diff --git a/appendices/migration70/incompatible.xml b/appendices/migration70/incompatible.xml
index c0257a82e3..b2adfd91bc 100644
--- a/appendices/migration70/incompatible.xml
+++ b/appendices/migration70/incompatible.xml
@@ -2,594 +2,11 @@
- Backward Incompatible Changes
- Although most existing PHP 5 code should work without changes, please take
- note of some backward incompatible changes:
+ Backward incompatible changes
- Changes to variable handling
- PHP 7 now uses an abstract syntax tree when parsing source files. This has
- permitted many improvements to the language which were previously
- impossible due to limitations in the parser used in earlier versions of
- PHP, but has resulted in the removal of a few special cases for consistency
- reasons, which has resulted in backward compatibility breaks. These cases
- are detailed in this section.
- Changes to the handling of indirect variables, properties, and methods
- Indirect access to variables, properties, and methods will now be
- evaluated strictly in left-to-right order, as opposed to the previous mix
- of special cases. The table below shows how the order of evaluaiton has
- changed.
- Code that used the old right-to-left evaluation order must be rewritten to
- explicitly use that evaluation order with curly braces (see the above
- middle column). This will make the code both forwards compatible with PHP
- 7.x and backwards compatible with PHP 5.x.
- Changes to list handling
- list no longer assigns variables in reverse order
- list will now assign values to variables in the
- order they are defined, rather than reverse order. In general, this only
- affects the case where list is being used in
- conjunction with the array [] operator, as shown below:
- &example.outputs.5;
- int(3)
- [1]=>
- int(2)
- [2]=>
- int(1)
- &example.outputs.7;
- int(1)
- [1]=>
- int(2)
- [2]=>
- int(3)
- In general, it is recommended not to rely on the order in which
- list assignments occur, as this is an implementation
- detail that may change again in the future.
- Empty list assignments have been removed
- list constructs can no longer be empty, or contain
- empty variables. The following are no longer allowed:
- list cannot unpack strings
- list can no longer unpack string
- variables. str_split should be used instead.
- Array ordering when elements are automatically created during by reference
- assignments has changed
- The order of the elements in an array has changed when those elements have
- been automatically created by referencing them in a by reference
- assignment. For example:
- &example.outputs.5;
- &int(1)
- ["a"]=>
- &int(1)
- &example.outputs.7;
- &int(1)
- ["b"]=>
- &int(1)
- &global; only accepts simple variables
- Variable variables can
- no longer be used with the &global; keyword. The curly brace syntax can be
- used to emulate the previous behaviour if required:
- bar;
- // Valid in PHP 5 and 7.
- global ${$foo->bar};
- }
- ?>
- ]]>
- As a general principle, using anything other than a bare variable with
- &global; is discouraged.
- Parentheses around function parameters no longer affect behaviour
- In PHP 5, using redundant parentheses around a function parameter could
- quiet strict standards warnings when the function parameter was passed by
- reference. The warning will now always be issued.
- ]]>
- &example.outputs;
- Changes to &foreach;
- Minor changes have been made to the behaviour of the &foreach; control
- structure, primarily around the handling of the internal array pointer and
- modification of the array being iterated over.
- &foreach; no longer changes the internal array pointer
- Prior to PHP 7, the internal array pointer was modified while an array was
- being iterated over with &foreach;. This is no longer the case, as shown
- in the following example:
- &example.outputs.5;
- &example.outputs.7;
- &foreach; by-value operates on a copy of the array
- When used in the default by-value mode, &foreach; will now operate on a
- copy of the array being iterated rather than the array itself. This means
- that changes to the array made during iteration will not affect the values
- that are iterated.
- &foreach; by-reference has improved iteration behaviour
- When iterating by-reference, &foreach; will now do a better job of
- tracking changes to the array made during iteration. For example,
- appending to an array while iterating will now result in the appended
- values being iterated over as well:
- &example.outputs.5;
- &example.outputs.7;
- Iteration of non-Traversable objects
- Iterating over a non-Traversable object will now
- have the same behaviour as iterating over by-reference arrays. This
- results in the
- improved behaviour when modifying an array during iteration
- also being applied when properties are added to or removed from the
- object.
