diff --git a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/changes.xml b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/changes.xml
index 74f86e0bdd..a40fbb82e8 100644
--- a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/changes.xml
+++ b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/changes.xml
@@ -58,6 +58,33 @@
is opened. This is most useful when using lazy connections, which are a default.
+ Introduced wait_for_gtid_timeout setting to throttle
+ slave reads that need session consistency. If global transaction identifier are
+ used and the service level is set to session consistency, the plugin
+ tries to find up-to-date slaves. The slave status check is done by
+ a SQL statement. If nothing else is set, the slave status is checked only
+ one can the search for more up-to-date slaves continues immediately
+ thereafter. Setting wait_for_gtid_timeout instructs the plugin
+ to poll a slaves status for wait_for_gtid_timeout seconds
+ if the first execution of the SQL statement has shown that the slave is not
+ up-to-date yet. The poll will be done once per second. This way, the plugin
+ will wait for slaves to catch up and throttle the client.
+ New failover strategy loop_before_master.
+ By default the plugin does no failover. It is possible to enable
+ automatic failover if a connection attempt fails. Upto version 1.3
+ only master stategy existed to failover to a master if
+ a slave connection fails. loop_before_master is
+ similar but tries all other slaves before attempting to connect to the master
+ if a slave connection fails. The number of attempts can be limited using
+ the max_retries option.