diff --git a/reference/wincache/book.xml b/reference/wincache/book.xml
index f187882e67..8dd5944e9d 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/book.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/book.xml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
functionality without any code modifications.
- The Windows Cache Extension includes 3 different types of caches. The following describes
+ The Windows Cache Extension includes 5 different types of caches. The following describes
the purpose of each cache type and the benefits it provides.
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- File Cache - Even with the PHP bytecode cache enabled, the PHP engine
+ File Cache - Even with the PHP opcode cache enabled, the PHP engine
has to accesses the script files on a file system. When PHP scripts are stored on a remote
UNC file share, the file operations introduce a significant performance overhead.
The Windows Cache Extension for PHP includes a file cache that is used to store the content
@@ -53,6 +53,21 @@
PHP engine has to perform.
+ User Cache (available since version 1.1.0) - PHP scripts can take advantage of
+ the shared memory cache by using the user cache API's. PHP objects and variables can be stored in the
+ user cache and then re-used on subsequent requests. This can be used to improve performance of PHP scripts
+ and to share the data across multiple PHP processes.
+ Session Handler (available since version 1.1.0) - The WinCache session handler can be used to
+ store the PHP session data in the shared memory cache. This avoids file system operations for reading
+ and writing session data, which improves performance when large amound of data is stored in PHP session.
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-fcache-fileinfo.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-fcache-fileinfo.xml
index 95c063bf60..56774de1a7 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-fcache-fileinfo.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-fcache-fileinfo.xml
@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ Array
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-fcache-meminfo.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-fcache-meminfo.xml
index 303003401d..236ce90390 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-fcache-meminfo.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-fcache-meminfo.xml
@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ Array
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ocache-fileinfo.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ocache-fileinfo.xml
index 84eef7db9e..ee2e0e7223 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ocache-fileinfo.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ocache-fileinfo.xml
@@ -151,6 +151,8 @@ Array
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ocache-meminfo.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ocache-meminfo.xml
index 77c9498341..e64be23afe 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ocache-meminfo.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ocache-meminfo.xml
@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ Array
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-refresh-if-changed.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-refresh-if-changed.xml
index 3cc4378ee8..5f95e35d9e 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-refresh-if-changed.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-refresh-if-changed.xml
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ wincache_refresh_if_changed(array($filename));
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-rplist-fileinfo.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-rplist-fileinfo.xml
index f549be353f..8566762c5e 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-rplist-fileinfo.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-rplist-fileinfo.xml
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ Array
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-rplist-meminfo.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-rplist-meminfo.xml
index 7d180b7522..0cc1ed841f 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-rplist-meminfo.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-rplist-meminfo.xml
@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ Array
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-add.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-add.xml
index 3cce2bf6ae..cf8ab8214b 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-add.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-add.xml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
Store the variable using this key name. If a variable with same key is already present the function
- will fail and return false. key is case sensitive. To override the value even if
+ will fail and return FALSE. key is case sensitive. To override the value even if
key is present use wincache_ucache_set function instad.
key can also take array of name => value pairs where names will be used as keys.
This can be used to add multiple values in the cache in one operation, thus avoiding race condition.
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ string(3) "BAR"
"5", 'Blue' => "6", 'yellow' => "7", 'cyan' => "8");
+$colors_array = array('green' => '5', 'Blue' => '6', 'yellow' => '7', 'cyan' => '8');
@@ -146,6 +146,8 @@ string(1) "6"
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-clear.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-clear.xml
index aaae7f93fc..9cc4f25233 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-clear.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-clear.xml
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ bool(false)
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-delete.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-delete.xml
index a395c5d587..fcbf516e2c 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-delete.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-delete.xml
@@ -124,6 +124,8 @@ array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "yellow"
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-exists.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-exists.xml
index 9a37bda4e8..e5019a5b7c 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-exists.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-exists.xml
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ bool(true)
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-get.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-get.xml
