diff --git a/reference/ingres-ii/configure.xml b/reference/ingres-ii/configure.xml
index 40173b7dc1..033dddd8fc 100644
--- a/reference/ingres-ii/configure.xml
+++ b/reference/ingres-ii/configure.xml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
- &reftitle.install;
- &pecl.moved;
- &pecl.info;
- &url.pecl.package;ingres.
- The DLL for this PECL extension may be downloaded from &url.ingres.peclext;.
- To have these functions available, you must download and compile
- this extension, enabling Ingres support using the
- option, where DIR is
- the Ingres base directory. If the II_SYSTEM environment variable is not
- set correctly you may need to use
- to specify your Ingres installation directory.
- PHP code written for version 2.x and later is not backward-compatible with
- earlier versions of this PHP extension. However, it is possible to run two
- incompatible releases within the same PHP environment using the option. This configuration option
- renames the extension to ingres2, changing function names, configuration
- settings, and constants. For example, with this option enabled,
- ingres_connect becomes
- ingres2_connect.
- To use this extension the system environment variable II_SYSTEM must be
- defined. Linux and UNIX users will also need to define the shared library
- search path, for example, LD_LIBRARY_PATH. When used with the Apache web server
- these variables must be
- set explicitly in the startup script for Apache. In addition, the PassEnv
- directive is required for the Ingres extension to load the correct shared
- libraries. For example:
+ &reftitle.install;
+ &pecl.moved;
+ &pecl.info;
+ &url.pecl.package;ingres.
+ The DLL for this PECL extension may be downloaded from &url.ingres.peclext;.
+ To have these functions available, you must download and compile
+ this extension, enabling Ingres support using the
+ option, where DIR is
+ the Ingres base directory. If the II_SYSTEM environment variable is not
+ set correctly you may need to use
+ to specify your Ingres installation directory.
+ PHP code written for version 2.x and later is not backward-compatible with
+ earlier versions of this PHP extension. However, it is possible to run two
+ incompatible releases within the same PHP environment using the option. This configuration option
+ renames the extension to ingres2, changing function names, configuration
+ settings, and constants. For example, with this option enabled,
+ ingres_connect becomes
+ ingres2_connect.
+ To use this extension the system environment variable II_SYSTEM must be
+ defined. Linux and UNIX users will also need to define the shared library
+ search path, for example, LD_LIBRARY_PATH. When used with the Apache web server
+ these variables must be
+ set explicitly in the startup script for Apache. In addition, the PassEnv
+ directive is required for the Ingres extension to load the correct shared
+ libraries. For example:
diff --git a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-fetch-array.xml b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-fetch-array.xml
index 22b1e2f81d..1aee7aa62c 100644
--- a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-fetch-array.xml
+++ b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-fetch-array.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ $bar = $result["country"];
- The result type. This result_type can be INGRES_NUM for
- enumerated array, INGRES_ASSOC for associative array, or
- INGRES_BOTH (default).
+ The result type. This result_type can be INGRES_NUM for
+ enumerated array, INGRES_ASSOC for associative array, or
+ INGRES_BOTH (default).
diff --git a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-fetch-object.xml b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-fetch-object.xml
index 4d853aa0ea..a30c2bf994 100644
--- a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-fetch-object.xml
+++ b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-fetch-object.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
(Optional argument.) result_type is a
- constant and can take the following values: INGRES_ASSOC,
+ constant and can take the following values: INGRES_ASSOC,
diff --git a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-length.xml b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-length.xml
index 4b44f6f306..d89feff72f 100644
--- a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-length.xml
+++ b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-length.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
ingres_field_length returns the length of a
field. This is the number of bytes the server uses to store
- the field. For detailed information, see the Ingres OpenAPI User
- Guide, Appendix "Data Types" in the Ingres documentation.
+ the field. For detailed information, see the Ingres OpenAPI User
+ Guide, Appendix "Data Types" in the Ingres documentation.
diff --git a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-precision.xml b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-precision.xml
index c935e4f36d..26a3a4baf8 100644
--- a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-precision.xml
+++ b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-precision.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
ingres_field_precision returns the precision
of a field. This value is used only for decimal, float, and money
- SQL data types. For detailed information, see the Ingres OpenAPI
- User Guide, Appendix "Data Types" in the Ingres documentation.
