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+++ b/reference/sdodasrel/constants.xml
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+The Relational DAS introduces no predefined constants.
diff --git a/reference/sdodasrel/functions.xml b/reference/sdodasrel/functions.xml
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diff --git a/reference/sdodasrel/functions/SDO-DAS-Relational-applyChanges.xml b/reference/sdodasrel/functions/SDO-DAS-Relational-applyChanges.xml
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+ SDO_DAS_Relational::applyChanges
+ Applies the changes made to a data graph back to the database.
+ &reftitle.description;
+ void
+ SDO_DAS_Relational::applyChanges
+ database_handle
+ string
+ root_data_object
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ Given a datagraph and a PDO database handle, examines the change summary in the datagraph and applies the changes to the database.
+ The changes that it can apply can be creations of data objects, deletes of data objects, and modifications to properties of data objects.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ PDO_database_handle
+ Constructed using the PDO extension. A typical line to construct a PDO database handle might look like this:
+ root_data_object
+ The special root object which is at the top of every SDO data graph.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ None.
+ Note however that the datagraph that was passed is still intact and usable.
+ Furthermore, if data objects were created and written back to a table with autogenerated primary keys, then those primary keys will now be set in the data objects.
+ If the changes were successfully written, then the change summary associated with the datagraph will have been cleared, so that it is possible to now make further changes to the data graph and apply those changes in turn.
+ In this way it is possible to work with the same data graph and apply changes repeatedly.
+ &reftitle.exceptions;
+ SDO_DAS_Relational::applyChanges
+ can throw an SDO_DAS_Relational_Exception if it is unable to apply all the changes correctly.
+ The Relational DAS starts a database transaction before beginning to apply the changes and will commit the transaction only if they are all successful.
+ The Relational DAS generates qualified update and delete statements which contain a where clause that specifies that the row to be updated or deleted must contain the same values that it did when the data was first retrieved.
+ This is how the the optimistic concurrency is implemented.
+ If any of the qualified update or delete statements fails to update or delete their target row, it may be because the data has been altered in the database in the meantime.
+ In any event, if any update fails for any reason, the transaction is rolled back and an exception thrown.
+ The exception will contain the generated SQL statement that failed.
+ The Relational DAS also catches any PDO exceptions and obtains PDO diagnostic information which it includes in an SDO_DAS_Relational_Exception which it then throws.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Please see the
+ Examples section in the general information about the Relational DAS
+ for many examples of calling this method.
+ Please see also the section on
+ Tracing to see how you can see what SQL statements are generated by the Relational DAS.
diff --git a/reference/sdodasrel/functions/SDO-DAS-Relational-construct.xml b/reference/sdodasrel/functions/SDO-DAS-Relational-construct.xml
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+++ b/reference/sdodasrel/functions/SDO-DAS-Relational-construct.xml
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+ SDO_DAS_Relational::__construct
+ Creates an instance of a Relational Data Access Service
+ &reftitle.description;
+ SDO_DAS_Relational
+ SDO_DAS_Relational::__construct
+ array
+ database_metadata
+ string
+ application_root_type
+ array
+ SDO_containment_references_metadata
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ Constructs an instance of a Relational Data Access Service from the passed metadata.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ database_metadata
+ An array containing one or more table definitions, each of which is an associative array containing the keys
+ name
+ columns
+ PK
+, and optionally,
+ FK
+ For a full discussion of the metadata, see the
+ metadata
+ section in the general information about the Relational DAS.
+ application_root_type
+ The root of each data graph is an object of a special root type and the application data objects come below that.
+ Of the various application types in the SDO model, one has to be the the application type immediately below the root of the data graph.
+ If there is only one table in the database metadata, so the application root type can be inferred, this argument can be omitted.
+ SDO_containment_references_metadata
+ An array containing one or more definitions of a containment relation, each of which is an associative array containing the keys
+ parent
+ child
+ The containment relations describe how the types in the model are connected to form a tree.
+ The type specified as the application root type must be present as one of the parent types in the containment references.
+ If the application only needs to work with one table at a time, and there are no containment relations in the model, this argument can be omitted.
+ For a full discussion of the metadata, see the
+ metadata
+ section in the general information about the Relational DAS.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Returns an SDO_DAS_Relational object on success.
+ &reftitle.exceptions;
+ SDO_DAS_Relational::construct
+throws a SDO_DAS_Relational_Exception if any problems are found in the metadata.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ For a full discussion of the metadata, see the
+ metadata
+ section in the general information about the Relational DAS.
diff --git a/reference/sdodasrel/functions/SDO-DAS-Relational-createRootDataObject.xml b/reference/sdodasrel/functions/SDO-DAS-Relational-createRootDataObject.xml
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+++ b/reference/sdodasrel/functions/SDO-DAS-Relational-createRootDataObject.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ SDO_DAS_Relational::createRootDataObject
+ Returns the special root object in an otherwise empty data graph. Used when creating a data graph from scratch.
