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<book xml:id="mongodb.persistence" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<titleabbrev>Persisting Data</titleabbrev>
<title>Serialisation and deserialisation of PHP variables into MongoDB</title>
<article xml:id="mongodb.persistence.article">
<titleabbrev>Persisting Data</titleabbrev>
<title>Serialisation and deserialisation of PHP variables into MongoDB</title>
This document discusses the methods how compound structures (documents,
arrays, objects) are persisted through the drivers. And how they are brought
back into PHP land.
<title>Serialisation to BSON</title>
If an array is a <emphasis>packed array</emphasis> — i.e. the keys start
at 0 and are sequential without gaps: <emphasis>BSON array</emphasis>.
If the array is not packed — i.e. having associative (string) keys, the
keys don't start at 0, or when there are gaps:: <emphasis>BSON
A top-level (root) document, <emphasis>always</emphasis> serializes as a
BSON document.
These serialize as a BSON array:
[ 8, 5, 2, 3 ] => [ 8, 5, 2, 3 ]
[ 0 => 4, 1 => 9 ] => [ 4, 9 ]
These serialize as a BSON document:
[ 0 => 1, 2 => 8, 3 => 12 ] => { "0" : 1, "2" : 8, "3" : 12 }
[ "foo" => 42 ] => { "foo" : 42 }
[ 1 => 9, 0 => 10 ] => { "1" : 9, "0" : 10 }
Note that the five examples are <emphasis>extracts</emphasis> of a full
document, and represent only <emphasis>one</emphasis> value inside a
If an object is of the <classname>stdClass</classname> class, serialize
as a <emphasis>BSON document</emphasis>.
If an object is a supported class that implements
<classname>MongoDB\BSON\Type</classname>, then use the BSON
serialization logic for that specific type.
<classname>MongoDB\BSON\Type</classname> instances (excluding
<classname>MongoDB\BSON\Serializable</classname> may only be serialized
as a document field value. Attempting to serialize such an object as a
root document will throw a
If an object is of an unknown class implementing the
<classname>MongoDB\BSON\Type</classname> interface, then throw a
If an object is of any other class, without implementing any special
interface, serialize as a <emphasis>BSON document</emphasis>. Keep only
<emphasis>public</emphasis> properties, and ignore
<emphasis>protected</emphasis> and <emphasis>private</emphasis>
If an object is of a class that implements the
<classname>MongoDB\BSON\Serializable</classname> interface, call
<methodname>bsonSerialize</methodname> and use the returned array or
<classname>stdClass</classname> to serialize as a BSON document or
array. The BSON type will be determined by the following:
<para>Root documents must be serialized as a BSON
<para><classname>MongoDB\BSON\Persistable</classname> objects must be
serialized as a BSON document.
<para>If <methodname>bsonSerialize</methodname> returns a packed
array, serialize as a BSON array.
<para>If <methodname>bsonSerialize</methodname> returns a non-packed
array or <classname>stdClass</classname>, serialize as a BSON
<para>If <methodname>bsonSerialize</methodname> did not return an
array or <classname>stdClass</classname>, throw an
If an object is of a class that implements the
<classname>MongoDB\BSON\Persistable</classname> interface (which implies
<classname>MongoDB\BSON\Serializable</classname> obtain the properties
in a similar way as in the previous paragraphs, but
<emphasis>also</emphasis> add an additional property
<property>__pclass</property> as a Binary value, with subtype
<literal>0x80</literal> and data bearing the fully qualified class name
of the object that is being serialized.
The <property>__pclass</property> property is added to the array or
object returned by <methodname>bsonSerialize</methodname>, which means
it will overwrite any <property>__pclass</property> key/property in the
<methodname>bsonSerialize</methodname> return value. If you want to
avoid this behaviour and set your own <property>__pclass</property>
value, you must <emphasis>not</emphasis> implement
<classname>MongoDB\BSON\Persistable</classname> and should instead
implement <classname>MongoDB\BSON\Serializable</classname> directly.
