diff --git a/reference/domxml/functions/DomNode-add-namespace.xml b/reference/domxml/functions/DomNode-add-namespace.xml
index 588d2e2bba..c4280beab9 100644
--- a/reference/domxml/functions/DomNode-add-namespace.xml
+++ b/reference/domxml/functions/DomNode-add-namespace.xml
@@ -1,28 +1,27 @@
- DomNode->add_namespace
- Adds a namespace declaration to a node
- &reftitle.description;
- boolDomNode->add_namespace
- stringuri
- stringprefix
- See also domdocument_create_element_ns, and
- domnode_set_namespace
+ DomNode->add_namespace
+ Adds a namespace declaration to a node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolDomNode->add_namespace
+ stringuri
+ stringprefix
+ See also domdocument_create_element_ns, and
+ domnode_set_namespace
- DomNode->append_child
- Adds new child at the end of the children
- &reftitle.description;
- domelementDomNode->append_child
- domelementnewnode
- This functions appends a child to an existing list of children or creates
- a new list of children. The child can be created with e.g.
- domdocument_create_element,
- domdocument_create_text etc. or simply by using any
- other node.
- (PHP < 4.3) Before a new child is appended it is first duplicated. Therefore the new
- child is a completely new copy which can be modified without changing the
- node which was passed to this function. If the node passed has children
- itself, they will be duplicated as well, which makes it quite easy to
- duplicate large parts of an XML document. The return value is the
- appended child. If you plan to do further modifications on the appended
- child you must use the returned node.
- (PHP 4.3.0/4.3.1) The new child newnode is first
- unlinked from its existing context, if it's already a child of DomNode.
- Therefore the node is moved and not copies anymore.
- (PHP >= 4.3.2) The new child newnode is first
- unlinked from its existing context, if it's already in the tree. Therefore
- the node is moved and not copied. This is the behaviour according to the
- W3C specifications. If you want to duplicate large parts of an XML document,
- use DomNode->clone_node() before appending.
- The following example will add a new element node to a fresh document
- and sets the attribute "align" to "left".
- Adding a child
+ DomNode->append_child
+ Adds new child at the end of the children
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domelementDomNode->append_child
+ domelementnewnode
+ This functions appends a child to an existing list of children or creates
+ a new list of children. The child can be created with e.g.
+ domdocument_create_element,
+ domdocument_create_text etc. or simply by using any
+ other node.
+ (PHP < 4.3) Before a new child is appended it is first duplicated. Therefore the new
+ child is a completely new copy which can be modified without changing the
+ node which was passed to this function. If the node passed has children
+ itself, they will be duplicated as well, which makes it quite easy to
+ duplicate large parts of an XML document. The return value is the
+ appended child. If you plan to do further modifications on the appended
+ child you must use the returned node.
+ (PHP 4.3.0/4.3.1) The new child newnode is first
+ unlinked from its existing context, if it's already a child of DomNode.
+ Therefore the node is moved and not copies anymore.
+ (PHP >= 4.3.2) The new child newnode is first
+ unlinked from its existing context, if it's already in the tree. Therefore
+ the node is moved and not copied. This is the behaviour according to the
+ W3C specifications. If you want to duplicate large parts of an XML document,
+ use DomNode->clone_node() before appending.
+ The following example will add a new element node to a fresh document
+ and sets the attribute "align" to "left".
+ Adding a child
$newnode->set_attribute("align", "left");
- The above example could also be written as the following:
- Adding a child
+ The above example could also be written as the following:
+ Adding a child
set_attribute("align", "left");
$newnode = $doc->append_child($node);
- A more complex example is the one below. It first searches for a certain
- element, duplicates it including its children and adds it as a sibling.
- Finally a new attribute is added to one of the children of the new
- sibling and the whole document is dumped.
- Adding a child
+ A more complex example is the one below. It first searches for a certain
+ element, duplicates it including its children and adds it as a sibling.
+ Finally a new attribute is added to one of the children of the new
+ sibling and the whole document is dumped.
+ Adding a child
- The above example could also be done with
- domnode_insert_before instead of
- domnode_append_child.
- See also domnode_insert_before, and
- domnode_clone_node.
+ The above example could also be done with
+ domnode_insert_before instead of
+ domnode_append_child.
+ See also domnode_insert_before, and
+ domnode_clone_node.
- DomNode->append_sibling
- Adds new sibling to a node
- &reftitle.description;
- domelementDomNode->append_sibling
- domelementnewnode
- This functions appends a sibling to an existing node.
