diff --git a/reference/sockets/functions/socket-bind.xml b/reference/sockets/functions/socket-bind.xml
index 9372f0782f..69a64c3a6b 100644
--- a/reference/sockets/functions/socket-bind.xml
+++ b/reference/sockets/functions/socket-bind.xml
@@ -1,57 +1,142 @@
- socket_bind
- Binds a name to a socket
- Description
- boolsocket_bind
- resourcesocket
- stringaddress
- intport
- socket_bind binds the name given in
- address to the socket described by
- socket, which must be a valid socket
- resource created with socket_create.
- The address parameter is either an IP
- address in dotted-quad notation
- (e.g., if the socket is of the
- AF_INET family; or the pathname of a
- Unix-domain socket, if the socket family is
- The port parameter is only used when
- connecting to an AF_INET socket, and
- designates the port on the remote host to which a connection
- should be made.
- &return.success; The error code can be retrieved with
- socket_last_error. This code may be passed to
- socket_strerror to get a textual explanation of the
- error. Note that socket_last_error is reported to
- return an invalid error code in case you are trying to bind the socket
- to a wrong address that does not belong to your Windows 9x/ME machine.
- See also
- socket_connect,
- socket_listen,
- socket_create,
- socket_last_error and
- socket_strerror.
+ socket_bind
+ Binds a name to a socket
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolsocket_bind
+ resourcesocket
+ stringaddress
+ intport
+ Binds the name given in address to the socket
+ described by socket.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ socket
+ A valid socket resource created with socket_create.
+ address
+ If the socket is of the AF_INET family, the
+ address is an IP in dotted-quad notation
+ (e.g.
+ If the socket is of the AF_UNIX family, the
+ address is the pathname of a
+ Unix-domain socket (e.g. /tmp/my.sock).
+ port (Optional)
+ The port parameter is only used when
+ connecting to an AF_INET socket, and
+ designates the port on the remote host to which a connection
+ should be made.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ &return.success;
+ The error code can be retrieved with socket_last_error.
+ This code may be passed to socket_strerror to get a
+ textual explanation of the error.
+ Windows 9x/ME compatability note:
+ socket_last_error may return an invalid error code
+ if trying to bind the socket to a wrong address that does not belong to
+ your machine.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Using socket_bind to set the source address
+ &reftitle.notes;
+ This function must be used on the socket before
+ socket_connect.
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ socket_connect
+ socket_listen
+ socket_create
+ socket_last_error
+ socket_strerror
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