diff --git a/language-snippets.ent b/language-snippets.ent
index 17400fa763..04e32eaaa2 100644
--- a/language-snippets.ent
+++ b/language-snippets.ent
@@ -1721,3 +1721,7 @@ tag sets, where each tag set is itself an array of criteria used to match tags
on replica set members.
Returns &true; on success, or &false; otherwise.'>
+"w"See WriteConcerns. The default value for MongoClient is 1.'>
+"fsync"Boolean, defaults to &false;. Forces the insert to be synced to disk before returning success. If &true;, an acknowledged insert is implied and will override setting w to 0.'>
+"timeout"Integer, defaults to MongoCursor::$timeout. If "safe" is set, this sets how long (in milliseconds) for the client to wait for a database response. If the database does not respond within the timeout period, a MongoCursorTimeoutException will be thrown.'>
+"safe"Deprecated. Please use the WriteConcern w option.'>
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongoclient/construct.xml b/reference/mongo/mongoclient/construct.xml
index c7716d86fb..5e75ce4d83 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongoclient/construct.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongoclient/construct.xml
@@ -191,8 +191,9 @@ mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2:],...]/db
- The w option specifies the write concern for the
- driver, which determines how long the driver blocks when writing. The
+ The w option specifies the
+ Write Concern for the driver,
+ which determines how long the driver blocks when writing. The
default value is 1.
@@ -211,11 +212,6 @@ mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2:],...]/db
and ensures that the write operation has been applied to the majority
(more than 50%) of the participating nodes.
- See the core
- documentation on replica sets for more information.
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/aggregate.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/aggregate.xml
index 6cf4b7e227..c2c03cb60a 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/aggregate.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/aggregate.xml
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ $data = array (
'foo' => 5,
-$d = $c->insert($data, array("safe" => true));
+$d = $c->insert($data, array("w" => 1));
$ops = array(
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/batchinsert.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/batchinsert.xml
index fb6b94f23e..025e226546 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/batchinsert.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/batchinsert.xml
@@ -38,34 +38,9 @@
Options for the inserts.
- "safe"
- Can be a boolean or integer, defaults to &false;. If &false;, the
- program continues executing without waiting for a database response.
- If &true;, the program will wait for the database response and throw a
- MongoCursorException if the insert did not
- succeed.
- If safe is an integer, will replicate the
- insert to that many machines before returning success (or throw an
- exception if the replication times out, see wtimeout). This overrides
- the w variable set on the collection.
- "fsync"
- Boolean, defaults to &false;. Forces the insert to be synced to
- disk before returning success. If &true;, a safe insert is implied
- and will override setting safe to &false;.
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.writeconcern;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.fsync;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.timeout;
@@ -80,6 +55,7 @@
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.safe;
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/distinct.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/distinct.xml
index c99da91cfd..2a3ce59ab1 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/distinct.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/distinct.xml
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ $c = $db->distinct;
$c->insert(array("stuff" => "bar", "zip-code" => 10010));
$c->insert(array("stuff" => "foo", "zip-code" => 10010));
-$c->insert(array("stuff" => "bar", "zip-code" => 99701), array("safe" => true));
+$c->insert(array("stuff" => "bar", "zip-code" => 99701), array("w" => 1));
$retval = $c->distinct("zip-code");
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/ensureindex.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/ensureindex.xml
index 01c30b64df..c348fdc79d 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/ensureindex.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/ensureindex.xml
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
array("optionname" => <boolean>, ...). Currently
supported options are:
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.writeconcern;
@@ -123,28 +124,6 @@
- "safe"
- Starting with driver version 1.0.4, you can specify a boolean value
- for checking if the index creation succeeded. The driver will throw
- a MongoCursorException if index creation failed.
- If you are using replication and the primary has changed, using "safe"
- will make the driver disconnect from the primary, throw and exception,
- and attempt to find a new primary on the next operation (your
- application must decide whether or not to retry the operation on the
- new primary).
- If you do not use "safe" with a replica set and
- the primary changes, there will be no way for the driver to know about
- the change so it will continuously and silently fail to write.
- "name"
@@ -155,18 +134,8 @@
about the index name being too long.
- "timeout"
- Integer, defaults to MongoCursor::$timeout. If
- "safe" is set, this sets how long (in milliseconds) for the client to
- wait for a database response. If the database does not respond within
- the timeout period, a MongoCursorTimeoutException
- will be thrown.