+ &reftitle.description;
+ special root object
+ SDO_DAS_Relational::createRootDataObject
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ Returns the special root object at the top of an otherwise empty data graph.
+ This call is used when the application wants to create a data graph from scratch, without having called
+ executeQuery
+ to create a data graph.
+ The special root object has one multi-valued containment property, with a name of the application root type that was passed when the Relational DAS was constructed.
+ The property can take values of only that type.
+ The only thing that the application can usefully do with the root type is to call
+ createDataObject
+ on it, passing the name of the application root type,
+ in order to create a data object of their own application type.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ None.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ The root object.
+ &reftitle.exceptions;
+ None.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Please see the
+ Examples section in the general information about the Relational DAS
+ for many examples of calling this method.
diff --git a/reference/sdodasrel/functions/SDO-DAS-Relational-executeQuery.xml b/reference/sdodasrel/functions/SDO-DAS-Relational-executeQuery.xml
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+++ b/reference/sdodasrel/functions/SDO-DAS-Relational-executeQuery.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ SDO_DAS_Relational::executeQuery
+ Executes a given SQL query against a relational database and returns the results as a normalised data graph.
+ &reftitle.description;
+ data graph
+ SDO_DAS_Relational::executeQuery
+ database_handle
+ string
+ SQL_statement
+ array
+ column_specifier
+ &warn.experimental.func;
+ Executes a given query against the relational database, using the supplied PDO database handle.
+ Uses the model that it built from the the metadata to interpret the result set.
+ Returns a data graph.
+ &reftitle.parameters;
+ PDO_database_handle
+ Constructed using the PDO extension. A typical line to construct a PDO database handle might look like this:
+ SQL_statement
+ The SQL statement to be executed against the database.
+ column_specifier
+ The Relational DAS needs to examine the result set and for every column, know which table and which column of that table it came from.
+ In some circumstances it can find this information for itself, but sometimes it cannot.
+ In these cases a column specifier is needed, which is an array that identifies the columns.
+ Each entry in the array is simply a string in the form
+ table-name.column_name
+ The column specifier is needed when there are duplicate column names in the database metadata,
+ For example, in the database used within the examples, all the tables have both a
+ id
+and a
+ name
+ When the Relational DAS fetches the result set from PDO it can do so with the PDO_FETCH_ASSOC attribute, which will cause the columns in the results set to be labelled with the column name, but will not distinguish duplicates.
+ So this will only work when there are no duplicates possible in the results set.
+ To summarise, specify a column specifier array whenever there is any uncertainty about which column could be from which table and
+ only omit it when every column name in the database metadata is unique.
+ All of the examples in the
+ Examples
+ use a column specifier.
+ There is one example in the Scenarios directory of the installation that does not: that which works with just the employee table, and because it works with just one table, there can not exist duplicate column names.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Returns a data graph. Specifically, it returns a root object of a special type.
+ Under this root object will be the data from the result set.
+ The root object will have a multi-valued containment property with the same name as the application root type specified on the constructor,
+ and that property will contain one or more data objects of the application root type.
+ In the event that the query returns no data, the special root object will still be returned but the containment property for the application root type will be empty.
+ &reftitle.exceptions;
+ SDO_DAS_Relational::executeQuery
+can throw an SDO_DAS_Relational_Exception if it is unable to construct the data graph correctly.
+ This can occur for a number of reasons: for example if it finds that it does not have primary keys in the result set for all the objects.
+ It also catches any PDO exceptions and obtains PDO diagnostic information which it includes in an SDO_DAS_Relational_Exception which it then throws.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Please see the
+ Examples section in the general information about the Relational DAS
+ for many examples of calling this method.
diff --git a/reference/sdodasrel/reference.xml b/reference/sdodasrel/reference.xml
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+ SDO Relational Data Access Service Functions
+ SDO-DAS-Relational
+ &reftitle.intro;
+ &warn.experimental;
+ In order to use the Relational Data Acces Service for Service Data Objects, you will need to understand some of the concepts behind SDO: the data graph, the data object, the disconnected way of working, the change summary, XPath and property expressions, and so on.
+ If you are not familiar with these ideas, you might want to look first at
+ the section on SDO
+ In addition, the Relational DAS makes use of the PDO extension to isolate itself from specifics of different back-end relational databases.
+ In order to use the Relational DAS you will need to be able to create and pass a PDO database connection;
+ for this reason you might also want to take a look at
+ the section on PDO
+ The job of the Relational DAS is to move data between the application and a relational database.
+ In order to do this it needs to be told the mapping between the database entities - tables, columns, primary keys and foreign keys - and the elements of the SDO model - types, properties, containment properties and so on.
+ You specify this information as metadata when you construct the Relational DAS.