+ SQL data types. For detailed information, see the Ingres OpenAPI
+ User Guide, Appendix "Data Types" in the Ingres documentation.
diff --git a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-scale.xml b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-scale.xml
index e417337f2a..c43be701e8 100644
--- a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-scale.xml
+++ b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-scale.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
ingres_field_scale returns the scale of a
field. This value is used only for the decimal SQL data
- type. For detailed information, see the Ingres OpenAPI User
- Guide, Appendix "Data Types" in the Ingres documentation.
+ type. For detailed information, see the Ingres OpenAPI User
+ Guide, Appendix "Data Types" in the Ingres documentation.
diff --git a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-type.xml b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-type.xml
index 8767fe20c8..af9972f4c0 100644
--- a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-type.xml
+++ b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-field-type.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -49,13 +49,14 @@
ingres_field_type returns the type of a
field in a query result, or &false; on failure. Examples of
- types returned are IIAPI_BYTE_TYPE, IIAPI_CHA_TYPE,
- IIAPI_VCH_TYPE. Some of these types can map to more than one
- SQL type depending on the length of the field (see
+ types returned are IIAPI_BYTE_TYPE,
+ IIAPI_VCH_TYPE. Some of these types can map to more
+ than one SQL type depending on the length of the field (see
ingres_field_length). For example
IIAPI_FLT_TYPE can be a float4 or a float8. For detailed
- information, see the Ingres OpenAPI User Guide, Appendix
+ information, see the Ingres OpenAPI User Guide, Appendix
"Data Types" in the Ingres documentation.
diff --git a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-prepare.xml b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-prepare.xml
index 268d506453..e62568787d 100644
--- a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-prepare.xml
+++ b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-prepare.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
- A valid SQL query (see the Ingres SQL reference
- guide) in the Ingres documentation.
+ A valid SQL query (see the Ingres SQL reference
+ guide) in the Ingres documentation.
See the query
parameter in ingres_query for a list of SQL
statements which cannot be executed using
diff --git a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-query.xml b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-query.xml
index cb0dee5351..2c54f59d11 100644
--- a/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-query.xml
+++ b/reference/ingres-ii/functions/ingres-query.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -58,47 +58,47 @@
- A valid SQL query (see the Ingres SQL reference
- guide) in the Ingres documentation.
+ A valid SQL query (see the Ingres SQL reference
+ guide) in the Ingres documentation.
The following types of SQL queries cannot be sent with this function:
- close (see ingres_close)
+ close (see ingres_close)
- commit (see ingres_commit)
+ commit (see ingres_commit)
- connect (see ingres_connect)
+ connect (see ingres_connect)
- disconnect (see ingres_close)
+ disconnect (see ingres_close)
- get dbevent
+ get dbevent
- prepare to commit
+ prepare to commit
- rollback (see ingres_rollback)
+ rollback (see ingres_rollback)
- savepoint
+ savepoint
- set autocommit (see ingres_autocommit)
+ set autocommit (see ingres_autocommit)
diff --git a/reference/ingres-ii/ini.xml b/reference/ingres-ii/ini.xml
index 7c50e0cbf2..1818d054d5 100644
--- a/reference/ingres-ii/ini.xml
+++ b/reference/ingres-ii/ini.xml
@@ -1,388 +1,389 @@
- &reftitle.runtime;
- &extension.runtime;
- Ingres configuration options
- Name
- Default
- Changeable
- Changelog
- ingres.allow_persistent
- "1"
- Available since ingres 1.0.0
- ingres.array_index_start
- "1"
- Available since ingres 1.4.0.
- ingres.auto
- "1"
- Available since ingres 2.0.0.
- ingres.blob_segment_length
- "4096"
- Available since ingres 1.2.0.
- ingres.cursor_mode
- "0"
- Available since ingres 1.1.0.
