diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongo/close.xml b/reference/mongo/mongo/close.xml
index 3dd8008182..237d5635bf 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongo/close.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongo/close.xml
@@ -13,6 +13,64 @@
public booleanMongo::close
+ This method does not need to be called, except in unusual
+ circumstances. The driver will cleanly close the database
+ connection when the Mongo object goes out of scope.
+ If you are using a service where objects do not go out of scope
+ between requests, you may wish to call close() at the end of
+ your program to keep old connections from hanging around.
+ However, it is probably more efficient to take advantage of
+ this fact and simply use a persistent connection, which will
+ automatically create a connection if needed and use it for as
+ many requests as the application server allows it to exist.
+ You may also wish to call close() if you are unsure of the
+ state of a connection and wish to guarantee a new connection will
+ happen. For example:
+ vs.
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongo/construct.xml b/reference/mongo/mongo/construct.xml
index c10af45007..520114a2f6 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongo/construct.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongo/construct.xml
@@ -16,6 +16,32 @@
+ If you elect not to connect immediately, you will need to call
+ connect, persistConnect,
+ pairConnect, or
+ pairPersistConnect before doing any
+ database operations.
+selectDB("foo")->command(array("distinct" => "bar", "key" => "age"));
+// okay
+$mongo->selectDB("foo")->command(array("distinct" => "bar", "key" => "age"));
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongoconnectionexception.xml b/reference/mongo/mongoconnectionexception.xml
index 8c1c73d0da..04c240957d 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongoconnectionexception.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongoconnectionexception.xml
@@ -14,6 +14,112 @@
Thrown when the driver fails to connect to the database.
+ There are a number of possible error messages, to attempt
+ to help you diagnose the connection problem. These are:
+ No server name given.
+ This error occurs if you pass in "" as the server name,
+ probably because of an typo with string interpolation,
+ e.g., "$servr" instead of "$server".
+ failed to get left host [hostname] or port [portnum]
+ from [server].
+ failed to get right host [hostname] or port [portnum]
+ from [server].
+ This indicated that the first or second server
+ respectively in a "server1,server2" connection string
+ was malformed. "[hostname]" and "[portnum]" will be as
+ much as the driver could dicipher of it.
+ failed to get host [hostname] or port [portnum]
+ from [server].
+ This indicated that the server string was malformed.
+ "[hostname]" and "[portnum]" will be as much as the
+ driver could dicipher of it.
+ paired connection, but no right host given
+ The user attempted to create a paired connection but
+ passed a string that only listed one server to connect to.
+ Operation in progress
+ Connecting to the database timed out.
+ More links than your body has room for: N of M
+ N is the number of open connections and M is the
+ maximum number of connections allowed. By default,
+ the driver allows unlimited simultaneous connections
+ to the database. If you wish to limit them, you can set
+ mongo.max_connections and/or mongo.max_persistent (for
+ limiting perisistent connections). If you try to create
+ more than that number of connections, you will get this
+ error.
+ couldn't determine master
+ Neither server in a paired connection appeared to be master.
+ couldn't get host info for [server]
+ This indicated that DNS could not resolve the server address
+ you gave. This could easily be caused by a typo, for example,
+ "server" instead of "$server".
+ If the error message is not listed above, it is probably an error
+ from the C socket, and you can search the web for its usual cause.
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocursorexception.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocursorexception.xml
index 459d22fb28..82032912cb 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocursorexception.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocursorexception.xml
@@ -12,8 +12,66 @@
- Thrown by accessing a cursor incorrectly.
+ Caused by accessing a cursor incorrectly or a error receiving a reply.
+ If there is an error receiving a reply, there will be a more
+ specific error message to help diagnose the problem:
+ could not establish db connection
+ A database reply could not be recieved because a connection
+ with the database could not be established.
+ no db response
+ This may not even be an error, for example, the database
+ command "shutdown" returns no response. However, if you
+ were expecting a response, this means the database didn't
+ give one.
+ bad response length: %d, max: %d, did the db assert?
+ This means that the database said that its response was
+ greater than 4Mb or less than 0. Generally, a number
+ greater than 5Mb should be reported to the developers as a
+ potential database bug (max response length is 4Mb). A
+ response of less than 0 often means a database assertion
+ occured.
+ incomplete response
+ Occurs if the database response is malformed.
+ [WSA ]error getting database response: errstr
+ "errstr" is an io error reported directly from the C socket
+ subsystem. On Windows, is prefixed with "WSA".
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongogridfs.xml b/reference/mongo/mongogridfs.xml
index 0e28615310..1f2e77aa24 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongogridfs.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongogridfs.xml
@@ -12,8 +12,36 @@
- Utilities for storing and retrieving files from the database.
+ Utilities for storing and retrieving files from the database.
+ MongoGridFS extends
+ MongoCollection, so any of the methods
+ in MongoCollection can be used to
+ manipulate metadata. For example:
+$game = $grid->findOne();
+// add a downloads counter
+$game->file['downloads'] = 0;
+// increment the counter
+$grid->update(array("_id" => $id), array('$inc' => array("downloads" => 1)));