+ Overview of Operation
+ The first step is to call the Relational DAS's constructor,
+ passing the metadata that defines the mapping between database and SDO model.
+ There are examples of this below.
+ The next step might be to call the
+ executeQuery
+ method on the Relational DAS, passing an SQL statement.
+ You may also need to specify a small amount of metadata about the query itself, so that the Relational DAS knows exactly what columns will be returned from the database and in what order.
+ You will also need to pass a PDO database connection.
+ The return value from
+ executeQuery
+ is a normalised data graph containing all the data from the result set.
+ For a query that returns data obtained from a number of tables, this graph will contain a number of data objects, linked by containment references. There may also be non-containment references within the data.
+ Once the query has been executed and the data graph constructed, there is no need for either the Relational DAS or the database connection.
+ There are no locks held on the database.
+ Both the Relational Das and the PDO database connection can be garbage collected.
+ Quite possibly the data in the data graph will go through a number of modifications.
+ The data graph can be serialised into the PHP session and so may have a lifetime beyond just one client-server interaction.
+ Data objects can be created and added to the graph, the data objects already in the graph can be deleted, and they can be modified.
+ Finally, the changes made to the data graph can be applied back to the database using the
+ applyChanges
+ method of the Relational DAS.
+ For this, another instance of the Relational DAS must be constructed, using the same metadata, and another connection to the database obtained.
+ These, plus the data graph itself, are passed to
+ applyChanges
+ .
+ At this point the Relational DAS examines the change summary and generates the necessary INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE SQL statements to apply the changes.
+ The UPDATE and DELETE statements are qualified with the original values of the data so that should the data have changed in the database in the meantime this will be detected.
+ Assuming no such collisions have occurred the changes will be committed to the database.
+ The application can then continue to work with the data graph, make more changes and apply them, or can discard it.
+ There are other ways of working with the data in the database: it is possible to just create data objects and write them to the database without a preliminary call to
+ executeQuery
+ , for example.
+ This scenario and others are explored in the
+ Examples
+ section below.
+ &reftitle.install;
+ The Relational DAS is written in PHP.
+ The PHP files that make the Relational DAS should be placed in a directory that is pointed to by the
+ include_path
+ directive in the &php.ini file.
+ Your application will of course need to include the Relational DAS with a statement like this:
+ &reftitle.required;
+ The Relational DAS requires that the SDO extension be installed.
+ The SDO extension requires a version of PHP 5.1, and the Relational DAS requires a recent version that contains an important fix for PDO.
+ The Relational DAS requires a version of PHP 5.1 later than 20050711.
+ Limitations
+ There are the following limitations in the current release of the Relational DAS:
+ No support for nulls. There is no support for SQL NULL type. It is not legal to assign PHP NULL to a data object property
+ and the Relational DAS will not write that back as a NULL to the database.
+ If nulls are found in the database on a query, the property will remain unset.
+ Only two types of SDO relationship. The metadata described below allows the Relational DAS to model just two types
+ of SDO relationship: multi-valued containment properties and single-valued non-containment properties.
+ In SDO, whether a property is single- or multi-valued, and whether it is containment or non-containment, are independent.
+ The full range of possibilities that SDO allows cannot all be defined.
+ There may be relationships that it would be useful to model but which the current implementation cannot manage.
+ One example is a single-valued containment relationship.
+ No support for the full range of SDO data types. The Relational DAS defines all primitive properties in the SDO model as being of type string.
+ SDO defines a richer set of types containing various integer, float, boolean and data and time types.
+ String is adequate for the purposes of the Relational DAS since the combination of PHP, PDO and the database will ensure that
+ values passed as strings will be converted to the proper type before being put in the database.
+ This does affect some scenarios in which the Relational DAS has to work with a data graph that has come from or will go to a different DAS.
+ Only one foreign key per table. The metadata only provides the means to specify one foreign key per table.
+ This foreign key may be mapped to one of the two types of SDO relationship supported.
+ Obviously there are some scenarios that cannot be described under this limitation - it is not possible to have
+ two non-containment references from one table to another for example.
+ No support for prepared statements or bound variables. Although PDO allows both of these - the ability to prepare and SQL statement once and
+ execute it many times, perhaps picking different arguments for the query from variables within the application - there is no support in the
+ current Relational DAS interface to allow this.
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ This section illustrates how the Relational DAS can be used to create, retrieve, update and delete data in a relational database.
+ Many of the examples are illustrated with a three-table database that contains companies, departments within those companies, and employees that work in those departments.
+ This example is used in a number of places within the SDO literature.
+ See the examples section of the
+ Service Data Objects specification
+ or the
+ Examples
+ section of the documentation for the SDO extension.
+ The Relational DAS is constructed with metadata that defines the relational database and how it should be mapped to SDO.
+ The first long section describes this metadata and how to construct the Relational DAS.
