diff --git a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/ini.xml b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/ini.xml
index 4e844ce0b4..88ec785d89 100755
--- a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/ini.xml
+++ b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/ini.xml
@@ -97,7 +97,19 @@
This setting is not only useful to restrict PHP to certain servers but also
- to debug configuration file problems.
+ to debug configuration file problems. The configuration file validity is checked
+ at two different stages. The first check is performed when PHP begins to
+ handle a web request. At this point the plugin reads and decodes the configuration
+ file. Errors thrown at this early stage in an extensions life cycle may not be
+ shown properly to the user. Thus, the plugin buffers the errors, if any, and
+ additionally displays them when establishing a connection to MySQL.
+ By default a buffered startup error will emit an error of type
+ E_WARNING. If force_config_usage is set,
+ the error type used is E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR.
+ Please, see also configuration
+ file debugging notes.
diff --git a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/quickstart.xml b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/quickstart.xml
index 7699df8335..00da3b8a44 100755
--- a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/quickstart.xml
+++ b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/quickstart.xml
@@ -201,7 +201,8 @@ mysqlnd_ms.config_file=/path/to/mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini
errors may appear in some log files only. Further validation is done when a connection
is to be established and the configuration file is searched for valid sections.
Setting mysqlnd_ms.force_config_usage
- may help debugging a faulty setup.
+ may help debugging a faulty setup. Please, see also
+ configuration file debugging notes.
diff --git a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/setup.xml b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/setup.xml
index cfd5ea1444..01105c407d 100755
--- a/reference/mysqlnd_ms/setup.xml
+++ b/reference/mysqlnd_ms/setup.xml
@@ -382,6 +382,93 @@ $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "username", "password", "database");
+ The validity of the configuration file is checked both when reading the
+ configuration file and later when establishing a connection. The configuration
+ file is read during PHP request startup. At this early stage a PHP extension
+ may not display error messages properly. In the worst case, no error
+ is shown and a connection attempt fails without an adequate error message.
+ This problem has been cured in version 1.5.0.
+ Common error message in case of configuration file issues (upto version 1.5.0)
+ &example.outputs;
+ Since version 1.5.0 startup errors are additionally buffered and emitted when
+ a connection attempt is made. Use the configuration directive
+ mysqlnd_ms.force_config_usage
+ to set the error type used to display buffered errors. By default an error
+ of type E_WARNING will be emitted.
+ Improved configuration file validation since 1.5.0
+ &example.outputs;
+ It can be useful to set mysqlnd_ms.force_config_usage = 1
+ when debugging potential configuration file errors. This will not only turn the
+ type of buffered startup errors into E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR but also
+ help detecting misspelled section names.
+ Possibly more precise error due to mysqlnd_ms.force_config_usage=1
Here is a short explanation of the configuration directives that can be used.