- ASP and script PHP tags removed
- Support for using ASP and script tags to delimit PHP code has been removed.
- The affected tags are:
- Removed ASP and script tags
- Opening tag
- Closing tag
- <%
- %>
- <%=
- %>
- <script language="php">
- </script>
- Functions can't have more than one parameter with the same name
- It is no longer possible to define two function parameters with the same name.
- For example, the following method will trigger E_COMPILE_ERROR:
- $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is no longer available. Use the
- php://input stream instead.
- Drop #-style comments in INI files
- Support for #-style comments in INI files has been dropped. ;
- is the only possible comment indicator now.
- Invalid Octal Literals
- Previously, octal literals that contained invalid numbers were silently
- truncated (0128 was taken as 012).
- Now, an invalid octal literal will cause a parse error.
- Removed functions
- Following functions have been removed from PHP:
- call_user_method and call_user_method_array
- mcrypt_generic_end alias in favor of mcrypt_generic_deinit
- deprecated mcrypt_ecb,
- mcrypt_cbc, mcrypt_cfb and
- mcrypt_ofb in favor of mcrypt_decrypt
- with an MCRYPT_MODE_*
- deprecated aliases datefmt_set_timezone_id and
- IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneID in favor of
- datefmt_set_timezone or IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone
- set_magic_quotes_runtime and its alias magic_quotes_runtime
- set_socket_blocking in favor of its alias stream_set_blocking
- dl from fpm-fcgi
- imagepsbbox, imagepsencodefont,
- imagepsextendedfont, imagepsfreefont,
- imagepsloadfont, imagepsslantfont,
- imagepstext due to T1Lib support removal
- Removed INI directives
- Following &php.ini; directives have been removed from PHP:
- always_populate_raw_post_data
- asp_tags
- xsl.security_prefs - use XsltProcessor::setSecurityPrefs
- instead
+ &appendices.migration70.incompatible.variable-handling;
+ &appendices.migration70.incompatible.foreach;
+ &appendices.migration70.incompatible.other;
+ Changes to &foreach;
+ Minor changes have been made to the behaviour of the &foreach; control
+ structure, primarily around the handling of the internal array pointer and
+ modification of the array being iterated over.
+ &foreach; no longer changes the internal array pointer
+ Prior to PHP 7, the internal array pointer was modified while an array was
+ being iterated over with &foreach;. This is no longer the case, as shown
+ in the following example:
+ &example.outputs.5;
+ &example.outputs.7;
+ &foreach; by-value operates on a copy of the array
+ When used in the default by-value mode, &foreach; will now operate on a
+ copy of the array being iterated rather than the array itself. This means
+ that changes to the array made during iteration will not affect the values
+ that are iterated.
+ &foreach; by-reference has improved iteration behaviour
+ When iterating by-reference, &foreach; will now do a better job of
+ tracking changes to the array made during iteration. For example,
+ appending to an array while iterating will now result in the appended
+ values being iterated over as well:
+ &example.outputs.5;
+ &example.outputs.7;
+ Iteration of non-Traversable objects
+ Iterating over a non-Traversable object will now
+ have the same behaviour as iterating over by-reference arrays. This
+ results in the
+ improved behaviour when modifying an array during iteration
+ also being applied when properties are added to or removed from the
+ object.
diff --git a/appendices/migration70/incompatible/other.xml b/appendices/migration70/incompatible/other.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3f776a307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appendices/migration70/incompatible/other.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ Other backward incompatible changes
+ ASP and script PHP tags removed
+ Support for using ASP and script tags to delimit PHP code has been removed.
+ The affected tags are:
+ Removed ASP and script tags
+ Opening tag
+ Closing tag
+ <%
+ %>
+ <%=
+ %>
+ <script language="php">
+ </script>
+ Functions can't have more than one parameter with the same name
+ It is no longer possible to define two function parameters with the same name.
+ For example, the following method will trigger E_COMPILE_ERROR:
+ $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is no longer available. Use the
+ php://input stream instead.
+ Drop #-style comments in INI files
+ Support for #-style comments in INI files has been dropped. ;
+ is the only possible comment indicator now.