index 2cb4d75138..73155ed07e 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-get.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-get.xml
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ bool(true)
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-info.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-info.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d68c510dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-info.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ wincache_ucache_info
+ Retrieves information about data stored in the user cache
+ &reftitle.description;
+ boolwincache_ucache_info
+ Retrieves information about data stored in the user cache.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Array of meta data about user cache &return.falseforfailure;
+ The array returned by this function contains the following elements:
+ total_cache_uptime - total time in seconds that the user cache has been active
+ total_item_count - total number of elements that are currently in the user cache
+ total_hit_count - number of times the data has been served from the cache
+ total_miss_count - number of times the data has not been found in the cache
+ file_entries - an array that contains the information about all the cached items:
+ key_name - name of the key which is used to store the data
+ value_type - type of value stored by the key
+ use_time - time in seconds since the file has been accessed in the opcode cache
+ last_check - time in seconds since the file has been checked for modifications
+ is_session - indicates if the data is a session variable
+ ttl_seconds - time remaining for the data to live in the cache, 0 meaning infinite
+ age_seconds - time elapsed from the time data has been added in the cache
+ hitcount - number of times data has been served from the cache
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ Using wincache_ucache_info
+ &example.outputs;
+ 0
+ [is_local_cache] =>
+ [total_item_count] => 1
+ [total_hit_count] => 3
+ [total_miss_count] => 1
+ [ucache_entries] => Array
+ ( [1] => Array
+ (
+ [key_name] => green
+ [value_type] => long
+ [is_session] => 0
+ [ttl_seconds] => 0
+ [age_seconds] => 0 [hitcount] => 3
+ )
+ )
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ wincache_fcache_meminfo
+ wincache_ocache_fileinfo
+ wincache_ocache_meminfo
+ wincache_rplist_meminfo
+ wincache_rplist_fileinfo
+ wincache_refresh_if_changed
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-set.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-set.xml
index 1b4355d92a..617b8cf449 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-set.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache-ucache-set.xml
@@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ string(1) "6"
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ wincache_ucache_info
diff --git a/reference/wincache/functions/wincache_ucache_meminfo.xml b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache_ucache_meminfo.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e18ffaca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/wincache/functions/wincache_ucache_meminfo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ wincache_ucache_meminfo
+ Retrieves information about user cache memory usage
+ &reftitle.description;
+ arraywincache_ucache_meminfo
+ Retrieves information about memory usage by user cache.
+ &reftitle.returnvalues;
+ Array of meta data about user cache memory usage &return.falseforfailure;
+ The array returned by this function contains the following elements:
+ memory_total - amount of memory in bytes allocated for the user cache
+ memory_free - amount of free memory in bytes available for the user cache
+ num_used_blks - number of memory blocks used by the user cache
+ num_free_blks - number of free memory blocks available for the user cache
+ memory_overhead - amount of memory in bytes used for the user cache internal structures
+ &reftitle.examples;
+ A wincache_ucache_meminfo example
+ &example.outputs;
+ 5242880
+ [memory_free] => 5215056
+ [num_used_blks] => 6
+ [num_free_blks] => 3
+ [memory_overhead] => 176
+ &reftitle.seealso;
+ wincache_fcache_fileinfo
+ wincache_fcache_meminfo
+ wincache_ocache_fileinfo
+ wincache_rplist_fileinfo
+ wincache_rplist_meminfo
+ wincache_refresh_if_changed
+ wincache_ucache_info
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reference/wincache/ini.xml b/reference/wincache/ini.xml
index 54beb6163f..78078b173e 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/ini.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/ini.xml
@@ -126,6 +126,22 @@
PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since WinCache 1.0.0
+ wincache.ucenabled
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ Available since WinCache 1.1.0
+ wincache.ucachesize
+ 8
+ 5
+ 85
+ Available since WinCache 1.1.0
@@ -316,6 +332,30 @@ wincache.ignorelist = "index.php|misc.php|admin.php"
+ wincache.ucenabled
+ boolean
+ Enables or disables the user cache functionality.
+ wincache.ucachesize
+ integer
+ Defines the maximum memory size in megabytes that is allocated for the user cache. If the total
+ size of variables stored in the user cache exceeds the specified value, then the most stale variables
+ will be removed from the cache.
diff --git a/reference/wincache/setup.xml b/reference/wincache/setup.xml
index 1c73777bdb..5240286fd0 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/setup.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/setup.xml
@@ -184,6 +184,33 @@ $user_allowed = array('DOMAIN\user1', 'DOMAIN\user2', 'DOMAIN\user3');
+ WinCache Session Handler
+ The WinCache session handler (available since WinCache 1.1.0) can be used to configure PHP to store the session data in shared memory user cache.
+ Using shared memory instead of the default file session storage helps improve performance of PHP applications
+ that store large amount of data in session objects.
+ To configure PHP to use WinCache session handler set the php.ini setting
+ session.save_handler to wincache.
+ Enabling WinCache session handler
+ In beta release of WinCache Extension 1.1, the user cache is kept in memory and is not backed by a
+ file system storage. This means that the session data stored in the shared memory will be lost when
+ IIS application pool is recycled.
diff --git a/reference/wincache/versions.xml b/reference/wincache/versions.xml
index 55590a5c3d..b6f246b409 100644
--- a/reference/wincache/versions.xml
+++ b/reference/wincache/versions.xml
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@