TD>\n";
- echo "</TR>\n";
- echo "</TABLE>\n";
+ if ($err["errcol"] >= 0) {
+ echo "<TR><TD COLSPAN=".$colspan."><PRE>\n";
+ $errstmt = $exec_str."\n";
+ for ($lin=0; $errstmt != ""; ++$lin) {
+ if ($lin != $err["errlin"]) { // $lin is less or greater than errlin
+ if (!($i = strchr ($errstmt, "\n")))
+ $i = "";
+ $line = substr ($errstmt, 0, strlen($errstmt)-strlen($i)+1);
+ $errstmt = substr($i, 1);
+ if ($line != "\n")
+ print htmlspecialchars ($line);
+ } else {
+ if (! ($i = strchr ($errstmt, "\n")))
+ $i = "";
+ $line = substr ($errstmt, 0, strlen ($errstmt)-strlen($i)+1);
+ $errstmt = substr($i, 1);
+ for ($col=0; $col < $err["errcol"]; ++$col)
+ echo (substr($line, $col, 1) == "\t") ? "\t" : ".";
+ echo "<FONT COLOR=RED><BLINK>\\</BLINK></FONT>\n";
+ print "<FONT COLOR=\"#880000\">".htmlspecialchars($line)."</FONT>";
+ for ($col=0; $col < $err["errcol"]; ++$col)
+ echo (substr ($line, $col, 1) == "\t") ? "\t" : ".";
+ }
+ }
+ echo "</PRE></TD></TR>\n";
+ }
+ echo "<TR>\n";
+ echo " <TD>sqlstate=" . $err["sqlstate"] . "</TD>\n";
+ if ($err["errlin"] != -1)
+ echo " <TD>errlin=" . $err["errlin"] . "</TD>\n";
+ if ($err["errcol"] != -1)
+ echo " <TD>errcol=" . $err["errcol"] . "</TD>\n";
+ if ($err["rowcount"] != 0)
+ echo " <TD>rowcount=" . $err["rowcount"] . "</TD>\n";
+ echo "</TR>\n";
+ echo "</TABLE>\n";
-if (!sesam_connect("mycatalog", "phoneno", "otto"))
- die("cannot connect");
+if (!sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "phoneno", "otto"))
+ die ("cannot connect");
$stmt = "SELECT * FROM phone\n".
-if (! ($result = sesam_query($stmt)))
- PrintReturncode($stmt);
+if (!($result = sesam_query ($stmt)))
+ PrintReturncode ($stmt);
- See also: sesam_errormsg for simple access to the
- error string only
+ See also: sesam_errormsg for simple access
+ to the error string only
@@ -1180,48 +1239,54 @@ if (! ($result = sesam_query($stmt)))
- Array Element
- Contents
+ Array Element
+ Contents
- int $arr["count"]
- number of columns in result set (or zero if this was an
- "immediate" query)
+ int $arr["count"]
+ number of columns in result set (or zero if this was an
+ "immediate" query)
- int $arr["rows"]
- number of rows in result set (between zero and
- max_rows)
+ int $arr["rows"]
+ number of rows in result set (between zero and
+ max_rows)
- boolean $arr["truncated"]
- TRUE if the number of rows was at least
- max_rows, FALSE otherwise. Note
- that even when this is TRUE, the next
- sesam_fetch_result call may return
- zero rows because there are no more result entries.
+ boolean $arr["truncated"]
+ TRUE if the number of rows was at least
+ max_rows, FALSE
+ otherwise. Note that even when this is
+ TRUE, the next
+ sesam_fetch_result call may return zero
+ rows because there are no more result entries.
+ mixed $arr[col][row]
- result data for all the fields at
- row(row) and
- column(col), (where the integer
- index row is
- between 0 and $arr["rows"]-1, and
- col is between 0
- and $arr["count"]-1). Fields
- may be empty, so you must check for the existence of a
- field by using the php isset
- function. The type of the returned fields depend on the
- respective SQL type declared for its column (see SESAM overview for the
- conversions applied). SESAM "multiple
- fields" are "inlined" and treated like a sequence
- of columns.
