diff --git a/language/predefined/arrayaccess/offsetget.xml b/language/predefined/arrayaccess/offsetget.xml
index 66b947775d..b59bc930ff 100644
--- a/language/predefined/arrayaccess/offsetget.xml
+++ b/language/predefined/arrayaccess/offsetget.xml
@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@
+ &reftitle.notes;
+ Starting with PHP 5.3.4, the prototype checks were relaxed and it's
+ possible for implementations of this method to return by reference.
+ This makes indirect modifications to the overloaded array dimensions of
+ ArrayAccess objects possible.
+ A direct modification is one that replaces completely the value of
+ the array dimension, as in $obj[6] = 7. An
+ indirect modification, on the other hand, only changes part of the
+ dimension, or attempts to assign the dimension by reference to
+ another variable, as in $obj[6][7] = 7 or
+ $var =& $obj[6]. Increments with
+ ++ and decrements with ++
+ are also implemented in a way that requires indirect modification.
+ While direct modification triggers a call to
+ ArrayAccess::offsetSet, indirect modification
+ triggers a call to ArrayAccess::offsetGet.
+ In that case, the implementation of
+ ArrayAccess::offsetGet must be able to return by
+ reference, otherwise an E_NOTICE message is raised.
diff --git a/language/predefined/arrayaccess/offsetset.xml b/language/predefined/arrayaccess/offsetset.xml
index 3168930655..304ca5581a 100644
--- a/language/predefined/arrayaccess/offsetset.xml
+++ b/language/predefined/arrayaccess/offsetset.xml
@@ -80,15 +80,20 @@ Array
- &reftitle.errors;
- Issues E_NOTICE in an attempt of indirect modification
- of overloaded element (like usage of ++ or
- --).
+ This function is not called in assignments by reference and otherwise
+ indirect changes to array dimensions overloaded with
+ ArrayAccess (indirect in the sense they are
+ made not by changing the dimension directly, but by changing a
+ sub-dimension or sub-property or assigning the array dimension by
+ reference to another variable).
+ Instead, ArrayAccess::offsetGet is called. The
+ operation will only be successful if that method returns by reference,
+ which is only possible since PHP 5.3.4.