- The child can be created with e.g.
- domdocument_create_element,
- domdocument_create_text etc. or simply by using any
- other node.
- Before a new sibling is added it is first duplicated. Therefore the new
- child is a completely new copy which can be modified without changing the
- node which was passed to this function. If the node passed has children
- itself, they will be duplicated as well, which makes it quite easy to
- duplicate large parts of an XML document. The return value is the
- added sibling. If you plan to do further modifications on the added
- sibling you must use the returned node.
- This function has been added to provide the behaviour of
- domnode_append_child as it works till PHP 4.2.
- See also domnode_append_before.
+ DomNode->append_sibling
+ Adds new sibling to a node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domelementDomNode->append_sibling
+ domelementnewnode
+ This functions appends a sibling to an existing node.
+ The child can be created with e.g.
+ domdocument_create_element,
+ domdocument_create_text etc. or simply by using any
+ other node.
+ Before a new sibling is added it is first duplicated. Therefore the new
+ child is a completely new copy which can be modified without changing the
+ node which was passed to this function. If the node passed has children
+ itself, they will be duplicated as well, which makes it quite easy to
+ duplicate large parts of an XML document. The return value is the
+ added sibling. If you plan to do further modifications on the added
+ sibling you must use the returned node.
+ This function has been added to provide the behaviour of
+ domnode_append_child as it works till PHP 4.2.
+ See also domnode_append_before.
- DomNode->attributes
- Returns list of attributes
- &reftitle.description;
- arrayDomNode->attributes
- This function only returns an array of attributes if the node is of
- (PHP >= 4.3 only) If no attributes are found, NULL is returned.
+ DomNode->attributes
+ Returns list of attributes
+ &reftitle.description;
+ arrayDomNode->attributes
+ This function only returns an array of attributes if the node is of
+ (PHP >= 4.3 only) If no attributes are found, NULL is returned.
- DomNode->child_nodes
- Returns children of node
- &reftitle.description;
- arrayDomNode->child_nodes
- Returns all children of the node.
- See also domnode_next_sibling, and
- domnode_previous_sibling.
+ DomNode->child_nodes
+ Returns children of node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ arrayDomNode->child_nodes
+ Returns all children of the node.
+ See also domnode_next_sibling, and
+ domnode_previous_sibling.
- DomNode->clone_node
- Clones a node
- &reftitle.description;
- domelementDomNode->clone_node
- &warn.undocumented.func;
+ DomNode->clone_node
+ Clones a node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domelementDomNode->clone_node
+ &warn.undocumented.func;
- DomNode->dump_node
- Dumps a single node
- &reftitle.description;
- stringDomNode->dump_node
- &warn.undocumented.func;
- See also domdocument_dump_mem.
+ DomNode->dump_node
+ Dumps a single node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ stringDomNode->dump_node
+ &warn.undocumented.func;
+ See also domdocument_dump_mem.
- DomNode->first_child
- Returns first child of node
- &reftitle.description;
- domelementDomNode->first_child
- Returns the first child of the node.
- (PHP >= 4.3 only) If no first child is found, NULL is returned.
- See also domnode_last_child, and
- domnode_next_sibling,
- domnode_previous_sibling.
+ DomNode->first_child
+ Returns first child of node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domelementDomNode->first_child
+ Returns the first child of the node.
+ (PHP >= 4.3 only) If no first child is found, NULL is returned.
+ See also domnode_last_child, and
+ domnode_next_sibling,
+ domnode_previous_sibling.
- DomNode->get_content
- Gets content of node
- &reftitle.description;
- stringDomNode->get_content
- This function returns the content of the actual node.
- Getting a content
+ DomNode->get_content
+ Gets content of node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ stringDomNode->get_content
+ This function returns the content of the actual node.
+ Getting a content
- DomNode->has_attributes
- Checks if node has attributes
- &reftitle.description;
- boolDomNode->has_attributes
- This function checks if the node has attributes.
- See also domnode_has_child_nodes.
+ DomNode->has_attributes
+ Checks if node has attributes
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolDomNode->has_attributes
+ This function checks if the node has attributes.
+ See also domnode_has_child_nodes.
- DomNode->has_child_nodes
- Checks if node has children
- &reftitle.description;
- boolDomNode->has_child_nodes
- This function checks if the node has children.
- See also domnode_child_nodes.
+ DomNode->has_child_nodes
+ Checks if node has children
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolDomNode->has_child_nodes
+ This function checks if the node has children.