+ Invalid Octal Literals
+ Previously, octal literals that contained invalid numbers were silently
+ truncated (0128 was taken as 012).
+ Now, an invalid octal literal will cause a parse error.
+ Removed functions
+ Following functions have been removed from PHP:
+ call_user_method and call_user_method_array
+ mcrypt_generic_end alias in favor of mcrypt_generic_deinit
+ deprecated mcrypt_ecb,
+ mcrypt_cbc, mcrypt_cfb and
+ mcrypt_ofb in favor of mcrypt_decrypt
+ with an MCRYPT_MODE_*
+ deprecated aliases datefmt_set_timezone_id and
+ IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneID in favor of
+ datefmt_set_timezone or IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone
+ set_magic_quotes_runtime and its alias magic_quotes_runtime
+ set_socket_blocking in favor of its alias stream_set_blocking
+ dl from fpm-fcgi
+ imagepsbbox, imagepsencodefont,
+ imagepsextendedfont, imagepsfreefont,
+ imagepsloadfont, imagepsslantfont,
+ imagepstext due to T1Lib support removal
+ Removed INI directives
+ Following &php.ini; directives have been removed from PHP:
+ always_populate_raw_post_data
+ asp_tags
+ xsl.security_prefs - use XsltProcessor::setSecurityPrefs
+ instead
diff --git a/appendices/migration70/incompatible/variable-handling.xml b/appendices/migration70/incompatible/variable-handling.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..030baf9aa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appendices/migration70/incompatible/variable-handling.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ Changes to variable handling
+ PHP 7 now uses an abstract syntax tree when parsing source files. This has
+ permitted many improvements to the language which were previously
+ impossible due to limitations in the parser used in earlier versions of
+ PHP, but has resulted in the removal of a few special cases for consistency
+ reasons, which has resulted in backward compatibility breaks. These cases
+ are detailed in this section.
+ Changes to the handling of indirect variables, properties, and methods
+ Indirect access to variables, properties, and methods will now be
+ evaluated strictly in left-to-right order, as opposed to the previous mix
+ of special cases. The table below shows how the order of evaluaiton has
+ changed.
+ Code that used the old right-to-left evaluation order must be rewritten to
+ explicitly use that evaluation order with curly braces (see the above
+ middle column). This will make the code both forwards compatible with PHP
+ 7.x and backwards compatible with PHP 5.x.
+ Changes to list handling
+ list no longer assigns variables in reverse order
+ list will now assign values to variables in the
+ order they are defined, rather than reverse order. In general, this only
+ affects the case where list is being used in
+ conjunction with the array [] operator, as shown below:
+ &example.outputs.5;
+ int(3)
+ [1]=>
+ int(2)
+ [2]=>
+ int(1)
+ &example.outputs.7;
+ int(1)
+ [1]=>
+ int(2)
+ [2]=>
+ int(3)
+ In general, it is recommended not to rely on the order in which
+ list assignments occur, as this is an implementation
+ detail that may change again in the future.
+ Empty list assignments have been removed
+ list constructs can no longer be empty, or contain
+ empty variables. The following are no longer allowed:
+ list cannot unpack strings
+ list can no longer unpack string
+ variables. str_split should be used instead.
+ Array ordering when elements are automatically created during by reference
+ assignments has changed
+ The order of the elements in an array has changed when those elements have
+ been automatically created by referencing them in a by reference
+ assignment. For example:
+ &example.outputs.5;
+ &int(1)
+ ["a"]=>
+ &int(1)
+ &example.outputs.7;
+ &int(1)
+ ["b"]=>
+ &int(1)
+ &global; only accepts simple variables
+ Variable variables can
+ no longer be used with the &global; keyword. The curly brace syntax can be
+ used to emulate the previous behaviour if required:
+ // Valid in PHP 5 and 7.
+ global ${$foo->bar};
+ As a general principle, using anything other than a bare variable with
+ &global; is discouraged.
+ Parentheses around function parameters no longer affect behaviour
+ In PHP 5, using redundant parentheses around a function parameter could
+ quiet strict standards warnings when the function parameter was passed by
+ reference. The warning will now always be issued.
+ &example.outputs;