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.timeout;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.safe;
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/findandmodify.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/findandmodify.xml
index bdd55ae079..50cb7ff5e7 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/findandmodify.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/findandmodify.xml
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ $col->insert(array(
"priority" => 2,
"tasks" => array( "run marketing report", "email report" )
- array("safe" => true)
+ array("w" => 1)
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/insert.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/insert.xml
index 2a81fd3c9f..2fd95130ed 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/insert.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/insert.xml
@@ -43,58 +43,10 @@
Options for the insert.
- "safe"
- Can be a boolean or integer, defaults to &false;. If &false;, the
- program continues executing without waiting for a database response.
- If &true;, the program will wait for the database response and throw a
- MongoCursorException if the insert did not
- succeed.
- If you are using replication and the primary has changed, using "safe"
- will make the driver disconnect from the primary, throw an exception,
- and attempt to find a new primary on the next operation (your
- application must decide whether or not to retry the operation on the
- new primary).
- If you do not use "safe" with a replica set and
- the primary changes, there will be no way for the driver to know about
- the change so it will continuously and silently fail to write.
- If safe is an integer, will replicate the
- insert to that many machines before returning success (or throw an
- exception if the replication times out, see wtimeout). This overrides
- the w variable set on the collection.
- "fsync"
- Boolean, defaults to &false;. Forces the insert to be synced to
- disk before returning success. If &true;, a safe insert is implied
- and will override setting safe to &false;.
- "timeout"
- Integer, defaults to MongoCursor::$timeout. If
- "safe" is set, this sets how long (in milliseconds) for the client to
- wait for a database response. If the database does not respond within
- the timeout period, a MongoCursorTimeoutException
- will be thrown.
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.writeconcern;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.fsync;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.timeout;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.safe;
@@ -107,7 +59,7 @@
Returns an array containing the status of the insertion if the
- "safe" option is set. Otherwise, returns &true; if the
+ "w" option is set. Otherwise, returns &true; if the
inserted array is not empty (a MongoException will be
thrown if the inserted array is empty).
@@ -239,11 +191,11 @@
Throws MongoCursorException if the
- "safe" option is set and the operation fails.
+ "w" option is set and the operation fails.
Throws MongoCursorTimeoutException if the
- "safe" option is set and the operation takes longer than
+ "w" option is set and the operation takes longer than
MongoCursor::$timeout milliseconds to complete. This does
not kill the operation on the server; it is a client-side timeout.
@@ -265,8 +217,9 @@
The options parameter no longer accepts a boolean
- to signify a safe insert. Instead, this now has to be done with
- array('safe' => true).
+ to signify a acknowledged write. Instead, this now has to be done with
+ array('w' => 1) (The default behaviour of
+ MongoClient).
@@ -363,23 +316,23 @@ array(12) {
- MongoCollection::insert safe example
+ MongoCollection::insert acknowledged write example
This example shows inserting two elements with the same _id, which causes
a MongoCursorException to be thrown, as
- safe was set.
+ w was set.
"Joe", "age" => 20);
-$collection->insert($person, true);
// now $person has an _id field, so if we save it
// again, we will get an exception
try {
- $collection->insert($person, true);
+ $collection->insert($person, array("w" => 1));
} catch(MongoCursorException $e) {
echo "Can't save the same person twice!\n";
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/remove.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/remove.xml
index a18c87323b..46f56dbc5c 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/remove.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/remove.xml
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
Options for remove.
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.writeconcern;
@@ -46,58 +47,9 @@
Remove at most one record matching this criteria.
- "safe"
- Can be a boolean or integer, defaults to &false;. If &false;, the
- program continues executing without waiting for a database response.
- If &true;, the program will wait for the database response and throw a
- MongoCursorException if the update did not
- succeed.
- If you are using replication and the primary has changed, using "safe"
- will make the driver disconnect from the primary, throw and exception,
- and attempt to find a new primary on the next operation (your
- application must decide whether or not to retry the operation on the
- new primary).
- If you do not use "safe" with a replica set and
- the primary changes, there will be no way for the driver to know about
- the change so it will continuously and silently fail to write.
- If safe is an integer, will replicate the
- update to that many machines before returning success (or throw an
- exception if the replication times out, see wtimeout). This overrides
- the w variable set on the collection.
- "fsync"
- Boolean, defaults to &false;. Forces the update to be synced to
- disk before returning success. If &true;, a safe update is implied
- and will override setting safe to &false;.
- "timeout"
- Integer, defaults to MongoCursor::$timeout. If
- "safe" is set, this sets how long (in milliseconds) for the client to
- wait for a database response. If the database does not respond within
- the timeout period, a MongoCursorTimeoutException
- will be thrown.