+ See also domnode_child_nodes.
- DomNode->insert_before
- Inserts new node as child
- &reftitle.description;
- domelementDomNode->insert_before
- domelementnewnode
- domelementrefnode
- This function inserts the new node newnode right
- before the node refnode. The return value is the
- inserted node. If you plan to do further modifications on the appended
- child you must use the returned node.
- (PHP >= 4.3 only) If newnode already is part of a
- document, it will be first unlinked from its existing context. If
- refnode is NULL, then newnode
- will be inserted at the end of the list of children.
- domnode_insert_before is very similar to
- domnode_append_child as the following example shows
- which does the same as the example at
- domnode_append_child.
- Adding a child
+ DomNode->insert_before
+ Inserts new node as child
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domelementDomNode->insert_before
+ domelementnewnode
+ domelementrefnode
+ This function inserts the new node newnode right
+ before the node refnode. The return value is the
+ inserted node. If you plan to do further modifications on the appended
+ child you must use the returned node.
+ (PHP >= 4.3 only) If newnode already is part of a
+ document, it will be first unlinked from its existing context. If
+ refnode is NULL, then newnode
+ will be inserted at the end of the list of children.
+ domnode_insert_before is very similar to
+ domnode_append_child as the following example shows
+ which does the same as the example at
+ domnode_append_child.
+ Adding a child
- See also domnode_append_child.
+ See also domnode_append_child.
- DomNode->is_blank_node
- Checks if node is blank
- &reftitle.description;
- boolDomNode->is_blank_node
- &warn.undocumented.func;
+ DomNode->is_blank_node
+ Checks if node is blank
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolDomNode->is_blank_node
+ &warn.undocumented.func;
- DomNode->last_child
- Returns last child of node
- &reftitle.description;
- domelementDomNode->last_child
- Returns the last child of the node.
- (PHP >= 4.3 only) If no last child is found, NULL is returned.
- See also domnode_first_child, and
- domnode_next_sibling,
- domnode_previous_sibling.
+ DomNode->last_child
+ Returns last child of node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domelementDomNode->last_child
+ Returns the last child of the node.
+ (PHP >= 4.3 only) If no last child is found, NULL is returned.
+ See also domnode_first_child, and
+ domnode_next_sibling,
+ domnode_previous_sibling.
- DomNode->next_sibling
- Returns the next sibling of node
- &reftitle.description;
- domelementDomNode->next_sibling
- This function returns the next sibling of the current node. If there is
- no next sibling it returns &false; (< 4.3) or null (>= 4.3). You can
- use this function to iterate over all children of a node as shown in the
- example.
- Iterate over children
+ DomNode->next_sibling
+ Returns the next sibling of node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domelementDomNode->next_sibling
+ This function returns the next sibling of the current node. If there is
+ no next sibling it returns &false; (< 4.3) or null (>= 4.3). You can
+ use this function to iterate over all children of a node as shown in the
+ example.
+ Iterate over children
- See also domnode_previous_sibling.
+ See also domnode_previous_sibling.
- DomNode->node_name
- Returns name of node
- &reftitle.description;
- stringDomNode->node_name
- Returns name of the node. The name has different meanings
- for the different types of nodes as illustrated in the following table.
- Meaning of value
- Type
- Meaning
- DomAttribute
- value of attribute
- DomAttribute
- DomCDataSection
- #cdata-section
- DomComment
- #comment
- DomDocument
- #document
- DomDocumentType
- document type name
- DomElement
- tag name
- DomEntity
- name of entity
- DomEntityReference
- name of entity reference
- DomNotation
- notation name
- DomProcessingInstruction
- target
- DomText
- #text
+ DomNode->node_name
+ Returns name of node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ stringDomNode->node_name
+ Returns name of the node. The name has different meanings
+ for the different types of nodes as illustrated in the following table.
+ Meaning of value
+ Type
+ Meaning
+ DomAttribute
+ value of attribute
+ DomAttribute
+ DomCDataSection
+ #cdata-section
+ DomComment
+ #comment
+ DomDocument
+ #document
+ DomDocumentType
+ document type name
+ DomElement
+ tag name
+ DomEntity
+ name of entity
+ DomEntityReference
+ name of entity reference
+ DomNotation
+ notation name
+ DomProcessingInstruction
+ target
+ DomText
+ #text
- DomNode->node_type
- Returns type of node
- &reftitle.description;
- intDomNode->node_type
- Returns the type of the node. All possible types are listed in
- the table in the introduction.
