+ There are currently = $stats["mobs"] ?> mobs in the system. + The top ranked mob is "= $mobStats["highest_rating"]["name"] ?>" with a rating of + = number_format($mobStats["highest_rating"]["rating"]) ?>. Last place is + "= $mobStats["lowest_rating"]["name"] ?>" with a rating of + = number_format($mobStats["lowest_rating"]["rating"]) ?>. +
++ "= $mobStats["most_matches"]["name"] ?>" has fought the most matches: + = $mobStats["most_matches"]["matches"] ?>, out of which it won = $mobStats["most_matches"]["wins"] ?>. + + Which also makes it the mob with the most wins. + + Speaking of wins: The mob with the most wins is "= $mobStats["most_wins"]["name"] ?>" with + = $mobStats["most_wins"]["wins"] ?> wins out of = $mobStats["most_wins"]["matches"] ?> matches. + +
++ Until now, there have been = $stats["votes"] ?> votes. +
++ Over the past 6 months, there have been = $stats["voters"] ?> unique voters. On average, each one voted + = number_format($stats["avg"], 1) ?> times with = $stats["max"] ?> = $stats["max"] > 80 ? "(You people are mad!)" : "" ?> + as the maximum. +
++ + So far, none have voted for all = $stats["mobs"] * $stats["mobs"] ?> pairings yet. : ( + + Coincidentally, that maximum is the highest possible number - this one person voted for every single paring. ^^ + + Coincidentally, that maximum is the highest possible number - = $stats["maxed_out"] ?> visitors voted for every + single paring. D: + +