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.fsync;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.timeout;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.safe;
@@ -110,7 +62,7 @@
Returns an array containing the status of the removal if the
- "safe" option is set. Otherwise, returns &true;.
+ "w" option is set. Otherwise, returns &true;.
Fields in the status array are described in the documentation for
@@ -122,11 +74,11 @@
Throws MongoCursorException if the
- "safe" option is set and the operation fails.
+ "w" option is set and the operation fails.
Throws MongoCursorTimeoutException if the
- "safe" option is set and the operation takes longer than
+ "w" option is set and the operation takes longer than
MongoCursor::$timeout milliseconds to complete. This does
not kill the operation on the server; it is a client-side timeout.
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/save.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/save.xml
index 62b1e55054..1b72df8451 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/save.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/save.xml
@@ -42,58 +42,10 @@
Options for the save.
- "safe"
- Can be a boolean or integer, defaults to &false;. If &false;, the
- program continues executing without waiting for a database response.
- If &true;, the program will wait for the database response and throw a
- MongoCursorException if the insert did not
- succeed.
- If you are using replication and the primary has changed, using "safe"
- will make the driver disconnect from the primary, throw and exception,
- and attempt to find a new primary on the next operation (your
- application must decide whether or not to retry the operation on the
- new primary).
- If you do not use "safe" with a replica set and
- the primary changes, there will be no way for the driver to know about
- the change so it will continuously and silently fail to write.
- If safe is an integer, will replicate the
- insert to that many machines before returning success (or throw an
- exception if the replication times out, see wtimeout). This overrides
- the w variable set on the collection.
- "fsync"
- Boolean, defaults to &false;. Forces the insert to be synced to
- disk before returning success. If &true;, a safe insert is implied
- and will override setting safe to &false;.
- "timeout"
- Integer, defaults to MongoCursor::$timeout. If
- "safe" is set, this sets how long (in milliseconds) for the client to
- wait for a database response. If the database does not respond within
- the timeout period, a MongoCursorTimeoutException
- will be thrown.
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.writeconcern;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.fsync;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.timeout;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.safe;
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/update.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/update.xml
index 9ac57ab7b4..e58538e928 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocollection/update.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocollection/update.xml
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
array("optionname" => <boolean>, ...). Currently
supported options are:
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.writeconcern;
@@ -83,58 +84,9 @@
may change its default behavior at some point in the future.
- "safe"
- Can be a boolean or integer, defaults to &false;. If &false;, the
- program continues executing without waiting for a database response.
- If &true;, the program will wait for the database response and throw a
- MongoCursorException if the update did not
- succeed.
- If you are using replication and the primary has changed, using "safe"
- will make the driver disconnect from the primary, throw an exception,
- and attempt to find a new primary on the next operation (your
- application must decide whether or not to retry the operation on the
- new primary).
- If you do not use "safe" with a replica set and
- the primary changes, there will be no way for the driver to know about
- the change so it will continuously and silently fail to write.
- If safe is an integer, will replicate the
- update to that many machines before returning success (or throw an
- exception if the replication times out, see wtimeout). This overrides
- the w variable set on the collection.
- "fsync"
- Boolean, defaults to &false;. Forces the update to be synced to
- disk before returning success. If &true;, a safe update is implied
- and will override setting safe to &false;.
- "timeout"
- Integer, defaults to MongoCursor::$timeout. If
- "safe" is set, this sets how long (in milliseconds) for the client to
- wait for a database response. If the database does not respond within
- the timeout period, a MongoCursorTimeoutException
- will be thrown.
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.fsync;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.timeout;
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.safe;
@@ -147,7 +99,7 @@
Returns an array containing the status of the update if the
- "safe" option is set. Otherwise, returns &true;.
+ "w" option is set. Otherwise, returns &true;.
Fields in the status array are described in the documentation for
@@ -159,11 +111,11 @@
Throws MongoCursorException if the
- "safe" option is set and the operation fails.
+ "w" option is set and the operation fails.
Throws MongoCursorTimeoutException if the
- "safe" option is set and the operation takes longer than
+ "w" option is set and the operation takes longer than
MongoCursor::$timeout milliseconds to complete. This does
not kill the operation on the server; it is a client-side timeout.