+ result data for all the fields at
+ row(row) and
+ column(col), (where the integer index
+ row is between 0 and
+ $arr["rows"]-1, and
+ col is between 0 and
+ $arr["count"]-1). Fields may be empty, so
+ you must check for the existence of a field by using the php
+ isset function. The type of the
+ returned fields depend on the respective SQL type declared
+ for its column (see SESAM
+ overview for the conversions applied). SESAM
+ "multiple fields" are "inlined" and treated like a sequence
+ of columns.
@@ -1245,7 +1310,9 @@ if (! ($result = sesam_query($stmt)))
- Get number of rows affected by an immediate query
+ Get number of rows affected by an immediate query
+ Description
@@ -1263,29 +1330,29 @@ if (! ($result = sesam_query($stmt)))
Returns the number of rows affected by a query associated with
- result_id.
+ result_id.
The sesam_affected_rows function can only
- return useful values when used in combination with "immediate" SQL
- statements (updating operations like INSERT,
- UPDATE and DELETE) because
- SESAM does not deliver any "affected rows" information for "select
- type" queries.
- The number returned is the number of affected rows.
+ return useful values when used in combination with "immediate"
+ SQL statements (updating operations like
+ DELETE) because SESAM does not deliver any
+ "affected rows" information for "select type" queries. The
+ number returned is the number of affected rows.
See also: sesam_query and
- sesam_execimm
+ sesam_execimm
-$result = sesam_execimm ("DELETE FROM PHONE WHERE LASTNAME = '".strtoupper($name)."'");
-if (! $result) {
+$result = sesam_execimm ("DELETE FROM PHONE WHERE LASTNAME = '".strtoupper ($name)."'");
+if (!$result) {
... error ...
-print sesam_affected_rows($result).
- " entries with last name ".$name." deleted.\n"
+print sesam_affected_rows ($result).
+ " entries with last name ".$name." deleted.\n"
@@ -1305,13 +1372,13 @@ print sesam_affected_rows($result).
- Returns the SESAM error message associated with the most
- recent SESAM error.
+ Returns the SESAM error message associated with the most recent
+ SESAM error.
-if (!sesam_execimm($stmt))
- printf("%s<br>\n", sesam_errormsg());
+if (!sesam_execimm ($stmt))
+ printf ("%s<br>\n", sesam_errormsg());
@@ -1342,8 +1409,9 @@ if (!sesam_execimm($stmt))
Returns a mixed associative/indexed array with meta information
- (column name, type, precision, ...) about individual columns of the result after the
- query associated with result_id.
+ (column name, type, precision, ...) about individual columns of
+ the result after the query associated with
+ result_id.
@@ -1353,164 +1421,160 @@ if (!sesam_execimm($stmt))
- Array Element
- Contents
+ Array Element
+ Contents
- int $arr["count"]
- Total number of columns in result set (or zero if
- this was an "immediate" query). SESAM "multiple
- fields" are "inlined" and treated like the
- respective number of columns.
+ int $arr["count"]
+ Total number of columns in result set (or zero if this was
+ an "immediate" query). SESAM "multiple fields" are
+ "inlined" and treated like the respective number of columns.
- string $arr[col]["name"]
- column name for column(col),
- where col is between 0 and
- $arr["count"]-1. The returned
- value can be the empty string (for dynamically
- computed columns). SESAM "multiple fields" are
- "inlined" and treated like the respective number of
- columns, each with the same column name.
+ string $arr[col]["name"]
+ column name for column(col), where
+ col is between 0 and
+ $arr["count"]-1. The returned value can
+ be the empty string (for dynamically computed
+ columns). SESAM "multiple fields" are "inlined" and treated
+ like the respective number of columns, each with the same
+ column name.
+ string $arr[col]["count"]
- The "count" attribute describes the repetition
- factor when the column has been declared as a
- "multiple field". Usually, the "count" attribute is
- 1. The first column of a "multiple field" column
- however contains the number of repetitions (the
- second and following column of the "multiple field"
- contain a "count" attribute of 1). This can be used
- to detect "multiple fields" in the result set. See
- the example shown in the
- sesam_query description for a
- sample use of the "count" attribute.
