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<!-- $Revision$ -->
<!ENTITY warn.experimental '<warning><simpara>This extension is
<emphasis>EXPERIMENTAL</emphasis>. The behaviour of this extension,
including the names of its functions, and anything else documented
about this extension may change in a future release of PHP without
notice. Be warned and use this extension at your own
<!ENTITY warn.experimental.func '<warning><simpara>This function is
<emphasis>EXPERIMENTAL</emphasis>. The behaviour of this function, the
name of this function, and anything else documented about this
function may change in a future release of PHP without notice. Be
warned and use this function at your own risk.</simpara></warning>'>
<!ENTITY warn.undocumented.func '<warning><simpara>This function is
currently not documented, only the argument list is
<!ENTITY tip.ob-capture '<tip><simpara>As with anything that outputs
its result directly to the browser, you can use the <link
linkend="ref.outcontrol">output-control functions</link> to capture
the output of this function, and save it - for example - in a
<!ENTITY tip.fopen-wrapper '<tip><simpara>You can use a URL as a
filename with this function if the "fopen wrappers" have been enabled.
See <function>fopen</function> for more details.</simpara></tip>'>
<!ENTITY return.success 'Returns &true; on success, &false; on failure.'>
<!ENTITY return.falseproblem '<warning><simpara>This function may
return &false;, but may also return a value evaluating to &false; in a
simple if statement. Please use <link
linkend="language.operators.comparison">the === operator</link> for
testing the return value of this function.</simpara></warning>'>
<!-- Various notes -->
<!ENTITY note.not-bin-safe '<warning><simpara>This function
is not (yet) binary safe!</simpara></warning>'>
<!ENTITY note.bin-safe '<note><simpara>This function is
<!ENTITY '<note><simpara>This function is not
implemented on Windows platforms.</simpara></note>'>
<!ENTITY note.func-callback '<note><simpara>Instead of a function name, an
array containing an object reference and a method name can also be
<!-- Notes for safe-mode limited functions: -->
<!ENTITY '<note><simpara>&sm.disabled;</simpara></note>'>
<!ENTITY '<note><simpara>When <link
linkend="">safe mode</link> is enabled, PHP checks whether
the file(s)/directories you are about to operate on have the same UID as the
script that is being executed.</simpara></note>'>
<!ENTITY '<note><simpara>When <link
linkend="">safe mode</link> is enabled, PHP checks whether
the directory in which you are about to operate has the same UID as the
script that is being executed.</simpara></note>'>
<!-- Common pieces in features/safe-mode.xml
Jade doesn't allow in-line entities, so I put them here... Though they
should have been inline in safe-mode.xml -->
<!ENTITY sm.uidcheck 'Checks whether the file(s)/directories you are
about to operate on have the same UID as the script that is being
<!ENTITY sm.uidcheck.dir 'Checks whether the directory in which
you are about to operate has the same UID as the script that is being
<!ENTITY sm.disabled 'This function is disabled in <link
linkend="">safe mode</link>.'>