+ The examples that follow it all assume that this metadata is in an included php file.
+ The examples below and others can all be found in the
+ Scenarios
+ directory in the Relational DAS package.
+ The Relational DAS throws exceptions in the event that it finds errors in the metadata or errors when executing SQL statements against the database.
+ For brevity the examples below all omit the use of try/catch blocks around the calls to the Relational DAS.
+ These examples all differ from the expected use of SDO in one important respect: they show all interactions with the database completed within one script.
+ In this respect these scenarios are not realistic but are chosen to illustrate just the use of the Relational DAS.
+ It is expected that interactions with the database will be separated in time and the data graph serialised and deserialised into the PHP session
+ one or more times as the application interacts with an end user.
+ Specifying the metadata
+ This first long section describes in detail how the metadata describing the database and the required SDO model is supplied to the Relational DAS.
+ When the constructor for the Relational DAS is invoked, it needs to be passed several pieces of information.
+ The bulk of the information, passed as an associative array in the first argument to the constructor, tells the Relational DAS what it needs to know about the relational database.
+ It describes the names of the tables, columns, primary keys and foreign keys.
+ It should be fairly easy to understand what is required, and once written it can be placed in a php file and included when needed.
+ The remainder of the information, passed in the second and third arguments to the constructor, tells the Relational DAS what it needs to know about the relationships between objects and the shape of the data graph; it ultimately determines how the data from the database is to be normalised into a graph.
+ Database metadata
+ The first argument to the constructor describes the target relational database.
+ Each table is described by an associative array with up to four keys.
+ Key
+ Value
+ name
+ The name of the table.
+ columns
+ An array listing the names of the columns, in any order.
+ PK
+ The name of the column containing the primary key.
+ FK
+ An array with two entries, 'from' and 'to', which define a column containing a foreign key, and a table to which the foreign
+ key points to.
+ If there are no foreign keys in the table then the 'FK' entry does not need to be specified.
+ Only one foreign key can be specified.
+ Only a foreign key pointing to the primary key of a table can be specified.
+ 'company',
+ 'columns' => array('id', 'name', 'employee_of_the_month'),
+ 'PK' => 'id',
+ 'FK' => array (
+ 'from' => 'employee_of_the_month',
+ 'to' => 'employee',
+ ),
+ );
+$department_table = array (
+ 'name' => 'department',
+ 'columns' => array('id', 'name', 'location' , 'number', 'co_id'),
+ 'PK' => 'id',
+ 'FK' => array (
+ 'from' => 'co_id',
+ 'to' => 'company',
+ )
+ );
+$employee_table = array (
+ 'name' => 'employee',
+ 'columns' => array('id', 'name', 'SN', 'manager', 'dept_id'),
+ 'PK' => 'id',
+ 'FK' => array (
+ 'from' => 'dept_id',
+ 'to' => 'department',
+ )
+ );
+$database_metadata = array($company_table, $department_table, $employee_table);
+ ]]>
+ This metadata corresponds to a relational database that might have been defined to MySQL as follows.
+ Note that although in this example there are no foreign keys specified to the database and so the database is not expected to enforce referential integrity,
+ the intention behind the
+ co_id
+ column on the department table and the
+ dept_id
+ column on the employee table is they should contain the primary key of their containing company or department record, respectively.
+ So these two columns are acting as foreign keys.
+ There is a third foreign key in this example, that from the
+ employee_of_the_month
+ column of the company record to a single row of the employee table.
+ Note the difference in intent between this foreign key and the other two.
+ The
+ employee_of_the_month
+ column represents a single-valued relationship: there can be only one employee of the month for a given company.
+ The
+ co_id
+ and
+ dept_id
+ columns represent multi-valued relationships: a company can contain many departments and a department can contain many employees.
+ This distinction will become evident when the remainder of the metadata picks out the company-department and department-employee relationships as containment relationships.
+ There are a few simple rules to be followed when constructing the database metadata
+ All tables must have primary keys and they must be specified in the metadata.
+ Without primary keys it is not possible to keep track of object identities.
+ As you see from the SQL statements, primary keys can be auto-generated, that is assigned by the database when a record is inserted.
+ In this case the auto-generated primary key is obtained from the database and inserted into the data object immediately after the row is inserted into the database.
+ It is not necessary to specify in the metadata all the columns that exist in the database, only those that will be used.
+ For example, if the company table had another column that the application did not want to access with SDO, this need not be specified in the metadata.
+ On the other hand it would have done no harm to specify it:
+ if specified in the metadata but never retrieved, or set by the application, then the unused column will not affect anything.
+ In the database metadata note that the foreign key definitions identify not the destination column in the table which is pointed to, but the table name itself.
+ Strictly, the relational model permits the destination of a foreign key to be a non-primary key.
