diff --git a/reference/mysqli/overview.xml b/reference/mysqli/overview.xml
index b84d0cadc2..8b79779993 100644
--- a/reference/mysqli/overview.xml
+++ b/reference/mysqli/overview.xml
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
- APIs can be procedural or object-oriented. With a procedural API you
+ APIs can be procedural or object-oriented. With a procedural API, you
call functions to carry out tasks, with the object-oriented API you
instantiate classes and then call methods on the resulting objects.
- Of the two the latter is usually the preferred interface, as it is
- more modern and leads to better organized code.
+ Of the two, the latter is usually the preferred interface, as it is
+ more modern and leads to better-organized code.
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
If your PHP application needs to communicate with a database server
you will need to write PHP code to perform such activities as
- connecting to the database server, querying the database and other
+ connecting to the database server, querying the database, and other
database-related functions. Software is required to provide the API
that your PHP application will use, and also handle the
communication between your application and the database server,
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
In the PHP documentation you will come across another term -
extension. The PHP code consists of a core,
with optional extensions to the core functionality. PHP's
- MySQL-related extensions, such as the mysqli
- extension, and the mysql extension, are
+ MySQL-related extensions, such as the mysqli
+ extension, and the PDO MySQL driver extension, are
implemented using the PHP extension framework.
@@ -125,18 +125,12 @@
- There are three main API options when considering connecting to a
+ There are two main API options when considering connecting to a
MySQL database server:
- PHP's MySQL Extension
PHP's mysqli Extension
@@ -157,37 +151,6 @@
each API.
- What is PHP's MySQL Extension?
- This is the original extension designed to allow you to develop PHP
- applications that interact with a MySQL database. The
- mysql extension provides a procedural interface
- and is intended for use only with MySQL versions older than 4.1.3.
- This extension can be used with versions of MySQL 4.1.3 or newer,
- but not all of the latest MySQL server features will be available.
- If you are using MySQL versions 4.1.3 or later it is
- strongly recommended that you use the
- mysqli extension instead.
- The mysql extension source code is located in the
- PHP extension directory ext/mysql.
- For further information on the mysql extension,
- see .
What is PHP's mysqli Extension?
@@ -240,14 +203,6 @@
- If you are using MySQL versions 4.1.3 or later it is
- strongly recommended that you use this
- extension.
As well as the object-oriented interface the extension also provides
a procedural interface.
@@ -307,7 +262,7 @@
The PDO MYSQL driver is not an API as such, at least from the PHP
- programmer's perspective. In fact the PDO MYSQL driver sits in the
+ programmer's perspective. In fact, the PDO MYSQL driver sits in the
layer below PDO itself and provides MySQL-specific functionality.
The programmer still calls the PDO API, but PDO uses the PDO MYSQL
driver to carry out communication with the MySQL server.
@@ -336,8 +291,7 @@
- In order to communicate with the MySQL database server the
- mysql extension, mysqli and
+ In order to communicate with the MySQL database server, mysqli and
the PDO MYSQL driver each use a low-level library that implements
the required protocol. In the past, the only available library was
the MySQL Client Library, otherwise known as
@@ -348,14 +302,13 @@
However, the interface presented by libmysqlclient was
not optimized for communication with PHP applications, as
libmysqlclient was originally designed with C
- applications in mind. For this reason the MySQL Native Driver,
+ applications in mind. For this reason, the MySQL Native Driver,
mysqlnd, was developed as an alternative to
libmysqlclient for PHP applications.
- The mysql extension, the
- mysqli extension and the PDO MySQL driver can
+ Both, the mysqli extension and the PDO MySQL driver can
each be individually configured to use either
libmysqlclient or mysqlnd. As
mysqlnd is designed specifically to be utilised
@@ -364,13 +317,6 @@
advantage of these improvements.
- The MySQL Native Driver can only be used with MySQL server
- versions 4.1.3 and later.
The MySQL Native Driver is implemented using the PHP extension
framework. The source code is located in
@@ -390,23 +336,21 @@
- The following table compares the functionality of the three main
+ The following table compares the functionality of the main
methods of connecting to MySQL from PHP:
Comparison of MySQL API options for PHP
PHP's mysqli Extension
PDO (Using PDO MySQL Driver and MySQL Native Driver)
- PHP's MySQL Extension
@@ -414,61 +358,41 @@
PHP version introduced
- Prior to 3.0
- Included with PHP 5.x
- yes
- yes
- Yes
MySQL development status
Active development
- Active development as of PHP 5.3
- Maintenance only
- Recommended by MySQL for new projects
- Yes - preferred option
- Yes
- No
+ Active development
API supports Charsets
- No
API supports server-side Prepared Statements
- No
API supports client-side Prepared Statements
- No
API supports Stored Procedures
- No
API supports Multiple Statements
- No
Supports all MySQL 4.1+ functionality
- No