- ingres.default_database
- Available since ingres 1.0.0
- ingres.default_password
- Available since ingres 1.0.0
- ingres.default_user
- Available since ingres 1.0.0
- ingres.describe
- 1
- Available since ingres 2.1.0
- ingres.fetch_buffer_size
- 100
- Available since ingres 2.1.0
- ingres.max_links
- "-1"
- Available since ingres 1.0.0
- ingres.max_persistent
- "-1"
- Available since ingres 1.0.0
- ingres.reuse_connection
- "1"
- Available since ingres 2.0.0
- ingres.scrollable
- "1"
- Available since ingres 2.0.0.
- ingres.trace
- "0"
- Available since ingres 2.0.0.
- ingres.trace_connect
- "0"
- Available since ingres 1.2.1.
- ingres.utf8
- "1"
- Available since ingres 2.0.0.
- &ini.php.constants;
- &ini.descriptions.title;
- ingres.allow_persistent
- boolean
- Specifies whether to allow
- persistent connections
- to Ingres
- ingres.array_index_start
- integer
- Specifies, by default, the array returned by ingres_fetch_array
- and ingres_fetch_row indexes from 1.
- To make the Ingres extension compatible with other database extensions,
- set this to 0.
- ingres.auto
- boolean
- Enables or disables autocommit emulation. Ingres cannot have multiple cursors
- open with autocommit enabled. When enabled, the driver emulates autocommit.
- ingres.blob_segment_length
- integer
- Specifies the amount of memory to use when reading BLOB data, in bytes
- ingres.cursor_mode
- integer
- Specifies the default mode for cursors opened with ingres_prepare(). Valid values
- ingres.default_database
- string
- Specifies the default database name to use when connecting to the database
- server if no other name is specified. Does not apply in
- &sqlsafemode;.
- ingres.default_password
- string
- Specifies the default password to use when connecting to the database
- server if no other name is specified. Does not apply in
- &sqlsafemode;.
- ingres.default_user
- string
- Specifies the default user name to use when connecting to the database
- server if no other name is specified. Does not apply in
- &sqlsafemode;.
- ingres.describe
- boolean
- Enables the use of DESCRIBE INPUT to determine the expected data types
- for queries that use parameters. Available with Ingres 9.1.0 and later.
- When disabled, queries that have parameters passed may need to manually
- describe the types of those parameters using the types parameter in
- ingres_query.
- Enabling this feature with ingres_query() will cause additional
- communications traffic between this extension and the server. To
- minimize this additional traffic, use ingres_prepare() and
- ingres_execute().
- ingres.fetch_buffer_size
- integer
- Specifies the number of pre-fetch rows that ingres_fetch_array,
- ingres_fetch_object and
- ingres_fetch_row will try and fetch in one fetch operation.
- ingres.max_links
- integer
- Specifies the maximum number of Ingres sessions allowed per process or thread.
- The number of sessions should not exceed the total number of
- connected sessions configured within Ingres.
- ingres.max_persistent
- integer
- Specifies the maximum number of persistent Ingres sessions allowed per process or
- thread. The number of sessions should not exceed the total
- number of connected sessions configured within Ingres.
- ingres.reuse_connection
- boolean
- Reuses an existing active connection if connecting to the same database
- with the same user name
- ingres.scrollable
- boolean
- Enables support for scrollable cursors. When fetching CLOB or BLOB data, this
- should be set to &false;. Available with Ingres 9.2.0 or later.
- ingres.trace
- boolean
- Enables simple tracing using E_NOTICE messages
- ingres.trace_connect
- boolean
- Prints E_NOTICE messages during ingres_connect or ingres_pconnect calls
- ingres.utf8
- boolean
- Assumes that strings being passed to National Character column types
- (NVARCHAR or NCHAR) are using UTF8 encoding and converts them to UTF16
- for the server
+ &reftitle.runtime;
+ &extension.runtime;
+ Ingres configuration options
+ Name
+ Default
+ Changeable
+ Changelog
+ ingres.allow_persistent
+ "1"
+ Available since ingres 1.0.0
+ ingres.array_index_start
+ "1"
+ Available since ingres 1.4.0.
+ ingres.auto
+ "1"
+ Available since ingres 2.0.0.
+ ingres.blob_segment_length
+ "4096"
+ Available since ingres 1.2.0.
+ ingres.cursor_mode
+ "0"
+ Available since ingres 1.1.0.