+ Only foreign keys that point to a primary key are useful for constructing the SDO model, so the metadata specifies the table name.
+ It is understood that the foreign key points to the primary key of the given table.
+ Given these rules, and given the SQL statements that define the database, the database metadata should be easy to construct.
+ What the Relational DAS does with the metadata
+ The Relational DAS uses the database metadata to form most of the SDO model.
+ For each table in the database metadata, an SDO type is defined.
+ Each column which can represent a primitive value (this is columns which are not defined as foreign keys) are added as properties to the SDO type.
+ All primitive properties are given a type of string in the SDO model, regardless of their SQL type.
+ When writing values back to the database the Relational DAS will create SQL statements that treat the values as strings, and the database will convert them to the appropriate type.
+ Foreign keys are interpreted in one of two ways, depending on the metadata in the third argument to the constructor that defines
+ the SDO containment relationships,
+ A discussion of this is therefore deferred until the section on
+ SDO containment references
+ below.
+ Specifying the application root type
+ The second argument to the constructor is the application root type.
+ The true root of each data graph is an object of a special root type and all application data objects come somewhere below that.
+ Of the various application types in the SDO model, one has to be the application type immediately below the root of the data graph.
+ If there is only one table in the database metadata, the application root type can be inferred, and this argument can be omitted.
+ Specifying the SDO containment references
+ The third argument to the constructor defines how the types in the model are to be linked together to form a graph.
+ It identifies the parent-child relationships between the types which collectively form a graph.
+ The relationships need to be supported by foreign keys to be found in the data, in a way shortly to be described.
+ The metadata is an array containing one or more associative arrays, each of which identifies a parent and a child.
+ The example below shows a parent-child relationship from company to department, and another from department to employee.
+ Each of these will become an SDO multi-valued containment property in the SDO model.
+ 'company', 'child' => 'department');
+$employee_reference = array( 'parent' => 'department', 'child' => 'employee');
+$SDO_reference_metadata = array($department_reference, $employee_reference); ]]>
+ Foreign keys in the database metadata are interpreted as either multi-valued containment properties or single-valued non-containment propeties,
+ depending on whether they have a corresponding SDO containment reference specified in the metadata.
+ In the example here, the foreign keys from department to company (the
+ co_id
+ column in the department table)
+ and from employee to department (the
+ dept_id
+ column in the employee table) are interpreted as supporting the
+ SDO containment references.
+ Each containment reference mentioned in the SDO containment references metadata must have a corresponding foreign key in the database and defined in the database metadata.
+ The values of the foreign key columns for containment references do not appear in the data objects,
+ instead they are represented by the containment reference from the parent to the child.
+ So the
+ co_id
+ column in the department row in the database, for example, does not appear as a property on the department type,
+ but instead as a containment relationship called
+ department
+ on the company type.
+ Note that the foreign key and the parent-child relationship appear to have opposite senses:
+ the foreign key points from the department to the company, but the parent-child relationship points from company to department.
+ The third foreign key in this example, the
+ employee_of_the_month
+ is handled differently.
+ This is not mentioned in the SDO containment references metadata.
+ As a consequence this is interpreted in the second way: it becomes a single-valued non-containment reference on the company object
+ which can be assigned SDO data object references of the employee type.
+ It does appear as a property on the company type.
+ The way to assign a value to it in the SDO data graph is to have a graph that contains an employee object
+ through the containment references, and to assign the object to it. This is illustrated in the later examples below.
+ One-table examples
+ The following set of examples all use the Relational DAS to work with a data graph containing just one application data object,
+ a single company and the data just to be found the company table.
+ These examples do not exercise the power of SDO or the Relational DAS and of course the same result could be achieved
+ more economically with direct SQL statements but they are intended to illustrate how to work with the Relational DAS.
+ For this very simple scenario it would be possible to simplify the database metadata to include just the company table - if that were done
+ the second and third arguments to the constructor and the column specifier used in the query example would become optional.
+ Creating a data object
+ The simplest example is that of creating a single data object and writing it to the database.
+ In this example a single company object is created, its name is set to 'Acme', and the Relational DAS is called to write the changes to the database.
+ The company name is set here using the property name method.
+ See the
+ Examples
+ section on the SDO extension for other ways of accessing the properties of an object.
+ Data objects can only be created when you have a data object to start with, however.
+ It is for that reason that the first call to the Relational DAS here is to obtain a root object.
+ This is in effect how to ask for an empty data graph - the special root object is the true root of the tree.
+ The company data object is then created with a call to
+ createDataObject
+ on the root object.
+ This creates the company data object and inserts it in the graph by inserting into a multi-valued containment property on the root object called 'company'.
+ When the Relational DAS is called to apply the changes
+ a simple insert statement 'INSERT INTO company (name} VALUES ("Acme");' will be constructed and executed.