stdClass {
public $foo = 42;
} => { "foo" : 42 }
MyClass {
public $foo = 42;
protected $prot = "wine";
private $fpr = "cheese";
} => { "foo" : 42 }
AnotherClass1 implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable {
public $foo = 42;
protected $prot = "wine";
private $fpr = "cheese";
function bsonSerialize() {
return [ 'foo' => $this->foo, 'prot' => $this->prot ];
} => { "foo" : 42, "prot" : "wine" }
AnotherClass2 implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable {
public $foo = 42;
function bsonSerialize() {
return $this;
} => MongoDB\Driver\Exception\UnexpectedValueException("bsonSerialize() did not return an array or stdClass")
AnotherClass3 implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable {
private $elements = [ 'foo', 'bar' ];
function bsonSerialize() {
return $this->elements;
} => { "0" : "foo", "1" : "bar" }
ContainerClass implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable {
public $things = AnotherClass4 implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable {
private $elements = [ 0 => 'foo', 2 => 'bar' ];
function bsonSerialize() {
return $this->elements;
function bsonSerialize() {
return [ 'things' => $this->things ];
} => { "things" : { "0" : "foo", "2" : "bar" } }
ContainerClass implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable {
public $things = AnotherClass5 implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable {
private $elements = [ 0 => 'foo', 2 => 'bar' ];
function bsonSerialize() {
return array_values($this->elements);
function bsonSerialize() {
return [ 'things' => $this->things ];
} => { "things" : [ "foo", "bar" ] }
ContainerClass implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable {
public $things = AnotherClass6 implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable {
private $elements = [ 'foo', 'bar' ];
function bsonSerialize() {
return (object) $this->elements;
function bsonSerialize() {
return [ 'things' => $this->things ];
} => { "things" : { "0" : "foo", "1" : "bar" } }
UpperClass implements MongoDB\BSON\Persistable {
public $foo = 42;
protected $prot = "wine";
private $fpr = "cheese";
function bsonSerialize() {
return [ 'foo' => $this->foo, 'prot' => $this->prot ];
} => { "foo" : 42, "prot" : "wine", "__pclass" : { "$type" : "80", "$binary" : "VXBwZXJDbGFzcw==" } }
<title>Deserialization from BSON</title>
For compound types, there are three data types:
refers to the top-level BSON document <emphasis>only</emphasis>
refers to embedded BSON documents <emphasis>only</emphasis>
refers to a BSON array
Each of those three data types can be mapped against different PHP types.
The possible mapping values are:
<term><emphasis>not set</emphasis> or <type>NULL</type> (the is the
A BSON array will be deserialized as a PHP <type>array</type>.
A BSON document (root or embedded) without a
<property>__pclass</property> property
<footnote xml:id="mongodb.pclass">
A __pclass property is only deemed to exist if
there exists a property with that name, and it is a Binary value,
and the sub-type of the Binary value is 0x80. If any of these three
conditions is not met, the __pclass property does not exist and
should be treated as any other normal property.
becomes a PHP <classname>stdClass</classname> object, with each
BSON document key set as a public <classname>stdClass</classname>
A BSON document (root or embedded) with a
<property>__pclass</property> property <footnoteref linkend="mongodb.pclass"/> becomes a PHP object of
the class name as defined by the <property>__pclass</property>
If the named class implements the
<classname>MongoDB\BSON\Persistable</classname> interface, then the
properties of the BSON document, including the
<property>__pclass</property> property, are sent as an associative
array to the <methodname>bsonUnserialize</methodname> function to
initialise the object's properties.
If the named class does not exist or does not implement the
<classname>MongoDB\BSON\Persistable</classname> interface,
<classname>stdClass</classname> will be used and each BSON document
key (including <property>__pclass</property>) will be set as a
public <classname>stdClass</classname> property.
Turns a BSON array or BSON document into a PHP array. There will be no
special treatment of a <property>__pclass</property> property <footnoteref linkend="mongodb.pclass"/>,
but it may be set as an element in the returned array if it was
present in the BSON document.
<term><literal>"object"</literal> or <literal>"stdClass"</literal></term>
Turns a BSON array or BSON document into a
<classname>stdClass</classname> object. There will be no special
treatment of a <property>__pclass</property> property <footnoteref linkend="mongodb.pclass"/>, but it may
be set as a public property in the returned object if it was present
in the BSON document.
<term>any other string</term>
Defines the class name that the BSON array or BSON object should be
deserialized as. For BSON objects that include
<property>__pclass</property> properties, that class will take
If the named class does not exist, is not concrete (i.e. it is
abstract or an interface), or does not implement
<classname>MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable</classname> then an
exception is thrown.
If the BSON object has a <property>__pclass</property> property and
that class exists and implements
<classname>MongoDB\BSON\Persistable</classname> it will supersede the
class provided in the type map.
The properties of the BSON document, <emphasis>including</emphasis>
the <property>__pclass</property> property if it exists, will be sent
as an associative array to the
<methodname>bsonUnserialize</methodname> function to initialise the
object's properties.
TypeMaps can be set through the
<methodname>MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::setTypeMap</methodname> method on a
<classname>MongoDB\Driver\Cursor</classname> object, or the
<literal>$typeMap</literal> argument of
<functionname>MongoDB\BSON\toPHP</functionname>. Each of the three
classes (<emphasis>root</emphasis>, <emphasis>document</emphasis> and
<emphasis>array</emphasis>) can be individually set.
If the value in the map is <type>NULL</type>, it means the same as the
<emphasis>default</emphasis> value for that item.