+ The "count" attribute describes the repetition factor when
+ the column has been declared as a "multiple field". Usually,
+ the "count" attribute is 1. The first column of a "multiple
+ field" column however contains the number of repetitions
+ (the second and following column of the "multiple field"
+ contain a "count" attribute of 1). This can be used to
+ detect "multiple fields" in the result set. See the example
+ shown in the sesam_query description
+ for a sample use of the "count" attribute.
- string $arr[col]["type"]
- php variable type of the data for
- column(col), where
- col is between 0
- and $arr["count"]-1. The returned
- value can be one of
- "integer"
- "double"
- "string"
- depending on the SQL type of the result. SESAM
- "multiple fields" are "inlined" and treated like the
- respective number of columns, each with the same php
- type.
- string $arr[col]["sqltype"]
- SQL variable type of the column data for
- column(col), where
- col is between 0
- and $arr["count"]-1. The returned
- value can be one of
- "REAL"
- "DATE"
- "TIME"
- describing the SQL type of the result. SESAM
- "multiple fields" are "inlined" and treated like the
- respective number of columns, each with the same SQL
- type.
- string $arr[col]["length"]
- The SQL "length" attribute of the SQL variable in
- column(col), where
- col is between 0 and
- $arr["count"]-1. The "length"
- attribute is used with "CHARACTER" and "VARCHAR" SQL
- types to specify the (maximum) length of the string
- variable. SESAM "multiple fields" are "inlined" and
- treated like the respective number of columns, each with
- the same length attribute.
- string $arr[col]["precision"]
- The "precision" attribute of the SQL variable in
- column(col), where
- col is between 0 and
- $arr["count"]-1. The "precision"
- attribute is used with numeric and time data types.
- SESAM "multiple fields" are "inlined" and
- treated like the respective number of columns, each with
- the same precision attribute.
- string $arr[col]["scale"]
- The "scale" attribute of the SQL variable in
- column(col), where
- col is between 0 and
- $arr["count"]-1. The "scale"
- attribute is used with numeric data types.
- SESAM "multiple fields" are "inlined" and
- treated like the respective number of columns, each with
- the same scale attribute.
+ string $arr[col]["type"]
+ php variable type of the data for
+ column(col), where col
+ is between 0 and $arr["count"]-1. The
+ returned value can be one of
+ "integer"
+ "double"
+ "string"
+ depending on the SQL type of the result. SESAM "multiple fields"
+ are "inlined" and treated like the respective number of columns,
+ each with the same php type.
+ string $arr[col]["sqltype"]
+ SQL variable type of the column data for
+ column(col), where col is
+ between 0 and $arr["count"]-1. The returned
+ value can be one of
+ "REAL"
+ "DATE"
+ "TIME"
+ describing the SQL type of the result. SESAM "multiple fields"
+ are "inlined" and treated like the respective number of columns,
+ each with the same SQL type.
+ string $arr[col]["length"]
+ The SQL "length" attribute of the SQL variable in
+ column(col), where col is
+ between 0 and $arr["count"]-1. The "length"
+ attribute is used with "CHARACTER" and "VARCHAR" SQL types to
+ specify the (maximum) length of the string variable. SESAM
+ "multiple fields" are "inlined" and treated like the respective
+ number of columns, each with the same length attribute.
+ string $arr[col]["precision"]
+ The "precision" attribute of the SQL variable in
+ column(col), where col is
+ between 0 and $arr["count"]-1. The
+ "precision" attribute is used with numeric and time data types.
+ SESAM "multiple fields" are "inlined" and treated like the
+ respective number of columns, each with the same precision
+ attribute.
+ string $arr[col]["scale"]
+ The "scale" attribute of the SQL variable in
+ column(col), where col is
+ between 0 and $arr["count"]-1. The "scale"
+ attribute is used with numeric data types. SESAM "multiple
+ fields" are "inlined" and treated like the respective number of
+ columns, each with the same scale attribute.