+ The auto-generated primary key will be set into the data object and the change summary will be reset, so that it would be possible
+ to continue working with the same data object, modify it, and apply the newer changes a second time.
+ createRootDataObject();
+$acme = $root -> createDataObject('company');
+$acme->name = "Acme";
+ * Get a database connection and write the object to the database
+ ***************************************************************/
+$dbh = new PDO("mysql:dbname=COMPANYDB;host=localhost",DATABASE_USER,DATABASE_PASSWORD);
+$das -> applyChanges($dbh, $root);
+ ]]>
+ Retrieving a data object
+ In this example a single data object is retrieved from the database - or possibly more than one if there is more than one company called 'Acme'.
+ For each company returned, the
+ name
+ and
+ id
+ properties are echoed.
+ In this example the third argument to
+ executeQuery
+ , the column specifier is needed as there are other tables in the metadata with column names of
+ name
+ and
+ id
+ If there were no possible ambiguity it could be omitted.
+ executeQuery($dbh,
+ 'select name, id from company where name="Acme"',
+ array('company.name', 'company.id') );
+ * Echo name and id
+ ***************************************************************/
+foreach ($root['company'] as $company) {
+ echo "Company obtained from the database has name = " . $company['name'] . " and id " . $company['id'] . "\n";
+ ]]>
+ Updating a data object
+ This example combines the previous two, in the sense that in order to be updated the object must first be retrieved.
+ The application code reverses the company name (so 'Acme' becomes 'emcA') and then the
+ changes are written back to the database in the same way that they were when the object was created.
+ Because the query searches for the name both ways round the program can be run repeatedly to find the company and reverse its name each time.
+ In this example the same instance of the Relational DAS is reused for the
+ applyChanges
+ , as is the PDO database handle.
+ This is quite alright; it also alright to allow the previous instances to be garbage collected and to obtain new instances.
+ No state data regarding the graph is held the Relational DAS once it has returned a data graph to the application.
+ All necessary data is either within the graph itself, or can be reconstructed from the metadata.
+ executeQuery($dbh,
+ 'select name, id from company where name="Acme" or name="emcA"',
+ array('company.name', 'company.id') );
+ * Alter the name of just the first company
+ ***************************************************************/
+$company = $root['company'][0];
+echo "obtained a company with name of " . $company->name . "\n";
+$company->name = strrev($company->name);
+ * Write the change back
+ ***************************************************************/
+ ]]>
+ Deleting a data object
+ Any companies called 'Acme' or its reverse 'emcA' are retrieved.
+ They are then all deleted from the graph with unset.
+ In this example they are all deleted in one go by unsetting the containing reference.
+ It is also possible to delete them individually.
+ executeQuery($dbh,
+ 'select name, id from company where name="Acme" or name="emcA"',
+ array('company.name', 'company.id') );
+ * Delete any companies found from the data graph
+ ***************************************************************/
+ * Write the change(s) back
+ ***************************************************************/
+ ]]>
+ Two-table examples
+ The following set of examples all use two tables from the company database: the company and department tables.
+ These examples exercise more of the function of the Relational DAS.
+ In this series of examples a company and department are created, retrieved, updated, and finally deleted.
+ This illustrates the lifecycle for a data graph containing more than one object.
+ Note that this example clears out the company and department tables at the start so that the exact results of the queries can be known.
+ You can find these examples combined into one script called
+ 1cd-CRUD
+ in the
+ Scenarios
+ directory in the Relational DAS package.
+ One company, one department - Create
+ As in the earlier example of creating just one company data object, the first action after constructing the Relational DAS is
+ to call createRootDataObject to obtain the special root object of the otherwise empty data graph.
+ The company object is then created as a child of the root object, and the department object as a child of the company object.
+ When it comes to applying the changes, the Relational DAS has to perform special processing
+ to maintain the foreign keys that support the containment relationships, especially if auto-generated primary keys are involved.
+ In this example, the relationship between the auto-generated primary key
+ id
+ in the company table and the
+ co_id
+ column in the department table must be maintained.
+ When inserting a company and department for the first time the Relational DAS has to first insert the company row, then call PDO's
+ getLastInsertId
+ method to obtain the auto-generated primary key,
+ then add that as the value of the
+ co_id
+ column when inserting the department row.
+ prepare('DELETE FROM COMPANY;');
+$rows_affected = $pdo_stmt->execute();
+$pdo_stmt = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM DEPARTMENT;');
+$rows_affected = $pdo_stmt->execute();
+* Create a company with name Acme and one department, the Shoe department
+$dbh = new PDO("mysql:dbname=COMPANYDB;host=localhost",DATABASE_USER,DATABASE_PASSWORD);
+$das = new SDO_DAS_Relational ($database_metadata,'company',$SDO_reference_metadata);
+$root = $das -> createRootDataObject();
+$acme = $root -> createDataObject('company');
+$acme -> name = "Acme";
+$shoe = $acme->createDataObject('department');
+$shoe->name = 'Shoe';
+$das -> applyChanges($dbh, $root);
+ One company, one department - Retrieve and Update
+ In this case the SQL query passed to
+ executeQuery
+ performs an inner join to join the data from the company and department tables.