+ DomNode->node_type
+ Returns type of node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ intDomNode->node_type
+ Returns the type of the node. All possible types are listed in
+ the table in the introduction.
child_nodes() as $node) {
- &example.outputs;
+ &example.outputs;
- DomNode->node_value
- Returns value of a node
- &reftitle.description;
- stringDomNode->node_value
- Returns value of the node. The value has different meanings
- for the different types of nodes as illustrated in the following table.
- Meaning of value
- Type
- Meaning
- DomAttribute
- value of attribute
- DomAttribute
- DomCDataSection
- content
- DomComment
- content of comment
- DomDocument
- null
- DomDocumentType
- null
- DomElement
- null
- DomEntity
- null
- DomEntityReference
- null
- DomNotation
- null
- DomProcessingInstruction
- entire content without target
- DomText
- content of text
+ DomNode->node_value
+ Returns value of a node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ stringDomNode->node_value
+ Returns value of the node. The value has different meanings
+ for the different types of nodes as illustrated in the following table.
+ Meaning of value
+ Type
+ Meaning
+ DomAttribute
+ value of attribute
+ DomAttribute
+ DomCDataSection
+ content
+ DomComment
+ content of comment
+ DomDocument
+ null
+ DomDocumentType
+ null
+ DomElement
+ null
+ DomEntity
+ null
+ DomEntityReference
+ null
+ DomNotation
+ null
+ DomProcessingInstruction
+ entire content without target
+ DomText
+ content of text
- DomNode->owner_document
- Returns the document this node belongs to
- &reftitle.description;
- domdocumentDomNode->owner_document
- This function returns the document the current node belongs to.
- The following example will create two identical lists of children.
- Finding the document of a node
+ DomNode->owner_document
+ Returns the document this node belongs to
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domdocumentDomNode->owner_document
+ This function returns the document the current node belongs to.
+ The following example will create two identical lists of children.
+ Finding the document of a node
- See also domnode_insert_before.
+ See also domnode_insert_before.
- DomNode->parent_node
- Returns the parent of the node
- &reftitle.description;
- domnodeDomNode->parent_node
- This function returns the parent node.
- (PHP >= 4.3 only) If no parent is found, NULL is returned.
- The following example will show two identical lists of children.
- Finding the document of a node
+ DomNode->parent_node
+ Returns the parent of the node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domnodeDomNode->parent_node
+ This function returns the parent node.
+ (PHP >= 4.3 only) If no parent is found, NULL is returned.
+ The following example will show two identical lists of children.
+ Finding the document of a node
- DomNode->prefix
- Returns name space prefix of node
- &reftitle.description;
- stringDomNode->prefix
- Returns the name space prefix of the node.
+ DomNode->prefix
+ Returns name space prefix of node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ stringDomNode->prefix
+ Returns the name space prefix of the node.
- DomNode->previous_sibling
- Returns the previous sibling of node
- &reftitle.description;
- domelementDomNode->previous_sibling
- This function returns the previous sibling of the current node. If there
- is no previous sibling it returns &false; (< 4.3) or &null; (>= 4.3). You
- can use this function to iterate over all children of a node as shown in
- the example.
- See also domnode_next_sibling.
+ DomNode->previous_sibling
+ Returns the previous sibling of node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domelementDomNode->previous_sibling
+ This function returns the previous sibling of the current node. If there
+ is no previous sibling it returns &false; (< 4.3) or &null; (>= 4.3). You
+ can use this function to iterate over all children of a node as shown in
+ the example.
+ See also domnode_next_sibling.
- DomNode->remove_child
- Removes child from list of children
- &reftitle.description;
- domtextDomNode->remove_child
- domtextoldchild
- This functions removes a child from a list of children. If child cannot
- be removed or is not a child the function will return &false;.
- If the child could be removed the functions returns the old child.
- Removing a child
+ DomNode->remove_child
+ Removes child from list of children
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domtextDomNode->remove_child
+ domtextoldchild
+ This functions removes a child from a list of children. If child cannot
+ be removed or is not a child the function will return &false;.
+ If the child could be removed the functions returns the old child.
+ Removing a child
- See also domnode_append_child.
+ See also domnode_append_child.
- DomNode->replace_child
- Replaces a child
- &reftitle.description;
- domelementDomNode->replace_child
- domelementoldnode
- domelementnewnode
- (PHP 4.2) This function replaces the child oldnode
- with the passed new node. If the new node is already a child it
- will not be added a second time. If the old node cannot be found
- the function returns &false;. If the replacement succeeds the old node
- is returned.