These examples use the following classes:
which does <emphasis>not</emphasis> implement any interface
which implements <classname>MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable</classname>
which implements <classname>MongoDB\BSON\Persistable</classname>
which extends OurClass
The <methodname>bsonUnserialize</methodname> method of YourClass,
OurClass, TheirClass iterate over the array and set the properties
without modifications. It <emphasis>also</emphasis> sets the
<literal>$unserialized</literal> property to <literal>true</literal>:
function bsonUnserialize( array $map )
foreach ( $map as $k => $value )
$this->$k = $value;
$this->unserialized = true;
/* typemap: [] (all defaults) */
{ "foo": "yes", "bar" : false }
-> stdClass { $foo => 'yes', $bar => false }
{ "foo": "no", "array" : [ 5, 6 ] }
-> stdClass { $foo => 'no', $array => [ 5, 6 ] }
{ "foo": "no", "obj" : { "embedded" : 3.14 } }
-> stdClass { $foo => 'no', $obj => stdClass { $embedded => 3.14 } }
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass": "MyClass" }
-> stdClass { $foo => 'yes', $__pclass => 'MyClass' }
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass": { "$type" : "80", "$binary" : "MyClass" } }
-> stdClass { $foo => 'yes', $__pclass => Binary(0x80, 'MyClass') }
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass": { "$type" : "80", "$binary" : "YourClass") }
-> stdClass { $foo => 'yes', $__pclass => Binary(0x80, 'YourClass') }
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass": { "$type" : "80", "$binary" : "OurClass") }
-> OurClass { $foo => 'yes', $__pclass => Binary(0x80, 'OurClass'), $unserialized => true }
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass": { "$type" : "44", "$binary" : "YourClass") }
-> stdClass { $foo => 'yes', $__pclass => Binary(0x44, 'YourClass') }
/* typemap: [ "root" => "MissingClass" ] */
{ "foo": "yes" }
-> MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException("MissingClass does not exist")
/* typemap: [ "root" => "MyClass" ] */
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass" : { "$type": "80", "$binary": "MyClass" } }
-> MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException("MyClass does not implement Unserializable interface")
/* typemap: [ "root" => "MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable" ] */
{ "foo": "yes" }
-> MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException("Unserializable is not a concrete class")
/* typemap: [ "root" => "YourClass" ] */
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass" : { "$type": "80", "$binary": "MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable" } }
-> YourClass { $foo => "yes", $__pclass => Binary(0x80, "MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable"), $unserialized => true }
/* typemap: [ "root" => "YourClass" ] */
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass" : { "$type": "80", "$binary": "MyClass" } }
-> YourClass { $foo => "yes", $__pclass => Binary(0x80, "MyClass"), $unserialized => true }
/* typemap: [ "root" => "YourClass" ] */
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass" : { "$type": "80", "$binary": "OurClass" } }
-> OurClass { $foo => "yes", $__pclass => Binary(0x80, "OurClass"), $unserialized => true }
/* typemap: [ "root" => "YourClass" ] */
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass" : { "$type": "80", "$binary": "TheirClass" } }
-> TheirClass { $foo => "yes", $__pclass => Binary(0x80, "TheirClass"), $unserialized => true }
/* typemap: [ "root" => "OurClass" ] */
{ foo: "yes", "__pclass" : { "$type": "80", "$binary": "TheirClass" } }
-> TheirClass { $foo => "yes", $__pclass => Binary(0x80, "TheirClass"), $unserialized => true }
/* typemap: [ 'root' => 'YourClass' ] */
{ foo: "yes", "__pclass" : { "$type": "80", "$binary": "YourClass" } }
-> YourClass { $foo => 'yes', $__pclass => Binary(0x80, 'YourClass'), $unserialized => true }
/* typemap: [ 'root' => 'array', 'document' => 'array' ] */
{ "foo": "yes", "bar" : false }
-> [ "foo" => "yes", "bar" => false ]
{ "foo": "no", "array" : [ 5, 6 ] }
-> [ "foo" => "no", "array" => [ 5, 6 ] ]
{ "foo": "no", "obj" : { "embedded" : 3.14 } }
-> [ "foo" => "no", "obj" => [ "embedded => 3.14 ] ]
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass": "MyClass" }
-> [ "foo" => "yes", "__pclass" => "MyClass" ]
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass" : { "$type": "80", "$binary": "MyClass" } }
-> [ "foo" => "yes", "__pclass" => Binary(0x80, "MyClass") ]
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass" : { "$type": "80", "$binary": "OurClass" } }
-> [ "foo" => "yes", "__pclass" => Binary(0x80, "OurClass") ]
/* typemap: [ 'root' => 'object', 'document' => 'object' ] */
{ "foo": "yes", "__pclass": { "$type": "80", "$binary": "MyClass" } }
-> stdClass { $foo => "yes", "__pclass" => Binary(0x80, "MyClass") }
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