+ Primary keys for both the company and department tables must be included in the query.
+ The result set is re-normalised to form a normalised data graph.
+ Note that a column specifier is passed as the third argument to the
+ executeQuery
+ call enabling the Relational DAS to know which column is which in the result set.
+ Note that the
+ co_id
+ column although used in the query is not needed in the result set.
+ In order to understand what the Relational DAS is doing when it builds the data graph it may be helpful to visualise what the result set looks like.
+ Although the data in the database is normalised, so that multiple department rows can point through their foreign key to one company row,
+ the data in the result set is non-normalised: that is, if there is one company and multiple departments, the values for the company are repeated in each row.
+ The Relational DAS has to reverse this process and turn the result set back into a normalised data graph, with just one company object.
+ In this example the Relational DAS will examine the result set and column specifier, find data for both the company and department tables, find primary keys for both,
+ and interpret each row as containing data for a department and its parent company.
+ If it has not seen data for that company before (it uses the primary key to check) it creates a company object and then a department object underneath it.
+ If it has seen data for that company before and has already created the company object it just creates the department object underneath.
+ In this way the Relational DAS can retrieve and renormalise data for multiple companies and multiple departments underneath them.
+ executeQuery($dbh,
+'select c.id, c.name, d.id, d.name from company c, department d where d.co_id = c.id',
+$acme = $root['company'][0]; // get the first company - will be 'Acme'
+$shoe = $acme['department'][0]; // get the first department underneath - will be 'Shoe'
+$it = $acme->createDataObject('department');
+$it->name = 'IT';
+$das -> applyChanges($dbh, $root);
+ One company, two departments - Retrieve and Delete
+ In this example the company and department are retrieved and then deleted.
+ It is not necessary to delete them individually (although that would be possible) -
+ deleting the company object from the data graph also deletes any departments underneath it.
+ Note the way that the company object is actually deleted using the PHP unset call.
+ The unset has to be performed on the containing reference which in this case the company reference on the special root object.
+ You must use:
+ and not:
+ Simply unsetting
+ $acme
+ would destroy the variable but leave the data in the data graph untouched.
+ executeQuery($dbh,
+'select c.id, c.name, d.id, d.name from company c, department d where d.co_id = c.id',
+$acme = $root['company'][0];
+$it = $acme['department'][0];
+$das -> applyChanges($dbh, $root);
+ Three-table example
+ The following examples use all three tables from the company database: the company, department, and employee tables.
+ These introduce the final piece of function not exercised by the examples above: the non-containment reference
+ employee_of_the_month
+ Like the examples above for company and department, this set of examples is intended to illustrate the full lifecycle of such a data graph.
+ One company, one department, one employee - Create
+ In this example a company is created containing one department and just one employee.
+ Note that this example clears out all three tables at the start so that the exact results of the queries can be known.
+ Note how once the company, department and employee have been created,
+ the
+ employee_of_the_month
+ property of the company can be made to point at the new employee.
+ As this is a non-containment reference, this cannot be done until the employee object has been created within the
+ graph.
+ Non-containment references need to be managed carefully.
+ For example if the employee were now deleted from under the department, it would not be correct to try to save the graph without
+ first clearing or re-assigning the
+ employee_of_the_month
+ property.
+ The closure rule for SDO data graphs requires that any object pointed at by a non-containment reference must
+ also be reachable by containment references.
+ When it comes to inserting the graph into the database, the procedure is similar to the example of inserting the company and department,
+ but
+ employee_of_the_month
+ introduces an extra complexity.
+ The Relational DAS needs to insert the objects working down the tree formed by containment references, so company, then department, then employee.
+ This is necessary so that it always has the auto-generated primary key of a parent on hand to include in a child row.
+ But when the company row is inserted the employee who is employee of the month has not yet been inserted and the primary key is not known.
+ The procedure is that after the employee record is inserted and its primary key known, a final step is performed in which the
+ the company record is updated with the employee's primary key.
+ prepare('DELETE FROM COMPANY;');
+$rows_affected = $pdo_stmt->execute();
+$pdo_stmt = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM DEPARTMENT;');
+$rows_affected = $pdo_stmt->execute();
+$pdo_stmt = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE;');
+$rows_affected = $pdo_stmt->execute();
+* Create a tiny but complete company.
+* The company name is Acme.
+* There is one department, Shoe.
+* There is one employee, Sue.
+* The employee of the month is Sue.