- (PHP 4.3) This function replaces the child oldnode
- with the passed newnode, even if the new node already
- is a child of the DomNode. If newnode was already
- inserted in the document it is first unlinked from its existing context.
- If the old node cannot be found the function returns &false;. If the replacement
- succeeds the old node is returned. (This behaviour is according to the W3C specs).
- See also domnode_append_child
+ DomNode->replace_child
+ Replaces a child
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domelementDomNode->replace_child
+ domelementoldnode
+ domelementnewnode
+ (PHP 4.2) This function replaces the child oldnode
+ with the passed new node. If the new node is already a child it
+ will not be added a second time. If the old node cannot be found
+ the function returns &false;. If the replacement succeeds the old node
+ is returned.
+ (PHP 4.3) This function replaces the child oldnode
+ with the passed newnode, even if the new node already
+ is a child of the DomNode. If newnode was already
+ inserted in the document it is first unlinked from its existing context.
+ If the old node cannot be found the function returns &false;. If the replacement
+ succeeds the old node is returned. (This behaviour is according to the W3C specs).
+ See also domnode_append_child
- DomNode->replace_node
- Replaces node
- &reftitle.description;
- domelementDomNode->replace_node
- domelementnewnode
- (PHP 4.2) This function replaces an existing node with the passed
- new node. Before the replacement
- newnode is copied if it has a parent to
- make sure a node which is
- already in the document will not be inserted a second time. This
- behaviour enforces doing all modifications on the node before the
- replacement or to refetch the inserted node afterwards with functions like
- domnode_first_child,
- domnode_child_nodes etc..
- (PHP 4.3) This function replaces an existing node with the passed new node. It is not
- copied anymore. If newnode was already inserted in the document
- it is first unlinked from its existing context. If the replacement succeeds the old
- node is returned.
- See also domnode_append_child
+ DomNode->replace_node
+ Replaces node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ domelementDomNode->replace_node
+ domelementnewnode
+ (PHP 4.2) This function replaces an existing node with the passed
+ new node. Before the replacement
+ newnode is copied if it has a parent to
+ make sure a node which is
+ already in the document will not be inserted a second time. This
+ behaviour enforces doing all modifications on the node before the
+ replacement or to refetch the inserted node afterwards with functions like
+ domnode_first_child,
+ domnode_child_nodes etc..
+ (PHP 4.3) This function replaces an existing node with the passed new node. It is not
+ copied anymore. If newnode was already inserted in the document
+ it is first unlinked from its existing context. If the replacement succeeds the old
+ node is returned.
+ See also domnode_append_child
- DomNode->set_content
- Sets content of node
- &reftitle.description;
- boolDomNode->set_content
- &warn.undocumented.func;
+ DomNode->set_content
+ Sets content of node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolDomNode->set_content
+ &warn.undocumented.func;
- DomNode->set_name
- Sets name of node
- &reftitle.description;
- boolDomNode->set_name
- Sets name of node.
- See also domnode_node_name.
+ DomNode->set_name
+ Sets name of node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolDomNode->set_name
+ Sets name of node.
+ See also domnode_node_name.
- DomNode->set_namespace
- Sets namespace of a node
- &reftitle.description;
- voidDomNode->set_namespace
- stringuri
- stringprefix
- Sets the namespace of a node to uri.
- If there is already a namespace declaration with the same uri in one of the parent nodes
- of the node, the prefix of this is taken, otherwise it will take the one provided
- in the optional parameter prefix or generate a random one.
- See also domdocument_create_element_ns, and
- domnode_add_namespace
+ DomNode->set_namespace
+ Sets namespace of a node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ voidDomNode->set_namespace
+ stringuri
+ stringprefix
+ Sets the namespace of a node to uri.
+ If there is already a namespace declaration with the same uri in one of the parent nodes
+ of the node, the prefix of this is taken, otherwise it will take the one provided
+ in the optional parameter prefix or generate a random one.
+ See also domdocument_create_element_ns, and
+ domnode_add_namespace
- DomNode->unlink_node
- Deletes node
- &reftitle.description;
- voidDomNode->unlink_node
- &warn.undocumented.func;
+ DomNode->unlink_node
+ Deletes node
+ &reftitle.description;
+ voidDomNode->unlink_node
+ &warn.undocumented.func;