+ ingres.default_database
+ Available since ingres 1.0.0
+ ingres.default_password
+ Available since ingres 1.0.0
+ ingres.default_user
+ Available since ingres 1.0.0
+ ingres.describe
+ 1
+ Available since ingres 2.1.0
+ ingres.fetch_buffer_size
+ 100
+ Available since ingres 2.1.0
+ ingres.max_links
+ "-1"
+ Available since ingres 1.0.0
+ ingres.max_persistent
+ "-1"
+ Available since ingres 1.0.0
+ ingres.reuse_connection
+ "1"
+ Available since ingres 2.0.0
+ ingres.scrollable
+ "1"
+ Available since ingres 2.0.0.
+ ingres.trace
+ "0"
+ Available since ingres 2.0.0.
+ ingres.trace_connect
+ "0"
+ Available since ingres 1.2.1.
+ ingres.utf8
+ "1"
+ Available since ingres 2.0.0.
+ &ini.php.constants;
+ &ini.descriptions.title;
+ ingres.allow_persistent
+ boolean
+ Specifies whether to allow
+ persistent connections
+ to Ingres
+ ingres.array_index_start
+ integer
+ Specifies, by default, the array returned by ingres_fetch_array
+ and ingres_fetch_row indexes from 1.
+ To make the Ingres extension compatible with other database extensions,
+ set this to 0.
+ ingres.auto
+ boolean
+ Enables or disables autocommit emulation. Ingres cannot have multiple cursors
+ open with autocommit enabled. When enabled, the driver emulates autocommit.
+ ingres.blob_segment_length
+ integer
+ Specifies the amount of memory to use when reading BLOB data, in bytes
+ ingres.cursor_mode
+ integer
+ Specifies the default mode for cursors opened with ingres_prepare(). Valid values
+ ingres.default_database
+ string
+ Specifies the default database name to use when connecting to the database
+ server if no other name is specified. Does not apply in
+ &sqlsafemode;.
+ ingres.default_password
+ string
+ Specifies the default password to use when connecting to the database
+ server if no other name is specified. Does not apply in
+ &sqlsafemode;.
+ ingres.default_user
+ string
+ Specifies the default user name to use when connecting to the database
+ server if no other name is specified. Does not apply in
+ &sqlsafemode;.
+ ingres.describe
+ boolean
+ Enables the use of DESCRIBE INPUT to determine the expected data types
+ for queries that use parameters. Available with Ingres 9.1.0 and later.
+ When disabled, queries that have parameters passed may need to manually
+ describe the types of those parameters using the types parameter in
+ ingres_query.
+ Enabling this feature with ingres_query will cause additional
+ communications traffic between this extension and the server. To
+ minimize this additional traffic, use ingres_prepare and
+ ingres_execute.
+ ingres.fetch_buffer_size
+ integer
+ Specifies the number of pre-fetch rows that ingres_fetch_array,
+ ingres_fetch_object and
+ ingres_fetch_row will try and fetch in one fetch operation.
+ ingres.max_links
+ integer
+ Specifies the maximum number of Ingres sessions allowed per process or thread.
+ The number of sessions should not exceed the total number of
+ connected sessions configured within Ingres.
+ ingres.max_persistent
+ integer
+ Specifies the maximum number of persistent Ingres sessions allowed per process or
+ thread. The number of sessions should not exceed the total
+ number of connected sessions configured within Ingres.
+ ingres.reuse_connection
+ boolean
+ Reuses an existing active connection if connecting to the same database
+ with the same user name
+ ingres.scrollable
+ boolean
+ Enables support for scrollable cursors. When fetching CLOB or BLOB data, this
+ should be set to &false;. Available with Ingres 9.2.0 or later.
+ ingres.trace
+ boolean
+ Enables simple tracing using E_NOTICE messages
+ ingres.trace_connect
+ boolean
+ Prints E_NOTICE messages during
+ ingres_connect or ingres_pconnect calls
+ ingres.utf8
+ boolean
+ Assumes that strings being passed to National Character column types
+ (NVARCHAR or NCHAR) are using UTF8 encoding and converts them to UTF16
+ for the server