+$das = new SDO_DAS_Relational ($database_metadata,'company',$SDO_reference_metadata);
+$dbh = new PDO("mysql:dbname=COMPANYDB;host=localhost",DATABASE_USER,DATABASE_PASSWORD);
+$root = $das -> createRootDataObject();
+$acme = $root -> createDataObject('company');
+$acme -> name = "Acme";
+$shoe = $acme -> createDataObject('department');
+$shoe -> name = 'Shoe';
+$shoe -> location = 'A-block';
+$sue = $shoe -> createDataObject('employee');
+$sue -> name = 'Sue';
+$acme -> employee_of_the_month = $sue;
+$das -> applyChanges($dbh, $root);
+echo "Wrote back Acme with one department and one employee\n";
+ ]]>
+ One company, one department, one employee - Retrieve and update
+ The SQL statement passed to the Relational DAS is this time an inner join that retrieves data from all three tables.
+ Otherwise this example introduces nothing that has not appeared in a previous example.
+ The graph is updated by the addition of a new department and employee and some alterations to the name properties of the existing objects in the graph.
+ The combined changes are then written back.
+ The Relational DAS will process and apply an arbitrary mixture of additions, modifications and deletions to and from the data graph.
+ executeQuery($dbh,
+ 'select c.id, c.name, c.employee_of_the_month, d.id, d.name, e.id, e.name ' .
+ 'from company c, department d, employee e ' .
+ 'where e.dept_id = d.id and d.co_id = c.id and c.name="' . $name . '";' ,
+ array('company.id','company.name','company.employee_of_the_month',
+ 'department.id','department.name','employee.id','employee.name'));
+$acme = $root['company'][0];
+$shoe = $acme->department[0];
+$sue = $shoe -> employee[0];
+$it = $acme->createDataObject('department');
+$it->name = 'IT';
+$it->location = 'G-block';
+$billy = $it->createDataObject('employee');
+$billy->name = 'Billy';
+$acme->name = 'MegaCorp';
+$shoe->name = 'Footwear';
+$sue->name = 'Susan';
+$acme->employee_of_the_month = $billy;
+$das -> applyChanges($dbh, $root);
+echo "Wrote back company with extra department and employee and all the names changed (Megacorp/Footwear/Susan)\n";
+ ]]>
+ One company, two departments, two employees - Retrieve and delete
+ The company is retrieved as a complete data graph containing five data objects - the company, two departments and two employees.
+ They are all deleted by deleting the company object.
+ Deleting an object from the graph deletes all the object beneath it in the graph.
+ Five SQL DELETE statements will be generated and executed.
+ As always they will be qualified with a WHERE clause that contains all of the fields that were retrieved, so that
+ any updates to the data in the database in the meantime by another process will be detected.
+ executeQuery($dbh,
+ 'select c.id, c.name, c.employee_of_the_month, d.id, d.name, e.id, e.name ' .
+ 'from company c, department d, employee e ' .
+ 'where e.dept_id = d.id and d.co_id = c.id and c.name="' . $name . '";' ,
+ array('company.id','company.name','company.employee_of_the_month',
+ 'department.id','department.name','employee.id','employee.name'));
+$megacorp = $root['company'][0];
+$das -> applyChanges($dbh, $root);
+echo "Deleted the company, departments and employees all in one go.\n";
+ ]]>
+ Tracing
+ You may be interested in seeing the SQL statements that are generated in order to apply changes back to the database.
+ At the top of the
+ SDO_DAS_Relational
+ you will find a number of constants which control whether
+ the process of constructing and executing the SQL statements is to be traced.
+ Try setting
+ to
+ true
+ to see the generated SQL statements.
+ &reftitle.classes;
+ The Relational DAS provides two classes: the Relational DAS itself and the subclass of Exception that can be thrown.
+ The Relational DAS has four publicly useful calls: the constructor,
+ the
+ createRootDataObject
+ call to obtain the root object of an empty data graph,
+ the
+ executeQuery
+ call to obtain a data graph continuing data from a relational database,
+ and the
+ applyChanges
+ call to write changes made to a data graph back to the relational database.
+ SDO_DAS_Relational
+ The only object other than an SDO_DAS_Relational_Exception with which the application is expected to interact.
+ &reftitle.methods;
+ __construct
+ - construct the Relational DAS with a model derived from the passed metadata
+ createRootDataObject
+ - obtain an otherwise empty data graph containing just the special root object
+ executeQuery
+ - execute a passed SQL query against the database and return the results as a normalised data graph
+ applyChanges
+ - examine the change summary in the data graph and apply those changes back to the database, subject to an assumption of optimistic concurrency
+ SDO_DAS_Relational_Exception
+ Is a subclass of PHP's
+ Exception
+ .
+ It adds no behaviour to
+ Exception
+ .
+ Thrown, with useful descriptive text, to signal errors in the metadata or unexpected failures to perform SQL operations.
+ &reference.sdodasrel.functions;