- See the sesam_query function
- for an example of the sesam_field_array use.
+ See the sesam_query function for an example
+ of the sesam_field_array use.
@@ -1535,14 +1599,14 @@ if (!sesam_execimm($stmt))
- Returns an array that corresponds to the fetched row,
- or FALSE if there are no more rows.
+ Returns an array that corresponds to the fetched row, or
+ FALSE if there are no more rows.
- The number of columns in the result set is returned in an
+ The number of columns in the result set is returned in an
associative array element $array["count"]. Because some of the
- result columns may be empty, the
- count function can not be used on
- the result row returned by
+ result columns may be empty, the count
+ function can not be used on the result row returned by
@@ -1550,62 +1614,71 @@ if (!sesam_execimm($stmt))
sesam_query (select type queries only!).
- whence is an
- optional parameter for a fetch operation on "scrollable"
- cursors, which can be set to the following predefined
- constants:
+ whence is an optional
+ parameter for a fetch operation on "scrollable" cursors, which
+ can be set to the following predefined constants:
Valid values for "whence" parameter
- Value
- Constant
- Meaning
+ Value
+ Constant
+ Meaning
- 0
- read sequentially (after fetch, the internal default is
+ 0
+ read sequentially (after fetch, the internal default is set
- 1
- read sequentially backwards (after fetch, the internal
- default is set to SESAM_SEEK_PRIOR)
+ 1
+ read sequentially backwards (after fetch, the internal
+ default is set to SESAM_SEEK_PRIOR)
- 2
- rewind to first row (after fetch, the default is set to
+ 2
+ rewind to first row (after fetch, the default is set to
- 3
- seek to last row (after fetch, the default is set to
+ 3
+ seek to last row (after fetch, the default is set to
- 4
- seek to absolute row number given as
- offset (Zero-based. After fetch,
- the internal default is
- set to SESAM_SEEK_ABSOLUTE, and the
- internal offset value is auto-incremented)
+ 4
+ seek to absolute row number given as
+ offset (Zero-based. After fetch, the
+ internal default is set to
+ SESAM_SEEK_ABSOLUTE, and the internal
+ offset value is auto-incremented)
- 5
- seek relative to current scroll position, where
- offset can be a positive or
- negative offset value.
+ 5
+ seek relative to current scroll position, where
+ offset can be a positive or negative
+ offset value.
@@ -1615,40 +1688,38 @@ if (!sesam_execimm($stmt))
When using "scrollable" cursors, the cursor can be freely
positioned on the result set. If the
- whence parameter
- is omitted, the global default values for the scrolling type
- (initialized to: SESAM_SEEK_NEXT, and
- settable by sesam_seek_row) are used. If
- whence is
- supplied, its value replaces the global default.
+ whence parameter is
+ omitted, the global default values for the scrolling type
+ (initialized to: SESAM_SEEK_NEXT, and settable
+ by sesam_seek_row) are used. If
+ whence is supplied,
+ its value replaces the global default.
- offset is an
- optional parameter which is only evaluated (and required)
- if whence is
- parameter is only valid for "scrollable" cursors.
+ offset is an optional
+ parameter which is only evaluated (and required) if
+ whence is either
+ SESAM_SEEK_ABSOLUTE. This parameter is only
+ valid for "scrollable" cursors.
- sesam_fetch_row fetches one row of data
- from the result associated with the specified result
- identifier. The row is returned as an array (indexed by
- values between 0 and
- $array["count"]-1). Fields may be empty,
- so you must check for the existence of a field by using the
- php isset function. The type of the
- returned fields depend on the respective SQL type declared for
- its column (see SESAM
+ sesam_fetch_row fetches one row of data from
+ the result associated with the specified result identifier. The
+ row is returned as an array (indexed by values between
+ 0 and $array["count"]-1).
+ Fields may be empty, so you must check for the existence of a
+ field by using the php isset function. The
+ type of the returned fields depend on the respective SQL type
+ declared for its column (see SESAM
overview for the conversions applied). SESAM "multiple
fields" are "inlined" and treated like a sequence of columns.