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongocursorexception.xml b/reference/mongo/mongocursorexception.xml
index d9cda78b35..78daf6c767 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongocursorexception.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongocursorexception.xml
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
insert(array("_id" => 1), array("safe" => true));
- $collection->insert(array("_id" => 1), array("safe" => true));
+ $collection->insert(array("_id" => 1), array("w" => 1));
+ $collection->insert(array("_id" => 1), array("w" => 1));
catch (MongoCursorException $e) {
echo "error message: ".$e->getMessage()."\n";
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongodb.xml b/reference/mongo/mongodb.xml
index 24cf015e6f..dd4fb53113 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongodb.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongodb.xml
@@ -144,13 +144,14 @@ $db = $m->selectDB("example");
version 1.5.1+ of the MongoDB server and 1.0.8+ of the driver.
- w is used whenever you perform a "safe" operation
+ w is used whenever you need to adjust the
+ acknowledgement level
MongoCollection::save, and
- MongoCollection::ensureIndex all support safe
- options). With the default value (1), a safe operation will return once
+ MongoCollection::ensureIndex all support this
+ option). With the default value (1), an acknowledged operation will return once
the database server has the operation. If the server goes down before
the operation has been replicated to a secondary, it is possible to lose
the operation forever. Thus, you can specify w to be
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongodb/command.xml b/reference/mongo/mongodb/command.xml
index ab3c53d73f..fecea87caf 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongodb/command.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongodb/command.xml
@@ -57,18 +57,7 @@ public function command($data) {
array("optionname" => <boolean>, ...). Currently
supported options are:
- "timeout"
- Integer, defaults to MongoClient::$timeout. If
- "safe" is set, this sets how long (in milliseconds) for the client to
- wait for a database response. If the database does not respond within
- the timeout period, a MongoCursorTimeoutException
- will be thrown.
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.timeout;
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongogridfs/remove.xml b/reference/mongo/mongogridfs/remove.xml
index 6631fc94f6..e4eaab4952 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongogridfs/remove.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongogridfs/remove.xml
@@ -39,14 +39,7 @@
Options for the remove. Valid options are:
- "safe"
- Check that the remove succeeded.
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.writeconcern;
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongogridfs/storebytes.xml b/reference/mongo/mongogridfs/storebytes.xml
index f9ef854f9d..edb3a4afb8 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongogridfs/storebytes.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongogridfs/storebytes.xml
@@ -49,14 +49,7 @@
Options for the store.
- "safe"
- Check that this store succeeded.
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.writeconcern;
@@ -75,7 +68,7 @@
- Throws MongoCursorException if the "safe" option is
+ Throws MongoCursorException if the "w" option is
set and the insert fails.
diff --git a/reference/mongo/mongogridfs/storefile.xml b/reference/mongo/mongogridfs/storefile.xml
index 29ff11480a..143702bea3 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/mongogridfs/storefile.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/mongogridfs/storefile.xml
@@ -49,14 +49,7 @@
Options for the store.
- "safe"
- Check that this store succeeded.
+ &mongo.writes.parameters.writeconcern;
@@ -75,7 +68,7 @@
- Throws MongoCursorException if the "safe" option is
+ Throws MongoCursorException if the "w" option is
set and the insert fails.
diff --git a/reference/mongo/tutorial.xml b/reference/mongo/tutorial.xml
index fd8c33cc65..36e2d86663 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/tutorial.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/tutorial.xml
@@ -291,12 +291,12 @@ array(6) {
foo->insert(array("_id" => 1), array("safe" => true));
+$db->foo->insert(array("_id" => 1), array("w" => 1));
// this will throw an exception
-$db->foo->insert(array("_id" => 1), array("safe" => true));
+$db->foo->insert(array("_id" => 1), array("w" => 1));
// this is fine, as it is a different collection
-$db->bar->insert(array("_id" => 1), array("safe" => true));
+$db->bar->insert(array("_id" => 1), array("w" => 1));
diff --git a/reference/mongo/writeconcerns.xml b/reference/mongo/writeconcerns.xml
index 74645d063d..e5f2d1fc59 100644
--- a/reference/mongo/writeconcerns.xml
+++ b/reference/mongo/writeconcerns.xml
@@ -36,11 +36,23 @@
+ When using acknowledged writes and the ReplicaSet has failedover, the driver
+ will automatically disconnect from the primary, throw an exception, and
+ attempt to find a new primary on the next operation (your application must
+ decide whether or not to retry the operation on the new primary).
+ When using unacknowledged writes (w=0) and the ReplicaSet has failedover,
+ there will be no way for the driver to know about the change so it will
+ continuously and silently fail to write.
The default Write Concern for the MongoClient is
1, acknowledge.