Subsequent calls to sesam_fetch_row would
- return the next (or prior, or n'th next/prior, depending on
- the scroll attributes) row in the result set, or
- FALSE if there are no
- more rows.
+ return the next (or prior, or n'th next/prior, depending on the
+ scroll attributes) row in the result set, or
+ FALSE if there are no more rows.
SESAM fetch rows
@@ -1657,16 +1728,16 @@ if (!sesam_execimm($stmt))
$result = sesam_query ("SELECT * FROM phone\n".
" WHERE LASTNAME='".strtoupper($name)."'\n".
-if (! $result) {
+if (!$result) {
... error ...
// print the table in backward order
print "<TABLE BORDER>\n";
$row = sesam_fetch_row ($result, SESAM_SEEK_LAST);
-while (is_array($row)) {
+while (is_array ($row)) {
print " <TR>\n";
- for($col = 0; $col < $row["count"]; ++$col) {
- print " <TD>".htmlspecialchars($row[$col])."</TD>\n";
+ for ($col = 0; $col < $row["count"]; ++$col) {
+ print " <TD>".htmlspecialchars ($row[$col])."</TD>\n";
print " </TR>\n";
// use implied SESAM_SEEK_PRIOR
@@ -1678,8 +1749,8 @@ sesam_free_result ($result);
- See also: sesam_fetch_array which returns
- an associative array, and sesam_fetch_result
+ See also: sesam_fetch_array which returns an
+ associative array, and sesam_fetch_result
which returns many rows per invocation.
@@ -1705,15 +1776,14 @@ sesam_free_result ($result);
- Returns an array that corresponds to the fetched row,
- or FALSE if there are no more rows.
+ Returns an array that corresponds to the fetched row, or
+ FALSE if there are no more rows.
- sesam_fetch_array is an alternative
- version of sesam_fetch_row. Instead
- of storing the data in the numeric indices of the result
- array, it stores the data in associative indices, using the
- field names as keys.
+ sesam_fetch_array is an alternative version
+ of sesam_fetch_row. Instead of storing the
+ data in the numeric indices of the result array, it stores the
+ data in associative indices, using the field names as keys.
result_id is a valid result id returned by
@@ -1722,25 +1792,23 @@ sesam_free_result ($result);
For the valid values of the optional
- offset
- parameters, see the sesam_fetch_row
- function for details.
+ offset parameters,
+ see the sesam_fetch_row function for
+ details.
- sesam_fetch_array fetches one row of data from
- the result associated with the specified result identifier. The
- row is returned as an associative array. Each result
- column is stored with an associative index equal to its
- column (aka. field) name. The column names are converted to lower case.
+ sesam_fetch_array fetches one row of data
+ from the result associated with the specified result identifier.
+ The row is returned as an associative array. Each result column
+ is stored with an associative index equal to its column
+ (aka. field) name. The column names are converted to lower case.
Columns without a field name (e.g., results of arithmetic
- operations) and empty fields are not stored in the array.
- Also, if two or more columns of the result have the same
- column names, the later column will take precedence. In
- this situation, either call
- sesam_fetch_row or make an alias for
+ operations) and empty fields are not stored in the array. Also,
+ if two or more columns of the result have the same column names,
+ the later column will take precedence. In this situation, either
+ call sesam_fetch_row or make an alias for
the column.
@@ -1748,30 +1816,29 @@ SELECT TBL1.COL AS FOO, TBL2.COL AS BAR FROM TBL1, TBL2
- A special handling allows fetching "multiple field"
- columns (which would otherwise all have the same column
- names). For each column of a "multiple field", the
- index name is constructed by appending the string "(n)"
- where n is the sub-index of the multiple field column,
- ranging from 1 to its declared repetition factor. The indices
- are NOT zero based, in order to match the nomenclature
- used in the respective query syntax.
- For a column declared as:
+ A special handling allows fetching "multiple field" columns
+ (which would otherwise all have the same column names). For each
+ column of a "multiple field", the index name is constructed by
+ appending the string "(n)" where n is the sub-index of the
+ multiple field column, ranging from 1 to its declared repetition
+ factor. The indices are NOT zero based, in order to match the
+ nomenclature used in the respective query syntax. For a column
+ declared as:
-CREATE TABLE ... ( ... MULTI(3) INT )
+CREATE TABLE ... ( ... MULTI(3) INT )
the associative indices used for the individual "multiple field"
columns would be "multi(1)",
- "multi(2)", and
- "multi(3)" respectively.
+ "multi(2)", and "multi(3)"
+ respectively.
Subsequent calls to sesam_fetch_array would
- return the next (or prior, or n'th next/prior, depending on
- the scroll attributes) row in the result set, or
- FALSE if there are no
- more rows.
+ return the next (or prior, or n'th next/prior, depending on the
+ scroll attributes) row in the result set, or
+ FALSE if there are no more rows.
SESAM fetch array
@@ -1780,16 +1847,16 @@ CREATE TABLE ... ( ... MULTI(3) INT )
$result = sesam_query ("SELECT * FROM phone\n".
" WHERE LASTNAME='".strtoupper($name)."'\n".
-if (! $result) {
+if (!$result) {
... error ...
// print the table:
print "<TABLE BORDER>\n";
-while (($row = sesam_fetch_array ($result)) && count($row) > 0) {
+while (($row = sesam_fetch_array ($result)) && count ($row) > 0) {
print " <TR>\n";
- print " <TD>".htmlspecialchars($row["firstname"])."</TD>\n";
- print " <TD>".htmlspecialchars($row["lastname"])."</TD>\n";
- print " <TD>".htmlspecialchars($row["phoneno"])."</TD>\n";
+ print " <TD>".htmlspecialchars ($row["firstname"])."</TD>\n";
+ print " <TD>".htmlspecialchars ($row["lastname"])."</TD>\n";
+ print " <TD>".htmlspecialchars ($row["phoneno"])."</TD>\n";
print " </TR>\n";
print "</TABLE>\n";
@@ -1798,8 +1865,8 @@ sesam_free_result ($result);
- See also: sesam_fetch_row which returns
- an indexed array.
+ See also: sesam_fetch_row which returns an
+ indexed array.
@@ -1829,74 +1896,78 @@ sesam_free_result ($result);
requested when calling sesam_query).
- whence sets the global default value
- for the scrolling type, it specifies the scroll type
- to use in subsequent fetch operations on "scrollable"
- cursors, which can be set to the following predefined
- constants:
+ whence sets the global default value for
+ the scrolling type, it specifies the scroll type to use in
+ subsequent fetch operations on "scrollable" cursors, which can be
+ set to the following predefined constants:
Valid values for "whence" parameter
- Value
- Constant
- Meaning
+ Value
+ Constant
+ Meaning
- 0
- read sequentially
+ 0
+ read sequentially
- 1
- read sequentially backwards
+ 1
+ read sequentially backwards
- 2
- fetch first row (after fetch, the default
- is set to
+ 2
+ fetch first row (after fetch, the default is set to
- 3
- fetch last row (after fetch, the default is
- set to
+ 3
+ fetch last row (after fetch, the default is set to
- 4
- fetch absolute row number given as
- offset (Zero-based. After
- fetch, the default is set to
- offset value is auto-incremented)
+ 4
+ fetch absolute row number given as
+ offset (Zero-based. After fetch, the
+ default is set to SESAM_SEEK_ABSOLUTE,
+ and the offset value is auto-incremented)
- 5
- fetch relative to current scroll position, where
- offset can be a positive or
- negative offset value (this also sets the default
- "offset" value for subsequent fetches).
+ 5
+ fetch relative to current scroll position, where
+ offset can be a positive or negative
+ offset value (this also sets the default "offset" value for
+ subsequent fetches).
- offset is an
- optional parameter which is only evaluated (and required)
- if whence is
+ offset is an optional
+ parameter which is only evaluated (and required) if
+ whence is either
@@ -1924,7 +1995,6 @@ sesam_free_result ($result);